(2012/08) Aug 2012

re: baby movements
i've been feeling her movements since week 19... and she has jabbed me (dunno hand or leg... most likely hand) 5 times already at where by right ribs are!!! and those times are the times when i was sitting on the mattress with my #1 and bending forward a little to reach out for something! hahaa...

ag - i will bring her and bb to my mum's place lah of course initially till older abit but then too slow also cannot cause my #1 no patience .. i also no patience .. haha
I totally understand ayukie. sounds like your this one wont last long. to be it all depends on their attitude, if they dont show the right attitude, no matter how long you train them, they will still be the same or worse. now so free already so slow, when ur bb arrives, cant imagine how she can cope.

my hb was saying that these 2 weeks without maid will make me appreciate her better when she is back cos i am so tired without her around, house so messy.
thanks everyone. i did read that not everyone will feel @ 18 weeks, esp for first pregnancy.

the only way i can track my progress is thru weight, i have put on about 5 kg since week 5 ( i was 47.2kg at week 5), and now 52.6kg thereabouts. i presume that if baby is well i should be putting on weight, which i have been rather consistently till this week where i fluctuated slightly and maintained my weight. my hunger pangs are also not so aggressive, i can eat a full McBreaky set at 11, and get hungry only at 3.30pm ( usually its every 2hrs!)

hope all is well :)
Hi gals
Any idea we shd feel how many time bb kick us per day to tell ourselves tt bbies r ok? Is it at least 10times per day?? Thk u..

I oso read tt a sister say medala freestyle pump not so strong n is better to get pisa pump.. Any experience mum use this both pump before n know which one is better? Wonder where to get cheap pisa pump?
Back frm gynae visit.. Oh crap, doc say majority of the weight gain is to me rather than bb..^]€|^{¥>\+ but at least bb is growing just nice..

Since 3rd month everytime i see gynae he would comment that bb is very active.. Always moving around. Ytd night i just place my galaxy tab on my tummy and she start punching and kicking. Told my hubby and he place his hands on my tummy, at first nothing so i ask hubby to apply some light pressure, bb start kicking and punching again.. Haha, same thing happen when gynae puts the scanner on top of tummy. Me n hb feel that bb got quite a temper already, doesn't like her space to be intruded.. XD
Joanne: it depends if ur bb is the active or not so active one. The main thing is to monitor the pattern rather than the exact no of kicks. So if like bb usually kicks a lot then suddenly a few days kick very little or none at all then should check w gynae..
Joanne: but sometimes bb might just be a bit lazy so can try to simulate him/her depeds normally what bb reacts too. U can try playing music, apply slight pressure on the tummy or even put something cold (but not too cold) on the tummy.
Hi star
I find it strange as my bbies kick alot on last thursday n not so much kick on Friday so i very worry.. N sat, she very active kick almost whole day again... So i was blur.. My mum say sometime bbies sleepy so not so much kick oso ok.. So happy on sat as first time my boy can see my tummy moving when bbies kick.. He already can feel it when put his hand on my tummy since 2wks ago... Now can see it n he so excited.. Since last wk, he will asks me daily on whether bbies got kick before he sleeps at night.. U gals will feel ur bb kick very soon.. Be patience k..;)
Hi hi, on my way to check up now. Just now when vivo city for a walk. And have my lunch there, nearly eaten a fruits fly in ha ha... It was on one of the leaf in my salad bowl lucky I saw it and remove it.

My bb like to hi 5 or kick when I put my hand on my tummy. But every time when I ask my hb to do so bb quite down. So funny. The only time is tat time he accidently feel the hi 5. Ha ha.... But now I can feel bb become more active already.

