(2012/08) Aug 2012

hi jljz, mine stopped liao (crossed fingers). I don't know leh, doc says it's from polyp. She is quite competent though very ex. Dr Lim Yuin Wen from Mt Alvernia.

sighhhhh.. my gynae too told me my bleeding is due to the polyp! he even showed my hubby lor! hahaa.. by faith, i trust in God that I will have a healthy baby! =P but still cant stop worrying lah..
seems like the polyp is rather common & I heard is due to the hormones you MTBs are taking but not everyone will have the polyp problem.

my wife has got her polyp removed & examined to narrow down the reason of her bleeding, whether is from the placenta or the polyp. Thank God the polyp is belign. Her bleeding has since stopped & she's back at work.

Have also heard MTBs leaving the polyp alone thru the pregnancy.
i see i see! yah.. didn't know it was due to the hormones that there's polyp! i did a pap smear to determine if the polyp is cancerous or not. thank God! the results came back fine! my gynae advised to leave it till 6th month into pregnancy... by then it would have already dropped off on its own..

Jiayou! Since god bless you with a gift. He will definitely make sure that everything is gonna be alright. Have faith and be positive. Everything is going to be alright.


Yes, saw a strand of blood. But i did monitor, and thanks god i dun see it anymore. so keeping my fingers crossed. hubby not in town and my next gynae appt will only be this coming sat.

anyway, let's all be positive and hope this passing phase will be over soon.
gd to hear tat, positive thinking.
*jia you*

nv did v-scan b4 but thankfully bleeding lesser.
maybe u chk with ur reg gynae abt the spotting, jus in case.

i think our #1 is big so apply or not also sure got stretch marks one.
i apply since 5wks n when i 5mths, the marks start to appear n it jus got worse.
my sisters nv got any tot n mummies, don forget to apply on boobs n butt.
my fren nv apply on butt n commented her butt feels like zebra crossing now.

take care.
Chrisl> POSB Everyday card convert what you spend as rebate cash in your card. Example: Paying PUB bill will ive you 1% cash back. Therefore if the cream cost $50. and your card had $50 inside it you can just offset. or pay less.
Loves- u need to be on full pelvic rest because of the bleeding... I am surprised that they did a v-scan...it's no no for bleeding. But dun worry, if it's stopped then bb is fine.

Jilz- if blood is from clot it will be red initially then brown. Won't be red all the way unless there is a wound there that hasn't healed?

Yanlin - I am hopeful for you!
Morning mommies!

I just got the oscar result, baby is healthy =)

Loves & Yanlin, God is in control and He will watch over you and baby! Hang on. I had a unstable one but God sustain my baby and now we are in our 13 weeks! Hang on ok!

I still feel a fair bit of nausea and giddy. Very tired. Do you all feel that way or is just me only?
But ladies, my advice is any form of spotting whether little, please call your doctor for advice. Your baby is more important. Bed rest too.
is the Oscar scan the same as OB scan? what is the range for healthy? I have read somewhere that they supposed to extract fluid from behind the baby's neck? but what my wife went thru was just measuring the gap behind the neck & blood tests.

We are getting the results tmr, keeping our fingers crossed & praying.
Good morning ladies

Seem that u have went through a lot! Hugs hugs.

Dont think so much now bout the v-scan. Talk to baby to be strong ;)
@yanlin: hang in there and stay strong.. =)

@Happy: i am into W14 but stil getting nausea esp at nite...maybe not enuff rest ba...

and i do agree...spotting = call ur doc... =)

for me, i have been coughing since earlier dec (shortly after confirming the pregnancy)...till now not recovered...so i am suspecting is maybe bb way of telling me to rest and relax...hur hur
Yeah, really went thru a lot.
At first, fertility treatment then found pregnant, later found out that I need to take tonnes if pills due to pcos and body is unable to produce hormones to support bb growth in first trimester, followed by bleeding as bb wanna to come out, the bed rest for 5 weeks, infection throughout the whole first trimester. By end of first trimester, found out the Oscar test result.
Hopefully my second trimester will be a smooth one. amen.
mummies.. i am damn sian and getting very muddle head these days. Seriously dun feel like working.. sighs..

I went to purchase moisturiser yesterday and i was staring at the label.. I was sure i got it correct then when i go home i realise i bot for the wrong skin type and I have threw away the receipt... sighs.. gonna beg the promoter to see if she can help to do a swap for me.. damn sad now.
zratsniwt, same throw up most of the time at night. Day time super tired and giddy. I have to rely on the nausea pills to keep me from throwing up too much. Really quite upset but for the sake of my bb, i will hang on. Soon... this will come to past!
U r very strong mummy. Pray for healthy n smooth journey from now on for u n all of the aug mtb here!!

Hv to stay positive, ur baby can feel it too n be stronger inside! !

I was pretty big for #1 too n hv lots of marks left. It is genetic too n sadly my mum also has marks until now. So i kinda give up applying this time round.
@Happy: ya...throw up till now at nite dun dare eat though may be hungry...but i dun wan take the nausea pills...coz sometimes really feel sick of pills le...take so many until i scared i wont be able to swallow pills nx time...

