(2012/08) Aug 2012

oh over weekend i bought the herbs for bathing le hehe ..

this mth will clean and settle my bb wardrobes hehe ..

nxt mth stock up herbs n ingredients for confinement food

aug - ask mama to buy some food for the nanny to cook when i in hosp (at least more fresh) haha pick up sonny, maid n food tog after discharge frm hosp .. think its a gd plan whahaa

i think besides getting new mattress for the playpen and some mattress sheet and 1 more blankie ... im done prepared for baby at least for the 1st mth ... oh i need some dress pjs for after give birth ... anyone see cheap n good let me know ya?
Can we dun bath with the herb? For #1, no cl, mum onli come after work, i seldom use herb to bath.

Those with #1, are u gg to let #1 stay in the hosp wif u over the nite? DH is toying with that idea, i think i will go mad

Personally, i was quite lucky,nv need to use CB cream on backside so often. But usually on face and hand, as massage cream. Keeping my finger cross for #2.

Ayukie- I feel u.For my case, worst, so called CL is my mum who come after work to cook dinner for me, go hme after dinner. My lunch was prepard by my maid, who main duty was to take care of my bedridden granny. My hubby took 1 wk to coy me,after that it was hell. BB crying, no time to eat, or even pump. Reallyt affected my supply. This time round, having proper CL for 2 wks, hopefully will be better. But then again, with my sticky #1, i can't imagine how much better it will be
i really kowtow to mummies like u.
i cannot take it cos my supply was not so gd n my #1 big drinker, after full mth on 100-120ml FM so my BM like no kick for her n together with bleeding nipples.
i told myself, my sanity is more impt.
i was not a BF bb n i grew up fine so i shut all the neg comments n went on total FM.
i was happier, got my sanity back n hb comes back to a happier looking wife then messier, disorientated wife n hse.
so i advise all 1st time mummies to try ur best to BF. if really cannot, ur sanity is worth more.
so long as u know u have tried ur best. a happier mother = a happier bb.
a happy wife+ a happy bb = a happy father = happy family
yeah i forced hubby to take a wk leave .. anyway after c-sect i cant bath myself properly so had hub to bath me during the first week (cause of the wound) .. anyway that mth my hub have to help me wash m clothes poor guy .. this time no mil no mum got 1 maid 1 confinement nanny haha .. i should be better .. my #1 go full day cc haha ..

babyaidan - i gt sensitive skin hehe so i take no chances :p

no gg to let #1 stay in hosp but he will visit me and mei mei after sch bah (if he goes to sch or else when hub fetch him ..) hosp no gd for little ones to stay .. hub have to stay tho haha ..

erm im gg bath with the herbs because if i dont bath i will go crazy and erm no herbs my mum wun allow me bath (nt sure abt the nanny tho) but just get and use lah
jen - haha tats when the nipple cream comes in handy .. i know the bleeding part .. during bleeding i cut down on pump .. im more exclusive pump mum than latching mum .. my latching is more of comfort latching cause bbay gt juandice prefers to sleep (during 1st mth that is after that terrok) .. my son drinks quite some too and i supplement with fm till i build my supply .. (2 mths +)

oh my hubby have to bear the brunt of my tenpers and discomfort and unhappiness haha .. remind him thats all for saving fm $$ lol
i bath with herb for #1 but wash away with water after that..sounds stupid hahaa

