(2012/08) Aug 2012

Gloomy bear : sg dun sell origami .. haha .. i tinking of ordering online .. so plus shipping come lo ... if u interested maybe we can buy and ship together

@Ling: haha..

@MummyR: you are so right! LOL

@jljz: i am stil not feeling too well...think stil tire easily and when tired my whole body goes haywire and will feel super off...keeps gagging...

@gloomybear: yup...tts wat the pharmacy pple told me when they gave me the med...they even print that line on the name label to remind me...

@Kitty Lim: i feel worse at nite and will gag when brushing teeth...sometimes when it hits hard, i will vomit...and usually when i brush my teeth, it abt 11.30pm and will still vomit out some dinner (taken abt 7+/8)...

Re: Cot/Playpen
not buying...have a super single bed in another bedroom which will double up as the bb's bed...maybe juz buy some additional stuff to "make the space smaller" ba...
totally understand how you are feeling cos there's always this fear in me as well! but constantly to remind myself that everything is in His good hands.. so we do not have to worry! =)
btw mummies, dont buy the ikea cot cos we cannot bring the side down. I bought it for my first one and regretted it cos have to bend in to carry your baby which is not good for us.Esp when they get older, we have to lower it to the 2nd level. But its so new and I dont feel like spending again.
mummies who are using mustela stretch mark cream, there is offer at kiddy palace now.. 2 bottles for 95.80 and if u have kiddy palace card is additional 10% off..

Just opened the bottle and it smell nice.. I was so afraid that it will smell like cocoa butter.
my maternity pillow comes liaosh.. 2nite go hm tk pictures show u all okies? anyone interested in buying? i estimating cost w shipping all in less $90-$100..if doing bp price range shud b $100 with delivery. anyone interested?

the clothings bp#1 stuffs arrived also, 2nite aft wrk pack ler than let u all knw when can start collecting okies? =)

bp#2 will start tis weekends ! *CHEERS*
sama-sama, we are staying with in-laws too so we only have a room for ourselves.
But your situation seems to be a little "tighter" cause it's your #2. Is it possible for the maid to sleep elsewhere?

Not sure what is the difference between pram and stroller. They look the same to me!

hugs. Ppl like that exists. What does your HR say? Hope HR understands your situation.

I was looking at a car solution thingy which comprises of stroller, baby carrier which can be placed directly in the stroller (so that baby is facing you) and can double up as car seat. But not sure how long the child can sit in it before outgrowing it.

The weight of the strollers are about 6kg - 8kg, so the next thing is so see if you prefer any brands or whether you are looking for ease of use.

I've been on the iron, calcium and fish oil for a week. I think it should be fine. But my MS turn for the worse 2 days ago. I started vomiting after every meal.

Only thing that stayed down is chocolate, cheese, milk and bread.

Feeling miserable and people who doesn't been through ms keep asking me to eat after I vomit. So it's like, eat, vomit, eat, vomit until you really can take the sour taste of stomach acid, which I think is quite bad.
hey mummies, anyone knows if we can use SKII treatment essence now? I have a colleague who told me cannot use but I couldnt find any articles that said cannot.
my morning merlion really messed up my whole day. i have absolutely no appetite for lunch, my colleagues got me watercress soup but i only had like 10 small mouths.

had 2 meiji biscuits and feel slightly better, but still feel someting can come out anytime... there goes my friday... lucky the weekend is here!
mummies.. how to keep your eyes open during this time of the day? I thought going into 2nd trim will be better but i am still trying very hard to keep my eyes open!
Elyn>Both pram and stroller almost the same except pram can let your BB lay all the way down to sleep. Stroller cannot. I have given my pram away 6 yr back so got to get a new one. Hiaz...
hang on...4 more hours to weekend!
Just received a call from the clinic. My CVS result is normal and I'm having a boy!! *super happy now*

I had problem posting yesterday. Here is to your question-
I didn't have to go through the extra tests for my previous two pregnancies. Also do not have family history of these sorts. My NT scan result is good: 1.6mm at week 12 with no abnormalities found. Low risk for Trisomy-21 (down syndrome), but blood test found to have high risk for Trisomy 18 (1:59) and Trisomy 13 (1:139). These two syndromes are more fatal than down syndrome and the baby may not even survive through full term pregnancy. Anyway, am glad that I don't have to worry further now. Just hope to get good full report in two weeks time.

On Baby Cot/PlayPen:
I have both and I think both will serve different purposes. I used playpen for new born coz it's easy for me to move it around. When baby grows older, I find that the Baby Cot can provide better support. I will then use the play pen in the living room to let my baby/toddler 'play' in it during day time when I am busy with something else. My advice is: if you have the space and budget, can invest in both, otherwise, baby cot might be a better choice for longer term use since most baby cots have multiple adjustable levels and can be converted to toddler bed. Just my thoughts..;)
Thanks for the info..
quinnny is super ex
Fancl Tense-Up i already donated to my gal friends

bb will roll.. you not scare there is no grills ard the bed?

I almost wanted to buy from Ikea too.
Any idea playpen need to bend in? I saw from the pitures like can access from the side

i also feel so sleepy after lunch..*yawn*
totally cannot drink? i stock up too much le...give away heart pain

i also sleepy after lunch...nothing helps

I start to dig a bit of the famous amos cookies to eat liao.. think can only open the eyes a bit only!

I am feeling flustered over the oscar scan next week. Hope everything will be alright! Wonder if can see the gender next week.

