(2012/08) Aug 2012

Any mummies got leg cramps already?

For mummies who felt the kicking already, can I ask if it's at the lower abdomen (below belly button??

Bright> Me ! But it is only when i stretch my leg. For kicking is at the lower abdomen.

AG> I also feel boated more at night so dinner cant eat much. Then super hungry in the morning so i ate more.
Ohh... then I haven felt it yet... hahaha.. mine is like all over the stomach... which is the gas I think!

Sandy: Me too!... Only when I stretch my legs.. and it's only at night while sleeping!... Day time stretch legs, no problem leh...
<font color="aa00aa">Bright</font>
<font color="aa00aa">i had my 1st leg cramp last night! kinda early to have leg cramp right?</font>
Updated the spreadsheet!

Bright.. I think that gas too cos at first I also like you mistake that for bb movement. XD

I asked my gynae if recently i feel a sudden small pain at my lower tummy is the baby kick, he say more likely that is the muscle being stretched. Cos when he do scanning and ask me if I felt anything cos bb was moving, I said no. He said now movement by the bb should not feel pain like being kicked, but more like bowel movement?
Hi thanks for the warm welcome.

May I know when is require to change to maternity bra? or not necessary if no changes? I hear dont wear wire bra?

I have leg cramps at night since last week.. haiz.. last night got my hb to help me to massage before i sleep.
I feel that if you find good support in your existing bras and if they still fit (not too tight) and you find it comfortable then you can continue wearing it..

That's what I do now since my existing bras already provided me with good support, I just remove the padding now that boobs have gotten bigger..hehe

I don't really have leg cramps but just that calves feel very tired. I used to go for foot reflexology and so miss that right now. Wonder if it's okie to go now since in 2nd trimester so bb is pretty stable?
Starfantasy: i feel ok.. just sometime felt tight..but i felt if i buy those extension will be loose. v contridicting..lol..

i heard we can go pre natal massage. but they wont massage too hard more for relaxing..

But my mum object told me to do it after giving birth.. I am not sure about foot..coz foot also link to many of our veins..
hi mummies, anyone keen for pre-nantal yoga? i am planning to sign up with mother and child at tanglin.

but will go for a trial first to make sure i am comfortable with the place..
Ling> What is the timing ? If timing ok I will join too.

Today is Friday ! Looking forward to weekend so that i can sleep longer. LOL
i cant look forward to wkend
tml still gt ot
BBL, that's the point between the heel and the ankle.. But that would only be dangerous in 3rd trimester?

Ling, I'm interested but have to see the price and the timming. Tanglin too far for me to go over during the weekdays after work, so prefer wkend classes ba.
hey Sandy, i checked out a few places, and the best is still M&amp;C becos they are specialised so a lot of timing/slots. others prob only have 1 or 2 lesson per week. here it is:

Tuesday morning 10am-11am &amp; 11am-12pm
Thursday Evening 7.15pm - 8.30pm
Friday Afternoon 3.30pm - 4.45pm
Saturday morning 9.30am - 10.45am
Sunday morning 11am - 12am &amp; 12pm - 1pm

Tuesday morning 12.15 noon- 13.15 (baby can come too)

We offer three packages of 4 classes for $110, 8 classes for $220 and 16 classes for $375 you can select either one. A Trial Class costs $30.

If you have your baby before you have completed the package, you can use them for the postnatal classes. They are valid within 3 months after your 6 weeks (natural birth), 12 weeks (caesarean birth) postnatal recovery.

I checked, if for any reason we cant fulfil the pre-nantal classes due to complications, they can be used for post natal.
Hello Starfantasy.

Me, my friend and alot I know, the milk came only on 4th-5th day.

BBL, thanks.

QQ, Thanks Thanks for the Birdie.

Choy Choy Choy, thou yesterday i felt v naseous at the shopping centre carpark no ventilation and very hot.

Cheri, what cot u looking at? If the $699 one maybe still have.
mahjong, i read that if want to breastfeed, bb have to try within the hour he/she or else the chances of successful breastfeeding will be lowered. If milk come later not a good thing right?

Previously I got signup for amore package, 52 classes (there are yoga classes but I went for others) for 600 plus only. So compare this to the amore one, it looks a bit expansive?
Mahjong> U went to the fair ? Still got Medela harmony pump ?

Ling> I thought of joining the Tuesday evening class or the Sunday afternoon class. But hor my boss always take her own sweet time to exit out of office and the bus have to wait for her. ( I have co transport to the nearest MRT). I scare i will be rushing like mad if go on Tuesday. Saturday if can bring my 6 yr old son along then not so bad.
Hey Ling, which timing for the yoga class are you interested in? I might be interested in the Friday afternoon one.

