(2012/08) Aug 2012

i'm so lazy to check the contents of the makeup that i didn't bother to apply any! hahaa..

ying ying,
well! i too hope my dreams can come true!!!

few days back i had a dream n was told i was having a girl but nv had dream for #1. some ppl say dream n reality is opposite so hoping is true :x
Love> I planned for a girl for first pregnancy where i TTC days before my ovulation so was pretty sure its a girl.. for this pregnancy, its half half hahaha depending its strike on the first or second try of TTC
hahaha... we'll all know the gender in another 2-4weeks time when we are in wk16 or so... for boys should be able to see earlier.. (at least that's what i heard too..) hahaa.. but for my #1 i knew around week 18 i think or something.. cos he was shy lah.. hahaa..
yah...i cant imagine 3 boys! hahaa
but i do see lotsa having double the joy with twins but dont think i can cope!

hope ur wish come true!
then its a wish come true

if by oscar,
its not a boy...then high chance might be girl?
hoping my oscar dont show its a boy :p
Even though you are better now, do LOTS of bed rest! Even if you feel that it is ok to go for short walks, put it off until later.

Jiayou! We will be here for you!
My #1 is 16 mo now.
How old is yours?

I dont know whether it helps to apply more cream or just let it be since it is alrdy strerched out?? Hahaha

My #1 is a boy.. But i have no preverence.
If it is a girl then will have one each and can dress her up. Heh heh.. If have boy again.. I think they both will be close to each other and that is sweet.

Just wishing for healthy growing baby!!
Re: pimple break out,
I was glowing during first pregnancy n was carrying a boy.
This time i had very rough dry skin, some pimples on my face. Usually my face is clear and very easy to be taken care of...
<font color="aa00aa">i dreamt that i have a baby gal last week. saw the features too, feeling excited after the dream. hubby said he feels its gal too &amp; has been thinking of baby gal's names!

hope all our dreams/wishes will come true. but mostly importantly, a healthy baby!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Sherry</font>
<font color="aa00aa">what a small world!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jen</font>
<font color="aa00aa">i heard that dream and reality are opposite too. but then again, i was told if we dream of our baby sex, its quite accurate.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Evelyn</font>
<font color="aa00aa">still getting lots of rest now, other than reading forum.
re: Mango

Went to the fruit stall and can't find a single mango cause it is not the season. =_=

Hb also ask me not to eat, saying that it is du. I ask him to google, the result is that it might result in sensitive skin in kids. Not sure if it's true but everything in moderation ba?
my #1 is 3yrs old now.
i think stretch liao is no hope liao, jus hope don get worst *hahaha*

i hope is opposite cos would like to have a boy.

MummyR, BBL,
fingers crossed. hope all mummies wishes come true but most impt is a healthy baby.
jljz &amp; MummyR> Maybe we are going to have healthy bubbly girls.. wahahaha

But i know girls will need more attention to take care than boys.. but i got a feeling its a boy.. somehow or rather.
Hello mummies!

It's been a few days since I last caught up with this thread and it's moving so quickly!

I'm having my NT scan next Tuesday. Will be 12 weeks along tomorrow. I haven't seen baby for over 3 weeks now, so feeling anxious.

A lot of emotional stress the past few months with my family, then my #1 had a fall in childcare on Monday requiring stitches. Have been very stressed and had cramps the last 2 days. Am very worried that something may have happened. =(

zratsniwt: I've also been having a cough for about 4 weeks now. Very yucky green phlegm and don't dare to take any medication. Both my GP and gynae gave me medication that is not safe for pregnancy, which I only realized after having already taken a few doses.

yanlin: I'm with NUH too. I had my #1 with the same female gynae. Stay positive! 1:54 is still only a 1.85% chance, which means you have a 98.15% of everything being perfectly normal.

