(2012/08) Aug 2012

my goodness... I eat so much vege n drink so much soya milk n I'm in my 21 weeks... Sigh... Stop taking soya milk...
Hazel Nutty & QQ: I'm only 18+2 today haha so detail scan will be almost 4weeks later. Will start buying netural coloured items first haha
. Next time can pass on so wont waste.
hi mummies.... super long never log in le... since 24 feb!
Some good things to share... my friend working in airport DFS is selling the following item. It's brand new. She got it from some worker's incentives. I guess it's more appropriate to sell it here as we will need it:

1) Clarins Huile Anti-Eau Body Treatment Oil, Contouring, Strengthening 100ml - $50 (original price $72).
2) Clarins Huile Anti-Eau Body Treatment Oil, Contouring, Strengthening 100ml - $50 (original price $72)
3) Clarins Super Lift, Bust Beauty Extra-Lift Gel 50ml, Shapes & Tightens - $55 (original price $80)
4) Clarins Advanced Extra-Firming Neck Cream 50ml - $70 (original price $101)
5) Clarins High Definition Body Lift, Cellulie Control Smoothes & Firms 200ml - $50 (original price $72)
6) Clarins Extra Firming Body Lotion 200ml - $60 (original price $96)

Please PM me if interested. Cash and carry. ($5 to reserve)
Hi Snowy n ayukie
Glad to know it is painless..;) ok, i will opt for half sleep c sect so that hb n i can see both of our bundle of joy at first instance..;) thks for u gals advise.. Hope my hb wun faint.. Hee...

Hi sasha
Me looking for myrammar maid as we feel philipino too smart n indo dun eat pork so feel myrammar will be just nice for us..;) just delimma now whether shd we look for New maid, transfer or exsg maid... Hmm... Congrat on ur bb gal..;) start feel bb movement?
Dear Joanne,
Myanmmar maid biggest problem is communication as they can't quite speak English. If you want those who can speak some english, probably need transfer/exsg maid. If you are not gonna let maid spend much time with babies, I think still ok.

Yes, started to feel movements the past week. At first I thought movements are felt if I place my hand in tummy and feel, but then i realise no need to. Cos baby's movements not strong enough now, yet strong enough internally for me to feel. Hehe... Especially when i sit for too long, i think baby wld feel uncomfy and punch/kick me
Sashamama & Kelly, I have felt the movement too. Then last night it the 1st time my hb felt it as every time when he put his hand on my tummy, bb dun move aldy. Then last night, he just want to ask bb wat he/she want to eat then he felt a slight punch on his hand. So we both think it bb hi 5 with him. Ha ha.....
hi all!

i am coming to 20 weeks next week and will be going for the DS at TMC on Wed and also appointment with the gynae in the afternoon.

so far i have not been putting on much weight (less than 1kg) and was slightly overweight before i was preggie and for the past 1 month or so, i have like totally lost my appetite ever since i was down with fever/flu/cough a few weeks back and still have a slight cough now.

i don't even feel hungry and cant even finish half of the portion of my food. I read that some mummies are already feeling the baby's movements but so far for me except for the cramp like feelings, i dun feel anything else.

Can any mummies share with me is anyone also not having much appetite or how much weight had you put on already and how many weeks preggie are you?
well, I've been feeling hungry abt every 2-3 hrs.. so will snack in between meals.. I m coming to week 20, n from my 1st gynae visit ard week 7 till now I've put on about 3-4kg.. I was a little underweight before pregnant so supposed to gain more weight during pregnancy...
Dear Grinnie,
WELCOME!!! My appetite is good, no cravings nor aversions. Just nausea if hungry or too full. So far i put on less than 5kg. But i'm obese to start with la. Am in my 20th week
Enjoy your scan next week!!!
Hazel Nutty: Wa so cool! haha i always put my hands to feel but cannot feel anything haha.

