(2012/08) Aug 2012

i also pump in public toilet for my #1 after ML and managed to bf him for 27mths
i have 2 sets of spare parts and sterilise them at home in the morning and put in lock & lock (air tight)
take 1 set when i need to pump, luckily my pump easy to fix
nahnah: oh okok sorry idk a thing about csec ps =)

J~A: not young liao. 26 this year. stress. but registration is 31st July, most prob is hub go do liao. beside me blk got gd sch, chongfu pri, but i not choosing that, i take further away de huamin pri cos gt bowling for cca, my #1 loves bowling. so.. yea. hopes he likes that sch. hehe.

ayukie: no wow liao, i tink v big gap. my #1 ex sch mate got one diff 8yr. but see liao v cute, the korkor v protective of didi. hehehe..

whitewhitethingyinbreast: this thingy mine not liquid, but when u squeeze u can see white dotdotdot, thn rub rub presspress than will like blackhead pattern come out. but everyday also have leh!!! normal huh. is this wad u all call colostrum ?
JA: If in nursing room, what for those uncles and aunties knock? Funny ppl do funny things...

If can I don't want to pump in toilet cos I'm very clumsy, drop this and that then faint..haha
i'm the youngest married lady in my office.
n my ofc is male dominated.
other then archive rm all rooms r glass n my cubicle near main door n partiton is low ppl walk past can c.
so i pinning hope on my archive rm if i do wanna continue BF.
starfantasy: mine is wax type... not watery... so i never use nursing pad lor... it's a bit like ear wax but in white colour? hahaha
auykie .. haha .. i forgt abt the 2 breast thing .. keep tinking 50pc the can tahan 50 days .. by then confinement end liao ..
Rykiel: erm, I don't think that is colostrum, cos it should be clear, at most slight yellowish, sticky, a bit gooey one, and definately no smell. You want to check with doc?
ayukie: interested in chongfu ar? hehehehe

star: duno simi lai eh leh. no smell. i check with her this thurs. hehehehehehe.
hi all, i see a number of pple recommending california calendula bodywash. Is that the one together with shampoo as well?

so pour few drops in water, then use hanky wipe them all over bb and use clean water wipe them again. is that right?
Wow 27 mths !! Good job, u pump using what pump or latch ??

Young leh 26 with 2 kids..hee. Nowadays pple start family after 30 yrs..
I still figuring how to add on fb, I damn jialat so suah ku haha !!

I also got white flakes on my nipples, what's that ah ? My hb ask me not to 'scratch' it out ....
Ayukie: Wah.. Where u stay wor? Staying beside Doesnt mean v high chance also.. Chongfu even phase 2C also ballot one. 1km also de.. Cos too many applicants..
i will use bubblebath until my baby gal is older lor like for my sonny .. note bubblebath runs out faster than shampoo haha so in terms of washes == more exp
but u can put some shampoo and dilute in a tub and use like bubble bath (only no bubble) .. if no dilute must rinse off like top to toe shampoo ..

all same lah depends on ur pocket how deep lol
You probably will need more than two pads a day, considering that we can't bathe and also sweat big time! For hygiene purpose, especially if you are breast-feeding and pumping as well.. They may be soaked with milk...

You are SOOOO young! Gosh! And already going to be a monther of 2! Now I really feel OLD.....

Yes, I can fully understand the post-delivery pain that you have been through... Let's just hope that our bad pile experience won't be as bad as before.

On engorgement:
I am not sure if the massage from my ML (mdm Ida) helped. I experienced one quite bad engorgement during my #1. Also had bleeding from nipple, not sure if this is related to engorgement. Anyway, my #1 was slightly premmie and she couldn't suck very well. I stopped Bfing at 5th month due to poor supply. For my #2, Mdm Ida did a good breast massage for me after every massage session, though painful, I found that I can pump better after that. Also didn't have any engorgement nor other bleeding problem during #2. Having said so, my #2 can suck very well as well.. so, I am not sure if really the massage helps or was it due to baby's demand...I managed to BF #2 till 15th month.
Hello mummies! Sorry to intrude ur thread, i m actually a november mummy. Like to check with u mummies if you have CL to recommend, maybe ur CL if they are available in Nov. many tks in advance!!!!!
Hi to all,

Can anyone share your hospital packing list with me? Need to start packing early and not be so stressed later...Tks..
JA: flakes? Could they be dry skin? Initially before I put any moisterizer on my breast and nipples, it got so itchy until I scratch till flaky wor..
Finally back from work, the breastfeeding book that I was talking about is titled Successful breastfeeding A practical guide. The author is Kang Phaik Gaik, a senior lactation consultant from mt a. Very simple to understand with pictures. Good for husband to read also.
Wow, the thread is moving fast!

