(2012/08) Aug 2012

Rainbow, how come most gynae prescribe DHA to u all. Mine different. It my colleague recommended I take then I go ask gynae then she said ok to take. My gynae don't even recommended me. She tell me as long as bal and healthy diet can aldy. And she tell me orbimin good enough. ....
Thanx hazel for consolidating e drymama. . I received mine too
Hazel Nut:
I used Ecreative for my #2 full month. Quite standard package. Found the portion bigger than Sweetest moment (they may have changed in recent years though..). Was choosing between Choz and Ecreative that time but chose Ecreative in the end, can't quite remember the reason le.. But I kind of like Choz as well. Tasted a few times from colleagues' baby full month. Think this time I'll be getting from both Gobi and Choz for different crowds.. I love the chocolates from Gobi very much. They have also included red eggs in their package now..

On fish oil:
I am only taking Neorogain which is prescribed by my gynae. Dont' feel safe buying those off-the-shelf kind leh..

On Confinement nanny:
Sianz!! My confinement nanny just called me last Friday telling me she sprained her back and cannot do for me already!! biangz! So last minute I have to start my confinement nanny hunting *again*! Tried calling a few but of course there is not hope coz it's too near to my EDD already PLUS it's dragon year. Most likely will call up agent. Anybody has any good agency to recommend? Any idea how much the agency charge now? Super sianz!!!
jus my feedback. my sis got the cupcakes.
the cakes were too sweet for my family n the rest of the relatives. n some of the cupcakes were smashed up despite being in the cupcake holders. quantity wise cupcake size is medium not big.

hb in navy? land or ship?
if land give cake voucher. if ship jus bring a few boxes n put in galley for all to share can liao. give whole ship voucher will go bankrupt :x

i will prob get Meihao, tried a few times n quite gd, portion big n also quite affordable
JA, hazel: the brand name is belvea. It's 30 per box of 30 capsule. Dunno is that consider exp since i nvr try others before. It's made in UK.

Hazel: i guess it depends on each gynae school of thought. Well, in the olden times when DHA is not found to be beneficial our mums still give birth to us and we still grow up fine. Actually if u constantly eat fish, these supplements can do without. For me i take it because i totally avoid fish during pregnancy, cannot stand the taste n smell. On a small personal scale, i did see the effects of DHA on intelligence. It may not be concrete proof, but i think fun to share. I have a few cats which i treat them as my children. They came to me just days after they were born so they need to be bottle fed with kitten formula. Initally i only intend to keep one so i bought the more exp formula for that kitten. But in the end, i couldn't bear to let the others go so all perm under my care. As they grow up under the same conditions (except the kitten formula that was diff), we found out that the kitten who drank the more exp milk is smarter than the rest. So we went to check out the ingredients in the milk. And true enough, the more exp milk contains DHA while the cheaper one has no mention.
Ecreative - My colleague also told me their standard is like heng/suay, she received one that the Ang ku kueh is soooo hard that cannot be eaten liao..

Despite having Sweetest Moments VIP-20% off, I am also considering Choz, cos got many good feedbacks on them too.. hehe.. Still considering though.. :p

Any more good recommendations for Baby Full Month Packages?
Hazel, i'm on neurogain, obimin and obical. It's true that as long as we hv a well balanced diet will do as these only acts as a supplement. But I stronly encourage neurogain..
Ninger/ Jen/ ET thank you for the advice on Ecreative. I think maybe I will go for either cake voucher, if not then like ling suggestion mini cupcake ba.I like gobi chocolate too. But think their portion also small.

Ninger for ur CL issue, maybe my friend nanny can help. Let me go check with her 1st. Will PM u her contact if she is available then u can check it out with her.

Starfantasy the fish oil u take is cheaper than nerogain which I was taking now. It is $45 for 30 capsule.

But can check the DHA contain is how much?

Rainbow, I agree with you as it should be supplement if we have a well bal diet. LOL...
Hazel Nutty:
Thanks for your help! Yes, I am currently looking through the various confinement agencies in SG. PEM seems ok. GPLS doesn't seem to be in business anymore?? Anyway, how much did PEM charge you?

