(2012/08) Aug 2012

Meistar: even indo n mynmmar maid 420 per month liao. Unless ur family income is low n u have a elderly at home, then u can apply for additional maid levy subsidy, so that would br 90-120 per month

Ayukie: cramp? Since u at home, soak ur leg in hot water?
maid nt cheap .. my maid spoilt my mum fridge and rice cooker end up i need dig into pocket to replace those 2 items for her so sian ..
morning mummies !!

add me to the fb group, thanks
Ayukie, how come you having tummy ache? Did you see gyane?

Yesterday attended my first class with WBB. She quite funny especially when she talked no expression.. is that clear? LOL
Morning mummies!

Do rest a bit and try not to walk too much. I experience tummy cramp once in a while too, especially after swift walking (I tend to walk very fast) or carrying my #2 (12+kg)..
Oh, wearing tight bottom will also give me cramp apparently.. like today..

Wow..didn't know engaging a maid would cost so much nowadays.. I used to think that it's below $500 per month, though I have never engaged one myself..
happy - i like to drink bubble milk tea leh haha ..
my gynae on leave dun1 see other doc and esp dun like kkh .. poke me till soo pain ..

now at wrk but feels like zz-ing haha but my coo in same office with me better nt
ayukie: if realli dun feel gd ask for mc. tkkare oh.. walk ard massage ur feet. cld b sitting dwn too long blood pressure pressing.

J~A: =)done

jojo: oh maybe that y her pay is higher bah. hehehehe.
Ayukie: don drink so much ice milk tea, cooling not too good for bb. Not sure if related, but before i preggy and i drink too much cold drinks or caffine during menses i would get cramps, wonder if preggy will be like that too?

Happy: i also love ice milk tea, before preggy i drink a 2-3 times a week. But after preggy 1st n 2nd trimester don dare drink, now then drink a bit
kelly: Actually at first i also itchy hand, even ask hubby if he want to taste it. XD

jojo: now I dare to drink a bit but I mainly drink cold water cos recently have been feeling too hot

JA: Here is it: http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/264219383650289/doc/264248846980676/ But I think quite a few mommies nvr update :p
Hi Starfantasy, Yes I agree with you. It truly still worth it especially since it is washable. I used to get infections from cotton pads but now after using Dry Mama pads, it is all gone. Imagine the money I have been spending on disposables.. At least now can start saving.

I like the shape because it does not shift left and shift right.. Hoping they will give some promotions soon. I need more pairs as I only got 2 pairs and I need more so can wash lesser times.. haha

Hope they see this and organise something. Any mothers want to order together? Maybe can email them to ask them for bulk order..
I agree. Drinking too much cold water not good. I also get cramps when I drink cold water during menses time.

Best is warm water.. Seems to be more soothing to the body
hello mummies..

I agree that encouragement from family members to breastfeed is important.. But unfortunately i have a very "nice" family member who tell me dun need to buy so much disposable padding cos wont get to use it one. Spoiler or what?!
jc - ignore whoever that is lor ..
mb he/she cant or even if its he the wifey cant manage bfeed so assume so
JC: So that "nice" family member mean that you won't have supply? I'm not sure, but if you don't leak, there's no need for nursing pad?

Anne: I got some sets of drymama from the motherhood fair.
my "nice" family member is a She.. she bf less than a month then she give up.. I wont be so offended if she told me MAYBE u wont get to use it... but she just tell me straight in the face, you WONT get to use it one.

My fren who bf says that better to buy that and stock up if we have supply regardless more or little.. cos we cant be sure we can empty it everytime and there may be times we leak.

Sometimes i wonder is it hormones problem or what but she is getting on my nerves lately. even without talking to her i get shoot. sometimes really feel like stuffing smelly socks into her mouth. wahahaha!
but anyway i ignore her and got it.. cos the pads are really cheap and I am pretty sure I will be able to bf at least longer than her!
JC - like stated cause she didnt make it so she assume u wont nia lor haha .. so just ignore her and show her u can make it and let her eat her own words .. u can even offer to teach her if she needs nxt time lol
JC - i like to be prepared than sorry so i stock up when i had #1 too and i had to buy moreeeee ... leak or no leak you still need change the pads lor
haha i have been nuaring..... I am like u ayukie.. i very kiasu better buy.. if not ask my hubby buy also hard. i dun like to wait till i need then buy... cos my house downstairs dun have it.

I think its not hormone la. its just been commented a few occassions and buay song liao.
starfantasy: Lucky you. Now it is normal price

They told me to buy more during the expo but I only bought the promo pack so wasted.. hahaha.Now I have to wash morning and night.. Should have just bought more.. But what to do.. Testing it mah.. ...hmmmmm

JC: Disposables very expensive on long run. I used to spend abt $2 a day .. Imagine throwing money like that.. Then still got round circles. .. haha. I leak more.. so keep changing.. haiz. Hurray and congrats to mothers who leak less.

hello gals, what drymama you all talking about...is that washable breastpads? any link to show..for my #1, i also bought some washable bpad but cant recall what brand liao...its better to have both in case leak too much and cannot dry up in time.
haiz I am sick again with cough and running nose and slight fever...so sianz I get sick every few weeks now.
