(2012/10) Oct 2012

lilkmum: Congrats! so early can see gender? wah thats great. I will be seeing gynae at my 11wks ++ / 12 wks (haha. i abit lost count of my wks liao). Hopefully can see gender.

LilKmum: SO fast can see the gender? how many weeks wor?

ming8110: really i thought it helps to stop the pukey feeling? i heard plum consider citrus too?
Pibymummy - I responded to the hyperemis sufferer thread you started.

Coincidentally I am also a Oct 12 MTB. It's really tough to have HG. I couldn't even take water at a stage and was on drip at TMC at 12 wks for my number one. But having an adult ard you will be good. I moved back to my mum's place during the peak of my HG which lasted until I was 17 weeks. My number one is 10 mths now.

I think sipping very hot water and soya milk works for me during HG. My gynae prescribed primperan suppository which also helped to reduce the MS. You can try asking your gynae if she had not already prescribed.

Keeping my fingers cross this pregnancy will be smoother as I progress to second tri in 2 weeks time.
I remembered I knew my #1 and #2 gender very early at 12-14 weeks too...and they are both boys
This time round, I hope to know it later..hehe..

I am still deciding if I should get a CL...Mother in law said can help ( which she did for my past 2 pregnancies) and I have a maid too...but now with 3 kids, I am not sure if my maid can cope...

What is the difference between singapore and malaysia CL? Do u have to provide lodging for singapore CL?
Hi all Mummies.

I hv been a slient reader.
I m also a Oct12 mummy.
This is my no.2 bb.

My edd is 21Oct12.
My gynea is Dr Adrian Tan fm ACJ @ TMC.
All mummies Jiayou, we will get over our 1st trim soon.

This round I gotten a CL,am v ks, booked a CL at my 5th wk, cos my 1st choice has already been taken up. During my 1st , my mum help me, nw that i prefer to my mum to concentrate on 1 and not to overtired her too, thus decide to get a CL.

Crossing my fingers, hope i will not hv prob with her.
Yup! can sort of tell gender le, but gynae dun wan to commit first as was still a bit unclear. hee prince or princess as long as healthy Hb n I happy, afterall we ttc for awhile for this no2
. N today's focus was the Oscar test. Bloodtest results only will know in 1 wks time.
P/s Joanne,bbkay, I'm 11wks plus. Mm usually way before detailed scan shd be able to see gender unless bb doesn't cooperate in the earlier scans.

Njon how old r r 2 kids?, ur 2 kids in sch ? If so, daytime shd still be ok cos only u n #3 w maid n ur mil. Maybe nitetime need more help, but ur hb would be ard??
My gynae gave me a refresher on pregnancy (forgotten most of it.. hahaha). Accordingly to my gynae, she will be able to tell me the gender at week 16.

I know the gender for my first one at the detailed scan at week 20. I guess boy will be easier to spot than girl. My gf know her baby is a boy at week 10.

My mil helps me with my first confinement and she very kindly offer to help for the 2nd one also. But I think its very tiring for her to travel from the west to the east (where I stay) every day. I see most mummies have already make plans for confinement. Actually tot of not doing one. I hate confinement more than anything else. Any mummies not doing confinement?
My #1 is 6 and #2 is 4. Both going to those 3 hr kindergarten which means they still have half a day at home in the daytime. And my #2 is super sticky to my maid. I don't want to take maid's attention away from him...he will be so sad!

I hate confinement too...but I think it's important to nurse our health back after birth...eating norishing food is a must so you must get someone to cook for you at least...luckily I stay with my mil so that take away the travelling part...
<font color="0000ff">LilKMum:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Happy tt e checkup went well for u.. So nice to be able to see the gender lao.. But keep yr heart open till detail scan bah..

I oso hope to knw e gender soon..
Re: CL or not
I've seen it happened with my own eyes... MIL stayed in the same house during confinement month and end up DIL / MIL stopped talking to each other. Even after 1 year still not on talking terms! Don't underestimate the effects of post-natel blues and the sensitivity / insensitivity of old folks.

So if really uncomfortable with MIL help, do say so early and don't bottle up the emotions. Communications is key! I just find that want to save $ then end up the family argue also not worth it lah.

SnU... Just my two cents worth... Not trying to frighten you! Kekeke!

Anyway, engaging CL also don't solve the problem lah... Cos many stories of horrible CL and old folks argue with CL, etc...

I think going through the confinement period smoothly is an art on its own! Truthfully, confinement period for my #1 was so far the darkest days of my life... But luckily no emotions were hurt permanently.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder on the benefits of doing confinement. While I agree that our body is weak after child birth and needs plenty of rest.. But things like not being able to bath, can't drink plain water really doesn't make sense to me, at least not in a scientific manner. I work in a UK company and see my ah moh colleague just happily goes out 1 week after giving birth.. sometimes so envious of them.. hee
LilKmum: serious omg i didn't know so fast can see... wah all of u very fast leh the weeks.. envious...

mummy ho: what is HG?

