(2012/08) Aug 2012

JA: Actually i already got some m size diapers already cos the price (for pampers) too good to resist. Haha. Usually the best bargains are in mid year, was told this by hubby colleague who has 2 children.

tanny: Is that motherhood fair? There are some bb fair that are quite small scale so the bargains would be that good.

There will be a fair in July, Oct/Nov? If anyone knows must update us haha!
hubby finally understand why I also go for sale stuffs.
Sashamama, Pureen Top To Toe needs to be rinsed off and it works like the usual shampoo and bath.
But it's weird to me that newborns need to use Top To Toes washes without rinsing off..
I'm always uncomfortable about using shampoo or bath without rinsing off, feel like not clean.

Movenpick, me too will be getting Freestyle from Beauty Loft maybe in another 2 weeks time.
Dear Tanny,
I have some Avent ones bundled with steriliser. Wont buy many cos depends on baby's preference. I'm staying opposite Tampines central & there's Kiddy Palace n Mothercare, so very convenient if i need bottles, teats, etc.

Dear star,
I thought newborn shouldnt use powder as particles may not be good for them to inhale? I dunno abt bacteria if we leave breastmilk on nipples!

Dear Nikki,
I see. Hmmm... I am unsure abt this!!! Any mummies can advise?
i use bb powsder for my #1 cause dun like the lotion feels sticky .. just dont put too much on to pat can le ..

pureen top to toe use last time in tmc .. now dunno ask to dilute in water no need rinse off ..
after that i use pigeon bubble bath but have changed to baby california thats wholely organic so i bought the baby california bubble bath for #2 this time round .. non rinse ..

re: fairs
normally they are held quarterly, taka one in mar and feb

re: non rinse bath
for newborn, using those non rinse bath/top to toe, etc...just put a few drops to the whole tub of water only, hence you do not need to rinse baby

re: powder
PDs generally dont recommend powder anymore
esp if u have family history of allergy, sinus, eczema...best to avoid powder
There are many lotion out there that can substitue powder
"Powder can cause breathing problems and serious lung damage when inhaled, and it's not always easy to keep the powder out of the air where your baby might breathe it."
i also tot i found gd deal..
*blah* must b daydreaming when i post

i went to the abbott carnival, nothing much to buy but i spoken to the lady over the counter during redemption and got gd info.
goodie bag inclu:
- 1 backpack
- some grow FM sample
- vouchers for pediasure and grow FM purchase
- 1 "shaker" and cup
- 1 plate
i got sample for similac mum also.

looking fwd to next fair, wanna grab diapers!!

so far i only got these from kiddy palace over wkend:
- pureen maternity pads x 2pkts
- mustela barrier cream x 2 tubes
- waterproof sheets x 1 pkt (for myself in case waterbag burst)
- pacifier

seems like buy nothing also cost me $40++

non rinse bath:
i also feel bb like not clean if i use those non rinse but some elderly say first mth don need shampoo

i am used to using powder myself tot i suffer from eczema n i also heard of the effects but i jus don like lotion on bb like sticky n the smell of bb powder n ruyi oil is jus makes the bb more bb smelling *ok i soundy crazy*

Stokke tripp trapp rocks big time!
love tat chair and their stuffs r so drool x 100 but super ex.

next wk gonna make a trip down to babyhyper mart.
somehow after looking around cannot seem to b able to find a suitable replacement mattress.

suddenly coming in wk 29 is triggering off the alarm in me. still need new cot sheets and extra waterproof sheets too.
Question... will u gals be drinking raspberry tea leaf tea before giving birth?

Last time when i was TCC, i was told to drink that good for conceive and also about saying good for labour or something.

End up i nv go motherhood fair but went to a NTUC with a mommy friend and bot a various different NB diapers brands to try out to see how the baby used and then decide which one to buy. Had any mommies try out any pre-natal massage? I am getting quite back ache on my tailbone :S
On powder: as my mum will be the one taking care of bb especially when I return to work, and i myself have been brought up that way without any problem, so I'll just leave it to my mum to see how she deem fit, will stop if bb develop any problems.

Happy: Humm, heard of it but effects differ from person to person. No harm trying, just drink in moderation

Any mummies here will give bb to grandmothers to take care? Are they happy to do that? Initially want to send bb to infant care when I return to work, but as mummy see my tummy grows she also get more excited and in the end decided to stop her work to look after bb full time. She say she cannot trust maid, nanny or even infant care centers to look after bb esp after hearing so many "scary" stories on abuse case on the newspaper. But she agree to let bb go to half day toddler class when bb reaches 2 yo.

Wow, seems like many of us have good "returns" over the wkend at the fair
, esp Kelly

Stokke stroller- I drool over them but then i m too short, look werid with it and i already have 2 strollers at hme :X
For powder, i was told during #1 time to try pureen corn starch powder, can't remember. For bb bath, i just put 2 drops of the pureen head to toes into the water and clean the bb, dun need to rinise off de.

Happy- I've been gg for prenatal massage after wk 18 at healing touch(50 per hr). And plan to try baby bellies this wkend, bgt their voucher at the fair. I swear by the massage as my back really hurt.

