(2012/10) Oct 2012

<font color="ff1493"> I'm gg for my OSCAR end this week. Feeling very nervous, anxious and excited. A complex feeling with both good and bad mood.

<font color="ff1493"> Wanted to but need to get consent from FIL if the child has any special chinese character to follow based on 族谱.</font>
Hi mummies
I am now 10 weeks and always feel sad too
Especially now I am a sahm. Whenever I am alone I start to feel sad &amp; lonely
Worst my husband is a super workaholic &amp; insensitive person
And recently he keep flying due to work &amp; reservice
Any way can improve my mood
My husband also Only Son and my #1 is a girl.
Quite stress on #2 gender.

As all along my husband and MIL wanted a Boy to carry down the surname.
Although MIL's mouth always say Boy and Girl ok, but everytime see my #1 will call her "boy". Gosh!

Personally to me, children are god's gift.
Boy and Girl is OK as long as they are healthy.
Going for my OSCAR test next mth at TMC.
This mth appointment fully booked!!!
Lots of Dragon babies. hee!

Need to fast for the blood test or scan?

Never did OSCAR for #1, just the blood test at the clinic but remembered need to fast. But TMC said no need.
<font color="0000ff">Joy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Welcome to Oct club.. Since u r a SAHM.. I believe u have 1 or more kids.. Trying focusing more on them or ask frends out for dinner.. If there is a need tok to yr hubby abt it.. As him to spend abit more time wif u as n when he can.. And you can always find new frends here..</font>
<font color="0000ff">baby_jo:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My clinic ask me to fast for the blood test or no food 4 to 6 hrs before gg over too.. Maybe u can call e clinic to ask if necessary.. </font>
My elder is a girl. Which my mil likes, but I knw she still hopes for a boy next. And keep telling us tat next will be a boy. I told her no one can guarantee. She said, she help to guarantee. Me and hubby jus roll our eyes. Thus, I Only intend to announce to her aft I knw the gender
Skinneybeenie: haaha i also have names on my mind for my baby.
haha we're overly kiasu think so long liao.

Babyjo: am also doing my oscar next mth. Hopefully result is good!
<font color="800000"> Baby_jo</font> <font color="ff1493"> I was also told by my clinic that there is no need to fast for the blood test. Maybe, i text my gynae to double confirm</font>
<font color="800000"> Joy</font> <font color="ff1493"> As in chinese phrase, "say is easier than to do". But, try to keep a positive mind. BB will be affected by mummy's mood and emotion. A happy mum will have a happy bb. Possible to call any close friend to your place for dinner etc if you can't go out or dinner outside with friend may helps.</font>
Vankel: my #1 is a girl too. But ur mil way too cute. how to guarantee is a boy.
I still hoping for a girl. hehe i wanna name her Renee / Shervelle which i really like alot...hahah
May: haha!! very fun to pick and choose the names of our baby. But sometimes when i like this name, my hubsand dont like.

Joy: think positively. can always log in here and chat with us then you wont feel bored.
Sharonk: well I don't knw what she thinking. Even her son also cannot guarantee lor. Haha.
We nv give english name, only Chinese. Cos too many to
Choose fm. Decide to keep it simple. Let them decide on their on when they grow up.
I'm feeling gross and my hb ask me what happen to me? -_-"" I told him he forgot what he doNe a few weeks ago?!!!

Re: gender
Hope my no 2 is a boy. Then sch easier to settle. Already got my eyes set on a boys sch near my mum's. My mil commented that since no 1 is a boy no 2 boy or gal also nvr mind. Hahahaha
During my #1 time, I spend 5 mths alone overseas due to work. I spend my free time watching happy tv... Anything that can make me laugh and keep my mind off unhappy thoughts.

This time my hb is working overseas and I'm alone with my boy. I try to think positive and focus on other things... Unfortunately I don't hv time to watch tv nowadays.