Ayukie, do you go to Jin Zi Long for both name and c-sect date selection?

Panties: I hate disposable types and they do not hold the pad in place.
I got the cheaper version cotton panties(non disposable ones).
At least still get the comfort and if throwing away not so wasted.

- Receipt for the pre-natal medical expenses
- Marriage Certificate
- Admission Letter
- Our I/Cs
- Photocopy of bank statement of both parents

- Camera
- Handphone & Charger
- Toothbrush and toothpaste (TMC gives)
- Comb & Hair band
- Facial Foam
- Moisturizer
- Towel (TMC provides)
- Nipple Cream
- Nursing bras 2x & breast pads
- Disposable XL size panites 1 packet
- Pureen Maternity Pads
- Front buttoned pyjamas / night gowns / shirts 2x
- Sweater 1x
- Socks 1x
- Clothes for discharge (dress) 1x
- Slippers 1x
- Spectacle
- Plastic bags 2x
- Tissue paper packet 1x

- Clothes for discharge 1x
- Clothes 1x
- Mitten and booties 2x
- Receiving Blanket 1x
- Diapers for newborn 1 packet (TMC provides)
- Breast milk pump 1x & bottles 3 x
- Nursing Pillow 1x
Re: Wax in Nipples

I attended pre-natal class by WBB. She says just clean with warm water to remove the flakes. I also have them daily. For hygiene purposes, don't scratch out cos might tear the nipples. But I scratch the flakes out occasionally. Addictive sometimes, lol!!!
Kelly: each breast is slightly different. I also find it easier to squeeze out drops of colostrum frm oneof my breast. If can don't squeeze at all, keep the colostrum when bb born, they r precious :p
Dear mummies,
Sorry to interrupt.
I am from Mtb Jan 2012.
I have a medela pump in style advanced (Pisa) tote bag; US imported set tote bag for sale.

Bought it in Jan 2012 and letting it go now (quite new) because I'm going back work and my job nature doesn't allow me to pump regularly. Latch on more often than pump since home all these while.

The set includes :
Stylish shoulder bag design
A/C adapter & Battery Pak (8AA batteries not included)
Removable cooler carrier
4 collection containers & lids
(1 brand new-totally unused)
2-24mm PersonalFit™ Breastshields (used)
Breastfeeding Information Guide
2 valves (used)
4 membranes(2 brand new)
Cooling element

In addition, i will be giving the following 
 - a Transformer for PISA $60 (For PISA after 2008) – 3 pin, power is as good as item 23 the original adaptor. Recommended for US PISA 9V. Direct from Singapore power socket to medela pump from
mega babies store because the original charger and adapter is too bulky
-1/4 bag of sacred tea ( for mummies who want to try if it works for them)
-40 pieces of pigeon breast pads (unsed)
-2 boxes of Nanny Storage Bags 
S$11.00 Quantity: 25 bags per box, Capacity: 6 oz or 170 ml

Do PM me or email me at [email protected] for pics,details and price!

gd morning all mummies & babies! =)

meistar: got kids or elderly is $170/mth for levy.. upfront i chose maid booked all signed embassy contract till date i paid about 1.2K, the loan hvn yet. cos she just reach SG on monday
meistar: i dun get wad u mean, eg if ur maid salary is $450 u hv to pay 450+170 everymth = $620/- .. salary is salary ; levy is levy. levy u can apply for giro deduction. cpf payments ive not heard of yet. anyone knows?
ah ic!!! i tot philippines is 350? no? maybe the website i see is old webby... so the market price now is 450 + 170 lah... thanks for the information!!!

Ayukie, sorry you mean that you have paid Jin Zi Long for date calculation but gonna use your gynae's date?
My gynae charges extra $600 if we choose the date and time but has to be within normal hours and non-PH.
