(2012/08) Aug 2012

Sherry : u started so early .. now i go see stroller wif flat tummy i also feel very paisey ... i only go online see see here see see there ...

mummyr : what brand u got ??

Kjchua : haha ... i tink its ego la ... i prolly cannt take it if she say like y bb is less than perfect ... haha ... ya deep down i know health is more impt .. but still tink will be bothered..

I saw a stroller that is like super wow ...
U all free can go check it out ... its like car lo .. hahaha...
the brand is shop4moms .. the stroller is origami ... very very cool .. tot of buying but nt yet launch .. so haiz ..
I understand what you mean.

It's like, when I'm having MS, my in-law will say that the baby is picky about food (as a comparison to sil's son (16mths) who eats everything. Then I'll cringe cause I don't think it's the baby who is picky but rather, it's my body.
i was impressed with the origami too but ex!

got the Quicksmart Easy Fold Stroller
only $130+ but suitable for 6mths onwards
looks good and easy to keep too
re: gender
my ILs used to say boy or girl also can la....when it was confirmed a boy...they treat me so differently lor
KNS...say one thing and do one thing
luckily my parents has no preference cos we come from a family of girls

thats good
less unwanted stress
elynh> hahaha.. not sure wo.. Do china practise Csect? But i think could be natural cause they all din expect BB to be that big.. The largest i heard was 5kg (my hb's auntie)..

Nah nah: hahahaha ya.. started really early.. bought the baby cot and stroller..
We were also shopping for some furnitures (bed and cupboard) for the BB room when the sales staff ask" how old is your kid?" .. so paisei.. hahaha and hb told him.. still very small hahahaha.. (only 3 mths in my tummy)
mummyR : how come i see is $279 usd ..

elynn: haha .. its funny how protective we feel now hor ...

Sherry : so early can buy cot ? my hubby grandma say ask us buy stroller and cot after birth or when v near delivery .. say no good to have empty stroller la .. blah blah .. but i like cant wait leh
nah nah> hahahaha ya.. me and hubby super gan giong.. anyway, the cot is in the box.. we assemble only when it gets nearer to my EDD.. anyway, the cot and stroller in the shop also left empty in the showroom de ma..
KJ & Sherry:

Oh ya. C Sect. I think China practices Csect as well.

Wah! I told 4kg was big. 5kg... That is huge!
=) first time mommies, have a list drafted out to see what you want to buy for your little one and what you need during your stay in hospital and confinement... then bring the list along with you wherever you go... =P can cross out any time when you've made a purchase... if anyone needs the list, i can share with you mine.. PM me kk?

n try to buy during sales period... =P much cheaper and more value lah.. with little one coming up everything is $ $ $! hahaa...

and maybe a few things to think about before your bb pops..(well though still got some time away lah huh.. but no harm just think abit lor hor.. hahaa..)

- who to take care of the bb after birth? (ifc? nanny? mother? maid?)

- first month baby shower (to hold or not to hold? who to invite? where to hold? need first month cakes? which are confectionery i can get these cakes from? who to give?)

- vaccinations (to stick to the PD that first seen your bb in hospital? to go nearby clinics or poly clinic for the jabs?)
I've not started shopping... m waiting for ppl to give me hand me downs.. haha... see what I can save.. best if they can give me everything.. haha..
Sherry, I think they meant not so good to have empty cot or stroller at home lah.. as in nobody using like not so gd.. u know what I mean? older ppl think abt more things lah..
urchin> yaya.. i know what you mean.. as in those xxx might be sleeping in it.. i guess its how u look at it.. if packed in boxes should be fine.. (my personal view) hehe
yah.. packed in boxes shd be fine.. not assembled yet, cannot use mah.. no matter xxx or yyy.. haha I think i shouldn't say older ppl, cos I think my hubby also got these kind of 'old fashioned thinking'.. mayb its the family culture..

I din buy anything yet, but is starting to window shop so as to know the prices and brands.. then will identify a good deal when i see one mah.. if not by the time I want to buy mayb will become a 'carrot'..
I have been discussing with my HB but he always say aiya still early. He not anxious at all like i tell him if not going to hire maid then go infant care must go book place now.If this is the #1 i still can excuse him no experience but this time is #2 he still very bo chap. I hope he wont behave the same when I deliver my #1. Ask him bring home the gifts first because his friend drive so that next day we can just carry BB and take cab home easier. He say aiya no need la (assuming my father will be free to fetch me home.) Worst got ppl side him say he no experience mah like as if i am not first time mum too. Hiaz
jljz, u are thinking about all these already...chances is this time, I am not doing full month celebration or give cakes. Vaccinations, its much cheaper to do at polyclinic, hope this time I will try it. my headache has always been the caregiver part and I dont know where my baby will sleep. my boy sleeps in my room now and I dont have space to put another cot. dunno how to kick him out. I think there is a babycare sale at expo on 24-26Feb at Expo if you gals want to check out things. for me, I am not buying much cos I still have the things from #1.
Hello peeps.. i got a basic list of those things that i will need immediately after birth from a fren .. i try paste here ... u all see if useful :
Receiving blanket.
Long sleeves clothes (u can get frm wholesale market at 四马路),
cloth diapers,
bb cot,
milk bottle,
ru yi oil,
bath foam,
diaper cream(drapolne)
U need to buy changing mat for bb.
Bath tub.
Cotton balls, cotton buds, cotton square to clear bb mouth n eyes n to clean bb belly button.
Bb bath towels.
Car Seat
need breast pump,
breast pad(washable n disposable) ,
sanitary pad(thick ones don't bother maternity type too thick difficult to use) ,
slippers to wear at home.
You are right polyclinic is much cheaper and the vaccination is always new stock compare to clinic becuase of the high demand.