Starfantasy, did doc advice u how to prevent further weight gain on urself?
sob sob sob.. think i have a lazy/shy bb, can sense his kicks but i still cant feel anything when put my hand on tummy. Think, need to talk with bb more...Tomorrow can see him again, lets see if he will move actively during the scan. Each time he covered his face with his hands.. pai seh.. may be..
baby lang,
Sorry to hear abt your loss.
be strong, take care of urself.
Have faith *hugs*

Weight gain:

i have put on a steady 500-700g each visit. am now 19w1d but as bb is growing my fibriod also growing so dunno is bb gain or the fibriod weight.

tummy size:
recently feeling quite disturbed.
my tummy is actually HUGE due to the fibriod n alot of ppl is commenting tat i look huge.
its tired to b explaining abt the condition.
like i am not putting on alot of weight tot i am overweight to start with but its somehow getting on my nerves tat ppl is pointing n commenting so much on my tummy size.

i getting alot too, n same can wake up, fall back to sleep n continue the dream.
jus last nite dream of some "black magic" stuff with deaths n all blah *creepy*

i feel the movement since 17wks+ but not everyday.
sometime tired also nv really notice got move or not. sometimes talk to bb n will get some movement.

signage on bus:
btw ladies, did u all notice the signage on bus asking ppl to give up the seats?
i jus realise that the signage only ask ppl to give up seats to elderly, disabled and ppl with children -.-"
no need to give up seats to preggies %*(^)(&
have a quick question for mummies here.

what are the other alternatives for a baby's bed - other than a cot? i am planning to have my baby sleep with me in the same room for maybe the first 6 to 8 months ( but not on my bed). then will move her to her own room on the 2nd floor, so i plan to have the cot in the 2nd room from day 1. that is also to faciliate my caregiver putting baby to rest in the day ( as my own room is on the 3rd floor)

i will be buying the cocoonababy, but even that you will need to place it on something like a cot.

i cant put my baby on the floor too.. and i definitely dont plan to buy 2 cots.

any good idea suggestions?
yaps i just saw it too on the net. and i saw some playpens that had a raised capability which makes it easier to put the baby down. i cannot imagine putting a baby down onto a playpen that is close to the floor, it is almost impossible right?

any good recommendations for playpen i should look out for mummies?
Ling, for us, as we still have 2 unoccupied rooms, thinking of buying queen size bed attached with another pulled out single bed. Then, we temp sleep in that room, so that bb can sleep together with us.
Ling, nope, put between us. But we still havent go for actual viewing yet. Wondering if the height of the pull out bed can be aligned with the queen size bed as advertised. Need to think of safety measure as well when putting him in the middle.. hmm...
Joanne: cute.. Ur bb also got mood one.. I think u need to observe for a max 3 days if no movement then raise alarm or else in between can try to simulate bb to move.

QQ: rg maid, i think regardless of nationality sure have black sheeps one. We as wives have o do our part to keep communication open, cannot deprive hubby of sex after the kid is born but if really unconvenient have to speak openly about it. We love our kids but must not neglect hubby as well.

Ling: if u r okie, 1st few months bb can sleep w u on the bed and hubby temp sleep on the floor. This will also faciliate u taking care of bb at night. After that it's actually okie for bb to sleep on a mattress on the floor. That's what my older brother did with his 2 daughters cos his bedroom is too small to accomodate a cot.

Hazel: doc say my weight gain is not too bad, so just need to strictly limit the sugary drinks (esp milo since i told him i don drink softdrink) to 1 cup per day will do.
AG: man cannot do without sex, unless they r monk or cannot do it.. That's the harsh truth.. N they start looking for available woman closest to them.. To say it crudely, when they r very deprived, they just want sex don care abt the looks or whatever
QQ - ur plc so big so envious ..
my son have a trundle bed .. a super single on top and a single below can be pull out and push to same level to make a super king size bed but then my son room will leave no space to move at all ..
the wife is really poor thing n men is all the same. only think with the d**khead!
cannot do it also want, find the little blue pill n try *HOPELESS*

