(2012/08) Aug 2012

Ling: I asked my mum, she say red date and longan. If you want vit c together with iron, can take fruits! The URL I gave got list the fruits with the highest iron content.

Hi everyone

I have a question on CL, hope some experienced mummies can share.. do u tink it is crucial to hv CL for first time mummies?
I am thinking of gg w/o but scared will not be able to handle as I was advised tat we mummies shd really rest and recuperate during the 1 mth. My mom can stay n do the cooking but I will hv to care for bb myself. As it will b my first time I am not sure wat to expect. I intend to go on total breastfeeding if poss. Tinking if tat is the case CL may be a bit redundant?
Btw, edd is 1 sep but likely delivery will be in Aug. Appreciate any advice thanks!
I think CL is v important! Caring for bb is no joke especially in the first month.. Get a CL if u can afford it.
ChocCake, if you have your mum helping to do the washing, cooking and will be there to keep watch on bb for awhile and you are most probably going for natural birth, actually without CL is quite alright, since infant normally is sleep, drink and shit.. I did my no.1 confinement without help, only catering food and occasionally my mum will drop by for an hour or 2 for 3-4 times a week, quite tiring, but baby and me formed a schedule which lasted all the way throughout my maternity leave..

And my personal thoughts is that nowadays CL are over-hyped, too expensive and lazy, no doubt there are very good ones, but super rare and hard to find..

For my no.2 will be the same, just that i got my mum to come in everyday and to cook for me instead so that i can get some rest in the morning after sending no.1 to childcare..
Can share your schedule and how u manage without CL/help ? Do u still follow the confinement rules ? Thanks in advance !!
Mummies are all prepared here!
I went for Wk 35 check last night. Think C-sect on 22 July so did admission procedure with TMC at the same time.
Baby's head was down but doc says i have so much amniotic fluid that if baby do 1 somersault, her head will be up again....

I am not intending to bring much to hospital leh. cos my last birth experience did not use much stuff. I mean, after C-sect how to come down to brush teeth? I think some hospital provide toiletry kit as well. And i wore hospital gown throughout.
So likely to bring
1. baby romper x1
2. Receiving blanket x1
3. mummy's dress when check out of hospital
4. breast pump
5. camera
Hey Mommies,

You know i have a different thoughts about CL after attending Mrs Wong lesson on how she shared why sometimes we let CL control what to do when we obviously know is not right. Sigh. I feel like not getting the CL in fact and take care of my baby myself!

But you girls are right that we do need the crucial essential rest for the first month.

And after attending the BF talk, how to get the milk going and etc... there are far too many things to take note. So i can only pray the CL is nice and good and supportive!
Hi ivftwins! Thanks for the pack list of the hospital bag. Intending to pack too! Next week will be my week 35

You are going to C-sec on my birthday! :D hahaha!

I guess is good to have more amniotic fluid because if the level drop significantly means baby is in distress right?

So TMC provide hospital gown? I don't have to bring my own right until i check out of the hospital right?
i gg c-sect too but im bringing my own pjs .. cause my last c-sect .. i did brush when i can get outta the bed which is the next day or so .. so when i can get outta bed i change out of the hosp gown and managed walk ard abit very very slowly and brush teeth before that was using gargle and they help me clean down there and all but after removal of the catechin (or whatever that thing is called) i did move ard abit and change out of the gown .. i did change the hosp gown twice i think cause i find too bloody so i requested change ..

but toothbrush and all they did provide the last time round though
On CL:

I also don't intend to engage a CL cos too exp and since I want to go total BF, having a CL won't really make a difference for me in terms of rest as I still have to get up in the middle of the night.

Like ET, I also will have my mum help with the cooking and maid to do all the washing and cleaning (does not include changing or bathing the bb as I want to handle bb myself or have my family members that I trust to handle). My hubby will be taking 2 weeks off to help with handling the bb (like burping, changing, running errands etc). For those without maid, the cleaning can leave with the hubby or part time maid if the one doing the cooking cannot handle or the cooking is outsourced.

In terms of confinement rules, I'll follow what makes logical sense, I'll still drink those longan red date tea and take nourishing food but will still drink plain water, eat vegetables and fruits. Will still bath and wash hair with plain hot water, basic hygiene stuff.

