(2012/10) Oct 2012

Jo - when I feel nausea, I drink Pocari only. I will suck a honey lemon candy until it stabilise before I eat anything else. Anyw when you feel like vomitting - you'll never feel hungry too. But try to keep the 2 hour food intake, ever since I stick to it, I have not been having MS anymore. Hungry or not, 2 hours just eat something.

For the 1st few weeks, I crave for Mac's Filet-o-Fish, but these days, I bugged my HB for BK's Whopper until he BTH, hahahaha!
Angie: Here I hope would help.

OSCAR, or One-stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk for Fetal Anomalies is a combination test offered in the first trimester to screen for risk of fetal anomalies, in particular Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). It involves a nuchal translucency (NT) scan and a blood test.

An OSCAR screening will allow you to find out in your first trimester, if your baby has a high risk of chromosomal defects.

If the results indicate you have a higher risk of carrying a baby with Down's syndrome, you can opt to do further invasive tests such as CVS. OSCAR screenings are optional and you can discuss it with your doctor if you wish to have this screening.
Thks ccharis for the clarification.

My gynae here also recommended that I do some of these tests due to my age....but hubby and I decided that we will not go ahead with it. As Catholics, we will not abort whatever outcome so why go through it
That's just what works for us
just pray and have positive thoughts...
to curb nausea, i will recommend candied ginger. it helps to control my nausea. but think cannot eat too much ginger when in 3rd tri, may cause jaundice.

i dunno if there's any truth in ginger causing jaundice though. for #1, during 3rd tri, i drink this chicken soup tonic that brew with ginger juice and dom alt day. #1 was ok, no jaundice at all
Deli meats which means ham, salami etc are safe to eat if they ar heated to steaming. So in pizzas etc it is safe to eat. Cheese - to avoid soft cheese or cheese made from unpastuerized milk. Soft cheese is Brie, camberbet, roqurtfort etc. For cheese and deli meat and smoked meats, it is because there is fear of contamination of listeria a bacteria which can cause miscarriages.
Vega should avoid raw veg just in case the veg is contaminated with toxoplasmosis. Same bacteria found in cat droppings.
And for hams, it is better to get bone in ham. And avoid hamburgers and nuggets and none bone in ham as these are made from worst cuts if meats and a lot of coloring is added. For example, for burgers, sometimes they will use high water spray to remove the meat from the skulls of cows and this is a greyish mixture so thy will need to add coloring to make it pink again. Anyway I'm talking abt those prepacked frozen ones. Some burgers are made from real grounded beef.

Deli meats should eat in moderation even if heated because of the nitrates. As with all preserved foods. Even sour Plum, should get those that are not from china. Apparently sometime back they used some funny chemical
back from gynae.
Can still see baby's heartbeat. Really heaved a sign of relief.
Took a jab also. Keeping fingers crossed until the next visit.
Now the measurement should be the crl measurement. Crown to rump. Can the doc give u the jabs and u go gp to do. Gp charges 10 to 12 bucks per jab excluding meds. I did that last time. Did the doc say why you must scan every week? V frequent leh. I had bleeding thru out my first tri last preg and I see doc once every 2-3 weeks.
<font color="0000ff">I am so sad.. I am trying to take a nap during lunch.. But I simply can't slp!!! I need to slp!! I hv not been slping well e past 2 nites!! Arrgggh.. Today is a bad day..</font>
BBKay3105: hahaha so poor thing leh.. lol.. sounds horrible raw one?

oooo but i heard those mac veg tomato we also cannot eat since is raw? true anot?

Hmm ML also says those ham better dun eat so much.. actually i heard too but i still ate leh =(

i also cannot resist citrus food but then really when wanna vomit gt those acid leh and it causes me quite xinku...