I am really looking forward to ML now, 10 more wks or lesser for me to go. Counting down weeks by weeks
Star- My mum is looking after my #1 now and nephew with the help of a maid. So #2 will also be by my mum. I guess having own grandma to look after is the best esp when they are young. Wann to put my ger in CC when she turn 18 mth in Aug, but she bu she de, so just 3 hr PG for her.
gd morning all,

hope everyone is feeling okay this week. aft my that saga bed-wetting last week u all stock the undersheet ler ma?

all along i dun eat durians, ytd sis bought n ask me try one seed, i took damn long to finish one seed.. 1hr+ ltr i felt water dripping dwn frm nose, 流鼻血! HAHAHHAHAHHAAAA~~~

my #1 was normal induced at 36wks, nw #2 i was tinkin go c-sec or normal? if c-sec if 先甜后苦,normal 先苦后甜. but if normal i bueh tahan again like prv dong 10+hr thn take epidural how? if c-sec also got epidural used right? cos my body not v strong will keep ache de, i dun wan trigger it more.

maid: my maid rchin sg tdy loh, thn aft the procedures all i gg send her to nation hQ training 5days? thn weekends than pick her up. nw i headache, nobody at hm guide her.. hahahhahahaha.. how she gg to start wrking? tell her, ok u do what u tink u should do. i see u at 530 whn i off work. than see how she kio my house? LOL!

coconut: week 30+? can start drinking ar?

diapers: ltr abits ill create a doc in the group for items with brands/location/price/promo(if any) for a list of where to buy what cheap stuffs. can b from anywhere..=) but if u entering prices from xpo n all, xpo finish pls remove. =) hehehe. i find that it'll b easier to compare prices whilst we're on the go. else v ma fan leh.. i dig all pictures n find while im outside ytd. just to find out the pricing. HAHA.. of cos. pls b detailed when u enter info. eg: for diapers (brand/pcs/size/price/per pc price also can). <u> u all prefer it to be in a doc form in fb or spreadsheet?</u>
Rykiel - u must tell them specifically what u need done and hor those u dun1 them anyhow put hor u better ask them dont touch until u ard to supervise ..
ayukie: u dun scare me leh. i most prob can pick her this or next weekends, i wan see hw she work without supervision first. maybe can get my hub look aft or ask my dad drop by? haha.. eg: my workdesk at hm, tonnes of papers n letters all v untidy, see if she has initiative to pick up arrange neatly n put at the sides? my table got pencil n pens calculators all scattered about, see if she will pack anot? i hoping my maid has some initiative when comes to doing things, cos now bb nt here, she only has housewrk to do. whn is it ideal to teach them how to take the bus?
hahaha so relaz towards yr maid ah..wat if yr maid tell u..mdm yr house is clean ..dont need to do n she zzz..u pengz ah...

ya we should have a diaper list with pricing hor.
i think FB is ok.
hi all... juz some updates...

last fri i had a scare coz had some spotting in the late morning...tot its nothing serious coz only one-time...monitored till mid-afternoon and got nothing but stil called clinic to check if anything serious...but doc says over the phone that it can be v bad (aka bb coming) or nothing serious...ask me to either rush down b4 4.30pm or go straight to KK A&amp;E liao le..so quickly rushed down to clinic to see him and after some checks, bb is fine, cervix also not opened yet... *HENG!!!* but bad news is got a polyp at cervix there.. =( which if natural delivery, then bb shld be able to push it out...as for y spotting, he is unable to tell and also ask me to take future such spotting seriously... unless after 35 wks la...which by then is safe for bb to come out le...else bb needs to be in ICU... and is really the case, he says tmc de ICU is abt 3k so will ask me go kkh...

RE: bb fair
we went over the weekends and spent over $600 over sat n sun...bot goo.n and drypers mainly and also a lot of pigeon stuff... =|

Re: wetsheet
a fren was saying can buy more to put on bed first before delivery in case of water bag burst...then nx time can bring out shoppping with bb as a layer on top of the bb changing table... =)
BBL: if she tell me that ill tell her she can pack up liao. my house is clean, but untidy.HAHHAHAA.. too many things liao!!! cos ah i ytd go CK leh, than i wan see the pricing for diapers u all post i must dig n dig forum n fb. jin ma fan!! =X wan save $ 就是这样!
Rykiel: Wa, think your body is the more heaty kind, so don't eat so much heaty food in the mean time, also be careful not to take too much tonic during confinement, else too nourishing.. Maid wise, I think it's good to lay down the house rules and give a general task list (eg today must sweep, mop, clean fridge etc) rather than let the maid figure out what to do. Bus wise only teach when you are bringing them out, no need to teach immed on the 1st day. Also unlikely they will need to go out for at least first week?
Rykiel - my maid packed and re-arranged my room haha i still cant find my things till now .. when i gt time to take out everything and re-arrange the way i wanna .. also my maid also helped me to throw some "rubbish" out lolz .. so u better be clear to them
Rykiel- Better to give her a timetable and list of what to do, esp she is all alone at hme.

