(2012/08) Aug 2012

Yanlin, I might be going to the baby baby to take a look by that time. If u are interested, to go with me by that time u can PM me and can arrange to go together. All mummies who are interested to join also welcom.

Hazel: Before I get preggy I'm that kind eat a little also can put on weight one. So now without cardio exercise and cannot really restrict what I eat (previously i eat very little for dinner or skip, then I only limit myself to max half bowl of carbo everyday), ballooning up. I'm not yet overweight but dunno how to determine if I'll be be with bb in my tummy. Last I went to see gynae, he nvr say anything. See if he'll say anything tml.
Great! I got the shopping list out already. ReAlised that we have to get 69 items for Charlotte. I must bring along hubbys credit card when go to bb fair. He is earning doubled than me.. Lol
Dear all,
My gynae called me . He mentioned as long as the tightening is continuous is fine. Bb is growing, but if the tightening comes n goes in every 2-3 mins, then is contractions.
I must always keep hydrated, keep blood pressure under control, n remain happy.
yanlin: Wow, that's a lot of items! Ya, hubby should contribute but let him know how much you going to spend, wait he get heart attack on the bills..haha.
Yes, my hubby wanted me to come up the shopping list, so I get it done all today for him to see. He will get heart pain .. He was complaining, so I ask him to get the money from baby next time. Lol
Got stroller, bed sheets, sling passed down from my sis in law. So kind of her, now at least can save $1000. Her stroller is combi brand. So is great!
Yanlin, I agree with star fantasy. It better for u to let ur hubby kw the amount that u plan to spend before hand. If not he might really have an heart attack. Anyway, it will be another 1 mth plus before the fair, so u might want to ask him to set aside a sum of money for this spend.

Starfantasy , do u think it might be a water retention instead of weight gain.
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Pregnancy and Weight Gain
Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy by eating a healthy, balanced diet is a good sign that your baby is getting all the nutrients he or she needs and is growing at a healthy rate.

It is not necessary to "eat for two" during pregnancy. It's true that you need extra calories from nutrient-rich foods to help your baby grow, but you generally need to consume only 100 to 300 more calories than you did before you became pregnant to meet the needs of your growing baby.

Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain during pregnancy. A woman of average weight before pregnancy should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Underweight women should gain 28-40 pounds during pregnancy. Overweight women may need to gain only 15-25 pounds during pregnancy. You may need to gain more or less weight, depending on what your health care provider recommends.

In general, you should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during your first three months of pregnancy and 1 pound a week for the remainder of your pregnancy. If you are expecting twins you should gain 35 to 45 pounds during your pregnancy. This would be an average of 1 ½ pounds per week after the usual weight gain in the first three months.

Where Does the Extra Weight Go During Pregnancy?


8 pounds

2-3 pounds
Amniotic fluid

2-3 pounds
Breast tissue

2-3 pounds
Blood supply

4 pounds
Fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding

5-9 pounds
Uterus increase

2-5 pounds

25 to 35 pounds
Is It Safe to Lose Weight When Pregnant?

In some cases when a women is very overweight, it is safe to lose weight during pregnancy under the supervision of a medical provider. However, in most cases women should not try to lose weight during pregnancy. 

How Can I Gain the Right Amount of Weight During Pregnancy?

If your health care provider recommends gaining more weight during pregnancy, here are some suggestions:

Eat five to six small, frequent meals every day.
Keep quick, easy snacks on hand, such as nuts, raisins, cheese and crackers, dried fruit, and ice cream/yogurt.
Spread peanut butter on toast, crackers, apples, bananas, or celery. One tablespoon of creamy peanut butter will provide about 100 calories and seven grams of protein.
Add nonfat powdered milk to foods such as mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and hot cereal.
Add condiments to your meal, such as butter or margarine, cream cheese, gravy, sour cream, and cheese.
What Should I Do If I Gain Too Much Weight During Pregnancy?

If you have gained more weight than recommended during the beginning of your pregnancy, talk to your medical provider. In most cases it is not appropriate to intentionally attempt to lose weight during pregnancy.