Laughter is the best solution to anything... After a good laugh, want to be sad also not easy.
ML: haha wah boys sch!
Vankel: yeah too many end names to choose from. haha

Ladies,ask you'all smth. How has your life changed after having kids. Do you'all think that we have no life after having kids.

My director finds that i have no life cuz i have got a kid with me now. But my boss replied her that i will enjoy my life when my kids grow up. I was little offended by her wrds thou she didn said in front of me. How can such words said by her and she is an early childhood educator n director. Disappoited. .

she is more no life than me. Work n work, she should then get a life. At least i have my girl to keep me accompany and watching her grow happily and healthy i m contented. Its smth that keeps me going and motivate me in life.
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. It will be fun to choose names for bb.. But there are soooo many to choose fm.. Head big big when we knw the gender.. But as for chinese name.. Will wait for bb's birth date dan go calculate..</font>

<font color="0000ff">ML:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Tts a gd one.. Hahaha..</font>
Keiko, you can get the baby journal from nlb. There's a small booklet with a checklist of clothes to prepare.

Regarding gender so far my in laws never say much. I hope it stays that way. But I know my fil prefers boys. Just that maybe they keep quiet after we went thru last year's MC. Some more my hubby only son. But my sil added her maiden name to her son's name so perhaps that's enough for my fil to be happy.
hi mommies, I want to share this recipe from jian Kang bao. The purpose is to nourish blood in second half of pregnancy.

20 g wolfberries
8 red dates
2 eggs
Cook together with water. After eggs are cooked, peel it, put it back and cook for a while more. Eat eggs and drink soup.

Any stretch mark cream to recommend? I read must start putting from second trimester onwards. Thinking of Bio oil.
Siew ling: thanks for e recipe. think e most popular n effective cream is clarin oil which was discussed earlier on our thread. I lazy to apply. Hehs. Must b more hardworking.
I didn hav stretchmarks for my #1 thou.
hello everyone, been some time since i posted here cos so tired all e time...i am 11 weeks plus now. next week going for oscar.hope all will be well
sharonk, oh gosh how can ur director say that? shows that she is in the field for the money only, no passion one. are u teaching or in childcare services?

i used an infantcare for my boy b4, i felt the "principal" super cmi. also confirmed not the kind who likes kids. i din have a good feeling abt her at all! if one doesnt like kids, should not work with children!!!
Reading all the posts on gender set me thinking ... While I m not sure whether hubby or pil prefer boy or gal, I personally prefer another girl. But then again, since I already have a girl, I suppose the gender of the 2nd one doesn't matter. Now praying for my bb to be healthy, which is more impt than anything else.
<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya. Yr director so bad. She must be single. No love life tts y think like tis!!</font>
I am also confused whether need to fast or not for Oscar Test. Nvm...my appt with gynae will be next week. I asked already then let all of u know.
But frankly speaking, all appt at TMC fully booked for Oscar Test. Mine consider "long-overdue" liao So mummies out there...if can, book faster for an appt.
Morn mummies! I woke up craving for longan drink, those canned type, made hubby prep 1 cold cold cup for me and it tastes like heaven! But now whole body feeling cold...
Still puking alot for me, just decided that since hydration more impt than food, I will focus my strength keep liquid in, try all kind of liquids that my body can absorb, hopefully after 1st trim can catch up on the lost nutrients now...
<font color="red">G'morning mommies, i disappeared for the whole of yday! Didn't went to work yday as i was feeling extreme tired that i slept till noon(OMG). Went for my gynae appointment aftermath, Baby is 8weeks old
Gynae did a tummy scan for me, unable to see clearly so went to do a V scan too for a clearer vision.. From 0.5cm grown to 1.5cm rlly can see a diff .. Gynae said baby is growing well &amp; fine.. &amp; i'm thinking whether should i go back to LN Sim......Urghh, hate to have contradicting feelings, mixed up. Cause current gynae scanning isn't as clear as LN Sim, LN Sim fromw what <font color="blue">Btil</font> commented isn't that clear alr but this current gynae is abit worser.. haha, so in the delimma now.. Wants to see my lil bean clearer instead of blurry kind tho
Keiko u got any ppl will be hanging u dwn bb clothes? if got then can save..i made a mistake of overspending on my bb clothes...haha