Meredith: huh why cannot drink plain water?
My #1 also can see the gender during Oscar test... His leg open big big for the dr to see! Hahaha! the dr told me very high chance it is a boy but don't tell the old folks yet cos in case change then they will be disappointed.

I'm hoping for a gal but as long as bb is healthy, gender is really not the concern.
I agree with you! Not being able to bath and can't drink plain water really don't make sense! Anyway, I don't follow strictly...I bathed, washed my hair and drank plain water during confinement...but, I do eat confinement food lah...my mil can cook really nice confinement food so I dun mind eating..hehe
Hi on the topic of maternity and nursing bras. Anyone keen to get Emma Jane?
It's selling at TMC shop on level 1 for $69.90 but I can get for less.
Please PM if you are keen...
During my confinement period, I still bath daily...
Err... Those days that I wash my hair... It's officially bath days when my mum will brew the black water to bath.... Other days are 'body washing days' with normal warm water. Hahaha! My mum ok when I told her I didn't bath... Just wash body only!

Anyway, I really felt that my fingers joints were cracking when i washed the pumps parts every night with cold tap water. Really send a warning to me cos i never felt such pain in my joints before. Then I switch to warm water or ask others to wash.

I also went out to shop during the 2nd week. It's more to get a breather from the stuff at home... Actually I almost blackout in the mall! Think I was really too weak or over excited over shopping!
During confinement, we are suppose to drink logan red date water instead of plain water to pu our body and to expel the wind from our body. That's what I understand from my mother.

I also don't follow strictly. I always refill my thermal flask with plain water instead of logan tea.. haha
Hi five! I also went shopping during my confinement and almost black-out. I think its the massive loss of blood during labour that cause the giddiness. But I love to just stroll abit around my neighbour, just to catch a breather. I always feel so much better after the stroll.
I started feeing gender "stress" now.....
I have two daugthers already. Seem that I am not ready to answer the question when people ask...
Yah lor... I felt quite well at home, but once reached the mall and walked a few rounds then can feel very cold and blurry vision! So scary! Never thought I could be so weak! Hahaha!
<font color="0000ff">Clinic just called to tell me need to chg my appt from 7th apr to 4th.. Which will be on Wed morning.. Now need to apply leave lao.. But tt means I get to see little beanie 3 days earlier..</font>
<font color="ff1493"> Re: Blackout

Just sharing a way that could help not to blackout completely. I was very prompt of blacking out in my Sec Sch day during school assembly.
If anyone start to feel cold and blur vision, need to sit down on the floor or chair immediately.
Bend forward you body, head down to the floor or lower than your heart level.
This helps to get blood to you brain.
Stay in this position till you feels better.</font>
Having 3 daughters is a triple blessing! Whereas having 3 boys is triple trouble! People only asked lah... But they can't feel your blessing.

My parents have 4 daughters..., so you can imagine the staring and questions we had when we were out together. now my parents place is constantly crowded with my siblings and family. Sometimes I do wonder what will happen if we had a brother... Likely the sisters will gossip to no end about the SIL! Kekeke!

A son is only yours until his wedding day... Then he belong to another woman. A daughter will be yours forever!
<font color="ff1493"> To: Mum with one child

Does any of your parent stop you from putting your child to a childcare?
I kinda of stop by my mum when I told her that I would want to put the child at childcare after reaching 18months. Her reasoning was the kid will be prompt to keep sick easily and still need to bring home and take care while ill.</font>
But Kikilala dont think my MIL think this way eh..hub only son..think she will want a grandson to continue the line..am abit stress over this..even though hub said its our bb..if MIL wants son..ask her go hv it again with FIL..
my in laws will be more then happy bb at childcare 18mths..at least they can rest and do their own stuff..lucky we registered her when she was 6mths..coz #2 one coming also..just nice..#1 to CC..then they take care of #2..
I am already constantly telling myself that I hv to let go and 'see open' when my boy is grown up or married! Alot of unhappiness arise cos MIL can't let go and still want hubby to be mummy boy! Even reminded my husband to remind me next time!

Hahaha! My boy only 2.5 year old! But I can't help thinking abt all these already!
<font color="0000ff">Keiko:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yup.. 2 more wks!! Getting excited lao.. Hope tt result is gd.. And my MS will be better lao..
Went to GP just now.. Say maybe I kena some virus in office.. Gave me some medi for the nausea and gasy/bloated tummy.. MC for tml as well.. Haha.. Oso gd.. Since 2 wks ago.. I kena flu n recovered.. After tt my colleagues ard me all MC one after another till now.. Virus everywhr.. Better take the opportunity to rest at hm.. </font>
<font color="800000"> May</font> <font color="ff1493"> I opposite, I start to feel like something is stuck in my throat since yesterday afternoon after eating a cake which cause me to feel like puking. I have to force puking to make myself feels better. And, it follows till today. Think MS is coming to find me soon when i'm in 2nd trimester.
My hubby said the same thing as yr hubby... He also only son. My MIL and SILs always give me pressures, and my hubby always protect me la. But their mouths still can't shut-up.
Dun understand why they dun want to ask my hubby but shooting me.
My old folks didn't stop me in putting my boy in cc... But it's true that they will fall sick especially in the first few months. Actually my boy only like attend cc 5-10 days in a month initially... The rest of the days all mc at home! But once he got used to it... He is doing much better already.

