(2012/08) Aug 2012

Ling: haha my hubby say he will go on behalf on me and I said no way!! I can't miss out. I hope I don't smell bad if not bathing for a few days hahahaha!! Ya must make sure I keep myself warm and good.

JA: my hubby not the kind will walk walk. If there's something he wants to get he'll just grab and go. So better to go myself. The taka fair not confirmed right?

Meistar: most mommies here will be BF
we must endure and persevere!!!
meistar - i am .. i bf my #1 so i hope it will be better than my #1 experience haha anyway i will endure till 1 yr bf .. my #1 bf 1+ yr hehe ..
i didnt have a helper nor confinement lady when i was bf #1
haha alot of my friend also bf 1 yr hehe so anyway tats our target .. but v shagged la n v restrictive cause need lug pump ard but get a gd pump
hey meistar, i got a lot of friends who advised me not to stress, the moment you do, it will affect your breast milk flow and production. so dont be too concerned, even first few days no milk, i was told it is ok to feed formulae ( cannot be let bb starve right) - make sure you get your frame of mind right, and all will be good. must remember that ok?

i have frds who feed on demand, so they didnt have to pump until they go back to work. and yes, i did hear that washing, setting up the pump can be quite painful. but i guess no choice if you need to pump..
usually taka fair is held in mar and aug...
just chk taka event page, 6 june, toy fair...hehe..

i will be breastfeeding my #2. dont think of negatively and believe that you can do it. your hb support is v impt too..all mummies can breastfeed !! v tiring but is fufilling to see your baby grow up drinking the milk u produce...jia you !!
thanks everyone!!!
my sis was very successful de... (partly cos she has maid?)
so i also hope i can be like her. she was on full bf until she is pregnant with her #2 (which is abt 1year apart)
oh i bought a small tin of milk powder to supplement in case my vol too little in the begining haha if i have enuough will feed to my elder son
your shopping list still very long ? hehe
wish that you could take nb photos for my #2 :p

u manage to get diapers fr the fair last wkend ?
how long u plan to bf #2 ? i want to bfeed longer than #1, really regret stopping for #1..
JA: just misc items left and wanna shop more before the baby arrives if not later very hard to shop. Haha maybe #3 I can take for you?
Ling: i buy mustela nappy cream cos it's value for money (twin pack with kiddy palace discount now) and i have heard good reviews abt it. It's not as strong as desitin and easier to wash off. If u don want to use the cream, just use powder but be careful not to get the powder up to bb face. Lotion wise good to have standby, not absolutely necessary, depending on ur bb skin. When buying note the ingredients, try not to have probable harmful substances like parabens. As i told another mommy, those that i found in kiddy palace that are good are mustela, sebamed and little me organics. Most value for money again is mustela. Hope this is helpful to u.
Happy: welcome, glad to share what i know

Meistar: if u let bb latch on, then there's no need to wash so much stuff. If u don't want to use pump, can always hand express the milk. If u r having problems with breastfeed, go to the lactation clinic at mt alvenia, they will help u with breastfeeding. Very good to breastfeed, a big motivtion is saving money, since good newborn formula costs really a lot. Also no need to feed formula, the nutrients bb get from breastmilk confirm enough, if not enough supply, can go to clinic and they will teach u the proper techniques.
Hi ayukie, do you prefer the California baby aloe Vera cream or calendula cream? I was thinking of buying the calendula but vendor at the fair said aloe cream better cos no essential oils.

By the way, the vendor said that they do more wholesaling so they have cheaper prices for brands like California baby and earth mama/angel baby. Not sure how true it is but if you are interested in checking out their prices, you can contact them via their website at www.advanology.com.sg
Talking abt bf'ing, personally thru my experience with #1, i hope i can do better for #2. I stop bf'ing ard 9mth cos i wann to try for #2. The inital start was not easy, but luckily with the support and encourage of those mummies from forum, i did it. Relax is the key, i hope i will do it this time round and longer. Cos damm worry that my ger, who will be 17-18mth old when i pop be jealous of didi and dun let me pump or latch

Kelly- Hahah, i think i will also break the confinement rule and go out. For my #1, i dun have CL, mum working, i go out after 2-3 wk.