@ohbaby: saw doc in early stage...but given cough syrup...also not much use plus its drowsy then day time need work so also nv take le...b4 CNY got go see chinese doc but doc says not suitable to eat her med, so she din prescribe...maybe go to her again soon ba...coz she says if persists after 1st 3mths then go see her again for doc... earlier pregnancy was a bit unstable...tts y...
Hang in there, rest as much possible.
jus think having symptoms means bb is doing well.

how big is ur #1, how old now.
my gynae told me genetic but but both my sis nv get it n i got it hardcore.
i also not as hardworking to apply as #1 but need to reduce the consequences so still apply.
Yanlin, peifu!! Jia you!! Chear up, the toughest 1st trimester has passed, 2nd trimester will be your spring days!

zratsniwt, do u take chicken soup/ chicken in your meal? Last time i serious cough for few months, my MIL asked me stop eating chicken n i did n it works. In medic view, unexplainable but no harm trying. Get well soon!!!
Jen> i lazy to apply cream hahaha but am thankful i did not get it for number one.. hope number two also dun have ba.. hope its not as big as number one hahah
Hi mummies!

I got gastric last night n threw up whatever I ate twice, went to sleep with empty stomach, fever n whole body aching this morning. How I wish someone send me lunch now.. Wuwuwu..

Btw, Any mummies who signed up FBI/SBI card receive call from AXA agent regd their coverage during pregnancy? R u going to sign for tat?
hi mummies, anyone out there experiencing a breakout on your chest and back? i never had this for my first pregnancy but now... sigh
Jilz- no worries! Did yr dr find a clot? Even if there's one, if it's small, it's usually nothing to be concerned about. Btw did the gynea explain why the polyp can cause bleeding? For clot, the blood cycles through red-dark red-brown. Then it may stop/spot brown continuously. Or it may have fresh bleed again and when it does, will cycle through the colours again.

My hubby just bought lunch...all meat!!! Ergh... How to eat?
@QQ: thanks.. i stil taking chicken...coz if dun eat chix then everytime eat pork also very sianz...coz buay tahan fish...hur hur =( though the other day i manged to finish one filet-o-fish...haha...

@han: i got outbreak on my back...all along b4 period will have and will subside but this time nope...
<font color="aa00aa">thanks all mummies! i woke up feeling good today. probably resting at home makes me feel better!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">zratsniwt</font>
<font color="aa00aa">do see a dr for your cough or ask your gynae for some med</font>

<font color="aa00aa">yanlin</font>
<font color="aa00aa">don't worry, our 2nd &amp; 3rd tri will be a smooth sailing one!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">im not sure if this topic has been discussed before, but i heard that mummy's instinct/feel is very accurate when it comes to baby sex. anyone has any feel on the sex of your baby?

for 2nd or 3rd time mummies, was it accurate for your previous ones?</font>
Im gonna sign up for that when i turn 18wks. The plan is call mum's advantage (im an axa agent as well).
$320 covers for 3 yrs, and $615 covers for 6 yrs for pregnancy complication plus child congenitial illness. (for age 30)
Comes also with a life insurance plan (ILP) which u can transfer to the baby after baby if born

Feel free to ask me for more info la.

My #2 also caused me alot of bleeding, bed rest and even wanna come out at week 27! Oscar test was high risk, but i didnt go for animo test cos i have faith. In the end, she came out at week 38, a fat healthy baby girl. And what a cheerful toddler she is now.
Stay positive and have faith!

I didnt have instinct for my #1 and #2... I went by probability..... Both girls. Lol. My hubby is the only boy, out of his 5 siblings, and all his sisters has 2 or more girls.
So base on probability, my #3 shld be a girl too! Lol
Han, Mummy R, I have to, on my back too. Touchwood, luckily not on face. I saw my SIL b4, all over the face. Really scary. Cant put med some more.
nope.. no blood clots.. it's just the discharge from the polyp... yah.. i'm going thru like.. red... dark red brown.. then stop.. then it will start over again.. he never explained how it caused bleeding...

pimples outbreak.. some say with pimples outbreak higher chance of having a bb boy... what do u all think?
jljz> I got an ex colleague who has outbreak also during her pregnancy and it was a girl.. and another colleague whose skin is flawless yet a boy.. i think cant based on that to tell?
hahaaa.. =P it's just one of the myths that i've heard when i was carrying my boy... i had pimples out break.. but u're right... that alone can't determine the gender.. just like the chinese gender chart, already got two of my friends who have proven the chart is inaccurate! haaa...
i dont have out break buttttt... i have this thing call "mask of pregnancy" smacked right at my chin surrounding my mouth. I look like a teddy bear with that dark marks. Sigh hormones again... can only rely on concealer to conceal ... sigh feel so unglam... where is my pregnancy glow????
ya something like that... my is face. I think neck and arm pit will get it depend on individuals. They said is due to the hormones increased and that why these emerge. Get worst if u are under the sun. So must also put on sunblock. They said it goes away after delivery.
Happy> oh, luckily we have concealer these days
Mummies are so wei da.. have to go thru all these just to have a BB
i dreamt that i had a baby boy...then i tested n was positive and #1 is a boy!
so its true for #1 but not for this one cos i dreamt i had twin boys...total nightmare! hahaa
