(2012/10) Oct 2012

<font color="red">Btil</font>:
<font color="blue">Another room in LN Sim's clinic? Hmm.. i don't quite get you
I guess i'll be going back to Dr Sim too.. hahaha. Comparing her package price &amp; my current gynae price is ard the same.. But if i'm paying the same price i might as well go to a better scanning one :/ &amp; Dr Sim is actually quite concerned bout my situation as her clinic staff had been calling me to fix up an appointment too..</font>

kikila, my boy used to wake every 2-3 hrs until abt 4 months then stretched to 4-5 hours. funnily its giving him his own room at 6 months that helped him sleep thru the nite. he's still bfdding but mostly comfort, i think very little now with the preg. but i dun mind cuz i din feel any cramp while i bf him and also want him to tandem feed when #2 is born

whats everyone having for breakfast? i bought ham on impulse. hope i can eat... my poor hubby has been finishing things i bought because i'd eat a bit n feel yucky
Hi babes can check after becomng a parent..have ur time with friends lesser? hub complaining i got too much friends..always bday, xmas..too much expenses..ask me to cut dwn..most of my friends single or married w/o kids..i only hv those usual gangs of friends..
Sksf - in dr Ln sim's clinic , there is a small room next to d consultation room we always go in. I see some pregn women go to dat room n I see machines in there . Any idea ?
<font color="red">Btil</font>:
<font color="blue">Ohhh! I went in that room before, hahaha. That room is actually for woman that can reached to 3rd tri or reaching 3rd tri that experienced contractions. That room consist of a machine but it's not an u/s machine. It's actually a machine used to monitor contractions only :p Went into that room once when i'm preg with my #1 having contractions before baby is full-term. they've to monitor &amp; see whether it's mild or extreme contractions..</font>
<font color="red">BBKay3105</font>:
<font color="blue">Seldom hang out with my usual clique of friends anymore, usually hang out with my friends who're mothers theirselves &amp; we come out tgt with our kids .. haha.. because it's more convenient, we go to the nursery room &amp; diaper changing room tgt.. Normally if i meet up with my friend who's not married or w/o child i'll feel abit embarrassed if my child needa eat/change diaper kept whining etc .. hehe</font>
Steph..but my those friends help to take care of my bb eh when i bring her out..coz some already being ah yi..so they knw hw to take care..

i mean i can still meet them but hv to cut dwn on bday and xmas celebrations since #2 one coming..

abit reluctant eh..but bo bian..hope my friends understand..
<font color="red">BBKay3105</font>:
<font color="blue">My friends do that too, is i paiseh la. hahahaha. So seldom met up with usual clique le. Only met my friends who have children too.. yeap, my husband don't have much friends too &amp; he doesn't rlly hang out often with his friends unless is regarding his car issues -_- some guys are like that, they don't usually hang out with their friends they expect us to do the same.. haha.</font>
Ya..hub said are u really to just concentrate on our kids only..its like being a parent..everything have to be scarifice..haha..

hub said hv to plan for bb education etc..
<font color="red">BBKay3105</font>:
<font color="blue">yeap this is right, last time i always buy new bags. now i don't dare to buy cause think of the costes for my child's education in future :/</font>
<font color="ff6000">Wah so much reading to catch up on!

Anyway, first-time mummies, I found an excel document that a friend sent to me when I was expecting bb #1 that may be helpful to you. It's <font color="0000ff">a list of Things To Prepare For Baby</font>. I found it quite useful for me as a first-time mum with no clue what to buy and when. If you want a copy for your reference, PM or email me and I will forward it to you. But take note that this was done prior to 2009, so some things/brands may not be updated with the latest in the market.

My email: [email protected]</font>
BBkay: Perhaps get your friends to come over to your place? We host at home a lot more now that we have a kid. It's just easier. My daughter can go to sleep in her room while our friends continue to hang out in the hall etc. Or else I pick venues which are child-friendly (i.e. malls which have good baby rooms etc). Thankfully my friends are pretty accomodating.