hb wants to stay in hospital with me and #1, i not too keen as doesnt feel gd for #1 to stay hospital, maybe pantang ? managed to convince him to go home with #1 but he still thinks that he and #1 want to stay in hospital with me to give support..i told him i m ok to stay alone.
i full BF in hospital n on day i discharge oredi bleeding nipples so applied nipple cream n latch other nipple who know before the bleeding nipple recover i kenna both sides, so end up pump n throw. nipple cream nor breast milk helped my bleeding nipples. lactation consultant n some nurses helping me to BF all mentioned tat my nipples r "short" so not easy for bb to latch also.
when i stop at 6wks i was leaking n still able to yield abt 60-80mls when i pump although wasteful to stop but hb told me its fine as he don want me to go crazy BF-ing cos i cried alot during confinement. engorgement, piles, wound, hormones. n the stupid rule abt no plain water killed me
j~A - ask him bring #1 to visit u and then bring #1 home then go back stay with u lor .. i commanded my hub do tat :p
jen - oh i had enorgement before i made my hub help me squeeze but then gt 1 time tooo engorge i really did the cabbage theraphy it works but it stinks .. after the cabbage needs to pump again tho .. its nt just do and forget ..

when i bleed i usually use medela nipple cream quite gd only too sticky

inverted nipple think they gt this nipple thingy to help latch but then im more of a pump person .. cant latch nvm pump lor haha ..

pump is faster than latch anyway ..
Maybe we shld all meet up before we pop as well. So cute.

Jen- I agree with u, sanity is more impt. Hubby wann me to give up cos i was so bad temper and i nearly give up. BUT then my ger was really tiny, premature , so i onli can ren. I remember that period i was really depressed and stressed. Hubby was busy with work, mum working, after confinement, she dun come over anymore. Then my maid issues and my boss made me work from hme.

Ayukie- My mum understand me most, she ask me u sure u will bath with the herb anot. This time round, hubby not gg to take leave, plus he mite be travelling n is his peak period, tt why have 2 wks of CL. MY mum is taking care of my ger for me, but hubby feel tt my ger will be sad w/o me at nite, cos onli 3 nites not with me since birth, after which we are always together each nite.So he proposed letting her stay over. But i think i will b in pain after c'section n tired.
cannot cos #1 not close to both. i rather she go hm with hb. hb can manage her alone so i not worried..
since day 1 we took care her ourselves and IFC only even if we both sick we also take care of #1 ourselves.
#2 birth will be the 1st time we separate as family
allygraffi - haha i looking at ard 10+ bucks each hehe but will pop by spring for a look :p

j~A/babyaidan - my boy also but bo bian i gg c-sect for day 1 i cfm cmi and i wan some1 to acc me haha .. also hor .. if u dun let go nxt time also have to let go somehow mah like when they gt camping nxt time .. it'll be like when he starts cc that time lor have to trust the caregivers and let go ..
no choice..my parents working and not gd with kids. PIL stay with SIL and take care of both their kids..i want to let go but no one to let go to.....
Babyaiden: it depends u want or not to bath with herbs, to me the main point is not to catch a cold so i won use the herbs. Luckily, my mum, despite being 71 yo, is very open and understand not all confinements rules need to apply after tech and med advances frm many yrs ago.

Ayukie: go taobao, there are pj sets (some esp for bf) going for 10 odd sgd before shipping. Some mine be even cheaper.
mine is not inverted, jus short so no need the nipple thingy. when i discharge at nite engorge n hb rush out cannot find cabbage in NTUC.
n i cannot handle then pump jus sit there n cry till hb wanna send me to hospital.
but that time i really wanna jus stay hm.
finally manage to pump n relieve before engorgement kick in 4hrs later.
this time i got maid n CL so even hb away i hope tat extra hands from maid will be helpful cos FM is TOO EX!!
I am a silent reader and comes in very occasionally as I am coping with #1 while trying to get around in my heavy body.

Kenna piles yesterday and am living in "agony" now.

Jen: I fully understand your situation. I was fully pumping cos my boy refuse to latch on. No maid after CL and life was hell. Can't even go toilet without my boy crying from his sleep.

