(2012/08) Aug 2012

Oh, by the way, I went to the BHG Bugis one-day bazaar sale (for POSB/DBS credit card) during lunch time today.
•Up to 30% off all regular-priced items
•Up to 15% off all sale items

Avent/Medela/Pigeon brands only 20% off.
Munchkin, Combi, Piyo Piyo, Lucky Baby and some other brands got direct 30% off.

I find the toys are worth buying as most regular items are all 30%, sales items all with additional 15% off. I ended up buying lotsa toys for my girls..

Happy, ivftwins: Same here, so hard to turn at night, if i lie on my back, i would feel breathless. Then some moments I wish bb is born already.. hahaha

TBU: you mean private banking for cordblood?

Ninger: I still lazy only plan to start orgnaizing in july. XD
hahah i am more kiasu..already finish all the washing..i think i separate into 4-5 batches to wash..so i am all done..all fold nicely n kept in drawer..
now only left with hosp bag..will bag after my KL trip today..
Wow.. you are so well prepared already. I just sorted the clothing based on age - nb, 3m, 6m etc. and put them in the tier storage. I guess will wash them in batches bah.. By the way I have just ordered the Avent spares from BPs. Not sure if the price is any cheaper than to get from Philips but I am just too lazy to travel there...

I gave Goon my email also.. but haven't heard from them yet leh.. will probably give them a ring next week.
happy, since a month back my limbs n butt sides will numb so every few hrs i will turn. morning sometimes both butt sides ache n ache whole day. walking that time can feel that my butt is being 'work out' .. hahah.. then when turning to change sides also feel very Xin Ku.. n then gota go pee.. cant imagine the next few weeks to come. super panda! keep yawning in office.

TBUxoxo!! Later I'm going down to see Dr Adrian too! maybe I'll see you there! I'm at end of 31 weeks. what qns u got ah? share share? i'm lousy at asking qns. everytime i forgot to ask cos like very rushed feeling. haha

I am not banking in any private cordblood. so i am gona choose to donate it away. I must rem to tell Dr Adrian tonight so that he can make arrangement.

I have ordered a new cupboard for bb but delivery in early Jul. Then i'll start washing bb things. cos after washing can direct keep in cupboard liao. now all the things lying on the floor. looks like some rubbish dump. LOL..
Kitty: if u choose to donate bb cordblood then u just inform ur gynae will do. He doesn't need to do anything as the instruments to collect is provided by the hospital. But u must contact SCCB first so that they will check if ur bb is a suitable donor (by asking u questions as well as asking for ur detailed 1st trimester blood test results), then liase with the hospital u r delivering.
star, SCCB wont get 1st tri blood test result. they will re draw blood 30ml of blood. ya SCCB will have lots of work to do also. hope i can save a life from here!
Dear Mummies,

Please note that the following mummies payment for DryMaMa Order has been received.
1) Starfantasy
2) JoJo (sundownprince)
3) Tinkabell
4) Ejz
5) Tanny99
6) Rhodonite(maine)
7) Ag_gal
8) Melisa(Mel84)
9) Vale
10) TheBeetlebug
11) Wendy

I will arrange with DryMaMa to ship out your order on Monday(25 June 2012) as since it is by postal est it will take about 3 to 5 days to reach you. Please update me upon receive. If you have not receive your order after a week, kindly advice me on that too in order for me to double check with them. Thank you very much. Have a nice weekend ahead.
Ninger, I just receive a call from Goon delivery this afternoon that they are making the delivery but there is nobody at home. So I ask them to rearrange the delivery on sat morning. U might want to double check with them as they might just make delivery without inform you first.
Kitty: izzit? I just met with a SCCB coodinator and she asked for my 1st trimester blood report. It's not to keep but just to verify some stuff. Ya, i knew abt the drawing of blood during delivery.

Hazel: thanks! On the delivery of the diapers, they have outsource to ta q bin.

Ninger: did u check ur junk mail? Sometimes the email may end up there.
@Kitty- LOL! tdy i waited for very long lorr... at least 2 hrs, guess he just came back from leave. No.141 stuck inside veryyyyy long. HAHA. Anyway i asked him abt (1) hospi admission- he said 4 beds always auto ug to 2. Bur 2 wont ug to 1, so choose 4. (2) coconut drink jus take in moderation, anytime start also ok. (3) as usual he give some mc to standby. (4) he say 1st one normally early by 1 to 2 weeks. MY nxt visit on 13 Jul. U?

