(2012/08) Aug 2012

One thing i learnt frm the baby class at mt a, if affordability is really an issue, use hand to express the milk. This is the basics and the lady conducting the class commented some mummies are more comfortable expressing milk by hand than using pump. Try different ways to see which one u prefer, up to individual.
gd morning all, woke up with bad backache leh. super 酸 when i woke this morning dk y. boo~~~ my position while im on ML will be replaced by a temp staff they employ, n this temp staff they r employing i saw online the ad hor, the pay so much lower than me, sort of like telling me my position 不稳 anytime got ppl will replace me. =( see liao also sian half mans.

durians: ya agree that durian v sweet, but its said to boost bb weight right? i took another 2seeds last night, but i asked hub to feed me cos i dun wan dirty my hands n got the smell, so he squeeze n rub the seed n feed me. sounds er xin hor? HAHAHHAA.. i sourcing for costumes for bb, thn whn during confinement i gg take the dslr out to snap. =x but ar. headache. cos idk hw to use the cam in professional mode =x muahahaha. i saw alot v v cute ones lor. cos mummy flo was searching for knitted caps than gave me the idea to find costumes also to go along than i can snap pics. hehehe.

so much tender n submission to do, im slowly clearing my desk area n shred all the docs away. im like left with 6wks only. i thought of bringing fw my ML to one week earlier which is 13th Jul stop work instead of 20th Jul stop work. this thurs whn gg see gynae than see if she got mention anything abt bb ant bah.

gynae visits: im seeing gynae 3-4weeks a mth, no fortnightly for now. update u all again shud my gynae change her mind n bring fw my appts. cos i pre-booked appt with her just to apply leave else wait leave NOT approved again. FML. i hate it. oh yea, im 32Wks soon~ WOO. wonder whats bb weight now?
For those mummies who are worried abt bf, i was recommended a book when i go for my bb class and think the book really helpful for first timers. Forget the exact name will go home check to post if any mummies interested.
star - by hand very painful and very la-chey .. i do that when i forget bring pump and engorge to relieve some pressure nia
Morning! i heard from my friend that the watson disposable panties are really good (pink colour package $4.50 for 5 pieces). Perhaps you all may want to consider it during confinement period. =)
Rykiel: i also had durian ytd! And going to have some more at the end of the the month when i go for my 1 day malaysia durian trip. 2 seeds are okie la, everything in moderation. Durian are said to make bb gain weight cos they are high in carbo (sugar form) and fats compared to other fruits. Oh ya, rem u the more heaty kind right? After eat durian can drink pao sheng to cool down. Have been doing that for myself and it works great (else the next day i would have sore throat). Don't intend to take ML so early else at home also bored nothing to do. Work wise i guess everywhere is the same lor, u can be replaced! Sian but harsh truth..
disposable undies: actually the main point is wear n throw har? so no need touch water to wash is it? previously i did my confinement time i washed my own .. no wonder my hands all is 酸痛.
Ayukie: i doubt i will like to do that also but maybe for some mummies buying a good pump (or even a pump) is really out of the question then no choice lor. But like u say, that can be a last resort la.
hmz i bought my cotton disposable pantis le .. i gt frm kiddy palace think 5.80 for dunno 5 or 6 .. used to b cheaper haiz ...
HI Hazel Nutty, hope you are feeling slightly better. dont be stressed, it is important to keep a happy frame of mind both for baby and yourself. Sometimes i feel that us as women, we like to over worry - things always fall in place when they come but we like to over think them way beforehand. I agree with starfantasy that you should have a chat with your hubby, or a close fren, or even writing down your feelings, rather than bottle them up.

i am planning to start washing and prepping my baby room and necessities by end of this month, and be ready by 1 Aug cos my EDD is 23 Aug. when is your EDD?

i am planning to work till i pop, cos i heard of pple who stay home and do nothing, and start to hu si luan xiang. if you think you fall into that category, do consider extending your contract!

my maid came yday! she is very experienced so isn't much to guide her. i walk her through the rules, duties and first 3 weeks of work. we went to the wet market this morning and bought stuff to cook for next 2 days - hopefully she can cook!!
actually the cotton disposable pantis can be washed and re-use but if too stained just throw away lor .. haha

at least the ones i gt states its washable ..
sk got shop & save 24hrs?
i only tot got NTUC.
anyway, this time round shd b more experience *fingers crossed*

if u notice the tripp trapp got 2 "levels" for bb stage the smaller one is on top n the wider pc below as a footrest. when bb grows to a certain height u will interchange the 2 pcs, the wider one will become the seat n the smaller one will become the footrest n becos it is adjustable height, most ppl can adjust the height to sit on a tripp trapp.

