(2012/10) Oct 2012

Sharon Keiko May Kikilala
i feel better now.

<font color="aa00aa">Back.. Fell aslp on mattress in living rm.. Like tt slept for 3 hrs.. Tonite gona be a slpless nite !!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Meredith:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I will oso feel better after puking.. Be it acid juice or food.. Like some off the chest.. Be will be hungry again shortly after tt..</font>
Ya, always feel hungry after puking. Now I always have some small bread with me. I took a 3 hours nap on Sat too, but still manage to sleep at 11plus that night. I think we are so tired that we can sleep anywhere, anytime... hahaha

I really admire SAHM. I took 6 months break from work when my #1 is about 13 months and I didn't really like it. I feel so isolated from the world and finds that topics to talk with my hubby dwindle to our gal and our day at home. I eventually went back to work. Thou I must say I have some very good bonding time with our #1 during that period.
Meredith i agree with u it's v isolating. have to look around for your social support. but i think after #1 started talking, in a way life has become a lot less lonely

there're actually many sahm around, whether temp ones or permanent ones
i dun mind most foods.. its just that the taste lingers on my tongue for many hours until the next meal!!! does anyone else experience this?
this thing has managed to make every food yucky. i jus drank a bit of coke to get rid of my lunch taste so now i'm stuck with the coke taste, lol...

morning i got some H two O. saw another preggie also buying. i find H two o very delicious now :p
<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">When come to food.. I always hv a blank mind.. Cant think of anythg i wana eat..

Now as long as it is cold drinks.. I like.. Esp coke too..</font>
skinneybeenie: yeah. in fact i have thoughts of being SAHm after i del my #1. Physically at work, mentally at home!
But now with #2 coming up, expenses will be more. Have to work to pay bb expenses.
same thoughts with u. i intend to let my #1 take sch bus. I hope my plan will go well n smooth.

Meredith: me too. i need soup! but sadly my ofc near dont have. Just finish wanton mee and immd nausea and throw up half of the portion. sigh.. been taking supper (10pm) just to ease my hunger pang. such an unhealthy routine.. eat n sleep
skinneybeenie: I salute you. You are really amazing. At times I feel resentful that my mil may not be able to help me out. But after reading your post, I'll look on the bright side. It will make me more hands on, less dependant and super bonding with bb.
Skinneybeenie: I'm also a sahm and do find myself feeling lonely even with my #1 around. He just turned 1 and hv yet to talk so i find myself desperately trying to keep in touch with the world thru fb etc.. At the same time im worried that i may be shortchanging him once #2 comes so i try to teach him as much as i can nowl
<font color="0000ff">Sharon &amp; Rach</font> <font color="aa00aa">I was told not to take coke n coffee.. Drinks with caffeine.. But I think a little once in awhile shd be ok bah.. Hope so..</font>
I am also very bothered by the aftertaste of food in my mouth... I try to eat some lemon drops if really bth... At least it's lemon taste so much better

I am craving for all kinds of cold drinks... Especially fuji apple soda and lemon tea.
i drank only a little of coke maybe 100ml only

sing ling, nth to be salute la. me forced by circumstances too. my own mum doesnt even help me.
kikilaa welcome!

i dun rmbr this aftertaste during #1. just that i hated water and liked ribena.

oh for those #2 and above mums who r entering 2nd trimester. have u felt any funny sensations in ur tummy like it may b the baby? i felt that a week or so ago, similar to what i felt with #1 (but maybe around week 15) that is a bit like fluttering but not sure. i told my hubby even if its not the baby, it must be some special pregnancy gas because i never felt this any other time!

looking forward to baby kicks soon! i fondly recall once i coughed in early 2nd tri with #1, i felt 3 taps from inside. damn weird but funny
skinneybeenie: yeah! i felt that lately too. but i tot i think too much.. its still quite early thou. im at 10wks now.

