(2012/08) Aug 2012

JA, my Neurogain is $35 for 30 capsules.
Can't remember if got the S behind, will check when I'm home tonight.

As long as you have a balance diet, bb will be fine. Not to worry, my gf's bb boy was 2.2kg at birth.
Like Hazel mentioned, bb can slowly gain back weight when delivered.

think bb head down le cause gyane says gd position ..
my spinal pains are really a nuisance .. cant get up from sitting down position at times ..

baby is 1.8kg gynae warned bb will be big (bigger than my #1) so told to watch what i eat ..

will be taking a jab at end of month to boost baby lungs developement ..
Ninger : Dun worry too much about the strep B.. my gynae told me that even though tested positive and now given medicine should be ok.. he said that even tested positive but when come out may not be affected. so dun worry.

J~A : Dun worry baby boost up very fast one and like the rest of the mummies say every baby is different. Gynae says healthy can liao..

I also got my admission letter liao.. suddenly feeling scare!!! Gynae advised that when feel contraction every 5 mins then go into hospital. i am thinking 10 mins then should cheong there liao.. cos my hubby not driving and worry no cab and I worry not in time for epidural.. I dun wan to feel the pain! >__< I have low pain tolerance.
jc - suddenly my mind is blank lol ..

have started washing baby clothes with medic wash .. sterilizing baby bottles haha also the sterilizer as well ... pump nt yet open and charge yet though ..
ET - 2 weeks if i rem correct ..

i will book early while i still can go out haha and then if any amendments call and amend .. also the offer i think now better
just bought more loots (clothes) for bb girl .. from RL sale .. darn .. its soo addictive to buy clothes for girls manz .. i need to stop !
ayukie - ya luggage.. we lugging one there.. wahahahah trying to keep hands free.. cos still got bath tub to bring back and we are not driving as in dun have car.
hello! Checking with mothers who signed up for the ParentCraft Classes TMC - with Mrs Wong BB.

Tonight is the breastfeeding class @ SCGS right? May i know if is 7pm or 7.30pm? Please let me know
Can't find my paper so dunno the timing :p
Thanks! I tot neurogain s will be more ex ? Does ur gynae sell Pb+ ?

So fast letter of admission gynae gave u ! Guess by mid July some mummies will be pop already hehe...

I also using luggage haha hb say convenient, backpack and has wheels, cabin size type..
@happy- so ulu rite! Last sat did u attend? Try to find for u n kitty again. Haha but last week so chaotic like messy only :/ u r in ur hw many weeks nao?
@TBU, yes i did. i came alone in fact my hb was not feeling well then we scare better not pass virus to mommies. So funny when we handle the baby :p lol Then i went home and teach my hb swaddling lol!

I am now coming to 34 weeks! Time flies!
Haha I meant that mummies who r due early aug. we due late aug think July is too early Liao...I also want to last til at least mid aug...Hehe...

Will start washing next week, stress as last tri already, seems like coming so fast...got time better rest more if not in future no time to sleep...
hey TBUxoxo, i think the class today will be giving out the pack with the shower towels - how will you collect yours if you are not attending?

i just went for my 33 weeks check up today and baby is at a good weight of 1.9kg. initial estimate she was going to be 2.8 to 3kg ( small baby) at birth, but now gynae said she is going to be 3 to 3.3kg. i hope she maintains a decent size cos i dont wanna do C section!

also, i did my blood test and my iron is low, so i was given a jab cum drip on the spot :-( i was told if 2 weeks later still low, will jab again.. anyone exepriencing same thing as me? i dont know what the blood count numbers mean but i am 9.6, and she like me to be 12 though most mummies are around 10 to 11.

the jab is not pain exactly, just that i am worried abt the repercussions of this low iron..
@ling-ohhh is it? I din recall that... Hmmmpf coz my husband also sick now. Haha anyone of u attending the class stay in sengkang area. If yess can help me collect ><
you can take up 7 days first... and later add on... if your's is with a company better check if you are able to do so..
Thanks for the assurance on Strep B. Just that I have been avoiding taking medicine during pregnancy and yet towards this last stage I have to be on Antibiotic...haiz..

I was prescribed Iron pills since the beginning of 2nd trimester coz my blood test showed low blood count. As I do not like beef, I try to eat pork liver once in a while and I guess it helps. My latest blood test shows that I am on an OK level, as told by my gynae.

I think the standard one is 7 days? But I do not mind doing more sessions if the result is good.

