(2012/08) Aug 2012

ag - at least well i know if at night i tell her to sleep she still have the light on and read story books or keep packing her stuffs waste my electricity even though the door is closed lor ..

i am working from home after my gynae's visit
ayukie, my maid sleeps in the room but I dont allow her to close the door. but if my mum comes over, she will on aircon and close door. i heard stories before that maid will let man into the house in the middle of the nite to sleep with them. but of cos my house not so big but still to be safe.
Well that their nature way. Last time, my father also very nice to my maid before she come, dad ask us to clean up the house 1st in order to let her kw the house need to be clean. Then he buy her the food that he wanted on her 1st day of her arrival. Then one night my mum caught him secretly standing out of the maid room door. And an him, he tell my mum he want to make sure everything is ok and no funny business going on. But in the mid of night who will believe it.

After that, when my mum find out she always wake up very early just to clean the bathroom and toilet every morning regardless dirty or not. So my mum ask her not to do so as it a waste of water. She node her head but secretly dun mop my parents master bedroom and still continuos to wash the bathroom and toilet as usual. Not to mention secretly use the branded skin care product that we leave in the bathroom. In the end, it piss my mum off so my mum inform the agency to take her back the next day. All this happened within a week.
ag - i dont give her key only leave her the key when we all go out work else no key ..
and when we are at work we will watch the cctv as well as make phone call if we dont see her and i expect her to pick it up period!
Dear MummyR,
Thanks for upr recommendations, will go check out the creams!!!

Dear yanlin,
Thanks for your recommendation! My gynae is also very experienced in this field. He is Dr SF Loh, was head of fertility at KK, now head of fertility at Thomson. I have full trust in him.

Dear starfantasy,
Yes, we are halfway thru!!! Can't wait!!!

Dear jljz, hazel nutty,
Thanks for praying for me, appreciate it!

Dear jljz, rainbow
And all the best to you for your new maid! Keep us updated ya? Mine should come in June.

Dear BBL,
I don't actually feel much discomfort except sometimes difficult to breathe. Am willing to go thru anything to have this baby. Have already gone thru 100 jabs and 3 surgeries. This is nothing. Hehe...

Dear Ayukie,
This doesn't sound good. First day must set all the guidelines and maintain the employer-employee relationship and let your mum know too. Cos so early already like that. Try to salbage before you need to change maid. Must be strict and firm especially at the start, then slowly let go a bit when trust is earned. If the other way round, almost impossible to tighten the loose ends! And did your hubby read up about maids? I made my hubby do research and some readings too. So he knows, and he also knows he will be soft hearted so he already says I will speak to maid. lol. I think you really need to give a schedule since she is not automatically finding chores to do.

Dear Joanne,
You taking ex-sg Filipino or Indon? Wouldn't they already have friends here tho they'd be more experienced? They will usually compare and if they mix with friends who have lax employers, will teach them how to slack and piss employers off, etc.
hazel gosh this happens to your dad..oh manz. yeah my first 2 maids also use my bathroom stuff and even took my panty liners etc. of cos we will know if someone use or take our stuff. I cant stand it when someone use my stuff but at least my current one dont do that. she even more atas, must use dove body wash so i told her I buy for her but she cannot choose the brands, and she rather buy her own now cos she dont want to use the brands I buy for her...good for me i save $$ lor.
Dear all, I suddenly feel that my tummy become smaller instead of growing bigger. Will this mean any issue? But I still can feel my bb movement and heart beat.
hey ladies, my tummy is bigger to the left. just now asked my gynae and she said cos my skin there is loose liao so unless I wear a binder. anyway using binder now...how does it help?
Therefore, now I somehow still a bit worry what will happen if I will to hire a maid. Lucky my hb is those who dun really wan a maid unless no choice. As he also hear a lot of maid story and he has seen some kids too attached to maid since that the last thing he ever wanted it to happen. Ha ha...
hazel, eat more and it will be bigger haha. dont think too much, sometimes its bigger and harder when we are full.
I mean anyone using tummy binder...how does it help?
Sasha, I think I have missed in congratulating u. Pai seh, pai seh... Ya, dun worry so much. Bb is and will be healthy.

Hazel, sad to hear your father story. Haiz, I think older man always easily seduced? Hmm, am I using the right word? I oso dun trust my father. If given a chance, think he is oso....