ML: i dun think so leh they required me to go back =( is not very convenient too =(.. hmm he say 1st trimester is the critical part and no bleeding doesn't means is alrite he say we shouldn't wait until something happen then go see doctor not correct as long as u are within the 1st trimester must go for jabs and scan every week to ensure is okay.. Okay lah but xiong lor and not convenient too.. i think the jabs costs me around $46.

Constance: why u also taking jab too? sorry nv follow the thread the past few days..

ccharis: thanks for the link babe..i shall go and see.. super envy u lah so fast 1st trimester coming to an end.. perhaps u are taller than me? tat's y yr weight is heavier.. but i think better eat more since we are preg so that baby will be fat fat too lol..

hahaha money say say onli lah.. of cos i wish baby to be okay so is fine for me just that i find it abit too much to see gynae every week hahaa. super tedious.. yeah MC wise manager is flexible but i think HR doesn't agree they want me to do a time sheet kind of thing=( actually i am thinking will u all disclose u are preg to the HR? i think not necessary right? because i think they are asking me why am i keep going every week to see doctor..

Lol.. charis u also keep eating fast food arh.. hahaha yr hubby must be sick of it right cos he has to follow u eat the same thing =P.. yeah i agree whenever wanna vomit means is hungry liow..

AHhh which brand of honey lemon u buy? i still duno what kind of sweeets i should buy because gyane says mints, chocolates, citrus thing all cannot eat =( den what can i eat to substitute all these =( i think honey lemon should be okay right?

JustALamb: ginger can meh? hehehe i gona try if it really helps =X

May: hmmm.. u on leave? i am sure u have a sleepy time spot perhaps 2pm?
I see. My doc already gave me the max dosage of jabs. So he says just monitor. Nothing much he can do. Unless there is bleeding or cramps he will not see me. He also mention that too much ultrasound is no good for the baby. But the scans are still more frequent then this preg as he wants to make sure bb is ok and growing well. I spend close to 5 k in the first tri last preg. Anyway just follow what your doc says he knows what's best.
<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">No.. Today working.. Was on MC on Wed. Feel aslp fm 2 to 5pm.. I always tell my hubby if see me slp must wake me.. But he say see me so tired so let me rest.. End up I cant slp tt nite.. Dan yest was becos somethg in office upset me.. Dan upset me till I can't slp last nite too..

So ask colleague to da bao for me and I can use lunch time to take a short nap.. But end up can't slp too.. This makes me even more upset.. Now easily upset by small matters..

Dan a nice colleague bought tou hua for me to eat.. But preggy can't eat tou hua rite?</font>
May: ahhh so poor thing but yr hubby is sweet i think u did mention before haha cos i remember this sentence quite clearly

cannot eat tou hua leh =( perhaps moderate lor.. yeah me 2 nowadays very petty over small things
i guess is normal..

ML (marvliz): yeah but i heard scanning frequently no good leh =( normally yrs is v scan or ultrasound?
<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. I understand he wans me to rest. But tell him so many times I will be sleepless at nite but yet no listen.. E most let me slp 1hr can lao.. He let me slp 3hrs!! And he happily playing his game in the rm.. Maybe happy I slp wnt disturb him.. Faintz..</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Ask you all.. My gynae only so far see me once which is during my wk7+.. Dan next will be wk12.. Tts 5 wks gap.. Does tt mean everythg is fine? Cos I see most ppl before wk 12 already seen their gynae &amp; little beanie at least 2 or 3 times..</font>
Ya speaking of 'tou hua' am tempted to get Lao Ban tou hua ah..at maxwell..anybody ate it?? wat so nice abt it..see many ppl buying and queuing..keke
Thanks all!

Btw May, my gynae's also Dr Chua. :p

Hi Joanna, I volunteer to go back to my gynae every 2 weeks, largely because of my history and also because we are very cautious. I think 1st trimester, better to be more cautious.

