(2012/08) Aug 2012

Morning mummies...

Just now my #1 was lying next to me and hb was disturbing him so he kicked ard, raised his leg and when it fell back his heel hit my tummy, the Area whr gynae normally scans...
Dunno is it I too conscious of it, keep seeming to feel discomfort in that area, not Pain but just discomfort.. Just called gynae to ask what I need to watch out for.. Hope baby is ok...

not to worry dear! =) my tummy was "badly abused" by my boy too! he slammed his butt right into my tummy... lunge forward and his body weight goes to his hands and onto my tummy... kicked my tummy... bb is going to be fine! but of course we mommies feel the pain lah! hahaa...
i have PM-ed u the links

good appetite! that's good
stay positive!

dont worry too much

hahaaa..."badly abused" is so apt! my boy does exactly like what u described

morning all!
hahaaa... and nowadays he refuse to tell me where the baby is. He will just simply point to somewhere else! hahaa...
Morning everyone!

Jojo - My boy did something like that too! He took the iPad and threw it on my tummy, landing on the area where the dr scan. But that area have ample cushion. Dr say at this early stage, it's ok!

Btw, does anyone on duphaston get yellow discharge? I asked a few dr and they say yellow is ok. But I still wonder if it's because of the duphaston?
I got yellow discharge too. Then was suspected to have infection which is common in pregnancy.
Maybe you can do a swab to be safe,

Just to share with u, I always pray to God for blessing my gynae in taking care of me. This will helps. Or maybe u can also seek second opinion too on this.
hi mummies,
I have been getting stomach cramps/gastric pain, I also dunno what but my stomach hasnt been feeling good. Been getting this since Monday so thinking if I need to see gynae or not. now a bit worried.
i still havent tell my boy yet

re: discharge
i also realise i have v thick discharge recently
sometimes clear and sometimes abit yellowish
only seeing gynea on monday, can wait?
morning mummies,

this 2 days so tired, wanna sleep at 11+ but hungry n by the time i finish eating n resting is 12+ liao.. every morning wake up zonked.
but realised that when i have something to eat at 11 before i sleep, i don get super hungry till nausea feeling in the dawn hrs like 2-3am which affects my sleep.

zratsniwt/ Baby lang,
i have been coughing since 18Jan, had wanted to stay drug free but the cough is affecting my sleep. only start to get better this wk after 2nd consultation n change of meds (pregnancy safe) by my GP. KKH gave me meds which din help. at one pt i was coughing n throwing up on top of MS.
But i noticed tat for my #1 i also got this constant cough. my MIL say is the "pattern" of the bb. so #1 & #2 both i got the same symptoms.
if the cough is affecting ur sleep n all, pls c a dr n get pregnancy safe med. also cough with phelgm cannot take too liang food, avoid chix, no cold drinks n don take bird nest.

i have the yellow discharge too, my gynae say is infection but if no itch n don affect me is fine.

jljz/ mummyR/ Jojo,
my gal enjoys running towards me n headbutt me on my tummy,on my butt,my back, my boobs -.-" if i don feel extreme pain/ discomfort i jus leave it but i realise the more reaction we have the more likely they will deliberately repeat their actions.
oh, n now my gal is better in sch. think the no mention of bb n she gonna b jie jie helps.
next thing gotta fuss when am i gonna sit her down n talk to her abt her sibling *haix*
Any yeast infection will not cause harm to the little one, except strep b infection when giving birth via the vagina. I got it in first trimest and taken antibiotics for it. IIs ur discharge creamy cottage cheese type? If so, then is yeast infection. I have been getting this .. Type of candida infection which is common. Nothing to worry,the gynae will insert a powder type thing into the vagina. That's all.
your boy is "fierce" hahaa...

=) yes have been praying! and keep reminding myself to have faith! If somehow it didn't turn out to be, there's a reason and something to learn out of it.. i dun wish to fall into the same trap of constantly worrying and being overly paranoid over little things like what i had gone thru for my #1! jia you too! keeping everyone in prayers!

think yellowish is fine but if you have itchy or burning sensation when you pee maybe can let your gynae know on mon..
Hi Mummies,
Do you felt a pull of your muscle in the lower abdominal? I have been feeling it from the moment i sat down to work. Is it normal ?
I had yellow discharge too. Tested and it was an infection. Now on antibiotics given by gynae.