Sigh, I'm so full. Have my early dinner today. Heavy rain now in woodlands.
Last few weeks, I look in the mirror, my tummy look round. But this few days it doesn't look so round and big. Also when I wear my short it doesn't feel as tight as last few weeks so just wonder wat happened. Maybe my bb change position to sleep. Ha ha....
QQ u not working today hah. I had lunch at 2+, then drink juice then milk, now my tummy so full and hard. oh i eat a lot now...scared will put on a lot of weight.
Anyway since that incident, my dad become more nicer to my mum and more "glue" to my mum so we think it after all a kind of good also. Ha ha... Maybe he feel guilty towards my mum and us. Ha ha....
AG, hear now bb can absorb wat we take in so don't worry abt weight gain. I was told only the 1st 3 months if we over eat then weight gain will go to mummy instead. However, rem to eat a balance diet and dun over eat as it not too good for digestive system. ;)
Haiz, I look at mirror ytd, I think My body look like hippopotamus coz I'm short oso. It reminds me.. Hungry hungry hippo.. Haha.. Keep feeling hungry oso..

AG, I am not working, long story.. Haiz.. Think only can go back to work after my bb 18 mths old.

Pigpig mummy, I gained 4 kgs, in 21 weeks now.

I still can't take milk, anyone can't take milk too?
My mum also a bit worry when I mention that might hire a maid, but I was thinking, maybe that time the maid we hire is too young abt 18 or 19 years old indo one. Therefore, cause so much problem. If find a married and not so young, maybe will be safer. But over all, ground rules and firmness must be in place in the beginning and family back up on the decision is a must. If not it will be a living hell for all mummies who has maid at home. That how I feel.
Hazel, most of the time I don't feel like eating.. Once I have appetite, then I'll eat n eat, like few days never eat n i felt super good..Haiz.. Ya, need to control n change this habit.
I can take milk. maybe i had too much milk. i will drink milk, n also the anlene calcium milk, on top of the calcium pills prescribed by gyne. wonder i have calcium overdose. lol..

but i cant take fish at all.
is it bad? know that fish is supposed to be good for bb...

but juz looking at fish, i juz cant stomach it.
QQ I also can only go back and work after my bb 18mths. For me is allegy to milk since young, as I will be having stomach upset every time I drink milk.

Have u try putting it into Milo and try.
Pigpigmummy, how about taking fish cook with tomato source? Then it wouldn't look so white and cover up the stint smell..

But I think milk is good enough. Milk got DHA oso.

I can't take milk, so I try drinking soya milk everyday.
Pigpigmummy, I also can't take fish. Maybe u can try take fish oil pills. There are some that as no fishy smell. Take fish is for the protein and some vitamin for brain development if I rem correctly. So if can't take fish can take fish oil pills and soya milk as supplement I think.
Soya milk is nice.. I take soya milk every now n then also. hee hee..

So excited abt gynae's visit tmr. hope bb opens the legs... haven been sleeping well these few days.. has anyone encountered dream overdrive ever since they got preggy? i.e. keep dreaming the whole nite, kinda like asleep but also not asleep. sigh. dunno how to explain. :p
@ QQ & Hazel,

I did ask my gynae if i need fish oil. but he said he will only prescribe this at the later stage.

now i can only stomach those fish that i can see head and tail. i.e. i can kiss goodbye to those sliced fish soup, fish n chips. lol.

my mom chided me for only eating fish that i can see head n tail. she said sliced fish is also from those fish with head n tail. :p i tried to explain to her that the texture is different. hee hee..

heng, my hb is ok with my fussiness in food.
There only one kind of fish I can take. It is cod fish. As it dun have a fishy smell instead it got a milky taste to me instead. So u might want to give it a try, u can try the sweet and sour style think it will taste better.
Pigpigmummy then I am different from u leh, I can't c the whole fish, it make me vomit rite away. Ha ha..... Last time, fish and chip and filet o fish all that I also can't eat. But now I can eat filet o fish aldy.
@ hazel,

Yeah. cod fish is nice. maybe tell my mom tt later.

know that most of the conversations earlier is on maid. maybe i more kiasu, but has anyone considered where to send bb for child care liao? considering that bb is going to be dragon bb... :S:S

m i thinking too far ahead? lol
QQ rem that even if u dun feel hungry, u still must at least take a bite or drink some Milo which have vitamin and nutrition for bb. As the little one need to eat too.
@ BBL,

I keep telling my hb tt ever since i got preggy, my dreams went into overdrive. sometimes i don even know if im realle asleep or stil dreaming. kinda like fitful sleep. then will feel tired in the afternoon n wanna take naps.. so my hb say i realle like pig pig. eat then sleep, then wake up n eat again. wahahahha.
Hazel, I tried milk with milo but end up threw in toilet. Tried several time and still puke.