One of the first things we did after No, 1 was born was to sort out our wills and insurance coverage. I still buy bags but trying to limit to one a year although my hubby tempted me with a clutch last night and I was slightly xing dong but declined in the end. Grin.
Ming..i stay with my in laws and SIL..and u knw hw small is punggol house..hahaha..

i caculate each yr i hv to spend at least $1k on friend/family bday and xmas..

come to think of it also chor..if can save for bb education..
<font color="0000ff">BBKay,</font> <font color="ff6000">Since your hubby doesnt go out much, when you go out with your friends, can't you leave the babies at home with him?

Hubby and I make a conscious effort to still maintain a social life because we dont want to end up friendless and boring when our kids have grown up. We feel that the kids should fit into our lives and not the other way round. It is a good thing we have common cliques from church and we know each other's colleagues well, so we often go out together.

But when we hang out with our own friends, we take turns to be home taking care of the kid lor. That's fair. And we are blessed to have grandparents who babysit the kid when we have weeknight dinners with our friends.

I have definitely cut down on my social life in terms of late night drinks and weekend coffee sessions, but I still find time for my really close friends - we make our catchup sessions short &amp; sweet

As for pressies, shop online! Can get a lot of bargains if you consistently shop around through the year and stock up.</font>
<font color="ff1493"> Good afternoon all. I just went to see a GP this morning for my bad cough

<font color="800000"> BBKay</font> <font color="ff1493"> I also foreseen this would be my future problem too coz all my BFF are single ladies. I am also thinking abt this and probably will do the same as Ming suggested. By when my BTO flat arrives, bb shd b 1 year old liao
So, need to reduce for a full year after delivery of going out often.</font>
<font color="0000ff">BBKay:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. Mine oso at least 1k.. Just imagine I hv 4 older sisters. In all I have 3 nephews &amp; 5 nieces.. Expenses for frends gathering, family bday presents/ang baos and occasions.. Tts y must save hard!!</font>
Starry..usually i meet my friends on Fri..wkends is usually our turn to take care of bb..so cant throw to hub..will bring bb out also..but wont stay too late..

me chao chao 1 friend bday presents + treat dinner also $50+..family will be tripple..

xmas maybe 1 pax $30..not to forgot weddings..bb showers..hahaahha...

and things are getting more ex..

maybe when time ripe..i will tell them abt #2 one..randomly join some bday ba..or chip in abit for presents..
actually hub ok for me to go out with friends..its just that those occasions every 2mths..got 2 -3 friends bday mth..sibei chor..haha
<font color="0000ff">BBKay,</font> <font color="ff6000"> I totally understand. It is that way with two groups of my friends - meal treat plus birthday present. V chor. But we are now moving towards not buying presents cos very hard to decide what to buy also.. we've been friends so long that we now just have a meal together and be happy. But among the closer girls in the group, we still give an angbao - a contribution to our bags/shoes fund. haha</font>
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt your conversation.

I am trying to let go a brand new, unused Ameda double electric pump set. This is a USA set (exactly the same as Ameda Lactaline in Singapore). Bought it from a local online retailer as a spare set to put in office but decided to take unpaid leave for a year after delivering next month so don't think I will be using it.

Letting go at S$299 nett. I think Robinsons and Taka fair is selling at S$399.

Do email me at [email protected] if you are keen? Can take a few pics of the item for you if you want. Thanks!
Just came from the gynae. Seems like my spotting and pink discharge are due to walking too much. Dun think I walked alot but gynae said during pregnancy, body is weaker so can't do as much as I could before.

Ordered me to bed rest for a week. But felt very reassured that beanie is doing well and is healthy.
<font color="red">JustALamb</font>:
<font color="blue">Glad that your lil beanie &amp; you are doing well babe! Please do rest on bed for a week for the time being now! Don't carry heavy stuffs or walk around so much ya!</font>
I still keep my group of friends, some single and some with kids already...