hope the man get some freaking illness!
Regarding tightness, cramps or pulling pain. My gynae told me it's the uterus expanding so usually no cause of concern unless v v bad pain. Then she said diff ppl will describe the feeling differently so difficult to tell me exactly how it feels.
For bb kicks, she said also doesn't matter now if u can't feel sometimes. Think from 25 wks then need to keep track. So dun worry too much now.
I also haven't start my shopping. No hand me downs at the moment n i dun want to buy too many nb size. So mayb wait till i can est the size better then buy nb or 3-6 mths. My sis nb clothes all pink!!! So i better buy neutral colors won't waste.
yeah this kind of man, its better off without him. still can say these kind of words to the wife...gosh unbelievable....read liao also angry.
Ayukie, common rooms no furnitures yet. Hence, one of the room can fit in tat queen size bed. If pull out the single bed, think can only fit in small wardrobe. Not very big. Juz no one staying yet. No parents, no kids, no maids, for sure, spacious. Think after few years, my house will be full of furnitures, cabinets, study tables, books, toys n etc.
haha .. even w/o the seatee i built and the wradrobe think cannot fit queen and single together side by side for son room maybe mbr bah haha
Haiz.. Lucky my hb got a bit of 洁癖.. If we have maid, I'll choose those with darker skin.. Play safe..

Ayukie, I think putting the camera in maid's room really a smart way. At least a reminder of don't do funny things lor.
qq - after she made me pissed off already cause last friday i went home found she help me throw away my boxes w/o aksing me and almost threw my instax camera lens if my mum didnt pick it up for me i ended up shouting at her .. she also cramped all my lvs and guccis all in one big dustbags and kept my dustbags in somewhere else and almost lost my dustbags .. i soo frekaing pissed off so i made her cry with my temper ..

anyway after that episode .. i have made my mind not to be too nice to her .. now she can sleep w/o door close only and when i ask her sleep she better sleep cause theres one day i ask her sleep she read magazine and the new paper dont want sleep and nxt day i wake up b4 her .. in end 8am i bth i ask hb call her wake up .. my son milk already finish and diapers i also change liaoz already lor and at 10:30pm i ask her sleep liaoz .. liewz ..

so anyway i also bought a mattress for her and a pillow and im taking my son new bed back from her ..

i also set a time for her to wake up to ..
i also seperate the glasses and mug she can use .. next is the plate and utensils ..
so she knows her place that she isnt that close to me and cnanot do things as she pleased .. must ask me for permission ..
anyway dont be too nice to the maid .. must draw distinction .. my error is too nice to her .. sleep also dont need ask me .. watch tv also dont need ask me ..
wah ayukie, she can on TV to watch herself? like that too much. also she must wake up before us mah. latest 7am or earlier depending on what time u go to work. For me I wake up at 6am to get ready for work and she's always awake before me. and why she touch your bags haha so funny. maybe you want to tell her certain cupboards dont touch. for me, I only ask my maid to tidy up the kitchen cupboard, storeroom and my boy cupboard. the rest of the stuff, leave it to me (haha and I never clean for years liao :p) recently my maid not around, my hb started packing lots of stuff and found a lot of things that my maid dont dare to throw and our long lost found stuff

there are many ways to be nice to them but some aspects, we have to draw a line who is the boss.
hhhm, i am almost certain my hubby wont let the baby sleep on the floor cos he will worry my bolster or pillow will drop and hit baby ..

mattress on the floor also very tricky, cos our room is in such a way one side of the room is toilet's sliding window ( open to the bathroom's bathtub), and the other side is a full length sliding window leading to the balcony. so i think it is safer to get a cot or a playpen rather than have a mattress alongside a bathtub wall or full sliding door.

i think i might do this - put cot in the master bedroom, i will be on maternity leave for 6 months so let baby sleep in with me for this 6 months on a more comfy bed.

baby nursery we will have a mattress since it will be more of a temp sleeping in the day when my granny helps to take care of her. when we are ready to move baby to her own room, we will move the cot down to her room.
i haf been feeling very emo lately... been crying & i did not tell hubby abt it coz i dunno how to explain the feeling..

i haf been staying over at my mum's place on weekends after we got married, bt ytd when he come fetch mi back to his place, i cried on the way back...