ML: wah u feel ur #1 so early.. i only felt it at 25 wks i think. Maybe too much fats layer protect. didn feel it earlier thou. haha..
<font color="aa00aa">So nice!! Can't wait to feel mine for the 1st time.. Maybe thr is movement just tt I duno abt it.. As this is my 1st.. No experience before..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Somex I oso wish to become a SAHM after my bb is deliver in Oct.. But when think of income cut and the high expenditure in sg.. Drop the thinking.. Wan to be able to provide better and more for our little one..</font>
May: actually got pros n cons. Pros - you're able to spend more time with your bb and quality bonding. Able to witness bb milestone.

cons - financial issue. being SAHM is quite a tiring job when u tc 24/7. There is no ME time unless ur parents or in laws offer to help.

BUt being FTWM also not easy. Tiring as well.
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. There are pros n cons.. Esp I still hv reno loan to pay.. So if I be a SAHM all e debts, me n bb's expenses will fall on my hub alone.. He is those will keep all worries to himself type.. Most of e time if I sense somethg, I hv to force him to say them out.. So I dun wana throw all these to him.. He will be super stress.. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">My nipples are v soar these 2 days.. Anyone hv thick white sticky substance in there too??
Quite difficult to clean them..</font>
SAHM is a 24/7 hr job... No leave, no MC... Everyday it's just my bb, hse work n wait for my hubby to come him fm work. I truly enjoy the time with my gal but I also crave for ME time so very contradicting. I think it will help if I have close friends who r SAHM .. It will make me feel less lonely.

My offfice nearby also no soup. a lot of western soup but no Chinese soup.. I just eat anything soupy like yong tau foo soup..

Wow, u so fast have milk already. Next time sure no prob breast feeding your bb
I hope my milk supply will be gd also.. Can save on milk powder.
<font color="0000ff">Meredith:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Is those milk? If yes, will be dried milk.. Somex gona use nail to slowly dig out.. Dry n in small lump.. V little thou.. Isn't it too early to hv milk? If really dan I scare I will leak milk in office in later stage of pregnancy.. Will be v embarrassing wow..</font>
Hi anyone here does not intend to breastfeed? I think i will be one of the rare mums who do not intend to breastfeed. I was not successful in breastfeeding my no 1. Supply too low and latching was very painful. Until husband and gynae told me to stop and give formula. And i was much happier after i stopped. And husband was also happier cos i was not in pain baby was not crying all e time and i was actually enjoying e baby. Breastfeeding very tough for some mums.
Anyone has pimples on face ? I feel like my face is bk to my teens - small pimples on forehead n chin !!! dare not for facial yet .. a colleague commented on it too !

Another observation - My tummy 'grows' from afternoon n becomes really big at night, but in d morning v flat !!!! Anyone like dat??

I'm so busy at wk n heaPs to do n think ! Only motivation is to stay as happy as I can, to see healthy Bb next sat at oscar !!!! Today is week 11 day 0!!!!
I think it should be milk. It happen to me during my 1st preg also. The amt of milk present during preg is usually very little so won't leak, always already dried up when I notice them.
<font color="0000ff">Btil:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I dun hv pimple problem.. Since young oso seldom hv.. Only once in awhile.. Problem could be I hv dry skin.. Tts y..
But e skin by e side of my mouth v dry.. At both end.. Few wks ago dry till when I yawn both side actually crack.. V painful.. Will heal and the cycle starts all over again..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Meredith:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ic.. Cos I saw some program abt ppl in their last trim before due.. Some will hv discharge n actually hv 2 wet patches ard the nipple area.. So embarrassing.. Hop tt will nt happen..</font>
Hi Candies
Agreed tat bf for some mummies is very difficult
Me too trying hard to bf my no1 till my nipple crack bleed Cry
No.2 try again - with no support cry again
My mother said I so tire for what no milk only make myself suffer
My maid worst keep boasting how much milk she have and said out loud that my daughter is eating meat when she want to latch - so hurtful
Now I having no3 - I go borrow book from library to gain more knowledge about bf
I still never give up - hopefully this round I can succeed
Hi May
U can try to use avene brand - skin recovery cream for face
V good at moisture
I have sensitive skin sometime v dry too after using get better
Sksf - just read ur earlier post ... Since my post abt the u/s n no sound at dr Ln sim, I had considered going to another doc . But it means having one trial with d doc n that's hard to tell the chem ... Plus d other gynae I saw (when dr sim on leave), I cudnt find reviews abt her or fens with experience with her. So finally I shdb sticking with dr sim, based on the comfort n her practical advice last year when I saw her when I TTC. Hubby say doc must b resent gd to say Bb's state with a 'blur' machine ! N some time later we will use the other room with d different machine (saw some patients use that room)- any idea when she uses that ??
Joy: all e best! For me i confirm give formula. I will just latch in hospital give colostrum. I guess i am soft. I want to enjoy motherhood instead of obssessing about my lack of milk supply. Plus my family will also not be so stressed. So far i only heard my neighbour say she did not breastfeed. She also had e same issues as me and cd see it affecting her mum and hubby badly so she gave fm. Her baby also doing fine. Hardly fall sick
sahm is a path seldom ventured. and sometimes paths seldom ventured are lonely... i have one personal fren (husband's coll's wife) who's a sahm to 2 girls. when things get tough, i think of her and her girls. they are well mannered children with v large vocabularies! unfortunately they love far from us so we meet only few times in a year.