Indeed the cost is high to socialize and buy gifts... But my friends also buy gifts and give angbao to my boy during birthday, full month and Xmas... So in the end, I think about it also the same... What we give, we got back too and with #2 coming, it's kind of like getting back double share! :p

I open a bank account for my boy and save every angbao he got since bath. So that is his education fund... Every time CNY, my hb will tell ah boy to go work for his fund aka house visiting! Really bth him sometimes!
<font color="red">BBKay3105</font>:
<font color="blue">I sourced for a CC for 400+ per month after working mom subsidy.. Circulum looks ok to me also, intending to put my #1 in when he turned 24months old onwards..</font>
<font color="0000ff">JustALamb:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Good that little beanie is doing well.. So u better listen to gynae n rest more on bed k..</font>
<font color="0000ff">JustaLamb,</font> <font color="ff6000"> Bedrest is good! I wish all gynaes would prescribe that. Haha. Grab some korean dvds and enjoy. Anyone to take care of your meals?</font>
Kikala: My hubby always says our daughter is the richest person at home - she has a tidy sum in her bank account and no liabilities whatsoever.

I find that Xmas and CNY are the most expensive times of the year. But also the most fun lah to see everyone gathered together.
<font color="red">May</font>:
<font color="blue">yes! Today is so quiet leh! Normally at this timing the thread will be very ongoing!! hehe.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Btil, I am with you. I also breakout on forehead &amp; chin. then my tummy aft makan v big slp &amp; wake up in the morning like flat flat.. haha v funny lo.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">May, SFKS, here here. im here also hehe i also boring &amp; I falling aslp!! havent 4pm!! Alamak.. so long still.......... </font>
I noticed tat I get tired much easily nowadays n breathless after walking acertain distance. Does anyone feel the same?
<font color="800000"> Btil: </font> <font color="ff1493"> my tummy will also growing from morning to night. the later, the bigger. But, I dun have much acne. Exactly, my face becomes bigger than before.</font>
Ms Lala, I get breathless too, especially when I feel tired. There was once I even felt breathless just by talking.
<font color="ff6000">Hah talking about tummy, I've been getting constipation since last week. Before that it was very soft stools for like a month. So strange that the hormones can swing so drastically and so fast! So when I cannot remove my bowels, my tummy gets v big and bloated. Then on the days I manage to clear, tummy flattens again. :p

Just now puked out all the wantan mee i had for lunch after I itchy hand went and googled if yellow noodles was ok for first trimester (cos i've heard that it is hard to digest and makes nausea worse). Then true enough, I found some articles (mainly malaysian) about how boric acid is illegally used in the preservation of yellow noodles and this substance is used in pesticides and can lead to kidney failure, diarrhoea, cancer, impotence. Wah, even though the noodles we get in singapore is most probably safe, the thought of it got to me and I couldnt help but headed to the loo to throw up. GUA GUA! Paranoid hor.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">I cant hold my breath now!! last time i can when i wan to hold my breath now i cant.. will be breathless.. or else norm days im ok.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Starry:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wah.. Somex it is better not to knw so much abt wat you eat.. As for constipation problem.. Initial I can 5 days no go.. But last wk I keep diarrhea.. Con't afew days.. If go will go 2 or 3 times a days.. But output only little bit.. This wk is like either I go 2 or 3 times a day or I dun go at all.. System siao lao..</font>
<font color="0000ff">GNL dear</font> <font color="ff6000">why must you hold your breathe? hahaha you funny la. swimming ah? anyway bb needs oxygen la, dont hold your breathe just for the sake of it! hehe</font>

<font color="0000ff">may</font> <font color="ff6000">i hate constipation lor. i keep checking that i dont end up having anything drop out of me, u know what i mean? I think i better get some prune juice to drink daily since it's been more than a week of constipation liao. v worrying.. and also a waste of time sitting there and just waiting. grrr</font>

Went for my Oscar test today. The scan went ok, as double-checked by my gynae after the scan. Now, have to wait for the final result when combined with blood test results.

So relieved to see my baby and its blinking heartbeat. It's been 1 whole month since my last visit. To be honest, I was quite glad that the oscar test went smoothly as I'm not a young mommy anymore. I'm just grateful. Now, I have to wait another month for next doc's visit. Sigh!

I do get breathless when I climb a long flight of stairs, e.g. in the MRT station.
<font color="0000ff">BBKay,</font> <font color="ff6000">wahahaha, yellow bb from yellow noodles definitely not true la. Ginger will contribute to jaundice but that's only later in the pregnancy.

ya prune juice will be my life saver. can take yogurt also.. and i've been stealing my girl's vitagen.</font>