my sis juz gave birth on last sat, i really wanted to go visit her, bt hubby say cannot.. he n his mum r those quite pantang type.. they even go ask the medium, & bein advised that if i really wan go, can only go after they discharged fr hosp & cant touch the baby whn i'm there.. & after i go hm, i haf to do some sort of cleaning.. i know tat they r concern abt the baby & worried tat things might went wrong, bt i still cant help feeling very upset over it..

n today while at work, my boss send mi a msg asking mi to do something abt my sales performance. i admit tat i'm nt able to perform these few mths coz my morning sickness r very bad, been vomiting all day long & keep feeling very tired.. bt i had tried to at least attend her meetings & trainings.. my hubby & i r working in the same co, & he juz now overheard my boss toking to someone & said tat dunno wat am i doin, body at work, bt mind already drift to dunno where... after i heard tat, i went to hide in toilet to cry..

i really dunno wat i should do.. & now hubby r on the way to airport to go penang, & will only be back on wed nite... really dislike all the crying part as i'm scared tat my baby will turn out to be crybaby as well.. wat should i do? anything i can do to make myself happier..?
first of all, worrying and crying doesn't mean that your baby will turn out to be a crybaby... is your mood that your bb that is able to sense it... =) my #1 came out smiley and cheerful despite me frowning n worrying throughout the whole pregnancy...

hugggggsss... i've been in a sales job before and i know how stressful it has has been for you! especially when now that you're preggie... hugs hugs....

it's the hormones that's making you more emo now... have a talk with your hubby.. or maybe a close friend too to share with them how you really are feeling! =) after talking you will feel much better.. and perhaps can discuss with ur hubby what he thinks you should do in this kind of situation!

jia you babe!
Spicyspicy, I oso not allowed to go to hospital, but can attend babymoon.
don't be upset ya, u can visit ur sis at her house n share the joy in baby moon too. Think the pantang not only for bb sakes, I think for mummy as well.
. Means, they care n tat's why they Pantang.

Job wise, don't think so much about it. Nothing you can do. It is ok to cry. I cried oso on Friday night with no reason n scolded my hb.. Haha.. Call ur hb later n talk to him. Don't worry, talk to bb later, on some bb music. Sleep early. Tomorrow will be another bright day!!
spicy, being emo is very common. maybe you want to tell your hubby exactly how you are feeling ans experiencing now. one way I let my hb knows what I am going through is by subscribing on his behalf to those pregnancy weekly email updates (i did it for my #1). even for my boy progress since my boy is born, I also subscribe for him. cos there are bound to be some conflicts in the way on how we want to teach our bb.
Congrats all mummies!

I have several items that I need to clear. Please PM me if interested.

(i) Brand New, Avent fridge to go Thermal bag, Retail price: $29. Selling price: $23.20
(ii) Brand New, A box of 3 Avent 260ml bottles, Retail price: $37.90. Selling price: $30.30
(iii) Brand New, A set of Avent nipple protector, Retail price: $16.90. Selling price: $13.50
(iv) Brand New, Avent 18m+ straw bottle (blue colour), Retail price: $19.90. Selling price: $15.90
(vi) Brand New, Pigeon breastmilk storage milk bag. Package comes in 25 pieces, used 1 only. Retail price for 25 pieces is $15.90. Selling the remainder 24 pieces for $12
(vii) Brand New, Medela micro-steam bags. Package comes in 5 pieces, used 1 only. Left 4. Great for travelling or use in office for sterilising milk bottles and pump parts using a microwave. Each bag can be used for 20 times. Not sure retail price. Selling the 4 pieces for $10. One piece for $3. This is definitely much cheaper then retail price.

Also have an Avent Single Electric breast pump lightly used (in fact less than 5 times) for sale at $160. Comes with a set of brand new accessories. Pump can be battery operated and used as a manual pump as well.

Self collection at Boon Lay Mrt or Tanjong Pagar Mrt during weekdays. Thanks!
Dear all, back from my DS. Today scan took me like 1 & 1/2 hrs. Cos bb was in sleeping position with the back up and curve up in a ball during 1st try. So need to go take a walk and go back half an hour again. Lucky bb manage to turn over during second time. At first, not sure the gender but the person who do the scanning said bb seem like a girl and can't measure the heart size too. Then 2nd try, confirm it a girl and can measure heart size. A bit disappointed, but hb very happy cos he said can buy princess clothes for bb Liao. But then he also worry that on 32 weeks the gender might change which happened to some of my friends.