Zratsniwat- Dun worry. I got polyp during my #1 time as well. This time, i suspect also have as i do have spotting on and off, even now.
i dont allow my maid go out haha she gt request she can state so no need learn bus haha

anyway she dont go out alone ..
Ayukie- I think alot also depend on bb weight and if there is any complication. For my #1, she came out at 32-33, weight 2.3kg, phew, dun need to go NICU. I was even thinking of gg KKH de, then gynae said bb of good weight and size, ask me dun worry. I still remember crying in the delivery suite the nite before, worrying abt her having to come out so early.
babyaidan - yeah but still nt gd enulf cause for my son he came in at 36wks and weighs 3.4kg no need nicu but when metabolism test he failed .. got jaudice also cause live nt v mature so the longer baby stay in the better cause gt more time to grow their organs but also cant overdue too long as well lah .. haiz ..
actually tat time i wasnt worried abt nicu haha this time my gynae told me the charges at tmc is 1k a night nw then i worry lol
Ayukie- i also hope my boy dun cme out until wk 38, hubby not free. The cost can kill de, i got coll who bb cme out at wk 32, owe 100k hosp bill. Imagine.....
but then Babyaidan - anyway my gynae also dun1 me to go in labour cause prev c-sect so im trying endure to wk 37 then c-sect ..
Hi mummies - good morning and happy week ahead! so sorry but i cant catch up with the threads earlier - i need to get diaper cream, is mustela from kiddy palace what you all have been using and will recommend? i am hoping to use cloth diapers, and only use the cream if i see some redness. destin or something i read from you guys are abit strong right? i probably wont use that till really need to.

and the other magic cream and lotion - what is that again? do i need it and what brand to get? i will try to go kiddypalace this week to grab them, as well as the cloth diapers, breast pads etc.

thanks so much!

lastly, any mummy feeling a bit of pain on the soles of the feet? not sure if it is cos of the weight i put on, and i dont have swelling of the feet as yet ( though sometimes it happens at night but usually gone the next day). wonder if i shld check w my gynae on my next visit but i am so sure she will say its my weight cos she has been asking me to slow down for the past 3 months!
oh yah, Rykiel - it is better for you to at least state to the maid what you want done this week. even if you dont have time to 'teach/guide' her, you can see if she delivered what you want at the end of the week. or maybe everyday set specific area to clean, come home got questions can ask you. then tmr move on to another area.

i am picking up my helper today, i am working from home this 3 days to just guide her along. i really really hope she is good, and not a troublemaker, have heard too many stories! yday i went to TPY to get a foldable mattress so she can sleep on it while cleaning/prepping her own room, and the same mattress can be used for the confinement lady after. also got milo + biscuits in case she get hungry need to snack but dont want to go out of the house. my husband shoke his head and said i am slave driver only let her eat biscuit! (jokingly lah).

but it is ok right? as standby snacks? that's what i read from the internet!!
ling - i gt magiee mee (her fav flavour) and biscuits , milo and coffee (the type she like cause she find my hub type too bitter) ...
Starfantasy >> Thanks
Always so helpful!

Babyaidan >> ooh! do give your review after going the baby bellies! Thanks

All >> What is the market rate for CL for ang pow - the coming and returning?

Think i will pack my bag end of June and also nowdays i am doing more of my fav things like baking and cooking to ease the stress and enjoy my "single" life before my little boy comes by
8 more weeks to come if he is coming by @ week 38!
jen: really! Then I'll make sure I make use of my vouchers to get the stokke Tripp trapp chair hahaha!

Babyaidan: My hubby and I really love the stokke stroller have been taking about it before getting pregnant haha!
Oh ya u all saw the link for the next fair I posted? Parenthood fair in late August/sept. I think I might break a confinement rule and go grab items hahaha!
hhaah kelly! you plan to break the rule so soon! just remember to dress enough not to catch a chill!

BBL - me too, walk and my soles hurt... do you have swelling at all? i wonder how to ease the pain.. i raise my legs to sleep every night, i think it helps to reduce swelling but the pain still there... :-( and i am only 28 weeks!! still go 10 weeks to go with the pain!
parents world fair ? i think if got gd deals can ask hb to go hehe...maybe we still can go to taka baby fair...
i think i walk too much too..and it could be the shoes..its not totally flat..with abit of heel..so the sole there a bit painful..think i should walk n stand lesser..n carry my son lesser too

hi everyone!
i bought the
cordlife - 21years
moo moo - 8 diaper free 2 diaper set
avent sterilizer
avent teats
nipple cream
baby bum rash cream
huggies 2 pack
wipes 2 carton

cos i got most of my things from my sis, so there isn't much things for me to buy but i already feel i buy so many things! hopefully i will use the reuseable diaper man! cos i dont have maid not sure if will be lazy to wash or not...

anyone planning to bf? i am... but i heard a lot of cases not successful leh. one of the most common thing is if u dont have maid / helper, will be very stress, cos keep on need to clean the bottle, sterilize, then soon baby need to feed again! fingers cross!!!