Happy- I will review once i try this wk

Ayukie- High 5, i prefer CB cream more than desitin. My ger is still using her 1st tube of desitin but into 4th bottle of CB cream. This time round, i even prepare earth mama bottom balm for #2
ya... but i heard from my sis that even latch on still should pump so that breast will be able to produce more milk next time when baby needs more. then the extra milk can store in the fridge... i remember my sis time lor, everytime i open the fridge then i see like TONS of milk bottles and bags! machem like selling vanilla ice cream!
i chk with a few agencies and they all expect full cash payments.

seriously don overstress urself abt BF, when i have my #1. i was so stress on myself to BF till i almost depressed cos i was alone, hb was often away n i got no help after CL left.
so i was left to "fend" for myself. wash n clean n feed bb n hse n still squeeze time out to pump till i don even have time to feed myself. if hb was in town he buys back dinner else my dinner was bread, biscults or instant noodles which ever was fastest n on some days bread for 3 meals cos too tired to even cook noodles. so after abt 2wks of craziness i gave up on BF cos i only yield about 120-200ml/ pump by then n the mental n physical stress was jus not pain.

i use to sell their products. love the whole range cos their cots r convertible to single armchairs or stylish cotbeds n the tripp trapp chair is so cool from hair chair to adult chair n its ergonomic design really is comfortable even for adults to sit. i still keep a mini display of the tripp trapp model on my desk
Jen: wa so cool!!! Got special price? Hahaha kidding!! Was told the Tripp trapp gt 7yrs warranty so calculate and find worth it!
the store close down n i think the distribution rights went to crosscom n now i also dunno who the distributor is. if got discount i will get it for my #1 also. btw, wats the price now?
use to b selling it somewhere between 399-499 n love tat striking pink
J~A - didnt manage get nb diapers but gt 6 pkts s and 15 pkts xl and 2 pkts xl pants on friday evening after wrk .. no q ..
min 1 yr erm when my doctor ask me stop bf bah hehe ..
jen - haha i pump when my boy asleep and far away frm him in case he smells the milk and wakes up ( tried a few times le) hehe ..
allygraffi - the candedula cream .. i gt the aloe vera for the face but didnt really helps for my sonny (i think) heat rashes in end unilever hazelsnow cream works haha so have been using that since .. candedula cream for the bum is great sometimes works better than desitin for the nappy rash
babyaidan - eh i prepare baby california creams and diaper wash as well 1 tube of desitin creamy standby tho ..
nt doing maternity shoot dont feel beautiful haha .. will do family shoot when bb 6 mths old hehe .. kelly u wanna take? :p

oh yeah any rec for event pg? cheap n gd :p
Hubby think maternity shoot waste money so he say he will take for me. I plan tp go botanica gardens in july to take, just a few shots for keepsake :p
j~A - cause i keep getting sick .. good for bb but my health went downwards ... also as stated i didnt have a helper nor confinement lady for my confinement and i didnt dare ask my mil to do things for me and my mum wun do my confinement for #1 so my health didnt work out v well lol

lets say my confinement food is quite limited and usually its dinner the rest normal food and lunch usually is vegeterian haha

anyway when i started my bf for #1 i was v v stress cause i was yielding v little milk nt enulf for my boy and i was over tired and one day when i stop thinking about the amount and more of emptying the boobs the milk supply also increase also needs to be hardworking as well .. and also must really empty the boobs to get more milk .. (it took me a long while to figure out i wasnt emptying my boobs even though i was pumping very frequently ==> dunno how to pump haha)
yes i felt that during bf our health not so gd than before, perhaps all the gd nutrients go to breastmilk...me too after 1st mth, all by myself...
kelly - cfmed!! i took for #1 haha nw hes gg 3 its time to take too and since i took for #1 .. #2 also must have ..
allygraffi - erm last time ppl use mah haha when desperate u do trial and error haha .. last time i didnt even get to use the hazelsnow leh .. cause nt cheap tat time lol