Happy: IMO better don't put too much hope on the CL on BF stuff cos if you think about it, most of the CL that around 40s, which means at that time when they have children, BF is not encouraged so most of them will not have personal experience. Even if they can go for training, each mummy is different when BF so they might not be able to help with those more unique problems on BF. I think what you can expect is that they will bring the baby to you for BF and cook the food that will help in the milk supply (of course also knowing what you should not be eating when BF), anything more and you might be disappointed.
JA, i dun really have a written schedule, but as my no.1 doesnt latch at all. So i have to pump and feed, normally, i will pump 45 mins before his next feed. But i quite strict on the schedule, sharp every 3 hours and if in between he cry, i just let him be and i hardly carry him, only during feeding and bathe then i will carry.. For all the bottles i bought extras so that when hubby come home he will wash all at one go and sterilise..

First few days is quite terrible, cos he will wail and wail but later when he get used to the timing, he will wake up near his feeding time. Actually in between also quite free, he sleep i sleep, he wake up, he will stare at me.. So basically, i also sleep, eat, shit and pump milk... hahaha..
Actually I do agree that if you have (at least) one parent's help with maid or hubby, you should be able to do away with a CL. Based on my past two *bad* experiences, I would have chosen to have none if my situation permits. Basically food can order Tingkat (or parent can cook), maid (or hubby) can help with all the washing, parent or hubby can also help in bathing the baby. So practically we only need to focus on feeding the baby and pumping business. Well.. too bad I do not have any of the above luxuries so I have be at a CL's mercy and really really hope that I have better luck this time round...

Actually you can secure a ML lady by just giving her your EDD. If you wait till when you actually need one, they may not have the time slots for you...Unless you do not mind engaging just any ML who is available at that time lah..

My ML charged $50 per session last time. I forgot to ask her how much this time round but I guess it should still be the same bah. Also, I do not need to take the 'package'. Will pay her the $$ after each session. I think this arrangement is good.

Just realized that I still haven't call up SCBB for the cord blood donation stuff... jialat.. have been procrastinating.. btw, my gynae is fully supportive on the donation as well, which is good!

Going for my bi-weekly gynae check-up tonight.. will be week 34 now. Will see if baby is already engaged by now.. hehe ..
ET - i was soooo tired frm latching and pumping my boy im like forever wrking like a cow .. haha my boy latch for hrs .. so no time to slp *-*""
oh i signed up cordlife but i havent told my gyane i sign up cordlife yet haha .. maybe i will turn up at the hosp with the box then tell him whhaaa (if i keep on forgetting)
i didnt chk with ML how much she charges this time round. same as ninger, previously she charges $50, cant remember the duration and also pay per session.

my gynae chk up is also bi-weekly since wk 30, when will change to weekly, wk 36 ?

next appt i need to tell gynae abt cordblood banking and abt my pd.

i keep thinking abt my bb low weight, esp after comparing with #1. no mood to do anything.....
ninger - yeah but some i spree myself .. just spree myself polo ralph since in end i got more loots than intended .. dunno if i shd spree more .. or wait till confinement than spree somemore haha
clim - think 1.4k for initial yr and 200 or 250 per yr after .. haha u need referral .. so we can each get 50 bucks voucher :p
Anyone experience lacking of fluid. It not urine cos not urine smell. I somehow have it twice today. Not a lot. Now I am at week 36 but yesterday doc said bb still got a few weeks to go. And bb still moving inside.
My tots is that I run wan to tire my mom. I let her come and assist / oversee the CL where necessary... I run wan to mom to do day and night. I also wanted to rest as much as I can in the first month so all I will do is to eat sleep and latch bb. Everything else will be done by CL. My hubby dunno can take 2 week leave or just a few days so I guess better have a CL.
Hazel, if small leak is ok de, just also drink more water.. I leaked from 32 weeks till 36 weeks.. But if u feel something no right better go Gynae..
Thank ET for the assurance. Will try to drink more water.

Btw, like to check if u are going to order from sweetest moment or only from choz?
Hazel: I do have much more discharge that is pretty watery. Diaper wise it should be enough if you don't want to stock more, cos newborn diapers can last more than 1 month (based on goon nb up to 5KG) and bb usually don't gain a lot of weight in first month. If you are worried, you can get some S size diapers.
Hi Mommies,

I am abit concern about weight gain. So far i have gained 15 kg. I am abit concerned because partly i am upset that my friend commented i look huge
Actually i didn't really care at first becos i am very happy about this pregnancy especially i MC the first one. But i think the emo hormones got a better of me and made me very emo and upset over this comment. :S

My 1st Tri i lost 4 kg. So by 2nd Tri i gain back my 4kg and also additional weight. In total i gain about 8 to 10 kg additional to my pregnancy weight.

So now 3rd Tri with another 6 more weeks to go, i am concerned i am hitting 20kg by the time i give birth! But i know out of the 20kg probably about a good 5 kg belongs to the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, uterus and blood etc etc. But i can't help but feeling conscious what my friend said.