I will do the full mth celebration on condition that it is a girl. Else just shhhh about it.
AG & jijz:
I thought about full mth celebration, wanna faint le. Sure will have run-in with in-laws cause I can't come back for first month. So hopefully they understand the situation. But I do want to do a full mth for the child in Sg. See how la. =p

hee... I think your hb quite happy-go-lucky.
Sandy, ya, if opt infantcare must book liao, i already told my boy's childcare if need put deposit for infant care let me know, keep a place for me first.. lol.. Cos they told me they receive quite a few enquires liao..

AG, ya polyclinic cheaper and fast also, only thing is must book earlier.. MMR is free for all Singaporean babies also..
i am quite thankful my MIL actually like girls. So there is no stress for me haha.

Full month probably keep it small affair. Just within my family members. Think my friends are quite stress with all the ang pows gifts and etc esp this year like baby boom.
I will only shop for bb's thing after the 20th week scan. I scare my bb is xiao Qi. Anyway, got to wait for the tests. So nice of you all can start buying Liao.
Thanks thanks for the PM!

thanks for the list, it's useful

yeah i want to get bb stuffs already but can't cos dunno gender yet and it's making me so tempted!!! urghh!!!!
ET how to book earlier from polyclinc? I thought just walk in and they have priority queue for kids. Chris, there are washable BreastPad but disposable ones are easier cos we have to change quite often.
Hello gals, wow so many posts recently. I just collected my blood test and NT scan results yesterday. So far so good... Yest was the first day of my 2nd trimester! Finally no more jabs.

I tried asking the nurse the gender of my baby during the scan but she kept saying its too early to tell haha. Regardless of gender, just want a healthy and happy baby !
AG, the first time i walk in to book and waited for 1 month, subsequent the nurses will help to check the available slots and book for me. Booking is very fast, normally i wait like 5 mins for my turn.
Ag, im in the same situation as u.. #1 sleeps w us now and no space in room for baby cot.. I can sleep in #1 room w baby, the cot is there too.. But worried he'll look for me during the night..
AG, can start letting him sleep in the other room.. alternatively, if he can sleep thru out then make him sleep before u sneak out to the other room
morning mummies!

yanlin> I am same like u.. dun dare to buy anything meant for the baby now. Somehow just worry but dunno worry for what. haha. Most prob gonna wait for the oscar scan results then start to buy. or maybe we are just plain lazy wahahaha!
jojo, sherry, i only has 2 rooms cos I combined my master bedroom. the other room is where my maid sleeps and if my mum comes over. I also dunno how, mine is totally no solution.
thats overseas website price
i bought at OG during 20% sale plus special price...original was $299
i got at $130+
once we feel the flutters do we constantly feel it? sighhhhh... somehow i am feeling not so assured of whether the bb is fine or not... or perhaps is the devil that is putting the fear into my heart again! sobbbbbbb...

hmmmm... currently #1 is bunking in your room but slping in the toddler bed huh?
morninghad a day of medical leave and then was on off yesterday .. feels better .. i think i was overtly exhusted
So envy.
i sick also dont dare take mc..cos took b4 CNY liao..scare kena blacklist..then i feel so weak..n best part is i got to pick my boss shit..n she went to msia site...kao!!!
i have started feeling the flutters too but only at times. i guess when they are so small, only big movements we can feel. so dont worry!
Must take good care of yourself. I am on going on my very own long weekend cos I took leave on Monday. My ACCA result coming out on Monday I dont want later i breakdown in office if the result is not what i expected. Nowaday very emotional. Hiaz
Hey mummies,

I am a silent reader..

I just got my OSCAR results yesterday.. it's borderline risk at 1:370.. now a bit worried cause my daughter is 1:1000+..

gynae suggested to leave it as it is.. but i getting a 2nd opinion to go for this genetic scan at camden medical centre.. worried.. sigh..

anyone OSCAR results is like me?

AG, me too.. i only have 2 rooms.. but my master shld be able to accommodate my BB cot and one mattress for number one.. But is CL comes.. i probably get helper to sleep in the living room