my personal experience is having the pads also slippery cos if u notice the pads r jus like cotton/ polyester fabric with padding inside.
nothing non slip etc.

feel free to pour, we can lend our ears.
think better to tell ur hb ur concerns, sometimes men don c things like we do, its our bb n we don know wat ur SIL is capable of doing in event ur MIL steps away.. it can be jus tat 30secs..
yes, disposible panties is fabric ones n jus wear n throw.
so we don need to wash n also for my case not nice ask CL to wash undies for us.
but this round gt maid, ask maid wash
star: yaya. previously day ate 1seed nose bled! HAHAAHHAA paosheng is those dry pcs n put water that one ar? v smelly also one? =x

ling: congrats!!! feel at ease to hear the maids r doing well. how old is yr maid?

jen: oh okok! i got maid this time round so ok la hor? anw wun b stained or anything ma, cos we using liners n pads all right? most i give her a small angbao aft my confinement. hhehheee! =P

confinement: i heard b4 must give a small angbao to those who slp in the confinement rm with u is it? eg: #1 & hubby. for kids more impt har? else they will b fussy?
think give angbao to those who does the confinement for u esp wash ur stained clothes (*undies) (think maid nt applicable haha)
re: disposable panties
those delivering at TMC, they will give u 2 pieces
but can purchase more at the pharmacy at TMC
it is those netted type, hold the pads super well
and its easy to wash(esp stains), rub gently with water is sufficient and dry very easily
i bought a few pieces for #1 and threw them after confinement
just check out the pharmacy during last check up, they still selling it
Jen: Erm, got maid I also dun really trust her to wash my own undies. Even till now, I handwash my own cos never know if she wash clean or not. Hehe

Rykiel: Ya, you can ask the medicinal hall to cut the pao sheng into pieces then boil with water. I don't think it's smelly lei, but to individual. Be careful not to mix yang sheng cos that one might be too cooling liao. Also don't take too much at one go, try with 1 cup, if still feeling heaty then take another. On the angbao, I never heard before, but instead of me giving ang bao to hubby, he should be the one giving me instead (or a present) for all the hardwork I go thru during labour.. wahahaha
during confinement is no choice.
we cannot touch cold water so often.

the netted type really gd n comfy.
how much they selling?
MT E tat time i forget to ask.

nv tot of asking hb to travel ard singapore hunting for cabbage lah.. so funny.. imagine hb dash in n ask do u sell cabbage?"
my wife boobs engorge -.-"
Jen: Erm, I'll wash them while bathing, have always done that so I'll be using warm water. I do intend to bath everyday (maybe for the first few days while I'm recovering, which in that case, will just wear disposable undies) while doing confinement. Cabbage is sold in supermarkets also, no need for your hubby to tell the person what's his reason for buying..haha
eh .. my tummy pain since morn

jen - haha go nearest lah .. show ur hub cabbage pic .. normal cabbage also works
during confinement, i don wash anything less my hands during morning brush teeth n when required n with warm tap water. shower i will prob tahan 1 wk then shower everyday with herbs.
moreover wound down there so pain together with piles n was also advised not to stand for long n don squat cos our womb/ uterus muscle still loose.

cabbage, i also tot all supermakert sells but 11.30pm at nite seems like a unlikely time to find one. moreover i 1st time kan cheong, hb c me cry in pain also kan cheong. serach high n low cannot find go ask the NTUC ppl.
i ask him so u got tell them i desperately need cabbage cos my wife boobs engorge, he say almost wanna say tat so maybe they can help him chk ard got some cabbage inside the store -.-"

ayukie, nearest is NTUC but i think is the time lah. 11.30pm not much fresh greens available
your gynae on leave til when ? maybe if still pain u might want to see gp or go 24 hr clinic at kkh?

my baby always kicks and move v strongly, sometimes also v painful..

