(2012/08) Aug 2012

Tanny: yes, dha will still benefit the bb even now, notice how fm always stress that they have dha in their formula? The dha i'm taking says it's fir pregnant and lactating mums, so another indication that it can be taken long term ba.

Jojo: din know one of the company ipo. Hehe, agree that no right n wrong but feel that those company should not withhold these impt facts and do such agressive promotion. Govt can step in to help SCCB as well.

Just saw your mail today. Have tsf the payment over. Please check and see whether can add in. Yes, I confirm I wan last month but forgetten to check the thread till I saw the payment received.

I do take but process slower. I have difficulty swallow the capsul so usually I only bite and take the oil. The bal throw. So the fishy smell is very strong. I didn;t tell him I'm don wan to take but only said take the next time. No need to curse my bb lor. Old man very emo one ha? thought only lady due to menopause.

Yes, cordlife IPO already. so the price rise and more commercial lor. Some website state parents have very slim chance of using it but the cordlife said 50%. I remember I read that mostly ple will either bank 1st or last kids cordlife. Since this might be my last bb, and 100% paid by CDA, I will go for it. Agree, it is like an insurrance. But got 1 part which they state if either parent left, the balance amount plus a small token (can range from 2k) will be given to the family.
Clim: old man can have andropause as well. Haha. On dha, i not sure if mine will still have the fishy taste after breaking cos when i take whole capsule like that no taste at all even after burping later. Try other brands to find out?
Re: Goon delivery
we also did not receive any phone calls for confirmation. then on sat morning abt 10+, the delivery man suddenly appeared at our door with the box of diapers..

juz this morning i checked my email and saw the email confirmation from them to confirm delivery on sat between 8-12...
Oooh! Some of you are in Saturday class 4.30 @ AMK HUB? me too
Bought my medela pump from beauty loft.. she has ready stocks on hand but better to still reserve beforehand. Very nice lady.. very detailed explanation on which parts can sterilise & which parts cannot etc
HAPPY- u r in too? Next week see if we can say Hi. Haha i hope nxt week would be seatin on chair :x. SO xinku to turn here and there...
Hello mummies, good morning.. Looks like i'll be working from home this whole week. Got mummies pop already?

By the way, those 2nd/3rd time mummies, anyone handled your kid with HFMD when preggy? My boy suspected case of HFMD, going to see GP at noon.. He got rashes in mouth. Will my baby in my tummy get it?
TBU, i think i know! your kitty shirt is black n you are wearing a jeans short ?? If yes, i think u are 2 person behind me when we queuing up to go into the class.. I'm not sure if other hubby wears white tee.. hehe but i sit somewhere in the middle of the class last Sat.

Happy, TBU, This sat we can say hi!

Yesterday i almost black out. went to a friend bb shower at her hse. not sure if its too hot or crowded or what. suddenly just feel super unwell, break out in cold sweat, breathing super heavily, face white out n almost lost concious. luckily i was seated down. but it felt super horrible. think hubby got a scare.. quickly went home n took a nap in my aircon room after that n felt much better. after that still can go swimming.. hee hee
ya Kitty, i will feel the same way - suddenly i become very breathless... face turned super white, and just want to lie down and rest. and i feel the world is going to spin around anytime! I noticed this will occur if i didnt have a good rest the night before.. and i always also feel nausea!
ME too, felt so bad missing my of my friend's wedding ytd. So tired and slpy -_- Over the weekend finally wash all bb's stuff and keep in the cupboard. I find dat my toyogo 5tier like not enuff. Including of bedsheets & towel...

Realised dat ikea curtain for kids quite cute not bad.

Anyway u gals can try going to brillkids webby. They have a lot of free infant simulation flashcards for dl. ^^
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Nov forum. Would like to ask if you have any good confinement lady to recommend?
Due to some issue, my mom is not able to help me. Need to look for one CL asap.
Please PM me.
( Expected EDD 28th Nov 2012)

Goon diaper:
They didn't contact/email me, already checked my spam mail folder. Suddenly Ta-Q-bin delivered the box on Saturday. Luckily somebody was at home to receive the box...

My girl was down with HFMD 2 months ago. I handled her personally for two weeks. I googled a little and found that this should not affect the baby in the tummy...think most importantly is to practise good hygiene after handling the kid.

On cord blood donation:
I am also considering to donate cord blood to SCCB. I use CordLife for my #1 and #2. For #3 I think will just donate bah... yet to find out the details nor discuss with gynae though..didn't know still need to draw blood.. *faint*

Finally got started to wash bb clothing over the weekend, decided to start early and do batch by batch over every weekend.. getting more and more tiring nowadays, weather is so hot somemore
Hi Cheri, my boy just recovered from hfmd... initially i'm also vvv worried when i read up the internet.. but gynae assured me that it is not that serious as written.. Just have to keep washing your hand and try to have less contact with your child....
Ninger- YA... I wash & iron some coz very crumpled. SOOOO tiring n hot sia. So hot dat i dun even wan to work from home, scare keep on on aircon Tskk.

Next week 35 weeks i wil start e baby coconut 1 per week le.
Ninger, thanks for the advise. GP also mentioned not to share food and just wash hands more often after handling him. More concerned for the bb inside.

Re: Cord blood donation
I donated for my #1, this one will also donate. And yes, have to draw blood and I think they drew 3 tubes of blood, but was during labour so the needle pain is nothing compared to the contractions.

Lemonade, thanks for your assurance. I also read the internet and got scared.. Plus my friend also got it from her daughter before but she wasn't pregnant. So got me more worried...
Hi mummies,

How ur day? I having been over eating these few days. Now really feel very bloated.