I do take DHA when I feel no sign of puking.
@ QQ,

yeah, like what Hazel said. even if no appetite, should eat a bit. cuz bb absorbs watever we eat. now have to consider for the bb also.
Pigpigmummy, I also a bit KS, I actually wanted to do some research on which child care is good nearby my house. And have in mind which primary school to send to aldy. Ha ha....
Ayukie: I also hope mine won't turn son the following monday when I visit my gynae. Last time when doc say most likely girl hubby have to say "what if bb late bloomer?"..sian -_-||| I also worried that my kid will be closer to the maid than to me who is her mummy cos I also heard scary stories about that. So I'm determine to take all if not most of the child caring work myself, or utmost with some help from my mother (at least won't be so jealous if she's closer to my mum than to the maid).

QQ: Luckily my indo maid, although young is only "hiao" when she goes out for lessons. As in she will take time to dress and comb her hair nicely and put earring. But I guess to me that is alright since after all we are all woman, who doesn't want to look pretty? But she never makes eyes or deliberately smile at my hubby, my hubby also avoid talking to her to the extend that when he wants his clothes washed, he had to ask me to tell the maid when he could have told the maid himself. I think both of them spoke less than 10 sentence since the maid arrive in dec last yr. Rg milk, I used to have slight milk intorlence, but I continue drinking and is kinda desenitized liao.

AG: Erm, my maid got her own stuff to use and maybe cos she uses only the common bathroom in the house, and not the masterbed room toilet which is only exclusive to me, hubby and sometimes my mum. But when it comes to providing her the tolietries, I set a budget and let her buy whatever brand she wants within the budget. I think it may be a better idea since you don't force her to use what you buy yet prevent her from buying expensive ones.

Hazel: Don't worry too much. It's most likely your imagination. As long as bb is still active, should be fine.

pigpigmummy: I also cannot stand fish! Prob the only fish i can stand are fish nuggets and fast food fish burgers. There was once my mum cook fish for dinner, the moment i step into the house i go yuck and say I don want dinner liao. Hahaha. To compensate for that, I take fish body oil (impt it's body oil and not liver oil), take other form of meat and milk (both powder esp for mummy and soya milk).
BBL & pigpigmummy, I also have similar problem. My dream even worse, I can wake up then when back to sleep my dream continuo again.

There once, I have a bad dream abt having MC then I wake up crying. After my hb console me and I fall asleep again, then the dream come back and continuo. I force myself to wake up and dun dare to sleep again lucky by that time it aldy dawn.
Ya.. Think we need to start looking for CC.. Some saying few good CC is full and infant care mostly full. My unit has CC. Plan to send bb there. I don't mind if the centre is not popular, Juz hope it is clean, teachers are nice. Wouldnt rely too much on CC to coach them, will try my very best teaching bb myself.
pigpigmummy: I admit that I also kiasu, I sign up for infant care at my workplace already but was put on waiting list. If you thinking of sending your child to infant care, do check out the centers already cos like you say it's dragon yr.

Hazel: My hubby is even the more kaisu type, already checking out primary schools and ask his colleagues who has kids studying in primary school. So he decided liao.

I also dreamt a lot since being pregnant but the bad thing is that my dreams are very often those dark ones, like death, murder and all the wrong stuff. Damn sian sometimes wake up almost crying (also cos more emo when preggy). So somedays I would wake up not feeling rested cos it feels like most of the time I'm dreaming. I wondered if bb can see what we dream, hopefully not.
Oh those intending to send bb to infant care, do take note that it's possible for bb to fall sick more often as they are exposed to more stuff. That's probably the bad side of infant care but once bb get used, then should get better.
Starfantasy, think we can try listening to smoothing music while sleeping. As I rem once my hb put some smoothing any like lala bye music I can sleep soundly and not much dream. Just tat lately too tired to go turn on my radio. Ha ha... Moment in bed lazy to get up and turn on the music..
I plan to send only when my bb reach 18 months. I have seen how they handle infant so I couldn't bear. Btw we shouldn't drink soya milk everyday
Just came back from Dr visit. Baby's doing quite well always not in position thou. Most likely a girl haha
waiting for detail scan to double confirm!!
Kelly, when is your DS? Then, are u going to start buying hb stuffs now? Wa.. Can buy many cutie pinky bb gal stuffs...

AG, can't drink soya milk everyday? I thought the protein powder sold in market oso make from soya bean? Sigh.. I have been drinking quite regular.
Hazel: I don't have radio in my bedroom..hehe as me and hubby not those kind to freq listen to music

AG: Not soya milk daily cos it's too "cooling"? I know cannot take soya beancurd everyday cos too cooling liao but soya milk should be fine. If worry too cooling can find those soya milk that uses part black bean to make.

Can't recall why cannot drink soya everyday. Something like high female hormones thingy. I think take in moderation it's fine but not everyday.
