(2012/10) Oct 2012

Hi, I am 11 weeks pregnant and going my oscar scan this coming Friday. Have been getting persistent headache recently and even Panadol won't help. My GP said I got slightly high blood pressure and better rest more. Feel so stressed and hated working. This is my no. 2 and my no.1 is only 9 month old. Feel so weak and tired everyday. Feel like quitting my job... I love my daughter but still feel very moody and tired... Have been on mc for the past 2 days.... Add oil everyone... Not easy to be a mum, pregnant and working at the same time...

<font color="0000ff">Giantress:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Welcome!! Your little beanie will be fine.. Dun worry.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">since you dun like this gynae dan chg lo.. Most impt you must feel secure and happy with yr gynae and appt..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sksf &amp; JustALamb:</font> <font color="aa00aa">So this is s common problem like MS.. It dun happen v often.. Only once awhile for me.. But when it comes it is terrible.. But so far lucky tt mine only happen at nite n is at hm.. Can't imagine it attack me in office.. Scare ppl see lao.. Call ambulance ah..</font>
<font color="ff6000">Hi mummies! I MIA yesterday cos went for checkup and was given two days MC. Shiok! Just slept and rested the whole day. When I'm sleeping, no nausea. So nice. I also realize eating homecooked food means less nausea. I wonder if it is because there's no MSG that's why more palatable.

My peanut is 9 weeks old and the size/hb all on track. Happiness. Next appt will be in three weeks time and will be end of first trimester by then!! Can't wait to get my appetite back.

I've a long list of things I wanna do once Im feeling better again:
1) Meet friends for weeknight dinners
2) Meet friends for coffee on weekends
3) Take my girl to the beach for a picnic
4) Take leave on weekday afternoons and have hi tea with my girlfriends
5) Drink one teh-si or coffee a day (i miss my caffeine!!)
6) Do a staycation at Sentosa
7) Do up a photobook for my #1 on the second year of her life before #2 comes
8) Declutter my home, decide what baby stuff to keep and what needs to be changed or buy new stuff.
9) Buy #1 a proper toddler bed, decorate her room and train her to sleep on her own.
10) Hopefully do a babymoon with hubby before baby arrives.

<font color="red">May</font>:
<font color="BLUE">This gynae is okay, everytime i ask her question she'll ans very professionally.. just that the main problem is her us machine.. hahaha. sian</font>
<font color="0000ff">Donkey:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Congrats on gg to wh 12 soon.. Since gynae ask u to rest more.. U better take care.. Hope all these will be over for you after wk 12
<font color="0000ff">Starry:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Wow.. u r well prepared before yr no. 2's arrival.. Nice!!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">We visit gynae oso becos wana see little beanie!! Haha.. Will the machine be clearer as beanie grows bigger?</font>
<font color="0000ff">giantress</font> <font color="ff6000">I totally understand how you feel. There are many mummies here that have miscarriaged before and it will be something that will haunt us for a long time. But do think positive and be thankful for every moment with your current beanie. Everything will be all right.

<font color="0000ff">donkey</font> <font color="ff6000">You are almost out of your first trimester. Things will get better once you get your energy and appetite back. Relax and take it easy. Just a bit more to go! Jiayou! Feel free to gripe here any time you're feeling lousy. Get it out of your system.
Thanks girls, yes I needed a place to rant... I planned to take one year unpaid leave after I delivered my no.2 so I am trying to endure...

BBKay3105: wow, tough right? I really worried my body is not ready for another one that is why I am so weak now... Feel like looking for ways to "pu" myself...
<font color="0000ff">sksf</font> <font color="ff6000">my gynae's machine also not the most high end one. My beanie really looked like a peanut yesterday - just two big blurry blobs joined together. But for me, it's ok la. The chemistry between us and the gynae is mOre important. My gynae and my hubs get along so well, they can talk about army stuff. V cute!</font>

<font color="0000ff">may</font> <font color="ff6000"> Those thoughts/plans help me to get through the horrible period now. At Least got something to look forward to. Hehe</font>
Starrymummy: That's a good list. Hope you make good progress.

Life after babies: It is true that your life changes forever. But hubby and I were just saying the other day that we wouldn't have it any other way. Our daughter has brought us a very different kind of happiness.

I think it is very important though to remind ourselves that while we become parents not to lose focus on your spouse. I know people who split up after having children - they find their lives change irrevocably, they don't get as much attention from their spouse etc and their attention wanders. My hubby always says in 20, 25 years, our children will leave the nest and with luck, we will have another 20 years or so to spend with each other. So we need to give each other the attention we deserve. We have been fortunate to have help so once a week or so, we have a date night just to catch up with each other and do baby-free things. I met someone the other day whose son just turned 3 and she has not been out alone with her hubby since the son was born! I think she can't let go and that is unhealthy too.
<font color="0000ff">Ming:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. Agree tt we must once awhile find some private time with our spouse.. Get help fm family to help bb sit.. </font>
super agree on the going on a babymoon or at least a trip before you pop! Else will be trap in SG for at least 2 years!

