(2012/08) Aug 2012

gg to kiddypalce 2nite to buy stuffs:
1st time gg to bf #2 whn he's out.. kindly advise what i need.. i'll need a single electric pump & what else?

star: That is the problem. The first hour skin to skin and natural instinct for latch on will be gone. I kenna a lot of problems with my #1 and was fully pumping instead.

I had engorgement on D2/3 at the hospital. That means milk is in, but cannot latch. in the end pump. and i never latch successfully again.
ivftwins: Although there are still cases where the bb is still able to latch on after the 1st hour, the chances are greatly reduce, so unless for medical reasons, best is to give birth naturally. I think massage is okie, cos I have been doing that in 1st trimester, when I applied the anti stretch cream on my breast. Just light circular massage will do, I think it might be the reason why I start to have pre-milk. Cos my mum was quite surprise (cos she thought I would be like her, no milk supply) when I told her that. I ask her if she got do any form of touching or massage on the breast area while she's preggy, she said no. :D

Rykiel: You decide on the brand of the pump? If you are going back to work ultimately, it may be more worth to get double electric pump. Accessories depending on your needs, you might need a few extra bottles or bags for storage of excess bm. Nipple cream would be good for standby. If you are going to express outside of home without fridge then get a cooler bag (if the pump you buy does not come free with it). Some disposable nursing pad for emergency leaking, if you got buy the drymama, that can be used on a normal basis.
Finally, the last day at work. Very tired.... But happy now that can rest aldy.

Dear mummies,

Has any more mummies receive their order aldy?
tanny: Humm...not sure what is considered a massage, but I think light circular movement should be fine since I need to apply the anti stretch cream onto my breast? :D
Thanks starfantasy, actually wan to buy from sweetest moment. But hb said portion to small, bring to his company might not be enough. So anyone have any suggestion?
Hazel, went down to the Bendemeer warehouse sales but didn't get anything.
There are quite a number of baby cots and strollers.
Limited Munchkin products with 30% off.

Collected my Freestyle from Beauty Loft, nice and patient lady who explained on the usage of the pumps.

Done CTG at gynae's clinic today and results are fine, scheduled to do another one at 37 weeks.
Checked with the nurse and it's their normal practice do do one at 33-34 weeks and another one at 37 weeks.
Next usual appointment will be 2 weeks later.
Wow, my elder sister still wanted to go for a look tml. Sound like nothing much. I think I better wait for the baby expo fair on 20 jul. Ha ha...
My scan n ctg today went well too. Gynae says if bb decides to come anytime now also ok. 2.4over kg at 33+ weeks now. Of cos hope can stay in me till 23 July c-sect!

I've yet to wash bb stuff, pack hospital bag, book full month restaurant for session 1 n catering for session 2, think abt Chinese name. Some stuff like front open pajamas, bath tub, breast pump, cord spirit, breast milk storage bags, binder, sterilized cotton wool, etc not bought yet!!! Better settle this week cos walking is v difficult for me already!

Dear hazel,
Thx for sharing the dry mama promo link! I shared with the IVF thread mummies
c-sect 23rd, I wonder 20 July I can still go shopping or not. Lol.
Sashamama I think u better prepare ur hospital bag on stand by 1st. I also a bit hard to walk around. Cos bb getting bigger and the weight is pressing down on me. Like u, I have yet to do anything. Think I will start next week. As for full month really having problem to decide. Maybe will order from 2 different shop. I like sweetest moment but still have to order another bigger portion one for my hb company cos all guys so box of 10 pcs is not enough. He said whole cake will be better.......

Bb has been very active lately, keep rock and roll inside. Then last she kick too hard till I complain pain, hb then talk to her and manage to stop her. Ha ha... My hb very happy and said bb scare of him....LOL....
Btw, for catering anyone have suggestion? I also have no idea which one is good. All these, I have to plan cos hb blur blur one. Ask him also anything, say I like can Liao. But after I decide then he qn this qn that.....

For bb name, I also hasn't decided go to which master. Btw, I was told that if we are not going to register bb name immediately after give birth due need to go master for name picking then no need bring marriage cert to hospital.
Sasha, wow yr bb 2.4kg at 33 weeks+! Mine about 2kg only.
I remembered hospital will provide cord spirit when discharged.
I'm starting to wash bb's stuff and also pack hospital bag.
Gotta wash all existing soft toys as well.

