(2012/10) Oct 2012

<font color="aa00aa">Starry mummy like 4 ex: A rubbish truck pass by i'll normally hold my breath de... or.... i go toilet the plc smells i will also. but now awhile nia i so short breath!!

BBK: I heard that myths before. eat le bb turn yellow. same like curry .... dont knw hw true though.</font>

<font color="0000ff">GNL:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Not curry!!! I still thinking when my MS gone.. I wana order fish head curry to feast on it!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">GNL,</font> <font color="ff6000">i see, i see. that makes sense.</font>

<font color="0000ff">may</font> <font color="ff6000">wah fish head curry sounds damn good lor!</font>
<font color="blue">My Mother even forbid me to eat too much mango cause she said that baby will have jaundice also.... BIG SIGH. </font>
<font color="red">BBKay3105</font>
<font color="blue">I LOVE MANGO!!! \M/ BUT MY MOM ALWAYS STOP ME FROM HAVING IT :'-(</font>

<font color="red">Knocking off soon ladies! :> Have a great dinner &amp; good evening &amp; lastly plenty of rest!!!
Bbkay: im paying 600$++ for my girl cc too. And she is down with HFMD. Haish.. really have a second thought to withdraw her. She has been falling sick ever since she start school.

wah and you guys are talking about food now. I still have no appetite to eat. sigh..
Gnl- no time no see! Or I missed out reading ur post, cis our thread moves fast n when I chk it it's alrdy in arhive :) gd to know i m not alone with d pimples

Just2lamb -how many weeks r u now? Gd to hear ur pink spotting is not serious !
Gnl - pizza cos of dunno what cheese n if everything cooked? N those w pineapple (Chinese belief to avoid) n ham (cold cuts or processed meat like not gd)
I just had mango just now. Wahh!

My boy just joined CC at the beginning of this year and he has been in and out of school because he's always sick. In fact, he just recovered and hope he'll be stronger going forward.

SharonK - I suggest just persevere for a while and see how it goes for your girl at CC.
Hi moms with toddlers, did you hear about the near-kidnap of a kid at AMK Hub recently? Quite scary so just make sure your kid is always within our sight all times.

My cousin lives in Shenzhen and says it's very common in China that kids are kidnapped.
Hello all, I'm back! How are u all doing?
This yr is such a fruitful baby year, so many friends of mine are pregnant.
I found a good fruit to ease frequent indisgestion, bloated stomach and vomitting.

Hi all sahm, I'm a sahMTB
Btil, I coming to13 weeks by end of the week. I m glad it's nothing serious too

Think I overworked. 50% of my team is sick. Now I am on bed rest, they will become even more overloaded. Feel so bad

My hubby is quite happy that my gynae ordered me to bed rest, today we had dinner at 6:30pm and usually I only reach home after 9pm

Goodnight all mommies!
Justalamb- wah I thought after 12 weeks things r stable !! Thks for sharing ur experience, I m in 12th week n I hv been working long hours since 10th week , I better b careful!!! Just hope Bb is healthy and normal !!!!
<font color="ff0000">Good morning ladies..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Heng you say can eat.. If not I will be sad.. Cos Curry is my flavor.. </font>

<font color="ff6000">I had 2 sleepless nites in a row.. Wed nite cos maybe I nap 3 hrs in the afternoon.. And my hubby just let me be.. Yest nite maybe due to somethg in office upsets me.. Cause me to be sleepless.. Sob sob.. Today gona be a lousy day for me..</font>
Constance. Oh dear! Quickly go c gynae. Dun worry so much first

Btil, How come these 2 weeks need to work longer hours? Better rest more n take more tonics.
Hello Everyone!

I am also an Oct 2012 mum, expecting my #2. I have a girl who will be turning 3 in Oct. I was in the 2009 Oct thread too.

Hope to drop in more often and get encouragement from all u other mummies and get to know u people better.....
Angie: Welcome!

Btil: Don't think there is any problem with pizza - I have been eating it
I just avoid uncooked items and salads.

AMK Hub kidnap attempt: Another mummy posted the story in my no.1 thread too. So scary. Story also picked up by the papers so I guess it must be true.
<font color="0000ff">Btil:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Think pizza ok bah.. I just had some on wed..</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Anyone can share more details on the kidnap attempt? Soo scary..</font>
MTBs - I'm back! Wah! Suddenly this thread so colourful de, what happened? Sorry been MIA cause we have US friends in SIN, then shortly after that my Mum was admitted to TTSH, and a string of unexpected happened, sigh.. Gotten stressed up &amp; accidentally .... took a few puffs, ugh!
Thanks for the warm welcome!

Was reading about the food items that most of u are talking about. I basically ate anything that I wanted for my first pregnancy but only avoided banana (baby might phlegm) and lamb/mutton (baby might get asthma or fits).

I am now residing in Auckland and the doctors here advise against cold cuts, like ham/smoked meat/smoked fish for fear of samonella.

I remember craving for chilli crab and beef rendang when I had my girl.....now that we are in NZ, I really miss the Singapore food....drool....
<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I will avoid the pineapples.. Eat the rest n dig the pineapples out for my hubby..</font>

<font color="0000ff">ccharis:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Hope everythg is in right track now.. Noti of u to puff puff.. Please dun do tt again.. </font>
Hi all,

have been a silent reader since the beginning and finally decide to open voice.
Saw my little xiaolongbao yesterday and we are past 12 weeks. My gynae says I'm in my 2nd trimester, so we are very relieved but still having slight nausea, really tired and dizzy!

Due date is 2nd Oct, so we are really excited!
I'm trying to back read the old tornedo chats, wahsei... so much, so long - wei, all skiving in office hor, hahaha!