Like to check if anyone has come across this? Or we can more or less confirm the gender by 22 weeks?
Hi All!
I am new to the forum. My EDD is on 28Aug. Nice to meet u all!

I've noticed that there's a facebook group for EDD Aug mummies? Can add me pls?
Thanks vm!
Hi ayukie
;( i still hv not receive ur maid rooster n hv pm u twice.. U still no receive my email? Can u email me pls at [email protected] since not sure why u cant receive my email?? Thk u..
Btw, better dun be too fierce to ur maid as she may do something to harm ur family.. Just in case...;)

Hi sisters,
I oso read tt a sister say medala freestyle pump not so strong n is better to get pisa pump.. Any experience mum use this both pump before n know which one is better? Wonder where to get cheap pisa pump?
Spicyspicy: cheer up and don't think too much. My hubby and his parents are the very "pantang" kind. Just have to endure. My mil say when I give birth, hubby cannot go in with me cause some zodiac sign will clash not good for hubby and baby. I was upset at first cause I felt that hubby should be with me cause it's our baby and moreover 1st child. But after that i think, forget it I'm strong enough I think i can pull thru myself!

Also mil say when I under confinement, cannot be in the living room as we stay terrace house and 1st level got Buddhas I can only be upstairs 2nd level for a whole month. Cannot watch tv downstairs, go kitchen etc... But what to do, this is their house must respect them unless too much then have to stand up for ourselves. Just treat it as good concerns and listen lo. Even my mom house got Buddhas also never say I can't go over if I want to do confinement. Different people got different thinking as long as we open our hearts and give the best to our babies nothing else matters. Try to think of the positive side makes life easier!

If you feel stressed, go walk around in shopping areas, window shop look at baby stuffs and plan your child's future and developments.

If you want to see your sister ask her send images of herself and baby or Skype? Still can chit chat

Make yourself happy find things to do! For the sake of a healthy baby don't be upset. Work wise, let ur boss know cause u weren't feeling well lately but will be better and try to make yourself better! Let them know u will try to put more effort and motivation to work. If you have time, you could read book on personal developments. There's one book called "power of positive thinking" and might be useful for you
Dear SpicySpicy,
I agree that you should share your unhappiness with friends and also us here!!! Gotta stay strong and positive for your baby! As for the pantang thing, I also have to abide when my very close friend delivered in January. Mainly cos pantang is a two-way thing, if not your side bad, then is the other side bad. So I console myself that it is for both parties' good, i wouldn't wanna do anything to harm my baby, myself nor her and her baby. Like that I felt better

Dear Hazel,
Congrats on having a girl. My case is also under the not 100% confirm is girl type of case. So I just think along the lines of girl but will get more neutral colours lo.

Dear Sora,
Welcome! You have a very unique name!

Dear Kelly,
Just wanna say your advice is very good! And you are really positive in your thinking about our MIL! I also prefer to be safe than be sorry!
Spicy n kelly: wow, ur in laws are sure very pantang! Humm, given my temper, i would not take it one. XD every pantang have some base to start with, some with some proper reason and time changes, some of them are just not valid now. So for me if without valid reason hard for me to follow

Hazel: i don't think it's possible for gender to change cos the gender already decided at conception. The only thing might be ur gynae not have 100% confidence that the scan is accurate. But congrat on having girl, ur hubby happy can le ma. My hb already prefer girls..

Sashamama & Hazel_Nutty: Mine also not 100% girl as my doc cannot see clearly baby not in position.

Sashamama: My MIL is very nice to me actually but there are some things that are very particular to her esp religious stuffs and some chinese sayings. Other that that, she's ok even say i can bathe during confinement but after my wounds heal. So i suppose give and take lo can live happier together.
