(2012/08) Aug 2012

jen - haha i didnt latch immed cause my boy was too cold to bath him after give birth so had to wait for hrs then i see him ..

sorry! i've been busy over the weekend. Have u been added to the FB group already? If not can we have your email add again? I tried searching but it say no matching results!

Re: Using hand to express
This is no joke one lor!!! I used my hands to express before cos my funnels were spoilt!!! My wrists and all were so aching after each expressing session!!!

and to all mommies have kept my mom in prayer thank you so much! Please continue to keep her in prayers that she will have a speedy and full recovery from the lung infection soon!
gd aftn ladies, the thread move so fast this mrn. Just had a nice lunch with gongcha..still so sleepy after kopi and GC.
Did smeone mention durian?? Yummmy, i m so looking forward to eat them end june/jul to pump up my boy

Hehehe, after i pop my #1, my nei nei dnun belong to me anymore, the pump and my ger and the LC.For those mummies who suffered frm engogement, can ask the ML to help and use hot compress.

54 days to my c'sct date, so damm looking forward to it, so tiring to work this time round. But then again, bb out, mean more late nite or lesser sleep........equally tired

Hazel Nutty- letting off and voicing out is good. not good to keep inside de.

Jljz- Take care
Hi mummies,
Thank you very much for the encouragements and advices. Feeling better after this.

Ling, actually I think I that kind of person who mind will anyhow imaging things if I am not occupy. Even now when I still working, I can feel that my emo sometime go crazy too. Like last fri, hb tell me his on the way back from changi and he said on the way. However, he took more than 1 1/2 hours to reach. Then I qn him y so late he tell me traffic jam but still doubt him. So feel that I getting emo very easily lately. Scare if really stay house will be worse. My EDD is 1st Aug.

Think I also need to get my list out in order to c wat has been missing then quick stock up in case no time as only left like less than 2 months for me.
massage lady clear the engorgement is like abusing your breast, super painful but at least can solve the problem..
after childbirth think nothing to be paiseh liao hahaaa
J~A: LOL, i like the way u descibe how the ML and the engorgement

Actually i m quite worry abt supply this time round, boob nv increase much in size n don't feel so heavy....Keeping my finger cross
Just to share, I had lunch with my friend today and she mentioned she is able to get NeuroGain fish oil cheaper (around $30). Think most clinics sell at $40 or higher.

She is mother of two young kids and is also able to package confinement herbs (for bathing and for red date longan tea) for you if you are not sure what to buy. Will be overall cheaper than what you can get in Singapore.

I am not getting any commissions, just PM me if you want her contact and to find out more.
meistar: The "wax" you talking about is it clear and sticky but no smell, maybe only a little bit? If that is, it is pre-milk or called colostrum. I discover I had them some time ago and told my mum, she say everyday bath now must take care to clean the nipples so that it won't get blocked.
wow .. the thread is really fast ...

Anyway now i also in 32 weeks .. rykiel when is your csect date ?

Panties : i got mine from wintertime.. cos is 100 % cotton then also disposable ... previously when i travel i also buy , quite comfy and also can hand wash if wana reuse cos it dries super fast ...

BF : i can see some colestrum leaking sometimes.. just maybe 3-4 drops .. but still my breast size like no change .. kinda worry no milk come in ..

2nd time mummies : anyone know how long after csect then can bf the baby ?
Haha, ya lor, the nick are so similiar, when look on iphone and the fonts are pretty small, easily mixed up. Have updated my prev msg to target the correct mummy. XD
really painful, can cry !!
supply has no relation to boob size, so dont worry and have confidence in yourself !!
nahnah: i not gg for csec, gg normal hehehe. u gg for csec?

J~A: true also hor, leg also so big give ppl see during delivery liao. =( hahahhaa... add me in fb i add u.. www.facebook.com/rykiel

ayukie: fwah.. i v tempted to bf my #2 leh. hehehehe.. but ah.. after delivery sure deflate again.

jen: must b hard on u. heard its alot pain.. GRRR..

this time i hope to bf longer...my goal for #2 will be 18mths of tbf..

really worried the pump die on me, previously another mummy suggested to go toh guan to service pump but i enquired so ex, $150 just to service..discuss with hb and decided to buy a new pump instead as if really die on me and need repair will need a replacement pump temporary....talked to other mummies who have #2 and use medela, all say medela very lasting and they used for #2 without problems..keeping fingers crossed..
Those worried about milk supply, don't be too stressed. Just know that if insufficient supply, can use formula milk. At least baby will not go hungry.

Important to have supportive family and right equipment. Preferably good dual electic pump if can afford, must compare the cost vs that of fomular milk. The mummies with #1 all have their share of bleeding nipples, engorgement etc. Some babies latch well, others only drink expressed breast milk. Whatever we choose to do, it is ok. We mummies are just trying our best for our babies.

Remember to drink lots of liquids (fish soup etc). My CL told me last time to drink Horlicks instead of Milo for better supply.
J~A- me too. Since gg to close shop liao, hope to BF for 18mth plus this coy more pro bf'ing. Even bgt 1 ameda pump (my fs not tt strong) to put in office.
oh ...babyaidan and han .. thanks ...

Rykiel .. i going for epi c sect ... count date one so gonna cut cut lo .. as the date get closer .. i am seriously panicking
Did anyone buy DryMama Reusable pads from the expo when they had promo?