Yes, agree with you that the Gobi package is small for the price.. it is quite X actually. Last time I ordered their two-piece pack as a give-aways for my guests who attended the full month celebration...very sweet looking!
Ninger, PEM charge me a total of $2050 for 28days for normal nanny. If got appointed one, then must add another $200 or $400 which I can't rem. $600 desposite go to agency and $1450 go to nanny by cash. U can check with them as I am not sure if the price has increase or not.
My friend once give me a gobi package for full month also. I agree it very nice and taste great. But Think really not enough for big eater like my hb friends, colleagues and uncles. Then both our family trandition type dun think they will appreciate this kind of high class chocolate. LOL.....
fullmth wise ill be getting sweetest moments.

ET: thanks for all ur clarifications & all, hub decided not to take the 20% cos he'll wan our names n bb photo printed, he thanks u for sharing=) hehe

i finally bought bb stuffs over the weekend, v last min one cos kiddypalace 20% ending. so i bought bottles, pacifiers, single auto breastpump, sterilizer set frm avent, swaddle, babysafe mattress, pampers nb*3, huggies s*1, the abd washing liquid 3btl all this alr choke up close to $700. =O lol.. but feel v happy aft buying his stuffs, this few weekends c when weather more nicer i gg dwn bugis get his clothings, the rack than gg start washing! =D hehehe.. left with 14days more to work. nxt appt this fri will be w36! wonder what gynae will tell me.
Hazel Nutty:
Just called PEM. The price now is $2350 + $157 levy! Wow..increase by $300 liao! No choice lah I so last minute, most likely will engage them bah. Are you also taking up their herbs offer of $380? I am still considering... Dunno worth it or not..
ninger: i tink u will be able to interview them first right? make arrangements now bah. else wait they tell u all fully booked. the herbs package inclusive of what herbs? u check gots what, if outside cheaper than u get outside.
I was told that they do not appoint any particular one for now coz our delivery date can change, but guarantee that they will assign someone when I deliver... is this the norm? I also not sure coz first time engaging agency.. As for the herbs, the guy said it includes all the herbs sufficient to make 30 days red dates drink, boil tonic soups and also 10 packets of the bathing herbs... I think these are just the standard/normal herbs bah. With that price, I don't expect it's anything fantastic...

Hazel Nutty:
Agree, Gobi is definitely not for the big eaters! Which is why I will most likely order Choz for the bigger eaters and Gobi probably just for my colleagues...
ninger: ya i went in to see also. the red date tea is simple right? jus add in and boil only. i dun tink will need that, i more interested in the soups. waiting for their reply on what soups etc. else buy outside will be much worth it.
ninger: i doing my own confinement, i wan to find those herb packages. i considering taking 1 wk confinement food from richfood to try first thn if i know hw to eat thn continue order else i ask maid cook.
Ninger & Rykiel, I didn't that their herbal package as hb dun wan. He will go to Chinatown one of the Chinese medicine hall to ask them pack for us. The herbal package PEM provide is very standard and normal one.

I have a copy of the list. But having problem upload using iPad.
Actually, my hb brought 2 receipe books on confinement then he got try some of the dishes inside. Taste not bad. So Rykiel u might wan to give it a try so that your maid can cook accordingly too.
I am using PEM as well.. I paid 700 deposit instead of 600.. >__< they charge me at 2050 as well.

My fren who just gave birth last November she told me not to get the herbs from them... She says buy from medicine hall is better. She has good feedback about her CL. They know what soup to boil etc. Another fren's fren used them as well.. She also have good feedback on the CL. That is why I engaged them.
JC: I need to pay $900 deposit now..
Anyway, good to hear good reviews. Hmm...maybe I should get my own herbs too coz I like to choose the items myself, as in the grade of herbs...
sorry to interrupt.. for the herbal package, pems say anytime can cancel as long u never use/open the package, they will refund u the money...
perhaps u can ask them again??
1) confinement recipes published by one publishers series 36 got 108 recipes for total 28 days, 3rd print &amp; recipes by ong swee ngoh( written both in English and Chinese. The book got tell u what the effect of the dishes the different kind of Chinese herbs and actually plan the different dishes to be taken every 3 meals included tea break and snacks per week till 28 days.

2) the essence of confinement cooking publish by famous cuisine publishing, got introduce the effect of different kind of herbs what the benefit and what they do. But dun have a menu plan on which week which day to eat wat.