Be sure to eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you and your baby need. Here are some tips to slow your weight gain:

When eating out at a fast food restaurant, choose lower fat items such as broiled chicken breast sandwich with tomato and lettuce (no sauce or mayonnaise), side salad with low-fat dressing, plain bagels or a plain baked potato. Avoid fried foods such as French fries, mozzarella sticks, or breaded chicken patties.
Avoid whole milk products. You need at least four servings of milk products every day. However, using skim, 1%, or 2% milk will greatly reduce the amount of calories and fat you eat. Also choose low-fat or fat-free cheese or yogurt.
Limit sweet or sugary drinks. Sweetened drinks such as soft drinks, fruit punch, fruit drinks, iced tea, lemonade, or powdered drink mixes provide many calories with little nutrients. Choose water, club soda, or mineral water to avoid extra calories.
Do not add salt to foods when cooking. Salt causes your body to retain water.
Limit sweets and high calorie snacks. Cookies, candies, donuts, cakes, syrup, honey, and potato chips provide many calories with little nutrition. Try not to eat these types of foods every day. Instead, try fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt, angel food cake with strawberries, or pretzels as lower calorie snack and dessert choices.
Use fats in moderation. Fats include cooking oils, margarine, butter, gravy, sauces, mayonnaise, regular salad dressings, sauces, lard, sour cream, and cream cheese. Try the lower fat substitutes that are available for these foods.
Prepare meals using low-fat cooking methods. Frying foods in oil or butter will increase the calories and fat of that meal. Baking, broiling,grilling, or boiling are healthier, lower fat methods of cooking.
Exercise. Moderate exercise, as recommended by your health care provider, can help burn excess calories. Walking or swimming is generally safe, effective exercises for pregnant women. But, be sure to talk to your health care provider before starting an exercise program.
Starfantasy I have come across this article online, although it might be like ang mo version but some of the points still can take into considerate. Hope it might help in some way. Anyway, I will try asking my gynae tomorrow.

BTW, I think swimming is a good kind of exercise for pregnant mummies like us.
Yanlin, have u check with ur relative or friends who might plan to buy some of stuffs as a gift for ur bb? It might in some ways help to save some $$$.
Hazel: Maybe it's water retention? Since preggy, I notice I have been drinking more but the toilet visit doesn't seem to match up. I think in my 1st trimester I have gained slightly more, like 3KG.. Tml go gynae there weight again then see how much have I can in the last month. I think the problem with me now is that I cannot do without carbo during meals. I don't snack and usually drink water except for milk (smiliac mum) every night, other sweet drinks like soya bean milk, milo, tea and the like are limited to at most 2 cups a day. But thanks for the article.
I want to swim but just that during weekdays I can only swim at night since I work but avoid that now to prevent getting a cold. Weekends very mafan to bring so much barang barang to public swimming pool (normally weekdays I swim at the pool at my workplace so my barang barang are left in my office). I do intend to go back swimming when the weather in singapore become hotter at night, maybe end apr onwards when the "summer" arrives.

yanlin: Myabe u can spread out buying stuff so your hubby not so heart pain. Like big tickets items limit to 1 to 2 per month. Also some things may not be needed,like pacifier as my mum say some babies do not like. Others like pampers don't buy so much cos some babies may be allergic to certain brand or disposable diapers altogether.
I m buying those small items n hubby buying big items. Told him I'm gonna to try for number 2 soon after Charlotte.
I feel so blessed with gods blessing for having Charlotte after 7 years of marriage, scare we will spoilt her too..
Maybe we buying in 2 different fairs. Then can split too.. Thinking to get cheaper cot at Ikea. But need to check it out too. Need to buy chest drawers for bb too and playpen,
Maybe buy playpen, cot n mattress this month. So must keep looking out for sales.
Now I cut own spending too. Only buy tonics for self.. Bought eu yan sang bird nest last Saturday, 20% off for premium concentrate bird nest. Hope charlotte's skin is fair n pinkish too. Never expect to spend too much money too.
yanlin: So fast think of no 2 already. XD Maybe it would be better to wait till no 1 is toilet trained before having no 2, else it would be very tough on you. Also by that time, no 1 would understand a bit more on being a elder kid and need not that much attention from you as if he was younger.
I got advice from my colleague, don't buy too much infant clothes. Maybe if possible, buy one or two piece only, in case bb is too big or small. I got all from my younger sister, so only will buy for outings clothes.. Bb doesn't go out anyway in the first three months I guess.. I only buy a few bottles, in case bb not liking a particular brand. Try to latch bb too, not to use bottle. Must talk to bb on this..
I spotted my breast got stretch mark already, now even my tummy too.. My tummy got pulling sensation. Like my tummy gonna to "pit"! Burst! Anyone experiencing this?
Yanlin, my Aunty and sil also have the same advice to me not to buy too many infant clothes, as we won't kw their size till born and some out grown very fast.

