(2012/12) Dec 2012

but seriously when u go for your check up like 1 week , 2 week after birth, you surely will bath before going for doc appt right?

Else like hair oily messy, smelly like from rubbish bin! Lol.. so paiseh!

shit.. my tummy feel a bit weird like food poisoning feeling

10 more mins to go home and cook fish porridge for dinner!

Lola: faster go home rest!
Kuromikk: tink can't leh since its Chinese herbs..that day I went to ask all the dian xiao er duck inside got stuff herbs will roast...better dun take it
hopes- chinese med doesnt really work for me. read on other posts that there are good tcm in clementi & marine parade
JAJ, for my #1 the same thing happened. I looked 5 mths when I was only 2.5 mths pregnant. Gynae says its the hormones relaxing the muscles. Guess mine just relax ultra fast!
hi everybody, i tested +ve yesterday. this will be #2. however, prior #1, i have 2 miscarriages. so kind of worried..

yesterday went to see gynae to get duphaston. din ask for any scan or blood test as its too early. i tested +ve on dpo12.

next tue going see sinseh. hopefully everything will goes smoothly for this pregnancy. EDD shd be 31 dec 2012
Congrats, Shermum! Hope all goes well for you.

I went to gynae today and saw baby & a flickering light which is baby's heartbeat. My gynae's machine doesn't allow me to listen. Edd is now 28 nov. Ooooppss, does that disqualify me from joining this thread?
Welcome Shermum and Amy!

Mama ling u can also stay here be our da Jie with ur symptoms hege since u go thru most processes first :p
Shermum- that's v early to be tested for +ve. I got a v faint +ve on DPO 14, hope to see a more clear +ve in these few days.

Happpymok- though I'm not officially in this thread, is still sad to know Ur loss. Do take care n Do a mini confinement to bu ur body if possible.
Welcome Shermum & Amy!

Happymok, I'm so sorry to hear that. Please take good care of your body and try again 3 mths later. Don't give up! Jia you.

I Hv tested positive n gynae appt is 9 may.. Shkd b 5 weeks nw..

Does any one scare of poo-ing will poo bb out?
Does carrying ur elder hurt abit?

Hope everyone is fine
Since my appt is 9 may, any one knows I can did a private scan?.

Anyone knows at which period r we able to c that little dot during scan?
Kong Kong, really? I thought its more of hormones and I thought now is alittle too early for that since I am barely 7 weeks.
Kong kong, heard that too! Mummies having sons will have big nose haha. By the way u should able to see the heartbeat ( I suppose it's the dot u talking abt) by 6 weeks.
It's really a miracle I can join in this thread. Got a clear +ve this morning. My #1 is 2 days shy of turning 8 month old. Based on my LMP, my EDD should be 26 dec.

This time round, MS starts really early. Being nausea, worst if I drink plain water on empty stomach and really tired all the times.

Wishing all of us a smooth smooth preggie journey.
Happymok, hug hug. Sorry to hear about the news. You have already done your best. Take good care and hope that we can hear good news from u in future.
Hi oh oh n Amy

Ya heard abt the big nose thing too

Hi Amy

Oh 6th six? Still 2 week plus to my 1st appt... Long wait
yeah, even if dont see by week 6, dont get too worried. For my #1, doc couldnt see the heartbeat and told me maybe the egg dint survive ( changed doc after that) . But by week 7, i see a white dot pumping furiously away.
are there anyone here with two kids with no maid? Or two kids , but dont intend to get a maid. Im deciding whether I should put the child in infant care or get a maid. I dont really like having a stranger in the house and having to deal w the emotions of another person.
I am expecting my no.3, edd is on 24dec, will be seeing my gynae dr. Adrian woodworth next week. Ms started since just 1 week of pregnancy, vomitted 2 to 3 time so far, now very hungry everyday and I ate a lot, worried of weight gain
Hi liquid eye

Thanks.. Hmm I also dono hw many weeks athlough last menses iS 15 mar.. Cod my menses always mess up de

Guess need to get the kit with details showing he many weeks pregnant de to test again

Btw u ladies having checkup every 2 weeks or once a month??

My gp only give fold acid

Loh, your morning sickness started so early?

Sasayeo, ya pregnant is very xin ku, but u will be happy..
Are we bloated becos of water retention? My wedding band is so tight on my finger. I dun remember being so bloated during #1's time.

Kong kong- I think by week 6-7, should be able to detect the heartbeat.

I haven't got a gynae. My previous gynae retired last year. Anyone gynae to reco?
Hi all

Thanks.. Now is just keep waiting n waiting for scan. Do u all c gynae twice a week or once a month ? Any morning sickness already?

Pommes, I olNy got leg swollen after I gave birth, Isit bcos u drank too much water?
Kong kong,
My gynae visit is once a mth.

Rgd water retention, i started having water retention ard 28 weeks with #1. Gynae mentioned that we would have water retention when the bb is pressing on "something" can't remember wat is it. Both my feet were so swollen then! But after giving birth, my feet water retention went off instantly. For the rest of my body, I got the massage n wrap to help.

Kong how cOme ur feet only got swollen after giving birth?
Sun tan

Thanks for sharing.. Hw many weeks r u now le? Able to hear heartbeat? Hope all is well for u

I Dono y my leg swollen like the pig leg after I out of hospital..b4 that was bad morning sickness
N some backache onli...
thanks mummies

hi sasayeo, the antaiyao from gynae is call duphaston. im having it 3 times a day due to past 2 miscarriages before my #1.

My next appt also around week 6 n praying so hard that i can see n hear the heartbeat... still 2 weeks more to go
Anyone like me suffer from all these?

Constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, tired, bloated, backache, cramp, sore boobs.

How do we know if we r having water retention?