Saffy Chia: I didnt have much appetite at the start as well. And my weight didnt increase at all in fact, i lost about 1-2kg. And now i'm eating alittle more as i feel much better. Small meals everytime. Despite my weight, baby has been growing well 18+2 @ 216g.
Saffy, I'm now 21 weeks. Did my detailed scan last week at 20 weeks. Similarly, abt 1kg weight gain at 20 weeks. Didn't have much appetite at the start coz nausea but thankfully no puking. Was overweight to begin with, ranging close to obese (based on BMI standards). Gynae was happy with my 'minimal weight gain' and told me I'm doing well. So no worries. U can check with ur gynae coz I checked (worried I become too overweight or not putting on enuff). But baby is growing well 355g, average a little to the big side based on measurements.

As for appetite, only recovered back my appetite after 16 weeks. But still preferring less oily options like noodles soup or porridge. Easier on my digestive tract. These few days starting to snack on less healthy stuff
Had a bout of stomach flu at my 15th week though. Scary.

Felt baby's movements abt 17-18th week. Can't remember exactly. Before that also had slight cramps occasionally. Think u shld feel the movements soon
Haiz.. I think i'm the worst have put on more than 6kg+ since start of preggy.. Before was normal weight but have to exercise pretty much to maintain that weight. So aft preggy, cannot exercise le then ballon up.. Super sian
Hi Saffy

I went for gynae visit yesterday at exactly 17 weeks. Gained less than 1.5kg since I got pregnant. Was slightly less than 45kg before pregnant. But baby is growing well - all the diff measurements eg head circumference, thigh bone etc measured him at >18 weeks and his weight is 264g.
Kelly, think after 20 weeks can feel already. I also around that time so no worry. I am now 22 weeks and once feel in like one or 2 weeks ago.

Starfantasy, have u check with doc whether u can do yoga?
Hi, I put on like 2 kg so far. I m eating more meat now, my appetite improved like before pregnancy. Can finish whole plate of chicken rice now. Last time only managed to finish half plate in first trimester. Hooray!
Btw, collected baby journal from NLB.
Yanlin, is the baby journal can only collect at NLB which is at bug is or any library also can? BTW, which level or section can the baby journal be collected?
Hey mummies! Just to let you all know if you guys are buying baby clothes online, GAP/OLD NAVY have got sale 30% till 26/3/12 USA timing
You can also ask your hubby to collect on your behalf, but must present NRIC.
The journal got height chart, a CD and a hard covered book. Its nice!
Hi all,
We have known all the gender, maybe we can all update the spreadsheet on google again?
Can feel Baby Charlotte is moving and twisting a lot more during weekend, believe that i pay more attention when at home. Coz need to be focus on work on weekdays. Its amazing! Praise the Lord!!
Thank you yanlin.

BTW, where is the wat spreadsheet is that?
Can I have the link? So that I can go update once I kw my bb gender too. That will be fun.

Yanlin, same as u I feel more movement during weekend. Ha ha... It a wonderful yet weird feeling to me.
I gain 3kg so far n bb weigh 330g. I am 20 weeks now. I think bb a bit big for me cos I am quite short n petite.
Btw any mummies with #1 knows of phonics class for 3yo?
Hi all,
Feel so pissed!
My stupid ngiao husband doesn't want to go bb fair. So pissed off. Told him I m not going to shop during my third trimesters.
Hi mummies,

I'm expecting my 2nd baby and glad to 'meet' ur...;p *wave*

yanlin, prolly getting the Medela pumps wld be a better choice! ;) My fren's avent pumps was pretty problematic for her, hth =)
Hello mummies,

I dropped by to say goodbye to all of you on this thread and wish all of you a smooth delivery. Thank you for sharing your experiences and advice on this thread.

We lost our baby boy at 18 weeks and 1 day on Friday morning. Our gynae doesn't have a definite answer about what happened. I had some bleeding at 14 weeks, but it lasted only 1 day and never came back. Then around 17 weeks +, I had tightening around the abdomen area on and off for a few days. I went to see my gynae on Thurs afternoon when I had some light pinkish discharge and she confirmed that my cervix was still long and closed and that there was no bleeding from the cervix and gave me a progesterone jab to calm the uterus. But the cramps got worse and then I went into labour on late Thurs night. I delivered our tiny baby in the A&E on Friday morning.

I'm heartbroken and in shock because I never expected things to go wrong in the 2nd trimester, especially since this is our #2. I don't know if I'll ever get over this. All I can think about now is to recover soon and try again.