I had piles back then during confinement and my body was going bongkers with all the confinement food.
This round, i hope again my baby girl can latch on. At least this round, I engaged a maid so hope life will be better.
Planning to order sacred tea as well.
Jen - go cold storage , shop n save .. erm even nt chinese cabbage also helps my hub bought those normal cabbage (cause he dunno the diff he only knows cabbage) haha i so desperate i just freeze and use and sleep then wake up all soggy and cabbage from frozen to cooked likdat .. then i pump ok liaoz ... btw that really really stinks i dunno if chinese cabbage will nt be so offensive with the smell haha
ivftwins : i also kena ... its really depressing .. already coping wif disturbed sleep , frequent peeing , stretch mark , lousy skin .. now plus piles ... haiz ... i also sian ...

Finally called the agent ... after 1 month then tell me that maid will come this week .. hopefully la ..

All of you got so many things to buy at motherhood fair wor ..i only got subscription + tricycle , 2 baby gate from kidzloft and a sleepy wrap ... apparently most things i buy liao ahahaha ... anyone who attended mrs wbb class know what brand of baby non rinse body wash to buy ?
FM : what brand u plan to give ? my #1 on Gain since 1yr old and she just turn 2 yrs few mth ago and the price already adjusted twice, really siong..today i went NTUC just to look see and saw that Enfa Stage 3 increase to $37 even more expensive than Gain, did I see wrongly ??
I am washing some of bb's clothes in the washing machine. I dunno kodomo has so much bubbles. Or did i put too much!! N my washing machine is front loading. Dunno will spoil it or not.
at 11.30pm, only 24hrs NTUC available n i always tot cabbage is a very common veg readily available.

how ur piles? better?
my swelling subsided n no pain *touch wood*
now scare liao drinking loads of water n fruits

i prob stick with similac, my #1 also similac so jus continue. u got chk the price at rivervale mall medical hall?

same here, hoping with maid will b better

the padding actually can don buy lah.
but the "bar" & strap is really ex lor n 1 thing i nv figure out is y the babies can fit in cos the space after putting the "bar" seem so tiny n limited
Jen , now better ... i very paranoid wash wif diluted dettol daily plus the cream then super dun dare to push too hard , eat tons of fruits as well .... its more of the emotional roller coaster of what something new again kinda devastation ... haha .. know i v drama .. but duno why so emo lately ...

Thanks for asking..
i understand, everytime u need to do big biz got tat emotional barrier.
don worry give urself some time. it shd b better after a wk.
don rub too much also, use water wash or soften toilet paper with water then clean will be better.
*jia you*
I gave her Similac is the free sample then switch to Gain already...Check before the medical hall, not much difference the price but that was quite some time ago, not sure abt now the pricing.
Usually I get from Carrefour during the 10% and free delivery..recently I bought 1.8kg due to the price increase, must budget..previously I buy 900g tins for freshness...
I also give her Isomil when she coughing, Isomil 3 after price increase is $41, goodness, they just keep increasing the price, stage 3 can hit above $40..
Dear mummyr, Star n Ayukie,
Thx for advice on baby powder!

Those getting maids this week,
ALL THE BEST! Hopefully we're all lucky in getting good maids!!!

Re: Baby's chinese name & c-sect date
Anyone knows anyone who do these huh? Mine probably c-sect. Heh.
Gain IQ 3 (1-3yrs) is the follow up from similac stage 2 (6-12mths) right?
my girl taking Gain IQ 4 (3yrs up) now.
i get from the medical hall for gain IQ 4 diff quite big, abt $7 cheaper/ 1.8kg.
as for the freshness, we usually open the 1.8kg and then transfer to a smaller airtight container for daily use.
finish then we open again to top up so reduce the exposure to air.
jen : thanks !!

zratsniwt: izzit ? i dun recall she did sell in our class... maybe i miss out ... so is avent ? then i better go hunt for it ..
@nahnah: yup yup. avent...my class was 1st class on sat and she only brought a few bottles...not enuff for the rest to buy too...though i rem her basket got others la...but she was selling avent and think she also used avent during her demo...
Ayukie - oops that's was the only one I saw so i bought cos hv nursing access. Mothercare more ex. If I see cheaper ones will alert :D
Ladies, for those with piles and constipation can try combination of fibrosis/other soluble fiber and this stool softener thing called dhactulouse. Gp shd carry it. Drinks like 2liters of water at least a day then shd be better. I also kena quite bad, went to see specialist and this is what they gave me. Safe for pregnancy
Nahnah: the cot so cute! But sadly my rational side told me it's a waste of money since can only use a while.