For playpen u might wan to consider buying. As both my Aunty and sil said some bb might not want to use. If really want to buy can consider buying 2nd hand or in later part as I think bb only use it like 6 mths and above ba.
Four to six months
Newborns should not be kept in a playpen. They need a lot of stimulation from adults, but the distance from a newborn lying in a playpen to an adult's face is much too large to provide stimulation. Not only that, but newborns cannot move enough to entertain themselves in a playpen. Wait until your baby is old enough to roll over, grasp a toy and lift her head before placing her in a playpen. Introduce her to the playpen at no later than 4 months so she can become comfortable with it by the time you use it frequently. If you wait until she is older, she might be too scared of the new place to ever feel safe in it.

Six to eight months
This is the ideal age to use a playpen. At this age, most babies can sit up, reach for and grab nearby toys. Babies of this age are generally easygoing, so you can leave them in the playpen (always staying nearby, of course) for a short amount of time without the baby putting up too much of a fuss. Babies this age also love new toys, so be sure to put some in the playpen with him. Do not try to tie any toys to the sides or top of a playpen, as cords or strings can present a choking danger for babies.

Eight to ten months
At this age, your baby is probably starting to crawl and even pull herself up. For this reason, she might be getting tired of being in the playpen. She probably wants to explore a larger area and might even stand up in the playpen and cry if you don't lift her out. Keep her happier in the playpen by providing new toys that she hasn't seen before. You will probably have to stop using the playpen once your baby can walk well because she is more than likely to protest loudly once she can walk if you try to confine her to a small space.
I feel for mummies who are tight on budget or space in the home, a playpen is not necessary. Just clear out the living room floor and put a thin mattress to play with bb will do. Now there r also a lot of toys that comes with its own stand that you can put over bb to let him/her play. Of cos if they r pets in the house then bb must alwsys be under supervision when plsying on the floor
Good morning all beautiful mummies,
A bit excited, as going to c bb again later. And hope can c the gender.

Starfantasy wat time is ur appointment?
baby lang, sorry to hear about your loss, it must be heartbreaking for you and your family, stay strong for your no. 1. Your no.1 still need your love.

I only bought 1 infant clothing for my boy last time, for him to discharge from hospital..

Talking about weight gain, i also gain ard 3kg liao, since my appetite turns better.. Hopefully it dun hovers too much.. Think i will exceed my original aim of gaining not more than 5kg.. sigh..
Morning mummies!

Baby lang> sorry to hear about your loss.. please take care and nurse back your health.. can always try again in a couple of months time

Re: Weight Gain
Think i have maintain or gain abt 1kg.. i am still stuck with 10 kg from my first pregnancy.. thus, can also trying to maintain a gain not more than 5kg..
Baby Lang,

I am sorry to hear about your lost. I lost mine at week 11 in 2010 after Christmas. Please don't blame yourself or think if there is anything wrong with you. You are encouraged to talk to your doc and see what happen to help you close the chapter. Please take the time off to grief and more importantly to nurse yourself back to health. Share with your friends and more importantly your husband and you need alot of support. Husband and Wife grief very differently so do ensure that your husband have the support as well. Your baby will come again. Please think of the positive side. I am thankful for my friends and church support. There will be remarks that comes in who are offered in kind intention but you may feel even more confused than ever or even guilt. Remind yourself that is no body fault.

May God's peace be upon you and your husband.
Baby lang
so sorry to hear about yr loss..it really heart wrenching for such things to happen.,,every mummies here feel u as we are all mummy n mummy to be..pls take gd care of yrself..be strong n nurse yrself well n get preggy again..
yr no 1 need u..i know u r sad n its alright to cry but pls set yrself a limit..like sad for 1 mth after that u should learn to get over with the lost as yr baby also dont wan u to be sad..pls take good care of yrself...
Baby Lang,
hugssss... Your little angel is safe up there in heaven with God... Get yourself back in good health! Huggggsss....
i'm sorry to to hear about your loss. do grief and cry out to make yourself feel better. talk to your hb or a close friend and do not keep everything to yourself. also do a mini confinement to tiao your body. take care of yourself for your #1.
Hazel: mine 10am.. So now in clinic waiting to see doc