Was on utrogestan previously but dont think its related.
Hi mummies-to-be, sorry to interrupt,

Just sharing with you some of the items I'm letting go,

1. Preloved Tiny Love Take-Along Mobile, letting go at $25. Bought from Taka BB fair at $49.90. Music, soft toys animals are all in tip-top condition with no stain no tear & wear.
Product link: http://www.taime.com/tnv/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=1917

2. BNIB Pigeon Bottle and Baby Food Warmer, letting go at $25. It's brand new, received as gift but already had one.
Product link: http://www.pigeon.com.sg/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&category_id=28&product_id=120&Itemid=52

3. Preloved Baby Love nursing pillow, letting go at $18. Used less than 10 times, still in very good condition & the cover is machine washable.

PM or email to [email protected] for more info / pics if keen ya..
loved21> yup i sometimes feel it especially after i sit down to rest after walking alot / playing with my #1. don't worry. felt it quite abit during my first preg also but everything was fine!
hi mummies... i will know bb's gender this saturday. feeling a little guilty for hoping that it's a little girl... anyone else have a strong preference for gender? i know i'll be happy either way, but still... it's been my dream to have a daughter now that i already have a boy...
Chrisl, yes edge of the lips! Argh....

alo Siu Ping.
Me also 14weeks + :p In fact 15 Weeks tomolo.

QQ hi 5, We got the same EDD.
almost everyday around 5.30pm to 7.30 pm my MS will strike lor. Super bloated, gag and gag want to vomit, want to faint.....sianz.......I haven reach my honeymoon period.

Jojo, my girl also always slam dunk and hurt my tummy. Told her no no, she still do it.

baby shld be well protected by the water bag.
Thank You Han,

I never had this feeling before when I have my #1. My #1 totally not much feeling or uncomfort.
By the way, how many weeks are u in already ? You so fast can see your BB gender ? I also prefer girl but healthy is the top priority.
loved21 > i'm gonna be 15 weeks on saturday. that was when i found out the gender the last time... doc said should be able to see quite clearly.
think quite alot of us prefer girls!
but so far all the dragon babies i know are 90% boys

thanks all
i shall ask my gynea to check for me on monday
Han> Wah you are 3 week earlier than me. I am not even at officially at 12th yet. I think maybe must wait until March then can see during detailed scan. Your EDD late July or early August?
wah now so fast can know gender le ah.. I always thought week 20 then can know.

I am going oscar next monday and i see that some mummies also know the gender thru oscar depending on baby whether co-operative or not.

I hope for a girl though. But then again, health is the most important factor.
loved21 > my edd is 4 aug but #1 came 3 weeks early, so i think there's a good chance for end-july too... it's OK, I'll park myself here with the Aug mummies for now :D
mummyR > i think when you are already a mummy of a boy, you'd naturally want a girl! boys seem harder to handle than girls...
=( i'm also hoping for a girl! kept telling my mom and hubby if it's going to be a boy i will be very upset and disappointed! but like what MummyR said, so far the dragon babies i know are all BOYS!

i really can't imagine having to face 3 men for the rest of my life! sobbbbb.. told hubby this morn, if #2 is boy, i may dress him up like a girl..

hahaa.. okie lah.. bottom line is still healthy baby... and to be delivered safely is the utmost concern of mine too!
Hi Mummies,
Dont know is it I Pantang. My EDD fall on the first day of chinese 7th mth. Heard someone say if girl "Yin Qi" very strong, no good. Haiz.
jljz, han & JC
I went to gynae last sat and gynae commented my bb could be a boy but cannot confirm until my next visit.
I also prefer a gal but since its my #1, i think i can fulfiled my in-laws's hope for a boy so that i dun feel pressured for my next pregnancy.
I got a friend of mine felt so disappointed after knowing its a gal again for her #2. I felt so sad for the bb gal cos i always think that health is more impt than anything.

i had this crampy feeling yesterday after i stood up from my seat. Maybe is the way we seat?
And i always try not to believe in those hearsay stuff.. it only makes your day worse..be positive ok?
My amniocentesis test will be another 2 weeks away. I think I may just pay additional money to opt for rapid test. So I can get the result within next 24-48 hours. 2 weeks waiting is a torturing, isn't it oh?
sandy> No la.. actually chu yi shi wu are very strong dates.. i only know some prefer not to pop on 7th mth chu qi and chu shi wu..but i think healthy most important.. if BB choose to come that day also bo bian..Unless u opt for Csect
hahaa.. like you i prefer a girl for my #1.. cos i always think that jie jie is better in looking after the younger ones! and the boys are nottier! haha...

hahaaa... seriously girl or boy, i going to close shop at two! no $ no energy to have more kids!

yup! dun be too affected by it! it's the timing that the bb chooses for themselves! my #1 is delivered via csect.. and cos my probability of having vbac is very low (#1 born last year), most likely i may go thru another csect again! really hoping that bb decide to come out on his/her own and to be delivered naturally! but also asked my hubby if csect do we want to choose a date? say the same day as korkor is born... he said no lor.. let the gynae choose the date bah.. =)