pee frequency : keep going to toilet, so urgent but the output so less. frustrating !!
Jen: Hehe, for me, if have wound down there with bleeding all the more I want to wash often, if not will have this er xin feeling. For cabbage, keep a list of the supermarkets that are open 24hrs? I count my lucky stars that the NUTC near by home is 24 hours, although like you say late at night might not have cabbage also. So always have some stored in the freezer? Since not for consumption, so stored in freezer can prolong the shelf life?
cabbage : for my #1, my hb bought it immediately after discharge fr hospital to standby at hm. usually milk come in on 4th day and engorgement will start ?? so can keep in the fridge first, cabbage can last quite long in the fridge. but take note that cabbage can reduce supply too..so dont overdo

btw, which type of cabbage, cant remember..
j~a - haha tat time i use cabbage was for stopping bm but after the cabbage i pump out 600+ml (1 pump a day) after that slowly stop pump .. i also took med to stop bf tho so thats pump and throw nia ..
its chinese cabbage but my hub didnt get chinese cabbage he gt me normal cabbage but still wrks .. before that i tried whole day to pump nothing comes out .. too engorged ..
the long or round cabbage ?

cabbage doesnt really work for me, massage lady help me clear better...and also pump every 2 hrs..

wah Ayukie, your supply so gd, can pump so much, 600+mL!!!
j~a - tats a whole day nvr pump and very very engorged haha .. after that supply drops and drops lol .. the long one .. but hub bought me round 1 also wrks lor
it stinks must really put frozen into ur bra and for long long time .. take out the cabbage looks cooked and really stinks ..
ayukie: how u feeling better ler ant? bb keep rolling at one side is it?

star: i got a few at home but i dk what that, ill ask my mum when she comes. hehehe.. so must drink paosheng hor. okok i check with her =) TIA! hehehe. the angbao thingy i heard from my manager one. lol.

tummy pain i tink is cos bb rolling ard too much? ytd i had pain when i walk. thn in office i stand for 10min thn sit down to wrk. lunch time i faster eat than stand n talk. at night when i lie dwn bb will roll n roll thn the feeling at the bottom is like someone patting.. =\
okok will tell hb to buy either one...u mean the cabbage must frozen it then put on breast ah ?? how long to put if just to relieve engorgement..omg yucks hahaaaa
1st time, who know will engorge.
now know liao gonna stock, last time also dunno if can BF or not so nv tot of nipple cream.
now know liao all will prep ready.
wash of cos must wash but if confinement i will not do it, tats where the disposible comes in *lol~*
change n throw.. convenience

sound gross. for me after the failure for search of cabbage. i use the warm towel treatment.
thankfully after 1hr of struggle, breakdown, i recover my composure n manage to pump to relieve the engorgement.

engorgement SUX, hard like rock
jen - i stock nipple cream for my #1 before i deliver lol i think im the kiasu type lolz ..

im soo sooo sooo tired .. i just want sleep ..
jen - warm towel nvr wrk for me .. massage also cant massage so onlee way is the total gross way .. but dont think will store the cabbage .. i will pump regularly lol
j~A - yeah put in freezer frozen then take 2 leaves or more enulf to cover the boobs and leave till its warm then change .. i change twice then i soo tired i fell asleep with it .. wake up the cabbage cooked and i can pump out liaoz .. hrs bah
cos ppl always say Bm don come in so fast.
so i tot no need, who knows.. haix. so on discharge day hb got me the medela nipple cream i applied but also no use.
when BF boobs like don belong to me, the nurse in the hospital treat my boobs like stress ball, squeeze n press n knead n massage.
day 1 of BF my boobs r like so many finger marks all red due to the kneading to unblock the milk ducts. day 2 was better but my girl suck very hard, nurse say ur bb big so appetite big so "suction" also strong -.-"

thank goodness massage n warm towel works for me.
but for precaution purposes, i am stocking at least 1 cabbage this time
jen - mine came in last night at hosp .. i was engorged and my baby just wants slp thank god for the nurse who loaned me the hosp pump free .. managed to pump colostrum out and then the milk came in .. nxt morn discharge i was frantic with the engorgement and i almost killed the counter for taking so slow to discharge me and my boy
ayukie: normally ill stand up n will feel better abit. else ill talk to myself. in my mind aask bb dun keep squeezing me else i v uncomfy cant wrk properly. hehehehehe than promise ill rest whn i reach hm.

jen: wah. the nurse touched ur boobies. i v shy leh.. the nurses will touch if u bf-ing de ar?
alot of ppl tell me 3-4days then BM come in.
i latch my girl hrs after she was delievered.
then everytime she cry for feed, i latch.
so every 2hrs feeding, but i guess tat helped establish the flow tat y back hm no nurse to bring bb to me latch n i bz settling CL n bb at hm then no pump so at nite engorge big time.

ya lah, cos must teach me how to latch mah.
then they say my nipples short so keep latch n unlatch. pinch n pull my nipple, knead n squeeze.
wound pain, piles pain n boobs also pain.