Cot, blankets, botties, mittens, diapers, nappy cream, Ru Yi oil, tub for bathing, shampoo, wet tissue, powder, milk bottles..
my son is 28 months and still weraing majority handmedowns at home! even going out clothes >50% is 2nd hand! :p

woke up at 6 am to make sweet potato soup for the family.

i think today is the first time this preg i vomitted gastirc juice. ewww...
i used to dislike my mee goreng instant noodles and luv my tom yam noodles... now reversed! hate to eat anything soo strong tasting cuz i will still b burping it 4h later.

and yet tom yam outside is ok.so contradictory!
starting to feel hot these days, dunno whether its the preg or the weather. my hands n feet used to be cooler than my son's (he always exudes a lot of warmth haha) but now warmer than his..
Skinneybeenie: wah. you've so many handmedown clothes? so good. i also vomit gastic juice out lately. sigh even take train also feel like vomit.

Sksf: whats most impt of choosing a gynae is you have to feel comfortable with your gynae.
sharonk, i got one big bag from ex coll. then some given by neighbor and cousin.. but the main reason is my boy is very thin. he can still wear those super stretchy t shirts that he wore when he was 6 months old.

then now toilet trained, so his shorts size also kind of went to a smaller size..haha
morning mommy! I feel so sleepy and tired, it was a massive effort to drag myself out of bed and to come to work man! I am in my 2nd trimester now, and I feel more tired and puke more.
skinneybeenie: yeah hor. thats nice to have clothes given by others. at least can save $$ on clothes. hehe..
im toilet-training my girl too. wanna save up on diapers. hahha! #2 expenses coming up.

JustAlamb: you still having nausea even in 2nd tri? arghh.looks like most of oct mum really hit by bad MS ...
<font color="aa00aa">Morning Mummies!!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sksf:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Most impt is you must be comfy with your gynae.. When I first seen my little beanie is at 7w4d. Beanie is 1.4cm thru tummy scan.. 0.1cm smaller dan yrs

Mine can see e water bag and heart pumping clearly.. Maybe is the angle of yr beanie bah.. Cos I do have fends say gynae took awhile to find n see their beanie..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Skinney:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Somex I will vomit gastric juice too.. Tts when I eat v v little and vomit after tt..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sharon:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. Seems like Oct MTB all hit badly by MS..</font>

<font color="ff6000">Just to check with you all.. Somex at nite I will suddenly hv tummy ache.. The sharp pain is like gona diarrhea soon.. Dan when in the toilet.. Will struggle for v long with the pain.. And meanwhile will feel like vomiting as well.. After struggling like for 5 to 10min and manage to release out.. The pain n vomiting feeling will go away too..
Anyone have such problems?</font>
<font color="red">May</font>:
<font color="blue">I'll have the problem in the morning instead of night like you. hahaha. Not very sure leh.. thinking of switching back gynae .. cause the scan at my current rlly blur until can only see part of the shape of the foetus. LOL.</font>
sharonk: for me, my 1st tri seems more manageable. this week, every evening w/o fail, i will puke gastric water. Sorry to be gross, my puke smells like 7UP. Now I avoid all gassy drink becos they remind me of my puke. hehehe
Hi ladies,

I just saw my BB's heartbeat on Sat. Had a miscarriage last year hence been v paranoid n worried about this pregnancy. Now after seeing the heartbeat, i feel more ready to join in with all the happy mummies here
May, I have the same problem too and in the evening too. I asked my gynae during my last visit, she said its fine. Ask me to eat more veg and eat less spicy food. But after i cut down on spicy food, i still experience the same.

<font color="red">Giantress</font>:
<font color="blue">Welcome
Feel you. I had a M/C last dec too. I believe our lil bean will be good!