For those who can advise baby lang better, maybe it's a good idea to PM her instead as she may be too upset to return to this thread (can imagine the pain when rest of us are talking abt our own bb)
<font color="ff6000">re: weight gain</font>
<font color="ff6000">currently 18 weeks...i've lost 1.5kg during my 1st tri and have gained back 1kg so far. my appetite is still about the same as 1st tri, happy with kids meal portion.</font>

<font color="ff6000">re: tightening of abdomen</font>
<font color="ff6000">my dr describe the pain as continuous menses like cramp around the uterus area. if any ladies experience such pain, good to call your dr to check.</font>
Maid: pick up my Indonesia Maid on sat. So far so good, one time explanation and she's able to do it. She also has initiative to do work without asking. Hopefully this con't
my lower back is aching badly these days .. walk and carry things makes it worse .. and then my lower ab will pain too
rainbow - so nice .. mine i spotted alot of mistakes for her .. she didnt use the mop proberly and now my parquet is scratched so now ask her to mop using hands and cloth ..
ask her clean the bathroom taps and toothbrush holder she clean outside and top never clean inside and bottom ..
i want faint liaoz

iron clothes damn slow do things all v slow except mop floor too fast .. eat also slow .. seriously bth ..

anyway bought her a 40 bucks seahorse mattress and 9 bucks pillow to sleep .. im taking back my son's dunlopillo bed ..
re: childcare .. my son #1 is attending childcare now at little skool house so will get slibings piority so should be ok ..
not taking infant care because too young and if going send to infant care i wont need the maid liaoz ..
Ayukie, actually I dun mind if she's slow. Just dun give me problem can Liao.

Bbl, I also experience bh last few days.

Baby kicking: bb is actively moving at night, wat abt you mummies??
Baby_lang, my deepest condolences to you and your family. i dont think anything anyone says right now will help much, but we wish you the smoothest recovery and the ability to move on, with your baby in your heart always.

i am currently in 18 weeks 3 days. and i dont think i felt my baby yet (or maybe i dont know how to tell the difference between my tummy gas movements or the baby). anyone around this time but havent feel your baby move yet? my next appt is not till 2 weeks time, and i do like to seek a peace of mind that my baby is fine!!
re: weight gain .. im still puking excessively so this time nt so much weight gain as my #1 but my tummy looks huge already ..

also had flutterin feeling 2 weeks back then i sneeze then no more feeling .. feeling havent came back altho bb is fine .. ((^()())((%$^$#
rainbow - slow till i see like nt much done .. if she dont buck up hw to handle when my little little one comes ?
somemore nt clean !!! but she bath twice daily .. nxt time i will limit her once a day until she learns to be clean ..
Ling, I'm 18wks 2days and only recently when I lie flat on my back I'll feel slight movement and most of e time is ard 9plus 10pm. My last preg I feel by movement ard 20-21weeks.
Starfantasy, mine is at 2pm later, best wishes on ur check up.

Ling, that time at 18 weeks, I also not sure whether it wind or the movement. But if u relax and put ur hand on ur tummy gently I believe u can feel ur bb heart beat. That how I do it that time. Also must have faith between u and bb.

Rainbow, my bb also quite active at night sometime in the afternoon too. To all mummies who can feel ur bb kicking enjoy every moments and try talking to bb now as our bonding between them are getting stronger as day goes by.
hello mummies, I am without maid for a week liao and so tiring. now cant even finish sweeping the floor at one go, must sit down and rest after sweeping each section. this morning went market to buy food for myself almost fainted cos too tired and hot.

ayukie, is your maid looking after ur baby on her own without any help after u go back to work next time? if so, then I think cannot afford to have a maid that is slow and cant follow instructions unless u have an elderly to keep an eye on her.

my bb kicks anytime of the day. sometimes so hard that I have to stop and sit down for a while. its interesting that I dont know how to start shopping clothes for my bb gal. never buy gal clothes before that I dont know how to buy. its true not to buy too many newborn clothes cos they outgrow very fast and we dont bring them out often. just buy some 6 months and 12 months beyond will do. I still have many newborn boy clothes that my boy didnt had a chance to wear at all cos hb n I bought too many.

<font color="ff6000">BBL</font>
<font color="ff6000">oya, i think my dr is refering to BH but he was concerned if i get it now as it might mean prematured labour. he was telling me about the cramp when i was asking about my belly button pain...</font>

<font color="ff6000">Ling</font>
<font color="ff6000">im 18W1D now, feeling the bubbly/itchy feel on/off. still not very sure if that's the bb movement. waiting for the 'real kicks/punches'. LOL</font>