Hazel, we didn't register our #1 name at the hospital as that time we thought that the Chinese name would be handwritten and not printed on the birth cert.
Not sure if now Chinese name should be printed and not handwritten at all hospitals?

We have used Neo Garden and Mei Hao before for catering.
Thinking of just celebrating full month with immediate family members at a restaurant to save the hassle.
Nikki, I wish I could have celebrate in the resturant but my hb get quite a few uncles and aunties and also cousins. And he wanted to invite them so no choice need to do catering at home.
Hazel: just asking, must it be cakes for ur hubby colleagues? Since u said majority of them are guys, i think they might prefer some others other than cakes, like my hubby colleagues. Consider giving coffee vouchers frm coffee beans or starbucks?

For catering, neo garden have a good repeautation but might be a bit exp. i itching to go for the four seasons high tea but seems exp at 12+ per pax, min 30 pax
Shashamama : me too! not yet collected my breast pump, bought cotton wool, binder and pyjamas too! I wonder if I'm normal.. i think I can still walk quite fast, don't really feel heavy yet.
Hazel, for our #1 we invited different guests for full month and 1 year old birthday.
So at least not so big group of people and too tiring to ensure the guests are taken care of.

My gynae also say weight is ok, was waiting for this check up to see if still got room for more durians!
I saw the four season also. Seen not bad. My friend have use chilli Padi before also good. Now she is using Elsie Kitchen not sure good or not.
Hazel, I tried getting e brand e gynae prescribe but the problem is e dha is is much lower though it's of e same brand for expecting mum. In e end, I went back to my gynae.
Rainbow thanks for sharing. Cos yesterday went to suntec guardian to buy the DHA capsule ( Nero brand) then one aunty salesgirl keep promo me another brand make in Japan which didn't state it for pregnant woman then when I ask her, she ans that doesn't mean got write mean it safe. Then she keep saying Nero brand is Malaysia brand not very good. When I look at the brand she recommend is from tuna fish. But I rem my antenatal class nurse mention that tuna got a lot mercury so not good to consume too much. She also keep mention that that DHA brand of her got blueberry very good for eyes so my kid won't wear glasses after taking and also it will help me to reduce my short sighted too. When I tell her I will consider the she give me that kind of face.
Hi everyone.

My EDD 21st Aug but at ard 5-6mths gynae changed it to 16th Aug. Going to give birth at KKH. Most likely baby gal. This will be my #2. Anyone has the same EDD?

Last fri went for checkup. At 33wks baby weigh 2.2kg. So far I gained 13kg & dietician told me to watch my diet. Worried baby will be big. My #1 is 3.7kg. For this pregnancy I hv gestational diabetes but no insulin needed. Kinda stressful to cope with the diet esp when u are FTWM. Rushing to send ur child to CC.
On fish oil: I don't think it's the brand that matters but the type and the exact nutrients. It must be fish BODY oil and not liver oil cos liver oil is not suitable for lactating mummies. The one I'm taking contains per capsule min (take note that some will write max instead of min in order to give the illusion that the content is high) DHA 250mg, EPA 35MG, ARA 10mg (these 2 goes hand in hand with DHA to make it more effective), vitamin E 3mg (to help with the absorb of DHA). Recommended dosage is 1 to 2 capsule per day, 2 being mostly for lactating mums. In terms of brand, it affect the taste ba, since different company have different ways of processing the raw fish body oil. Mine goes thru 3 times distillation to remove the fishy smell. ^_^

I love the one I'm taking now and considering bulk purchase from my gyane after bb born when I BF as mine can only be purchase from doctors, not sold over the counters.
hi mummies to be..

i have the below to let go
1) Hands free breast pump BRA - $25
2) storage bottles - brand is MOM, 3 bottles still in box used twice, ardo * 2 bottles -- all for $8
3) milk bag - lanisoh box(used 4 pieces): $10, pigeon box(brand new): $10
4) cooler bag - black pigeon FTG $15 (not for fussy, there is a tear at the side, will not affect the function of the bag)
5) nursing pads to give away FREE with purchase of any above.


jia you and have a great motherhood!!!

Hazel, gynae prescribe me with neurogain too for expectant mum. Guardian does sell but dha is so much lower and more ex. In the end I went bk to gynae to get my supply again.