The last time I leave on a jetplane was 3 yrs ago, before I got preg with #1. Feel so deprived. But going on a holiday with my family and #1 next week. After I know I'm preg with #2, i hand leg quick quick plan this trip. lol
<font color="0000ff">JustALamb:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yup.. Must plan a small trip with my hubby before I pop.. if not will be trap for 2 yrs..</font>
<font color="red">May</font>:
<font color="blue">Exactly! Main purpose we're visiting the gynae is because we wanna see lil beanie! hehehe.

<font color="red">Skinneybeenie</font>:Maybe felt abit uncomfortable now seeing diff gynae, cause my previous gynae is my #1 gynae &amp; she delivered my #1 for me. So i actually felt more comfortable with her stitching me up &amp; all, now thinking if i were to give birth &amp; it'll be a diff doc how is it? will it be the same? NO doubts my previous gynae stitching skills is awesome, as my current gynae i've not heard any reviews bout her delivering so far.. Only heard good reviews of her for IVF.. so delimma.. But i guess in the end, most likely i'll go back to my 1st gynae also -___- lol...</font>
<font color="800000"> Singling: </font> <font color="ff1493"> Thanks. Can only get all NLB or just at the main one?</font>

<font color="800000"> BBKay</font> <font color="ff1493"> yes, i would have three boxes of hand me down clothing.</font>

<font color="ff1493"> Re: Business Trip
I was just been informed by my boss that I need to travel to Japan when I am about 17-18 weeks. Would you all go?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Keiko:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. If can try to tok to you boss if you can skip this biz trip..</font>
Hi mummies..went for my 2nd scan last sat and saw my lil one waving at me!sucha wonderful experience!Im 10 weeks tmrw and suffering from backaches and breathlessness..

Any mommies suffering frm breathlessness?I gotta sleep sitting down : (
<font color="0000ff">Joanna:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Actually I am not doing anythg.. Other dan coping with my 1st trim MS.. Other dan tt I hv not done anythg.. Haha.. Lazy mum.. </font>
May: hahaa like me leh.. i everyday nuan at home leh.. eat, sleep, watch tv.. i look myself in the mirror these days i find tat i am so fat...
Keiko: actually I personally don't mind a biz trip during preg period. But must depends on the country. If I were u, for jap, no. Aft the leaks on the nuclear or radiation etc... I feel unsafe to go ESP for a preg.
But ultimately it's yr call!

Mummies who are planning a trip before u pop. Don't feel so deprive of not travelling aft pop. Jus to share: Aft I deliver my no1, we hv travel to hk and aust with her. Of course bringing her along , u need to plan alot of stuffs. We hv a full luggage for her diapers and mill powder haha. We treat it as a r n r trip, so we are not stress up. Wake up anytime u like, go for bf, shop and meal time again. Jus need to do some homework , and u can fulfil it too !
We are already thinking if next yr we can afford to go with no2 or not. Hahaha. ;)
Happy planning
<font color="ff1493"> Re: Business Trip:
Thanks all, I will talk to my boss again.</font>

<font color="800000"> SingLing</font> <font color="ff1493"> thanks, I will ask my hub to get a copy</font>
Justalamb: yeah should not take gassy drink thou sometimes i really feel like having COKE. Haha..

sksf: i experience the same as you. every morning / night will feel the tummy ache.. sigh.. vomit + diaherra..

Joanna: ur fb pic look so slim lor... !

Keiko: nono. Dont go. Heard stories that those couple who went on honeymoon to japan must be mentally prepare not to concieve to have kids within the next 2 year. For the bb sake, please stay in spore. hahaa.
sharonk: hahaha.. lol.. but i ate alot of things leh..my tummy like 3 mths pregnant and i find my face gt double chin liow..

i think there was once i ate a soupy 1 1/2 beehoon with alot of ingredients and finish that bowl around 8.20pm and den at 9.30pm i finish another plate of spag.. can u imagine how fattening it is...
Joanna: I am going on holiday next week - just after passing week 12. Going to Sydney with no. 1 and the hubby - family bonding time

In june am off to Malaysia for a road trip with the extended family (more than 20 of us- should be rowdy but fun)

May also tag along for hubby's biz trip to London in June/July - if it comes through. That will just be a short trip for us before baby no. 2 comes along. Then again, I am not sure I want to fly for 13 hours there and back.

I am not doing very much to prepare for no. 2 yet. Read a little bit from my old pre-natal books and I talk to baby every day if that counts. I will do more shopping when I know the gender.
Moms with toddler boys, can you share your secret of toilet training your boys?

My boy is around 27 mths, still wearing diapers. We tried to ask him to use the urinal but he just stands in front of the urinal, not know how to pee. You see, he has always been using the potty (sitting down) so now, I don't know how to start toilet training him.

Care to advise?
ladies can anyone advise is there a calculator that can work backwards to calculate the last menses date based on the no of weeks u are in??
Joanna: wah you really can eat! i find it so hard to finish a meal! i hope my appetite will getting better after tri 1. i wanna drink milk but scare throw up.

sksf: thats true! i only take one serving of fruit leh. thats bad. totally no appetite!
sharonk: tat was like before 6 weeks but i realise nowadays will fan wei leh.. perhaps is the critical problem..

and the vomitting part abit serious like feel like vomitting but cannot and just miserable feeling....
Hi Ladies,

I've MIA for weeks due to the all-day sickness that has been hitting me. I puke from morning to night and worse, I have migraine everyday. Went to the gynae yesterday for bb's 10 weeks' check and found out I have low-lying placenta. Im so worried now. I am told to rest more and I may experienced bleeding soon.
I had no MS and what-not during my first pregnancy and this pregnancy is really torturous.