My gynae isn't saying anything becos for him as long my baby is healthy, that's good enough for him. For that i am happy to hear that toO!

I also want to make sure i am healthy despite the weight gain. I know i can always exercise and run my marathons again after resting for 2-3 months.

Any thoughts?
Starfantasy thanks. I have got s size diapers that can last for abt 40 days if base on the 8 pcs per day theory. So not sure if I should buy a bit more on nb and s size. Since there will be some fairs around the corner, so just wan to c if I need to stock more or can start stock some M size just in case.
Happy, I also gain quite a lot. Dun worry abt the weight gain. We can always slim down once bb out. Bb healthy more important. I have colleague comment I am big and fat too. But I dun care. As I think all pregnant mummies are the most beautiful women as we are carrying another life. So just ignore their remark. If we upset, bb can feel one. So be a happy mum then u will have a happy bb.
Happy - Agree with the rest abt gain weight. Fyi, my 1st pregnancy I gained 27kg! Hehe. Total weight 82kg. After 1 yr I'm 60kg. Nw 2nd pregnancy I gain ard 13.5kg.. No difference frm urs.. ;-)
Hazel: S size you can stock a bit more if you want. Since usual size up to 8 KG so most prob can last bb at least until 3 months, even up to 4 for some.

Happy: Me the same as you, if bb come at full term, I most likely gg to gain 20KG. I also emo a little but on the bright side, I know I can exercise to lose the extra weight after bb born. Hopefully I don't get too lazy then (after so many months of no cardio exercise).. haha
Thanks to all who shared ur tots on the CL

I am more confident of wat to expect now n hopefully can make a better informed decision. I will most prob go w/o. Keeping my fingers crossed all will b ok. Like Tanny i dun want to tax my mom too much but wanna hv gd rest. Hubby is gg to do the housework.

I do look fwd to having bb all to myself w/o interference fr CL.. May be 1st time mom syndrome. Haha.

Happy, dun worry abt the weight gain. I hv a colleague who gained 20 over kg during her pregnancy but now she is slim as ever. Weight gain is small thing cos u can exercise it off later. Impt is bb is healthy.
Hazel, should be from 1 source ba, most likely Choz..

I only stock up S size, cos need to see when BB come out and at birth how heavy.. haha..

Happy, my SIL gained 25kg for her no.1 but she lost ALL lor after 2 months.. No.2 she also gain like 16-18kg, also lost all after birth.. But she belongs to those thin thin type la..

But for myself damn sad, i gain 16kg for no.1 and never lost any weight!!! Gain weight somemore..
@Happy: like wat the rest have said, ignore wat ur fren says... some pple are juz plain insensitive... most imptly, gynae says u n bb are healthy... =) if u wan to control weight gain, try to control your diet if you have not been doing so ba...less sugar and oil... jiayou! =)

for me, gynae has been telling me tt bb is on the heavy side...and coz i wanna natural birth, may b hard to deliver...so got to control my diet more... now is the last few weeks, so got to work hard on it...
Hello Zratsniwt, ChocCake, Starfantasy, Sri, Dot, Hazel & ET, Thanks for the encouragement!

Yes as long our babies are healthy, it doesnt matter!
We too must keep healthy and rest well! Thank you for the encouragement and every mommy shall have a healthy baby and we too have a healthy body and Mind!
don need so many NB. I got 8 x24pcs NB, 2 packs of S. Rest stock M. Think M should used a lot..SIL told me have to wait for bb to come out and see what diaper suit. Some bbb might be allergy to diff diaper? kind of weird to me...... I was still thinking of buying huggies M 8 packs to get the free car.

Don worry. DO you plan for BF? If yes, the weight will reduce when u bf. I was lighter than pre-pregnant last time after a yr of bf. Gain was horrible I remember but forget how many kg.

I will delay my appt with my gynae this round. Plan to go next tue since I still have enough medi. Will see my faith next week. csec or natural. % on csec still on high side.

What should I tell them as referral?
Morning mummies!

I think preggie easily emo and will think a lot.. sometimes i think back.. If some comments made when I am not pregnant, i may not react this way.

But then again for insensitive ppl, dun bother la. if she is woman she will know it in due course if she is pregnant. if the comments come from a man all the more ignore.. They know NUTS about being pregnant. all they have is 一张嘴...

Just another few more weeks to go and I am feeling scare already suddenly!
hi mummies, i was hosp earlier this week due to bleeding n contraction. my cervix had dilated 2cm but i am on in week 33 this week. now on HL till bb can come out. sigh..

TBU, Happy, i cant go for WBB class anymore. luckily its the last 2 lessons. any goodie things that i missed on Tue?