I have done two loads of baby clothes washing so far. Probably another one last round will be sufficient. Hospital bag/luggage..maybe this weekend when all washing are done. Hmm.. maybe I won't sterilize the bottles so early. Also got to assemble/clean the playpen/cot etc. My baby cot has been sitting there collecting dust for the past 1.5 years.. LOL!

Oh, I have yet to buy the herbs for my confinement need though.. guess will have to do it during these two weekends le.
Icic, when is ur scheduled c sec ?

I also on iron pills since 2nd tri after the blood test. Wasn't informed of any more blood test to take to chk again.

My #1 I bk massage lady for 10 days, she came on 1st day and say I need only 5 days. This time engage her again, didn't book number of days, will let her determine when she sees me on the first day.
ya good idea! Thanks for the tip. Tot one shot go with my massage lady for 10 sessions (cos also cheaper too) but also want to see if is good. I take the 7 days session then
Thank you for the suggestion!
i sterilize cause im re-using my old storage bottles for milk so wash twice and sterilize once haha then keep when needed will wash and sterilize again one more time lor .. hehe .. cause my storage bottle all PP bottles v exp whhahaa :p
Hi TBUxoxo, ping me your actual name i see if i can collect for you today. we figure out where to pass it over later otherwise dunno if you will get them at the last lesson!

RE my low iron levels, i do take beef, and i try to take it more often after tri 1 cos i had constipation. i started my iron pills right after my detailed scan ie 2nd tri i think, but i dont know why it doesnt seem to be absorbing. i think no choice have to down liver from now onwards! :-(

i need to go on a high iron diet !
>_< i think he not taking cabin size luggage... cos he wanna squeeze the bath tub into the luggage and dun wan to hand carry it.. wahahaha.

Ninger no worries.. I ask my gynae about the test so just sharing what he said. my hubby ask me dun do it cos he knows i will be damn paranoid. anyway since the result may change when the baby is out so he ask me not to scare myself.
@ling-Thanks!!! I tried pm u, but guess ur acct din allow PM.

For ur low iron lvl, maybe u can try consume beef every Other day. But in moderation else u wil hate the food.
Just go for my check up today. Doc said week 36 aldy but bb position still not ready to come out cos not low enough. So still need a few more weeks. Then doc do the strep b test for me. Result will only be kw next visit which is next week.

My friend have help me buy the herb to bath during confinement. It 2 packs for $3.80 if per pack the $2.
She mention the shop at rivervale plaze but I not sure the name of the shop.
I also bringing a small luggage with me but I don't intend to bring back the bath tub cos already prepare one for bb.

All other things I haven't start doing, the lazy bone in me is acting up right now. Hehehe. Haven't even book post natal massage cos also gg natural birth so no fix date for the massage lady to start. Shall push myself to call by this week ba. XD

For those low in iron, but do not want to take beef, here is a good website you can refer to http://www.ironrichfood.org/ There are a lot of alternatives! I myself don't take beef due to religion reasons. Also those who intend to BF I have heard that taking liver will decrease milk supply.
JA, my Neurogain is with a S behind.
Think my gynae don't have the PB+.

Ayukie, me too addicted to online shopping!
Just joined another batch of Osh Kosh spree..

Ling, my haemoglobin was also initially slightly low and gynae prescribed 2 iron pills instead of 1 per day. Normal range should be 11.5-16.5 and my result was 11.3.
Last tested result is back to normal but continue 2 iron pills per day. Can eat more spinach also.

Extremely tired, back aching and feeling breathless... Gonna
start 4 days work week.
My bb just now kick or push me till too pain then I use a very angry tone to tell her stop if not I will get very angry. Then she suddenly stop and after tat she just move gentle and slowly instead. Ha ha...

Hi TBUxoxo, dont worry, i think next lesson i think she will bring it again, cos i saw pple signing up for it. it is actually a swaddle and a bath towel inside, as well as the paper towel cloth she used to show us how she shower the baby at her 4th lesson. we had to sign before collecting so it is indicated you havent collected.

for those who drove to SCGS today, were you stuck in jam? i was literally outside SCGS for 45 mins in traffic as the security didnt allow cars to enter! too many parents were picking and waiting for their kids! totally unbelieveable!

Hey Nikki, my blood count is way lower, i am 9.6 today! but gynae still asking me to take 1 iron pill a day. i take beef very often too! what i will try to do is focus on my Vit C cos it aids in absorption, hope my condition will improve in 2 weeks. Anyone know which chinese herb i can put in water and drink to improve blood count? is it red date?

thanks for the URL star - will check it out.