You hv to weigh the pros and cons... My boy is really walk here and there at home if he don't attend cc... Everyday I come home to a mess of pots and pans and toys.. Like a storm when thru the house! he is not learning much also. So attending cc taught him discipline and routine... I weigh that higher over falling sick.
<font color="0000ff">Yen:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Dun stress abt it too much.. If it is fated to have all gals is oso a kind of blessing.. Older generation wnt also prefer boy dan gals.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Kiki:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My parents have 5 daughters.. I'm the youngest.. Agree with you tt gals are closer to each other n will org gatherings for bonding.. If we have a bro.. Most pro as wat u say we will be gossiping abt the SIL most of the time.. Haha..</font>
<font color="800000"> BBkay: </font> <font color="ff1493"> I told my mum that i dont' want to tire her out. Then she said, let see bah. Probably, my bb is her first grandchild.
Also, my Hub is also the only son.
Already feels the stress from my FIL abt having male grandchild. So, I tell my SILs that let see if my Hub's X or Y is the striker. We, ladies only have X. LOL</font>
<font color="ff1493"> Wah, seems like many of us are in the same shoe. my family also only have girls. so, very close bonding. I am also the target of my SILs, plus my hub is only son, he don't bond well with them too.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Keiko:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Just now I did tell my GP tt MS was getting stronger since wk6.. He say will slowly reduce in wk 12 to 14.. Let's hope for tt..:</font>

<font color="0000ff">Yen:</font> <font color="aa00aa">As wat u mention.. Yr hubby protect u.. So telling him is pointless so target directly at u lo.. Esp to old folks.. They always think the problem lies in woman.. But in fact guys oso plays a big part in the bb's gender..</font>
Haha..I was laughing and nodding my head when I read your posting about having 3 boys is triple trouble...I can't imagine my #3 is another boy!

We really have to see open. Now our sons say love only us...next time will love someone else...

I always wanted a girl...to dress her up..next time can go shopping with me too...Now, my boys already don't want to go shopping with me...he asked why mama must always buy clothes and shoes..
<font color="800000"> Kiki: </font> <font color="ff1493"> Yes, i am also concern about the training that the child could get at the childcare. Maybe could start with a half day and slowly to a full day.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Keiko:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Lucky my hubby is the 2nd son.. And my BIL already hv a son lao.. Now in Sec 3 or 4.. Can't rem.. So I got no pressure on boy or gal.. Initial they did ask when we hving bb.. But PIL saw me go thru the TCM and Metformin phase.. They oso dun dare to push us anymore.. MIL even did tell my hubby to ask me stop the medication.. Say if no hv nvm.. Haha..

Was telling myself.. At least I did my part in trying lao.. If really fated for us not to hv any dan at least they can't say I dun wan or din try.. But nw is a blessing after all the suffering..</font>
<font color="800000"> May: </font> <font color="ff1493"> you would have less stress on this part as you already went through the stress part of TTC.

I already prepared that this question will come eventually since my Hub is the only son. So, I keep 'reminding' my hub that girl or boy depends on him. So, will ask him to be the shield when needed.</font>
<font color="0000ff">keiko:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. I hv lesser stress.. Since now hv lao.. Dan gal or boy they oso cant complain.. Firstly they hv a grandson lao.. Secondly I so difficult to conceive.. Can't hope for too much on a 2nd one if this one is a gal.. Anyway I intend to stop with 1..

Most impt is the support from yr hubby.. He must be our shield when in laws attack!!

So in future u all can see who the sons will side more lao lo.. Hahaha</font>
ya if #2 one gal..MIL complain or said HUH..i will tell her u got methods to conceive boys eh? if u so clever..why u hv 1 son only..why nt 2 or 3?? heheheheheh
my mum is zhong nan qing nu type in the end she also din dote on my son more than my brother's daughters! i guess to her, he is still more important. not all sons r bad la...
at least i hope so.. haha
<font color="800000"> BBKay: </font> <font color="ff1493"> Good one, I will save and kept it to use if needed. Hope you dun collect copyright
<font color="ff1493"> we, the new generation, dun really bother girl or boy. but with old folk around, they still want a male decendent. My FIL valued son more than daugther.

I think girls tend to be closer to the family although my hubby is close to his folks too. My MIL and FIL are really hoping for a boy - they keep telling my daughter this one you can share with didi next time etc. My hubby and I just roll our eyes. We are just thankful to have a no. 2. Can't take these things for granted in life.