@Donkey, U have headache too? Try taking synflex, the blue pill. Panadol doesnt work for me and so gynae gave me synflex to try. So far so good.

@kanelmo, my boy is 32 months now and he has just succesfully go diaper-less. It is ok to wear diapers at 27 months. Try to wean him off when he is more ready to do so.
Joanna: Need to travel before no. 2 comes along

I just talk to no. 2 about simple things like where I am going, what time of the day is it now, who I am meeting etc. When it rains I will say this is rain and try and describe what is rain etc. I do this too even after baby is born. I think it really helped my no. 1 develop linguistically. She could identify objects like flag, Christmas tree, fan, lights at 8 months and could say simple words like car, ball before she turned 1. Now she is a real ji zha por. I will definitely get "talkative in class" remarks from teacher in future.
ming8110: serious? ahahaha but u say it out loud? like nobody beside u and u say it?

Devilene: pls take good care of yrself... what is low-lying placenta??
Joanna, thanks.
Another name for low-lying placenta is called placenta previa. Generally, it means the placenta is implanted low in the womb, which is not favourable for the growth of the bb. And it comes with bleeding. Usually it starts moving up when the bb grows bigger but if it still remains low in the 3rd trimester, you'll need a c-section.
Jo: Yep. I talk openly to baby and put my hand on my tummy at the same time (when no one is around / when only hubby is around). Our little bonding session.

Devilene: I had a low-lying placenta for no. 1 too but it's still early days yet and the placenta could still move out of the way. If not, I am sure your gynae would advise you on the options. My placenta was low lying until week 36/37. I was initially scheduled for a c-sect but the placenta eventually moved enough for me to try for a natural delivery. Just be careful though not to do too much exercise since low-lying placenta cases are more prone to spotting although it doesn't always happen. Good luck!
Divilene: please take care. Will it lead to pre term labour?

Ming: haha i tot 5mths then bb can hear? hehe i read sing talk to my #1 when i was preg 5mths.
good to have alone time with hubby lah... but since my #1 came along, we have not been really alone. unless when he went to school or when he went to bed.


NO ONE HELPS US. my husband's family is overseas. my family side no one helped to take care of my son before. no one in my family even changed diaper or made him a meal b4. it's that bad.

Thats why when i say I take care of him alone when my hubby is overseas, i mean really ONLY ME. Well, not bad for someone like me who was the youngest in the family n everyone always said useless dunno how to do anything. I have taken care of my boy alone in the day since he was 6 weeks old, breastfed him, toilettrained him all alone with zero help n advice from family.

Kanelmo: re boy toilet training. jus keep getting your son to watch your hubby. if u see boys peeing outside, always try to make him take notice. thats what i did. effect is not immed.. but he seldom sits to pee now.. since Jan :p
Breathless may be due to heartburn. You might want to try sleeping on your side. It should helps.

I feels for you. Try puking out the acidic juice, I always find out once I puke out the acidic juice, I feel so much better.

Try to rest more and don't walk too much. Hopefully your placenta will move up in the later trimester. Ohh ya, don't squat.

Mummies who intend to travel,
I just came back from HK 2 weeks ago. I think 1st trimester is not the best time to travel. Constantly hit by MS when I am in HK. The only good thing is since I am always outdoor, the fresh air did help to alleviate part of my MS suffering. Travelling during 2nd trimester should be more enjoyable
skinneybeenie: thats very tiring when you've got no help. so #1 will b in full day cc when #2 comes along. if not you will b very tired.
Hi Skinneybeenie

me too no 2 ren shi jie ever since got bb
my hubby always buzy working

kanelmo: i brought a mini toilet bowl that can stick to the wall beside our toilet bowl
and ask my son to watch when his father pee and at the same time follow his father action.
try dont wear diaper for him,but you must keep remind him to go toilet if he want to pee
sharonk, i'm a sahm by choice and also by no choice. we weighed the situation - no backup help when baby sick. eat dinner at 9 plus everyday. rush thru life everyday. no one to celebrate baby's milestones since we won't even be around to see them.

so the choice is i became a sahm. income cut by abt half cuz hubby n i same age.. but i'd say our quality of life is much better than it would have been.

at least being a sahm meant i could breastfeed him easily. though i often fell sick as a child, at least my son survived 3 months of nursery so far with one bout of gastric flu and running nose without fever, i'd say thats our reward. although its not a monetary reward...

i dun plan to send him to full day cc when #2 is out. prob ask MIL for a couple months help since that time will be #1's holiday soon. then once next year starts, plan to let him take sch bus so i have more time for #2. i figure by 6 months, bb less demanding, hopefully #2 will have similar temperament as #1, fairly independent and can sleep train..