Anyone have recommend on how to reduce the bloatness? Can drink some tea for digestion?
after wk 37 consider safe. Normally Csec schedule at wk 38 but I'm not sure whether can I last that long. At first was thinking to have it before 7th mth but then noone help me to pray on the 1st day. Only I pray in this house cos the rest catholic.
Dear gals,
My c-sect date confirmed 23rd July, would hv just hit 37 weeks. Gynae says I'd need a jab, I guess it's to help mature baby's lungs. Based on my condition, c-sect safer, so picking an earlier date is better, in case labour comes on naturally first!

Re: Giddy spells
Me too! Especially after I eat! Must be some arteries pressed against n limited blood flow n oxygen supply.

Re.: washing by stuff
I heard we need to wash at least 3 times before actual use right? Can any mummy advise?
pigpigmummy: imo, I think bb health is more important than avoiding the 7th month.

Haze: can try eno, or yakult with probiotics help?

Sashamama: Nvr heard of it. imo as long as wash 1 time throughly clean should be okie.
Washing of stuff
I hasn't start. Dun think need wash 3 times ba.But can use machine to wash or not?

I still in relax mode or can say blur mode. Cos not too sure where to start. ha ha... I think I am the most dunno wat to do mum. LOL....

Last night suddenly, got scare that whether am I able to bear the pain during labour or not. Then start crying in the middle of the night...
Hazel: I also got into depress mood some time back when I think about labour and if I can take it during confinement or not. Try not to think so much, get yourself occupied with other stuff. Hopefully like the chinese saying says, things will go smoothly as they come.
Starfantasy, I hope so too.

I think maybe due to the delivery video I have watch during the parenting class. Then the nurse was telling us to cut or not to cut thing then i got real scare. Cos I those who very scare of pain & blood. Will faint if c blood.
Hazel: U mean the delivery video is bloody? I got watch a delivery video at bb class which is totally natural, no cut and not bloody. Think the nurse don want to scare first time mummies so much. Haha
Hazel, starfantasy: i watched the videos of deliveries too and i was squeezing the pillow real hard. OMG, i can actually feel the pain by watching it. dunno how am i going to survive in the delivery suite. LOL
Hazel, the labour video kind of gross n freak me out too. I also super scared n threshold for pain is v little. But dun think so much lar. Can't reverse the stage liao. Haahaa..

My friends who had their 2nd bb ask themselves in the delivery ward "Why did i get myself into this shit again??!!" But when bb is out, they say its worth it. Think +ve k!
Washing of stuff: i haven Start yet too! Waiting for my bb cupboard delivery on 7 Jul then Start to wash n keep directly n cupboard. Now the bb stuff looks like rubbish dump on the floor of bb room. Lol. I think the washing of 3 times is referring to the cloth nappy w inserts. Those need to wash off the protective layer /chemical for better urine absorption. Normal clothes no need.
Starfantasy/Loves/ Kitty,

I will try not to think too hard on that part. But I am those scary cat person, a little bit of pain will cry till very loud. I just scare wait i scare the hell out of everyone in the delivery room. Especially my hubby, but i think he is too use of being fighthen by me. LOL....

Actually, I scare i can't take the pain then fainted, then end up emengancy c-sect....
Hazel: I share your concerns as well, cos there was this time i had this really bad stomachache until I was feeling light headed in the toilet. Had to call hubby. But I think during labour should not pain until faint cos our body will also produce the adrenaline that keeps us going. Actually I don think the nurse would allow you to scream very loud, if they think you cannot handle the pain they would advise you accordingly. I keep telling myself nature have a way to handle things and hubby also (being catholic) just say let god handle it, don't worry too much. :D
Aren't you gals thinking of taking epidural('happydural') at all?

During my #2 I kept telling myself I can 'dong' the pain, also told the nurse that I wouldn't want the jab. But when the contraction pain was too much to bear I practically beg for the jab.. haha.. then everything from then on was like..so relaxed! Watched TV, played with phones while waiting for the dilation.. Couldn't even feel the cut and stiches... LOL!
I be taking epidural confirmed, just worried that cant reach hospital and take it on time, how many cm dilated cannot administer ?
Ninger: That would be my last resort, cos taking epidural will affect the position I can give birth in as I do not intend to use the normal position, gonna do it standing while upper half of the body lean on the bed or on all fours. And there's always a small chance that bb might not be as active for the crucial first hour of bf if on epidural.
icic, thanks. cant remember, vaguely tot it was 8cm, will chk with gynae next visit.

if labour is short, easier to manage without epidural but long will be quite tough. need to have high endurance to pain and will power. jia you for you going without epidural.
Ninger, I did think of that. But it like inject to the spine. Also abit scare me off. Anyway, just let natural take it cause ba. Cos I think nothing much we can do rite? Just hope and pray for a smooth and healthy delivery. LOL....
Yeap.. I'm sure each of us will make the best desicion we could at the very moment!!

I guess when I was in great pain, I didn't really bother about the injection to spine liao.. LOL..though I did see that the needle is HUGE!!

Oh..I didn't know that bb may have side effect of being inactive due to epidural.. anyway, my #2 suckled like nobody's business during her first day already.. :D
Dear kitty,
Oic! I bought bumwear cloth diapers, so that's where I heard abt the wash-3-times. Lol.

Btw, Aaron kwok concert tix for 8th sep are out. I bought Liao. Luckily after confinement Liao. Hahaha.
hello mummies.

I will go on epidural.. firstly because of my unstable blood pressure. Secondly, i dun think i can stand the pain... that time when went to mount A tour, heard 1 loud screaming at the delivery ward.. zzzz then shortly after heard the baby sound.. I can not imagine without epidural how to survive even without the blood pressure issue.

mine also didn't state the free pair, guess we wait for it to arrive then see? Since they using system, it might be hard to them to key in the extra pair FOC