So we start now and go all the way for 6 months till delivery?
hi ladies...
i said hi in this thread few weeks back n never got chance to post here again.. ;)
im expecting 2nd bby, edd is 23 aug. now baby is 15 weeks. im a SAhM n my #1 is 17 month old. hoping to make new friends here!
Counting my Muti-Vit, the lesser it get mean the nearer the day i could see my BB again. LOL

Tiggeroo> U not working ?

Starfantasy> Is amore good ?
sandy, they have multiple outlets and mainly cater for woman only (which is very impt to me as I don like to sweat in front of other guys XD). There's a variety of classes and when you sign up, includes free use of gym and steam bath (although must be consume on the same day as your class). For the price of 600+ I paid then, it was a pretty good deal.
clim> I thought it's the opposite, I'm not sure about cramps in pregnancy but normally if there'e leg cramp, it means the body low in potassium or salt, so should take those sport drink which can replenish the sodium and potassium
on the other hand, if have severe water retention then should reduce salt intake, again this apply to normal situation and pregnancy may be a different story ba
Hi all, I just came back from the gynae and it is a boy!!

So relieved I do not need to go source a primary school in this hectic year!

So strange. I can't eat meat at all during the first trimester and vomit so much.
Dear BBL,
Thanks for your well wishes!

Dear Jijz,
Maybe you can ask your gynae the next time? My gynae Dr SF Loh just tell me the moment he scans me. And every visit still the same, uterus swollen.

Dear LiQing,
So nice you can feel baby kick! I'm obese, plus my swollen uterus, doubt I'm gonna feel anything the next few weeks even. Am 17 weeks now.

Dear icezz,
I'm starting my pre-natal massages at home by Ida from 5th month till 7th month. In between if really want, I will also go other places to try. Hehe... Can't wait!

Dear QQ,
Where did you buy the Medela PISA? I also wanna get it. Didn't dare to buy at MediaCorp BB fair cos dunno if that is the best deal.

Dear LouiseLS,
Congrats on your boy!!!

Dear Gals,
Those who go MotherCare fair and Taka fair can you pls share the good buys? I am going next Tuesday.
dear qq &amp; sashamama, thanks!

my placenta is above my baby thick cushioning the uterus so doc says I prob won't feel the kicks anytime soon.

can anyone share what supplements you are taking? as i switched from tmc doc to mount alvernia doc &amp; i realised the doc supplments are different.
Sashamama, I bought from a mama under the thread "to sell" in the forum. It is a new local set n she is selling as she has double set of PISA. I bought at $500. Managed to get the valves n membranes as free gift. I oso not sure did I get a good deal.
Louisesl, my doc gave me dha supplements brand is belvea (min dha is 250mg per softgel with epa, ara n vit e). Very good cos this one no fishy taste at all.. Then also multivitamin frm pramilet fa n calcium w vit d.
Hi all

I'm a first time mom due in mid-aug

LouiseLS: my doc at Mt A gave me the usual: folic, calcium and the long pink tablet (forget what's its called :X) and recently i've been taking the DHA fish oil supplement, neogoblin (cant rmbr how to spell haha) and vit c.

and just wondering anyone taking as much meds as me? i feel bloated and full from taking these 6 meds! and i keep burping after taking the DHA, lots of fishy taste lingering in my mouth after taking this!
Ivy, sometimes I took DHA, sometime I didnt. Yup, a lot of burping and the fish taste is irritating...
. Find tat, eating fried salmon is better than taking the pills. At least no burping.
MTB, on mc today. Whole body is aching. Amniocentesis procedure this Wednesday. Thus hospitalization leave from Wednesday till Friday.
My parent came over from KL and my mum cooked my cravings of lor ark, the braised duck with sweet taste in teo chew style. She will be going to Australia for a year, so I m go to miss her thou. My dad, brother, sister will be in sg when the time I deliver the little precious.
Good luck yanlin, wow, your mum go aus for 1 year, so good, for work?

My little one kris cross legs during my checkup last fri, sad, have to wait till detailed scan then will know..
Yah, she went there for work. My mum told me that girls are usually shy and will cross leg or closing legs one. My mum told me my little one seems like a girl to her.
My mum already got one grandson from my sis, so another grand daughter for her is good too.
Means I can't close factory yet and need to try for second bb to have a hao word.LOL.

For me, when I have cramp will reduce the salt intake which is effective.

finger numb
Any mommy facing this issue? My left finger seem to have movement issue le. Last time only in final stage, now trimster 2 already start. Anyway to reduce the frequency?