For nausea, I tried candied ginger too, after a while I got sick of it. Nowadays, the only think that works is this organic lemon drops from Yummy Earth. Can get it from Cold Storage.
Mine is v scan for first tri

Ya. Some people have excess so they give away. But thot a bit gross. Hehehe. Btw u gals heard of breastmilk ice cream in uk last year.
reineluv: lol.. u atas wor.. ahahah organic somemore..hehehe but is good lah.. better..

BBKay3105: me 2 leh.. =X actually can eat right? but moderate? one mouthful?

TO ALL: u all got drink milk tea anot?

my gyane says milk tea contains caffine so moderate better one day not more than 2 cups...

May: lol.. he care for u too ma.. but i do agree that u will not feel tired if u catch afternoon nap.. perhaps set alarm?
<font color="0000ff">reineluv:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yeah.. Same same..</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I fell alp watching tv.. how to set alarm.. Dan slp n wake in slpy mood will auto goes back to slp.. Haha.. Unless he pull me up.. If not I will slp wake till duno wat time..</font>
May: My last appt with gynae is on 19 Mar and next appt is on 19 Apr. Gynae says if no bleeding no need to go back. I was also wondering why such a long gap between the visits. Seem like everyone else in this thread is seeing her beanie every 2 weeks.

Joanna : Except for alcoholic drink, i drink anything that makes me better. I drink barley, green tea, coke.. I think anything in moderation is ok. Anyway, my gynae prefer me to drink something than not drink at all

I keep having dry lips problem, anyone else has this prob. I try to sip drinks every few minutes but doesnt seem to help much leh.
By the way, thinking of ordering confinement food instead of hiring confinement lady since my MIL will be helping. Any good recommendation on confinement food caterer?
<font color="0000ff">Meredith:</font> <font color="aa00aa">So it is normal to have such long gaps.. At least not so worry.. But will be curious on how beanie looks like now.. Wat is the difference between now n when 1.4cm.. Haiz.. Gona wait for 1.5wk more..

I do have dry lips.. Like every few days will chg skin.. Dan I itchy finger will go peel it.. Dan will feel soar.. haha.. </font>
joanne, candied ginger works for me. in fact, anything ginger seems to make me better. my hubby stocked up so much ginger beer
Merdith, why dun ask your MIL to cook instead of ordering catered food? No need to cook v complicated also, just need a slice of fish and a plate of veg per meal.
ya that time hub cousin wife alot ah..maybe MIL see i pump until so tired..said if they are nt living far..i would hv borrow frm them..super pissed..haha..am already trying my best..anyway also got formula milk..

I still drink teh c..milk tea eh..so tempted on Gong Cha etc..

Meredith my ex manager and i ordered frm Natalessential Caterings..overall still ok to eat ah..

but MIL said some food they cook i cannot eat..like chinese mushrooms..snow peas..faint..
JustALamb..my MIL nt really a gd cook eh..hehe..somemore she has to look after FIL, SIL, and bb..and wash my clothes during confinement..dont wish to tired her out..so i opt for caterings..but she will make simple supper for me..
BBkay, Hehhe. I see. Then not cooking will save her some work and give her more time to rest.

Actually I haven't ask if my MIL will do my confinement for me this time. She did my confinement for #1, so I just assume she will do it again. I better go ask her. Else later she can't help and I can't get CL in time, then i cry also no use
I gotten wait for another 4 weeks before I see my beanie.. such a long wait. Doing my OSCAR on the same day also. Praying that everything will be fine till then. My lips also very dry and cracking. I tried putting lip stick to moisturize it but cannot tahan the 'taste' of the lip stick

My MIL don't stay near me so she will be travelling every day to my place in the morning to help and goes home in the evening. So, I don't want her to be so xinku, need to go marketing and cook as well. I also don't like my house to be 'oily' with all the cooking, tats y thinking of catering confinement food.

Was thinking of Natalessentials also since they are the veteran in this field. The other caterer I am considering is Chilli Padi
sing ling,
Yea.. I guess everything should be fine if gynae says so
Just sometimes paranoid if I don't get MS that day... hahaha
Bbkay - I can understand.. I bought Gong Cha just now.. It was so tempting..