jojo: I've gained about 2kg. Expanding a lot faster this time around compared to #1. =( I think I'm less careful this time with what I eat compared to previous pregnancy. Seems like I'm the only mummy here who gained weight, even with MS!
baby_lang>> no worries.. u r not alone.. I put on weight too.. less than 2kg though from the last weigh.. That is morning weight.. wahaha night time weighs 1 kg heavier. somehow due to water.

just gonna work hard to control my diet a bit and also work hard to slim down after that.. Meanwhile, just stay happy and healthy!
I m hoping to get a boy, and do feel that it's a boy.. thou I would like a girl too.. but for first born I think boy would be better.. my fil's first reaction when we told him I'm pregnant was 'boy ah?'.. so I think having a boy will make my life easier.. haha.. somemore, fil is the first born male, my husband also the first born male, so I guess if I m having a boy, my baby has a v high position in the family.. when we 'played' the ring thing a few yrs back, my colleague told me I have 2 boys.. dunno accurate or not..
wow, i can't seem to catch up with this thread
..i just came back from the clinic. my weight has gone down 900 grams! sigh....but was glad that my twins are well. i could see one of them being very active &amp; the other resting..gynae asked me to cough &amp; see if the other twin moved &amp; it did!

im doing oscar next week...hopefully all goes well...
on n off, i'm getting this stabbing pain on my left, just below the bikini line there.. should i be overly concern?
I got that pain on and off all over my tummy Womb/Above belly button/below belly button...

Called my doc and yesterday went to check up then my gynae asked - did you drink milk/yalkult/diary products ?

I said yeah - then he went - pls stop taking these stuffs.. and u will be fine. Most probably gastric upset and is affecting all over the place.

So just call ur doc if u feel insecure and at least get some peace for yourself ya?
I lost about 3 kg in my first trimester which i am surprise actually. Cos every time i throw up, my hb will go - here take some food.

I am sure i am gaining it back. I been snacking so i dun fall asleep at work! argh so many projects due -_-"

Any mother's tummy showing? I have flat tummy in the morning but by evening i look like i am like 4 months preggy LOL...

haha! I wonder if all our hb are the same. Mine also, after I throw up, he will go and bring me water and ask me, what do you want to eat. hehe.
@Happy: i think my tummy is showing le...machiam fats liddat...but when touch is not those soft soft kind la...LOL

my hb dun...but whenever i ask for something he will bring to me la...like these few days after bathing i feel so tired i need a rest so lie on bed and ask him help me bring in my water...i sound quite weak too...heh...he no complain no ask...but i still explain la...dun wan him think i ordering him ard ma...
hahhaa but at the end of the day our HB does dote on us .. but i suspect more for baby though. LOL!

I throw up my dinner almost every evening so i do get abit upset i finally have some nice craving for food and the last thing i see all fav food in my toilet bowl. The most terrible is food goes thru my nose, haiz that really makes me quite sad. But nvm, at least we all know that only 2nd - 3rd tri the baby is absorbing our food intake... so throw out also dun feel so wasted.

Actually i can't wait to see my tummy grow. I kinda of get sad to see it flat hahaha but super excited at night to see it bloated LOL.
anyone having more vomitting after taking DHA pills?

I am now in week 13 and since taking the DHA pills since last wed, i had been vomitting my dinner out everyday

before that it was just morning sickness and just vomitting of saliva/gastric juice in the morning after i had brushed my teeth...

I am wondering izzit due to the DHA pills or izzit a new pattern for my start in 2nd trimester
Saffy> change a toothpaste... Our taste change so sometimes some tooth paste affects it.. I changed after i vomit due to brushing and now ok.. but ur case includes dinner.. that has to check with your gynae.
thanks JC

change toothpaste 3 times liao still the same..hehe

ya i was thinking if my body cannot take the DHA tat's y there is a change in my vomit pattern, most pro got to call the gynae tomorrow to check or perhaps change another brand of DHA?