Tmr will start washing bby gal clothes. TSSSKKK lazy mummy. Really inspire by many mommies over here.
Been bZ tdy didn't get to come in
catching up thru emails.. Hehe. Those who want my bp link it's here http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?581296/7168429

Maid cooked dinner tdy, lucky it turned out edible. Only too salty. Feeling so breathless.. Hais. Still got a few weeks more to go before ML starts.. But the work stress is piling up.. But they prefer me taking in one stretch so that they can get another pair of hands to help them.

Been feeling v thirsty but keeep going toilet. Pek cheks.
Just sorted out bb clothes and seeing what more to buy from the Bugis shop.
Already feeling so tired and back aching..

nahnah: this is so bad of the cheats in SMH forum.

Star, Kitty: Didn't know the process of donating cordblood is not that simple, gotta check reports and draw blood.
Nikki: Actually that is understandable, they want to make sure that the cord blood donated is truly healthy and can be used to save lives. Actually even after donating, they will still keep in contact with you for up to a year to check if bb and mother and father are healthy before they release the cord blood for public use.
star, funny, thats what i read on there FAQs. anyway, they will still draw blood!! Ouch!

TBU, i kind of got suan by him when i ask the hosp bed before. he say if got auto from 2 bed, to 1, he also want.. lol. Today i ask him abt my hard tummy cos Wong BB say it may be senstive uterus but he say its normal. i say got sharp pain, he also say its normal.. faint.. but at least i know 'its normal'! my next appt also 13 Jul!! today, i am queue no 177.. waited from 7.30 to 9.30pm.. ya, today super long.. haha.. maybe we can meet for dinner on 13 Jul!! ;)
ya nikki. but i feel very assured after reading what they do. at least u know the family in need is getting healthy blood n not w some virus contaminated blood.

TBU, and btw, i told my gynae that i wanted to donate my cord blood out, he say u sure ah, cos requesting it back alone after that will cost u $25,000!
rykiel, funny, i (think)I drink alot of water but i seldom go pee. if even got pee also little bit onlyn very yellow. any mummies also like that? I wonder if bb takes up most of my water intake.
LOL kItty am 166. HAHA, r u attending WONGBB now too? Am attending her 4:30pm lesson, tmr 3rd lesson.

WongBB during first lesson press my tummy aso say my is hard = angry baby dun like ppl to play wif whereas other ppl is soft tummy = happy baby.

I asked my friends, 50/50 leh, some keep some din. I am still thinking...
Kitty: I not sure if the blood is drawn from the placenta instead, the SCCB coordinator got say how to obtain but I forget already. LOL. Oh there was a period of time where I drink a lot of water and seldom went toilet, guess most of it went to the fluid. But now sometimes if bb press hard on my bladder, I can go toilet often even though i drink normally.
Star, Kitty: True, at least they do a stringent check on the cord blood for all safety precautions.

Kitty: Meaning after donation they allow you to take back for $25k?
I always thought it's non-claimable just like the normal blood donation.
I'll also go find out more on the cord blood donation and discuss w gynae.
TBU - yes yes i wil be there for Wong BB lesson at 4.30 later.. gosh.. what a coincident!!!!! but tonight i got a bb shower to go so got to rush off.

star, i miss peeing normally! sometimes my bladder hurts after peeing. but i realise when i go swimming, i will pee alot! n super shiok one.. wahhahaaa...

nikki, i rather pay $5k to put in a private bank if wana take back paying $25k.. 5times diff. n $5k is via medisave, cannot see the cold hard cash.. hehe. ya ask if ur gynae say the same thing. but best is speak to the SCCB. they know best. i prob call them next week. my gynae say he dun have to do anything. just call SCCB up.
Nikki & kitty,

Just find out in my antenatal class, donate the stern cell to scbb and wanted to claim back for same bb use is foc. If use it for ur other bb then a charge of $300 admin fee only.
Hi Hazel,
I'm fr the July group. What I found out during the interview was you would not be given any priority to use your bb's cord blood at all.
kitty: i drink alot of water but goes toilet lotsa times also. =\.. hahaha.. idk if bb actually will drink our water. i at times still wonder i eat what bb eat what? haha.. so maybe when i drink cold drinks i shud tell bb.. pls dun eat this n drink that. aft this thn ur turn =x.

the weather so humid. ive ggt badbad cramps n pains this morning aft breakfast. ended up i got output alot. went 3times.. shud b constipate plus gg diarrhea so the output somewhat was 'stuck' than cause me to have pain. i broke out n cold sweat n kept lying on bed till i fell aslp. =\ nw seriously much better! hehehe.

so where u mummies went tdy? i camped hm the whole DAY!!
SCCB will not reserve the cord blood, it's first come first serve basis or whoever needs it more urgently.