Missed my twin, BTIL. How are you doing now? Pimples, I have too, look super ugly &amp; super aunty these days. As for bloatedness, I asked gynae before - it expands due to wind, accumulated throughout the entire day. It actually happened to all woman, but during pregnancy it seemed enhanced.

Also, how to apply colour on post (or at least how to bold the nick names for easy reading) huh?

Congrats to the many of us who have survived the 1/4 (10wks of 40wks) mark! A friend encouraged me, another 3/4 more to go.
I think it's a better way to count DOWN than up, hehe! So, happy 1/4 again MTBs!

Next week going for my OSCAR scan - I hope the past week havent been bad for peanut. I agree, May - ya.. As the tummy grow bigger, each puff gets more guilty too.
Right now. It looks like I have only myself to look after the baby (my Mum's health not so good le) and looking for CL now.

Saw Starry's Gerber baby treats recommendation, later want to cheong to the supermarket to buy le, hahaha!

Skinny - I read a post of yours &amp; realised you had no help from #1. May I ask if you had CL or any outside help inside?
Otherwise where did you learn all the "how to look after a newborn" from? I'm kinda caught in similar situation, looking for someone to advice me.

Anyway. To those I've not greeted, welcome to the Oct'12 club.

Also, I've read about Chez, truly sorry for your loss, if you're still reading - I'm sorry I wasnt around too.
sob sob i have to visit the gyane every week means big hole in a pocket and every week got to go for 2 times injections =(. My baby is growing very fast last week was 5.3mm yesterday was 15.6mm.. so fast =)

Eh.. how come cannot eat those subway cold cut? wah.. then what u all have for breakfast bec i love sandwiches with ham, cheeze and egg =(

ccharis: finally u are back =) welcome back..
BBKay - Ya, half-boiled eggs also cannot. But I *accidentally* ate a few. It's so hard to resist leh...

Reineluv - Congrats &amp; welcome!
Jo - How come you have to go weekly? I'm sorry - may have missed the reasons in the past posts but, seriously? Twice weekly for jabs?

Yes, also, your BB grow sooooo fast? 5.3mm last week and 10mm MORE this week, what superfood you eat?
2 weeks ago, I went scan, I think my peanut only 2-3mm only leh &amp; machiam your EDD is after mine right?
ccharis: NAH i haven been coming in too was busy.. today finally have the time to log in and join u all hahaha but the thread is too fast i cannot even find when is my last posting

The reason is i had a fall 3 weeks ago and had somemore bleeding last week which is my first appt with the gyane so they ask me to go injection every week 2 times which is mon and thursday and every thursday gt to see gyane.. they say bec not stable yet.. but the injection will only last for 1st trimester and i guess visiting the gyane also have to visit every week until 1st trimester finish..

yeah i am shocked leh gt grow so fast one meh? so was wondering u all same anot? yeah my edd confirm after yrs cos i am only 8 weeks tml or today.. and yrs is already 10 weeks plus..

the nurse say i am not fat enough because last week my weight was 46.5kg and yesterday was onli 46.9kg she say must eat more...
Ccharis: Welcome back - my fellow mummy with the same gynae
Good luck for the OSCAR. Mine is scheduled for next week too, just before we leave for Sydney.

Jo: Hang in there. The frequent doc visits will taper off if there is no more bleeding right? Anyway, money can always be earned back.
oh ya the amk case is true leh.. even theft also happens at amk hub too so becareful

the news is rather quite hot for missing kids and amk hub is one of the common area i guess is especially outside fairprice.. beware Mummies..

i think the theft one also quite horrible one of my friend the whole gucci bag was stolen and can u imagine the bag is inside the trolley and yet can go missing...
ming8110: actually there is no bleeding at all le.. but i still dun understand why do i still have to visit the gyane =( at least i guai guai go for injection every 2 days per week and take regular medicine =( and the costs is close to $400 every week.. heart pain..

and i have to keep taking leave and MC oh no cannot imagine if it is all used up =(

hmmm.. seems like all of u are doing oscars regardless of age?
<font color="0000ff">joanna</font> <font color="aa00aa">Even if e bag is beside or infront of u. Oso can disappear lo.

Gd tt e bleeding stopped. Just listen to gynae bah. Play safe. </font>
ladies what u all eat when u all feel like vomitting since we are told to avoid citrus food as this causes acid to our stomach so whenever we feel Nausea there is some kind of gassy and liquid thing too..

so what u all eat as an replacement??

May: yeah lor gt to listen =( but feel very lazy to go there every week somemore 2 times cos the waiting time also horrible at least 1 hr plus..
Joanna i think the cold cut Angie refers to is really raw cold cut..i always tot is SUbway cold cut eh..all cook..so at french resturant last time..i ordered it..and it came all raw..hahah so mountain turtle me..the pork smell so strong..i wana faint..i even told the waitress..i tot its cooked?? in the end i throw most to my colleague..

subway cold cut can eat ah..but best to let them toast for u...
Jo - Dont worry too much. At the rate your baby is growing, all is well! I'm not sure if the 15mm is the circumfrance of the waterbag? Here's the link to the avg size if you are keen to know: http://www.babycenter.com/average-fetal-length-weight-chart. Mine should be 11wk3days as of today cause I count based on the last scan I did on 8th Mar it's 9wk2days mah. You are super feather light lah. I'm 10kg heavier than you! *faints*

As for the money, I know the pain even thou can earn back, but for the sake of your BUN (yours too big to call peanut, hahaha) it's all worthwhile, right? Also, I'm sure your boss would give you sympathy MC if you really need too. So all these dont worry so much loh.

Yes, hello Ming! My scan is on 30th Mar, what about you? I cant wait to see Khi, and of course peanut cause last week I *misbehaved* and also, multi-vits are finishing.
I wonder if its ok to miss a few days of multi-vits?