and another fren's cousin who's sahm to 4 kids. i recall all her 4 kids incredibly well behaved, 1st one did well in PSLE to go to a abv avg sec sch.

well these women r my inspiration. there are some frens i made in my estate as well. but none of them as inspiring as these 2 who basically do everything alone.

Re: breastfeeding
its a personal decision. u easily find mums on both sides of the camp. i'd say i'm definitely pro breastfeeding. din have much support too after my PIL went back after 6 weeks of helping. in a way, it was a relief cuz no one to judge the breastfeeding. maybe thats why i was successful. i also had sore nipples and wanted to give up several times. i told my husband the engorgement is like 100x worse than labor pains cuz they are so prolonged for a few months! but i believe thats how mother nature intended it (breastfeed) to be so i wouldnt want it any way else. surviving the initial 6 weeks or so, milk supply will stabilise.

having a confinement lady who takes care of the baby at nite and mum doesnt wake up to latch or pump is counter to successful bf-ing. totally jeopardises ur supply
i'd say on hindsight becoming a sahm was a necessary thing for us given our circumstances and our bad experience with infantcare. at least now hubby's career is doing well because he doesnt have to worry about my son who's in good hands with me. unlike the days we sent him to infantcare, u wun believe it. go 1 day sick 2 days. go back again, sick 1 week. at that rate we'd both lose our jobs also..
Re: bf-ing
I think the most important thing is that bb and mummy both happy... BF or not, actually does not matter. Whichever works mah...

It might be too early to say now but just dont get too stress over bf-ing. enjoy the whole motherhood... Bf is only a small part of the process. If hv supply then feed, if not enough then give fm. Though I bf my #1 for 20 mths, i might not want to do that for #2.
kikila: why u might not want to bf #2 for long?

i feel that once u get the hang of bf, actually it becomes easy n fast. very convenient. my son can drink slowly even from bottle. so actually i spend a long time trying to bottlefeed him, waste of time. intake is the same whether by latching or expressing so i seldom express. this is a trait of his since young - slow eater!! haha...
hi little D,

pls take me off from the list, thanks.

hope all mummies have a safe &amp; smooth pregnancy.

very sad I got to leave this thread at 9th weeks
I find that bf-ing the bb gets too dependent on the mum. My boy is also a slow eater from young. Until now at 30 mths, every meal is at least 45 mins. really bth! He rejected bottle also, so no one can take over him during feeding... And I also find that bf bb tends not to sleep thru. My boy only start sleeping thru after he self weaned at 20 mths...

Overall, it's too tiring. Hahaha! But I guess will try to latch in the day only.... See how.
<font color="0000ff">Joy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Thanks.. I will go hunt for it.. Cos now on n off my face is sensitive.. Will hv rashes patches in e morning..</font>
I feel so different from no.1 i always so sleepy i can just sleep anywhere not knowing i am actsally sleeping i thou i was taking a 5min rest! I also very tempermental
Morning mommies,

Feeling very worried. I got pinkish discharge for 2 days. Not alot, just saw at night that it's pinkish. No pain no cramps. U all have any idea if it's anything major?