It's so hard to deal with this, especially since it's dragon year and there are so many expectant mummies out there. I'm constantly reminded of our loss and I have 3 other family members also expecting dragon babies.

Any mummies who knows anyone with similar miscarriage experience please PM me. I am in desperate need of advice on how to cope. =(
Hazel: yes i have gone for prenatal yoga but i doubt it will help with my weight cos before i got preggy i have to do running, aerobics and the like to maintain my weight. Haiz

Yanlin: if u can afford go for the medela one.. I think avent is more for the budget.. Can try wait for the motherhood fair to see if medela got discount again
Baby lang: sorry to heard about your loss. Give yourself time to grief, it's alright to cry your heart out and to share it with your family. I may not be the most experience to offer much advice but if u feel that you cannot take it anymore pls do go see a specialist.
Hi Baby lang
Sorry to hear wht hv happen to ur boy.. He will rest in peace in heaven to watch over u n ur family.. Do a gd confinement n boost up ur body.. Rest well for next 3mths n u can try again after tt.. U will be most fertile for next 6mths.. Btw, ur gynea shd explain to u wht happen n rest well k.. Take care..
Baby Lang,
I m very sorry to learnt your current grief.
Like what starts tasty say, it's ok to cry ur heart out. This is not your fault, the child is just not to meant yours.
I had similar experiences in my first trimester, my ex gynae at mt Elizabeth told me my bb wanting to come out. I ask him why?? He told me only God knows. There are sometimes no answers to the things happened. He told me if bb if good, then will stay. If not good, it will leave go. I was devastated in on 5 weeks complete bed rest.
if your religion is Catholic or Christian, you can offer mass for your little one. If your religion is Buddha, u can offer gong de.
Although I m now in week 21, but I can't forget what happened to me in first trimester, remember, this is not your fault. maybe the child just not to meant yours. Lift everything up to God. I will pray for you to be strong, to be able to get over this grief. You must take good care of yourself, whatever happened has happened. Please do a confinement too.
will always pray for you to Jesus. and, we are all here for you.
may God bless you with strength and faithfulness, and may your little one rest in peace with God's grace. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Sry to hear abt yr loss baby Lang... Do take gd care of yrself n maybe go for a short getaway to relax.

Look like we can nv stop worrying for the little one in our stomach til they r at our hands safely... All mommies rem to take gd care of yrselves too....
I also got tightening on abdomen. Now I m getting super worried n just called my gynae at NUH.
Waiting for gynae to return call. labour line told me it may indicates contractions
Dear baby lang, sorry abt ur loss. We probably can't offer much help. But i remembered reading abt a similar story in one of the threads. Think in the stillborn thread n the ttc for #1 thread. Think u'll b able to find more support over there n hopefully get over it soon. Take care.
Dear Baby Lang,
Sorry to hear about your loss. I have gone through M/C at 8 weeks before. It's not easy to overcome the pain but we all will, eventually. Not to forget as we never will, but to heal enough to move on and look forward. Take time to grieve but most importantly, to heal yourself physically and emotionally.

Take care dear...

Baby Lang, sorry to hear about ur loss. I also have a MC 4 years ago but in 1st tri. Doc also can't tell me wat happened. I was very upset that time. But rem u must not be too upset now if not ur health won't be able to take it. A good confinement is a must in order to have ur health recover soon.
Just like what Yanlin has said, if the baby is meant to be your will stay. Be positive, I kw it hard to let gone so easy, as it took me 4 years to over come it but have faith in urself and do not put the blame on urself too. As all this is fated.

Yanlin, relax dun worry too much. As ur bb can feel it. Actually there is a baby baby exhibition at suntec on 4 to 6 May so not need wait till end May can go take a look at this fair 1st.
my friends and colleagues advice me medela one is better for electrical pump but rem if buy better to buy double instead of single. If buying manual then u can go for avent. As it cheaper. Also it is can serve as a standby to pump out excess milk after breastfeeding.

Starfantasy, then I think we might have to watch our diet to control. But it ok to put on some weight during pregnant as long as we are not overweight can already. My Aunty also commend that I put on weight, so I plan to check with my gynae since I am going for my checkup tomorrow. Will let u kw if there any advice from him/her. ;)