but i still continue to take the DHA despite the vomitting cos DHA is supposed to be good for our babies right
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- 2 tins of NAN 2 (exp Oct'12) $10 each
- 1 tin of Gain IQ (exp May'12) $10
- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 2 (exp Oct'13), $15 each (free tin of 400g)
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder &amp; Wrist Rattle Set @ $10
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
@Saffy Chia: for vomiting problem, usually i take the pills after i brush my teeth...coz i scared brush liao vomit then will also vomit out the pills which is very waste...maybe can try this too?
mahjong! is it near the edge of the lips? Then me too!!! For mine it's flaking some dead skin as well..so i try not to touch them too much or irritate them further..i reckon it's the hormones and i try to put extra moisturizer on that part..it helps for me
i noticed that since 7th week..tot was the cold weather at 1st but then i realised otherwise..
Hi all

I've been silently reading all these while. I'm currently 14+ weeks.

Btw, have u all start looking for confinement lady?
How abt drink soups? And very very light meals..oh i find spicy/sour food like tom yum with some rice helps for me..have you tried?

Welcome! I think most of the ladies here hv already started looking/hv looked and found..well for me not, cos my mum says she will be helping
Im in my 12th week btw!
Just ordered mcdelivery for dinner, the delivery charge is horrible! Pay so much to have junk food delivered into my stomach. Tsk tsk, now i get craving for food i see on tv ads....l WTH.

I have tingkat dinner, but super turn off by the food that ive been throwing my portion away... Tomorrow will be the last day! Yipee!
Chrisl, yup. I did try out soup, but wouldn't work. Only force myself to sleep can help. Tomorrow would be into 15th weeks. Dunno when would this end?..
Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 1:07 pm:       
I have a box of Bellybuds in tip top condition to exchange for four booklets of car park coupons. Full set of accessories included. Retail $79.90 at Mothercare. SMS me at 9799-9791 or PM me for more queries.

Bellybuds set includes:

1 set of Bellybuds Bellyphones®
to share prenatal music and voices with your baby anytime, anywhere

4 sets of Hydrogel Adhesive Rings
to secure the bellybuds to the unique and changing curves of your belly

1 set of Silicon Covers
that dampen the external sound so you play to your baby, not your neighbors

1 Storage Pouch
to take your bellybuds anywhere

1 Audio Splitter
so you can hear the same audio as your baby

"Every mommy wants to do everything perfectly during her pregnancy to give her baby the best headstart possible in life. This is why I purchased Bellybuds through Amazon after much research on all the contraptions that allow your baby to listen to music in the womb. I’m not sure if they really do work in terms of enhancing mental development since there’s no definitive research proving or disproving that playing music to the baby in the womb does make a difference later in life. But I figure it couldn’t hurt and besides, she seems to like it, well at least that’s how I interpret all her kicking and thumping around whenever I play some music. Our baby listens to baby Mozart and nursery rhymes, you can get CDs in any Odyssey or SM for around 100-300 Php for a compilation. We bought our CDs in Odyssey Greenbelt 1 and SM Makati.

Bellybuds come with a pouch, additional adhesive rings, silicon covers, and an audio splitter so you can listen to your baby’s music too."

I had lots of food today. Guess not worrying bout the Oscar test anymore after seeing Prof Biswas. Today had bowl of of mee hoon soto, milk, apple, 2 bowls of soup, half. Guava, yogurt,grapes, rice with dishes and now having 2 mang kuang Luik. Really eat like horse and still got double boiledchic essence waiting... I think I had all foods that I didn't took in the last few days.
=) will monitor and check with my gynae if i find anything amiss... sighhh... i can't even check if i'm bleeding from the polyp or from other places lor!

gd morning ladies! it's thursday!!!

morning mummies!

Something to share.. I saw the brochure ad from the baby fair for this month. Got it from a gift pack.. There is sale for medela swing pumps.

This is what I remember:-

1 set of pump,
2 milk bottles,
1 cooler bag
1 infrared thermometer

Price : $289.00

Those mummies interested in pumps can check it out ya.

1 more day to friday cant wait for it to come.