I tried it and it was very good. Really better than the Avent ones.
paiseh I dont know how to add :p
can i pm u my email address..

my pump is also freestyle.. shd i get a standby 2nd pump now instead ?
saw the avent duo in the fair last wkend only $599 but think think better to get back same brand at least some spare parts can reuse..
i thinking of getting PISA backpack .. already told hb to get this model if pump dies on me...

regret stop bf for #1 as is purposely and can tell difference in health for #1 not as gd as before.....but stop liao cannot kick start anymore.....so this time will want to sustain longer
nahnah: epi csec mean what? epidural csec? u prepare n buy things all lliao ant??

J~A: can ar, pm me. i add u in .. hehe =D
hmz my old pump still can wrk recently gt the replacement power adapter and nw gg get new parts and that will be my spare pump ..

my new pump is freestyle .. haha cause my ameda is old already .. (highly utilised)
this round i also hope to BF longer but my co not so suitable to pump so 1 step at a time c how.

my boobs turn hard like rock when i was sleeping n when i tried to turn to sleep on my side cannot turn cos so hard n pain end up wake up at 4am to pump -.-"

totally agree!

wow! 18mths. i was thinking if i can survive 4mths ML to BF. when return to work need to c how.
Thanks, I pm u already..

My job not very suitable to express as need to travel ard sometimes..most my coll all stop bf after ML cos v mah fun, but I very determined to continue. I pump at shopping mall nursing room when not in office and keep in fridge to go..leh chey but worth it for my bb sake..only intro her partial FM after she turned 12mths and then full fm at 15mths..
j~A - i use to pump in handicap toilet .. at first i was worried abt the hygiene so i pump and throw then someone told me the pump as long as dont open inside andthe pump wont allow backflow it should be safe .. gave my son abit and no issues so i spent mths in the toilet wgagaa
jen: i was 19 whn i had #1 haha.. er, n body not healthy so i din bf. hehehehe. never.

J~A: ok ill check!

ayukie: no, blogsphere. haha
starfantasy: ya... actually i notice it when i was abt 2-3mths pregnant... but i think recently it's getting more.. like after i remove it a few days it appears again! ask u ah... how u clean? i like to clean it when it's dry and slowly "peel" it off!
I havent tried pumping in toilet.. hehee
Pump in nursing room, then some idiotic pple will knock the door and ask what am I doing inside..damn frustrating..they thinking I abuse the room...best part is they are not nursing mummies...some uncle or auntie...
anne - electric pump worse trust me whahhaa .. tats why i choose handicap toilet if there available else common toilet abit stress but bo bianz so bo chup
I was hesistant to reply but then keep knocking and asking what am I doing so I say wo zhai pump nai. haha..perhaps they are watchdog fr the mall to chk if pple abuse or maybe they wanna rest inside themselves, nowadays the nursing room v comfy one mah..sometime i even seen man sleeping inside on the couch, really buay paiseh one..
j~A - i seen ppl use nursing rm listen to music and charge hp ... then when i need it to change my boy diaper i will diao them luckily they take the hint
nowadays most places have nursing room, can pump there and also some got electricity plug too..

ya the freestyle is really noisy the motor, my hb laugh at me when i pump, say the sound v funny...he joking say u gg to start the beh beh beh beh beh again after #2 out...really cant imagine going through the crazy initial part of pumping 3 hrs day and night...hahaaa
wow! u r young.. suddenly i feel old -.-"

JA, Ayukie,
pump in toilet? my nearest shopping mall need to take 15mins bus exclu my 10mins walking to busstop. so is either office toilet. non aircon n warehouse envoirnment + dunno by then i come back renov finish liao bo. so i target got 4mths i am proud liao. else i really gotta hide in archive rm pump
I also pump in toilet for my last job, cos open concept, at times i pump in my director's room.

Ayukie- Ameda good right? I tried switch n try my olf FS and Ameda, feel stronger. My FS really CMI, compared to the rest of pple. Dun know why.
Rykiel ... i mean epidural with c-section ..
Most things should be bought liao .. also dun tink i need anything else le ..

ANyway the pigeon breast pad , if buy 1 box of 50 enuff ?
meistar: wow, urs started really early. Mine was only recent and only a few drops when I pinch the nipple (not sure normally got or not cos cannot see as it might get absorbed into the bra already) so everyday when I bath, I just gently rub the nipple. I have started putting nursing pad, you got?

anne: yup, i got the dry mama reusable nursing pads from the recent expo fair. Agreed it's very good, so much better than the avent one which makes my breast itch like mad. A little pricey but since it's reuseable, it would be worth it in the long long. I got buy disposable ones to use when my reusable ones are in the wash. Everytime throw those disposable one heartpain. Haha

JA: Is it cos you pump in a toilet with only 1 cubicle?
your co no mummies continue bf after ML ?
can try ask for any small room to pump or if u ok just pump at your cubicle use nursing cover but problem is the noisy motor might disturb your colleagues. maybe lunch time but must dapao, no more social life during lunch..u try your best

u very young mummy leh !!
stress a not this yr must do P1 registration for #1..

i pump in the nursing room and there are 3 cubicles in total....when i entered the cubicle the other 2 were empty and i left i saw the other 2 are empty too...
usually if only 1 nursing room cubicle and other mummies knock, i will open to share with them the room...esp those with screaming babies who cant wait to be nursed..