Joanna- I love ham &amp; cheese sandwich. I simply cook the ham in boiling water for a while to play safe.
May: lol.. like tat arh.. den i cannot help u le.. if not u try to set alarm when u know u wanna doze off? hahaha i always set de so that can wake up and eat my medicine lor.. and den go back sleep again..

Meredith: really? wah... i wanna drink milk tea leh.. but i scare scare i onli drink milo, milk, coke tat's all =(

JustALamb: serious can post what ginger product u buy hahaa.. eh.. ginger beer? what is tat?

BBKay3105: u steady leh... wah.. i also wanna drink gong cha leh.. nowadays keep eating fast food but duno drink what so only can order coke or milo =(
I misss Gong Cha too... but my tcm say no strictly bubble tea. He did say hot tea is ok just limit yourself. I try to limit to once a week.
I think so.. hahaha.. My gynae was explaining to me that day that during the 1st trimester, our pregnancy sac will have our bb and a 'egg yolk'. The 'egg yolk' is bb supply of food during the 1st trimester so we can throw up all the time but bb will still get nutrients from the egg yolk. Likewise, I think if drinking abit of caffeine helps to keep fluid down, its ok to take.. better than being dehydrated right? keke
Hi Angie, we are both in the same thread too.
My elder girl also a Oct09 bb. =)
Coincidentally , no2 also a Oct bb.

Wow the thread is moving so fast.... alot to read and catch up.
<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I knw I will doze off before I can set the alarm.. Tts y I set e human alarm lo.. But tt one always dun work.. Haha..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Meredith:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. I understand tt.. Hv to wait so long to see beanie again.. Mine was initial 5wks of wait.. Clinic chg to an earlier date n become 4.5wk wait.. Now left 1.5 more wks to go.. Count dwn to it.. Excited but yet scare of the result..</font>
Joanne, candied ginger from those snack shops. I buy from the market near bugis guan yin temple. They sell very cheap and very fresh there.

ginger beer is a gassy soft drink.

Then i ask my mom to make sweet potato soup with ginger, and tang yuan with ginger soup.

Gong cha also got this ginger milk tea. Hehehe. I cut down on bubble tea since I got preg, whenever I gave in to my cravings, I will order the ginger milk tea. At least it got ginger, still consider heaty. :p
<font color="aa00aa">Lucky I dun drink tea nor coffee.. So no craving for coffee, milk tea or bubble tea.. Phew..
But I do got craving for Coke..</font>
reineluv: lol.. meaNS Hot milk tea can lah those that we make ourself so outside those bubble tea or tea hse all cannot?

May: lol.. u so Ya ya hahhaa.. but good mah.. drink more milk and milo =P

JustALamb: hmmm still duno the candy ginger u mention perhaps nv see or ate before =( oooo.. sounds nice? everything all ginger

Awww.. i also wan sweet potato soup with ginger.. craving now omg..

can drink ginger milk tea too arh? wah i miss the teh tarik at raffles place =P

hahahah lol.. u pig leh...nvm good to sleep i hate the most is alittle bit of noise i cannot sleep =(

Meredith: eh.. so are u saying that right now whatever i take baby is absorbing it? because i heard is after duno which period then is??? correct me if wrong
<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Not I ya ya.. Many ppl find me funny.. Miss out somethg so great.. Lol..
Milk I only drink chocolate ones.. So basically I mostly only drink milo.. Which is boring.. Compare to all of you.. So many choices..</font>

Ccharis - Great to see you back on the forum. Hope your mom's doing better. Try not to puff too much! Eat chocs instead. :)

I frequent AMK Hub. Must really grab hold of my boy's hand next time.

My lips are also very dry, no matter how much water I drink. It got better and now it's back to dryness.

TGIF! Going to the Marina Barrage tomorrow. Hope the weather holds up. Have a great weekend!