Ninger : Congrats!
my big boss is sitting opposite me just a partition between us.. if she stands up she will b able to see my small eyes..

1 report i m taking donkey years to finish... the eyes and brain simply can not co-ordinate.
I am not sure, you may want to check with the Fancl staff. Anything unsure i usually dun take. Partly becos mine expiring soon so i just give it away.
Ninger congrats !!!

haiz... gonna fall asleep anytime ... i miss coffee..

Btw my friend who is air stewardess reccommend the clarins hulla tonic or something .. its oil for stretch mark... apparently she say palmers , mustela still will have ... so she reccomend this say that really is v gd .. for those who want can try try ...
@KJChua: may be getting the grilles ba...but the bed we bought already has a L-shaped 0.5m high frame le...so if push along the wall, will be able to form a full frame...but this is only for short term before bb can climb...haha

@Ninger: congrats! =)

@KJChua @MummyR: i also always tired...so after lunch will nap a while at my w/s...can tahan a bit longer...else bb inside "will make noise"... =( then i lagi more jialat...
Sandy> I also hope to resign man... just nuar at home.. wahahaha must strike a big sweep then can. I ever have the thinking maybe to resign after maternity and see if can be stay at home mum.. but i think i cant la.. dun think i am that sort that will stay at home and look after kids.

nahnah> I was lazy to get clarins so end up get mustela. wahahaha. Palmers smell turns ppl off ba.. the moment i see cocoa butter I can relate the smell then turns me off.. Hope mustela is good..
happy n glad for your result.
My amino test will be 2 weeks away as only can do in week 16. How much u spent for the cvs test? Which hospital u r did it?
ninger, how come so fast you know its a boy..how many weeks are you now?
sherry thanks, cos I was about to buy another bottle and my colleague told me cannot use. now I can buy another bottle
mummyR, I wont drink fancl now lah, a bit risky. I finished up mine before I got preggie. now I still have fancl collagen but that wont expire so soon so I will keep.
I read some of you talking about cot so must share my experience. cos I never expect that slight bending causes me such backache. but after delivery,somehow we are still quite weak. I never buy playpen so I cant comment. I will always have someone with my baby so I dont need cot (but I have a maid lah). if you dont have anyone with your baby and you need to get away, then you will need a playpen. But I have a changing table cos I find bending to change diapers gives me backache too, so I went to buy a changing table from kiddy palace after my confinement that time so I can change him standing straight. It helps for me.
JC, I have the same thoughts to be SAHM before I delivered my #1. but after 4 months of maternity leave, I realised its better off to go work cos I think I will be insane staying at home. It depends on individual so the ML helps us to determine who can be SAHM.
Jc : clarins smells very good .. like my aesop cream .. so i sleep even better haha ...

Haiz.. i was tinking of getting ikea also .. but the point that must bend down really also issue .. if any mummy find good cot share share k ?

MummyR , i tot baby kingdom got sell quinny ? or u wana see online ? cos i plan to get bugaboo ..then the difference in pricing after shipping is still alot leh ..
AG> haha, thats what I worry!!! and i dun think its a good idea to be taking money from the husband.. woman somehow has to be independant. but sometimes its good to have a break from work. dilemma man.
nahnah : I was lazy so i settled with mustela.. my concern is not so much on the stretch marks but more of the itch.. if its not itching i think i m lazy and wont even buy the cream but i cant le.. the body is itching and i think is because of the stretch. sighs. Now i can see the white stretch marks on my breasts liao.
bugaboo is sold in sg right? there is a BP on quinny but i dunno authentic anot
i have 3 strollers already! not buying anymore

yah...its the itch
my skin is really dry! tummy n nipples
Hey ladies,

is TGIF - so hang on.. can go off after work

Having stuffy nose and sore throat now. Sigh and cave in to have my mee siam for lunch. Ah man so yummy. haha

Wow so fast know gender! That a good news!

Bright, i also start to feel my symptoms starting to subside which of course i praying for that. At the same time you can't help worrying if your little one is ok. And now next visit will be March. Really can't wait to see my baby
Everyday talk to the little one trying to ask the baby to grow bigger to show me the bump and existence.

Is such a joy to be a mommy!
mummyR> very sian right the itch sometimes is so unbearable.. buay ta han liao.

Happy> I got to diet.. cant put on too much.. I scare gynae scold me! haha i think the only solution is our bed. wahaha
JC : i already have like millions of stretchmark due to last time rapid weight lost .. breast and thigh lo .. if now pregnant tummy also have i become world map liao .. so very scare.. and also i make hubby apply the oil for me every night so he also sayang bb ..

Initially wana buy ikea cot .. but really is bend down back will be tired.. so duno what to buy .. if any mummy got nice cot must share share
lucky this month I can work from home a couple of days per week as boss is out. else I dont think I can take it. JC, I aslo think Clarins tonic oil is good and smells like those essence oil, very relaxing. I tried palmers before and didnt liked it. wow MummyR, how come u have so many strollers. oh for first time mummies, there is this LG playmat that is very good and worth buying (about $200 now), till now my boy still naps there and we play there so you dont have to worry your baby will fall and hurt themselves. can find from BP.
Mummy R : singapore gt sell bugaboo , but hor its vvvvvv ex... so i tink buy from us ship to singapore also still save a few hundred ... maybe u can go online see see

AG/nahnah> Maybe i will try clarins after i finish my 2 tubes of mustela.. Just bot because of discount.. hopefully it eases the itch. sighs.