Kitty: u mean after swiming right? Cos during swimming the water pressure helps to keep the urine in the bladder.

Rykiel: today went for 1 day trip. Luckily not turned back by customs. Bb seems to throw temper in the morning, keep hardening up at the side cos think today wake up super early she not happy.. Haha
Re cord bld: I think the main thing is the fact that if ur kid needs a cord bld donation it is unlikely that they will be able to use their own because the precursor cells will carry the faulty DNA unless it's a sibling who needs it but chances that t will match is 25%. In many European countries pte cord bld banking is banned because of this sort of ethical issues. But I think we follow the American way where we are given a choice and of cause companies can benefit from this.
Kitty- haha there r 3 or 4 mommies wearin grey top wor... Anyway r u e one seatin in front an ur hub in white? Am wearin a kitty top ^^
Jojo: yup, i read abt that but if the kid needs the cordblood and his donated one is still available they will give him to use.. Even though the chance of getting sick again is high (since own dna is faulty) but at least can save the kid life now. Actually i also hope that pte cord banking can be banned here as i feel a lot of them are giving false or withholding crucial information. No offense to mummies who opt of pte banking.
bloodcord banking
my gynae r quite upset when I told him I consider to donate n he start he ba...ba...ba... if we go ple banking, they got comm?

anyone take dha capsule ? I only told gynae I still have 20 capsule n I din wan to take . he got angry n start saying if I don wan to take just tell him n no need excuses. don ask him y other kid is smart n not mine. felt so angry, where got gynae curse patient bb . felt like changing gynae. hb said just endure since ending soon. I don think he will purposely do anything to e bb during delivery, right?
Cos I think I rem I come across a Connie at the beginning of the order but after I finalize I didn't get her confirmation that why her order was not included in the final list.

Dun be angry with ur gynae. He mean good to ur bb too. I think the DHA capsule is the fish oil capsule something similar right. It good for bb brain development. Since only 20 pcs then just take it. It will only do good to bb. Dun be too bother by his comments. Anyway, just think it for the sake bb loh. Sure u want a health and smart bb right so not harm having since ur gynae recommended.
Dear Clim(Connie_lcl),

Like to check if you will to be able to make the payment by today in order for me to add in your order. As I need to inform drymama by tomorrow morning to include your order so that it will be ship out together with our order.
Clim: some gynae might be tied to a agent in pte banking who is able to give some benefits. On the dha thingy, any reason why u don like to take? Is it cos urs have fishy taste and u don like? Actually dha is good for the bb before and after birth. Is ur gynae always like that, or that time he not in a gd mood?, imo gynae should support the mother decision as long as it does not harm the mother or the baby.
Hi all mummies, I'm new to the forum and currently looking for Medela breastpumps. Can anyone tell me where I can order one? Thank you
Dear Mummies,

Pls note that DryMaMa Spree Order was close for new order already.
Thank you all mummies who has place their order for their patient and support. You all will be receiving a soft copy of invoice and delivery note direct from DryMaMa via the email you all have provided, as well as hardcopy by post together with your shipment.

All orders will be ship out by Monday (25 June) evening as promised by DryMaMa. Do let me know if you have not receive your order by the week after.
Yes, Im having left butt pain, and foot sole pain!

Hmm, are we still supposed to eat dha pills (fish pills and multi vits in tri 1? im still eating them..to stop only when we wanna pop? I kinda of stop eating therm regularly.. sometimes forget, not v diligent anymolre.

BTW, do we have to buy extra pails or something, like for bath, or bb stuff (besdies the usual bathtub)?
Tanny, if u plan to breastfeed then can choose to continue taking as it will still go to bb. It up to individual. If using FM, then I think some of the FM has include DHA so can no need take.

Star: sadly I think cord bld banking is very economically viable. One of the companies ipo right? But I guess it's like insurance... So there's no right or wrong...