On piles: a lot of ppl get the misconcept that must take lots of veges or fruits or even increase fiber intake. That idea is not really correct since piles are caused by too much exertion due to hard stools and too much fiber is the cause of it. So instead of taking even more veges or fruits or fiber supplement, drink lots of water or liquid to soften the stool so that they are easier to come out.
To combat constipation without the need for fiber (i'm not saying totAlly cut out veges or fruits, just take the recommended amt no need increase), drink fresh veges or fruit juices instead. The juice will contain less fiber but yet has the ability to keep out intestine moving (our intenstine are sluggish due to preggy hormones so the cause of contispation)
Oh and doing light exercises like walking will help with our intestines moving as well. I did a combination of these and my constipation are better controlled.
Ayukie: haha okok u call me when u select a date when bb 6mths

Jen: the person told me got the cushion better baby won't slip down from the chair cause the chair material is abit slippery. Haha the seat belt I won't get until 1yr plus later cause the seat like quite ok. Ya I at first also cannot understand the seat so small how baby sit? Even say adults can sit ahahaha..
I'm also experiencing constipation these days and it is really so painful..
Been coughing for past few days with lots of phlgem so can't take fruits and only drinking lots of water.
My colleague mentioned she coughed for last 2 months during preggy and the cough went off after she gave birth.
I hope this is not happening to me..

Sashamama, I go to Jin Zi Long for calculation of BB Chinese name and C-sect date.
Planning to meet him on next Monday for discussion.
Have not been active in posting lately. A bit stress out. Too many things to worried. So quite lost too. Seem like got a lot of hand down but then like a lot of things have not buy. And still clueless on what to pack for the hospital bag as my antennal class only start this weekend. Yet to wash bb clothes too. Still wonder to extend my contract for one more month, worry might go delivery early. If not then one month at home also not sure will be bored or not and mean no additional income. Then come the BF part, not sure got enough supply and hb insist BF but dun allow me buy pump as he mention since got hand down pump then just make do. And said most of the time latch on. But I scare too stress over this then wait depression. Ha ha...
Mum said she will check with her next door Aunty if she can babysit. Then I can put bb there if I plan go work. Sound ok but not sure hb agree or not. Cos I think he prefer my MIL take care but given my MIL condition I very doubtful and reluctant to let her take care. If she bring along my that retarded SIL then I really dunno what will happened. All kind of worries and things really making me go crazy.
Hazel: relax, i also get worry pangs every now and then esp we r nearing to pop. Just a few days ago i confided in hubby that i feel really scared that i cannot handle bb also, maybe if nothing happen it might be better. Not that i don love my bb but just scared and worry. Find someone to talk ur worries and fears with (if hubby not willing listen then find another fren) and u'd feel much better. On fruit juice, can drink but only at rm temperature also avoid cooling fruits like pineapple watermelon etc, apple juice is okie. I also haven pack hospital bag nor wash anything yet. If ur doc say u don have risk to pop early then can leave this thing till latest 1 mth before ur edd.. Baby class will teach u wat u need to pack and basic knowledge so don panic okie. For taking care of bb, if the auntie nxt door is as exp as infant care, imp better go infant care cos no one monitor the auntie.

even gt hand me down pumps also need uy pump parts lor .. erm im a more active pump user than latch haha so i prefer pump :p

tell ur hub its nt ez to care for a retarded slibing and worse if a newborn + retarded slibing .. how can ur mil cope .. but then no need worry once bb out and u keep calling him to come back help u he will get the pt ...