Both book have difference dishes so u can go take a look.
Ninger, my hb is Cantonese and he cook better than me. I tell him if the CL dun cook well then he no choice has to cook. I love his black vinegar pig's trotter especially. LOL....
Hazel Nutty: You are one LUCKY gal! Enjoy your break now while counting down to your EDD! I am sure you will be busy with all the preparation work. It's going to be exciting especially for first time parents..Enjoy the experience!
Ninger, I just call up my sale consultant. Was told no choice as their price is base on the EDD date. The earlier u book the cheaper it is. Can't help much. Sorry.
Ninger, can't said I am lucky. Just happened that my hb is those can't stand my cooking so end up he has to cook loh. But I can bake better than him so he cook dishes &amp; I make desserts. LOL...

I sure all mummies here will enjoy our motherhood. So mummies enjoy the wonderful journey ahead.
Haiz.. also on antibiotic medication due to Strep B. Tested +ve this round...
Was told that I also need to get a jab during delivery time..
Hazel: mine one capsule min 250mg dha.

For full month, me n hubby decide to go against the norm of cakes cos we have colleagues giving us cakes and we are not a big fan, also some of hubby close colleagues told him they don actually like cakes. So we'll be getting coffee bean card.
but for the older relative will still get cakes frm sweetest moments.

Confinement recipes wise actually if u just pop by popular they got a lot of cookbooks on that. But the problem with these cookbooks is that they don always tell u the little tricks of cooking, u have to figure out thru exp. herb wise can go to fu hua heard that they give list of tonic to take during confinement.

I'll also be doing my own confinement cos don really want to pay for confinement nanny esp i feel that with full bf, nanny not much use as my mum can cook for me. I also have maid to do all the cleaning.
Starfantasy, thank you on the info.

For full month, I think my mum said it ok for sweetest moments. As for my hb side. I have ask him to decide then let me kw.

As for the recipes book, I think one of the book I mentioned got some tips on the cooking and the brand of ingredient to use.
rykiel, no prob.. I also most prob ordering from Choz, my mum and friends after i showed them told me they want chocolate cake instead.. hahaha.. Hubby's colleagues are mostly females so most of them prefer cakes too and have to give 2 boxes to my boy's school for the teachers, still prefer to give cakes.. hehe.. Anyway, still got time to consider, till bb come out.. hehe..
Hazel, I'm also taking Neurogain Fish Oil from my gynae.
Although Malaysian brand but manufactured in Japan.
Neurogain sold over the counters has a lower DHA whereas DHA is higher for the ones sold in clinics by the gynaes.
The one that I got from my gynae is 383mg DHA.
Ever saw the Neurogain booth at Motherhood fair and the sales person has also told me the higher DHA version is only available at gynaes' clinics.
Today went for gynae appointment, gd news I only put on 0.5kg in 2 weeks but bad news my bb only put on 200g, at wk 32 only 1.6kg. Gynae say bb on the small side shd be ard 2kg. Hb was quite upset and says that I shd eat more and not control my weight but I didn't control my weight, i ate durians somemore..sigh. Chk #1 records and at wk 33 is 2.1kg, making me feel guilty
Mummies taking neurogain look at the label carefully if it say max or min DHA? Because some labels are known to be misleading saying max amt, when most of the time, the actual amt is lesser than indicated.

JA: Each bb is different, don't be upset. As long as other areas bb are healthy then it should be fine. Besides durians, can eat more fruits (since high in frutose, which evntually in sugar) see bb can absorb. For me, i'm the opposite, doc hinted more strongly that I should not take too much serving of fruits... -_-"
JA I also taking PB+. I think Nikki one is the one with S behind. My friend did tell me the higher one can only buy from clinic. So since I dun have a fix gynae previously and no advise from them so I just buy from outside.

JA, you can try taking red meat but not too much. To c if got improvement. Dun worry too much. My bb also 2kg at week 32 and 5 days. My friend told me if go for natural birth bb too big also not good. Wait till bb come out then feed him/ her well to gain back the weight and make bb chubby also no problem one. LOL.....

Neurogain, Check the label, didn't say min or max, just indicate providing..
I think S can be bought off the shelf at Kkh pharmacy.

Fish oil,
My gynae doesn't prescribe fish oil so bought off the shelf and neurogain seems to be the more reputable one. My previous gynae prescribe Natal care triplus, Dha ard 300+. Highest dha shd be Dxtra, dha ard 400+

Thanks for your comforting words. Hb say want to buy durian for me but I told him don't want. Gynae says as long baby continue growing is ok. Perhaps bb super active so use a lot of energy ?? Very active compared to #1. Yah I told hb I will beef up my bb with my breastmilk after bb born heee heee..... My #1 i din take durians and was born healthy weight of 3.1kg at wk 38