=) pay a bit more to get a peace of mind earlier i think is good! 2 weeks? i can't endure... like now my gynae's appt is 3 weeks apart n my mind starts having wild thoughts already!
wah this preganacy is killing me..
within 3 weeks i am sick again..was sick throughout CNY..then just recover last week..now i am down with flu again..feeling so sick..see doc also no use..cant take the medication...
u sure its so fast 2 weeks?
mine was 4 weeks for the full report to be out..
the express one take few days..
cos they need to grow the cell for culuture test..wont be that fast one
Wah your #1 & #2 so close gap. I know normally first one c-sect must wait 2 yr later then can go for nature birth. I nature birth 6 yr back and was exactly on my due date. No Epidural but dont know this time i can "REN" or not. LOL
Hi all, I just had my NT scan this morning! Seems like everything is ok, nurse didn't say anything much (just say pass test cos baby cooperated). Dr Heng say its a combination of blood + scan so can only tell me results 10 days later. But I saw my baby's full shape for the first time, even managed to see the fingers, I have to say it is quite a amazing experience.

Gynae also say since she can't see anything below, 70% its a girl , but can only confirm at next appt when am 15 weeks, I am currently 11 weeks, scan says 11 weeks 6 days +-. And EDD pushed out to 24th.

Hope everything will be fine!!

@Sandy, I have the same crampy feeling at lower abdominal + sides, I jus checked and doc say its ok,uterus muscles expanding.
QQ & mahjiong:
I think we sama sama, I've been puking out my dinners. Eat again, vomit again. Really don't know what to do.

I think it got worse today. I'm puking out my lunch as well. Had milk with cereal thing morning and it is the only thing that stayed down.

Now I'm worried about not getting enough food. =i
Mummies, can the Gynae check hip bone size b4 delivery to ensure we are fit for natural delivery? my friend told me ytd, she has to do c-sec half way after she failing for natural delivery due to narrow hip bone n not becoz bb is too big. But she got big butt lor. I dun wan suffer half way n ended up with c-sec. Why not choosing c-sec at the first place if tat's the case.
Sandy, I also worried on the edd fall on those unlucky lunar date. But during cny feng shui master talk, he said although ur fortune is not good, still have to be positive n believe tat ur fortune is good. Our body need to create positive atmosphere to attract positive things. So, I juz think positive.
My #1 was born in Chinese 7th mth..everything was fine..don't worry ;)

Hahaa..me too
So if #2 is boy then I will try for #3
Hehee..but most impt baby must be healthy

Yeah hope our wish come true! I
Looking on bright side...if boy then can save $$...all the clothes can recycle
jljz, same leh, i worried it will be another boy for me too.. although like u, bottom line healthy can liao, really hope we both get wat we want..
thanks jljz, mummyR and miko..

miko, i have some yellowish discharge too. even after stopping duphaston also have..

mahjong, my #1 doesnt come at my tummy on purpose.. the few incidents we've had are all accidental. but hb is worried when my tummy gets bigger coz #1 sleeps with us.. i was lying flat when his heel hit tummy so could feel abit pain.. just hoping that the baby is sufficiently cushioned and didnt feel much..

han, i found out my #1 gender at 12 wks.. so i was hoping it'd be the same this time and was excited during the oscar scan. but the sonographer who did the scan told me with a straight face that "this scan is for abnormalties, gender is at 20 wks." and didnt even attempt to check gender.. =.= now waiting for my wk 16 gynae visit..

sandy, most of the time wont deliver zhun zhun on EDD... when i know im due in aug, which is typically 7th mth, i also try not to think abt it so wont be affected..

yanlin, how come the amnio is scheduled so far away? tot they'd do it asap?

ling, the blood test takes so long? I did my oscar at TMC and the results came out the next day.. or mayb NT and oscar blood test diff...

QQ, for my #1, gynae measured head circumference and assessed whether or not natural is possible. she did tell me not to put on too much weight coz if baby too big, with my size i may not be able to push out thru natural.. so i tink the gynae shld be able to do some prelim assessment first one.
KJChua > I heard a lot of stories from frens about having baby girls and how they in law treat them. I am lucky that my in laws are ok with the gender. But i still dun understand why they must be so insistent about having a boy.. nowadays men follow the wife! wahahaha. I wont mind having 2 girls.

jljz> I agree man.. child these days are very expensive.. 2 is enough..

Hi Ling,

I did my OSCAR test and blood test last Wednesday. Result was out last Friday. Dr. Heng told me that if result is ok she will let me know during my next visit. If result is no good, I will hear from her sooner...
