(2012/08) Aug 2012

ling> nope, not for me.. only slight MS in the morning for now.. I am already very active before preggy so i guess my body already tuned to that hehe

I experienced spotting on my 5th week just for a short hour. I lie down and next day i went to see gynae, where i got a jab. Ever since, i had no spotting.

My gynae also say that i can stop duphaston now. ( i am on my 12th week now).

Hope that helps.
Ling > I took duphaston feel bloated, now not taking still bloated.

Can I ask can we go manicure/pedicure? I want to have mei mei nails for cny haha
dawn> as long as the place is airy, thats fine
Ling, i am taking duphaston 2 times a day. i think it is making me feel nauseous. so far no spotting for me.

dawn, i personally feel that those nails acrylic are super poisonous. i will avoid them.
yah lor but really boh bian...better than nothing..hehe..with MS , i actually lost weight!
will try back the maternal milk when MS goes away
my condolences to you and family..and rest well...

i am going to give it a miss for this cny maybe just shape and buff my nails abit

daily walk to mrt station during work days and spring cleaning during weekends. Planning to go swimming also but need to buy swim wear

my weight keep fluctuating, hovering plus minus 300grm, anyone also facing the same thing as me?

I planning to apply stretch mark cream this week, any tips or direction i should apply?
KJchua> its ok de.. some even lose weight cause of MS.. as long as bb is growing thats fine.. I actually lose 2 kg.. dun worry

WW/Jen> i eat le.. why cannot eat le? Its just BBQ pork right? Maybe not too much cause very oily..
hello, i bot some cny clothes last nov and now it's a bit too fitting already... i heard for the first pregnancy, u will only show at ur 4th month? it's almost 10 weeks for me and i can feel a buldge already....
Hope you can see your bb waving at your at 12 weeks. 

You too, hope your bb will wave with you when your next visit to your gynae.

Hi, welcome.
I am only on folic acid at the moment.
Yeap, like your wife, my MS also at night for this #2. My last one also night MS. My MS kick in at week 7 onwards. Vomit every night and wee hour in the midnight.
Your wife’s gynae is Peter Chew?
When to buy maternity wear? Emm… I never buy any. I gain 17kgs for m #1. Just wear bigger size dress that available in my wardrobe. :p

Welcome.. enjoy your pregnancy journey ahead.

I hope you have recover from your flu. Orange juice is ok. But I read before, kiwi, gradpefruit has more vit c than orange.

Welcome, have you see gynae yet?

Hi, have your spotting stop already?

You can eat yogurt. My MS is

I also never take the nauseas pill. There is but I just let it vomit. My #1, I experience vomiting while travel to see gynae and while waiting for my turn to see gynae. I just carry plastics bag to standby.
Hi, will have baby bonus to be announced? 200K per child plus lot of tax rebate hopefully :p

Emm… MS to determine gender??? I have very serious MS when carry #1, and it’s boy. My friend’s mom carry her that time, MS till deliver wor..

Doesn’t like water? Drink a bit of juice or eat some fruits and drink water? :p

I also read before, bb only take nutrition from us after 12 weeks old. Whatever before is from our womb.
Cl, maybe you should consider since you gg to close shop? I had CL for my #1 mainly cooking for me and wash my bb clothes and take care of him during day time. I take care of the bb during night time.

Folic acid should be enough at the moment before 12 weeks old. If you have MS after 12 weeks old, you might not be able to take fish oil, easily vomit for some mommies.

Hi, welcome.
You thinking not to hire CL? Will it be too tired for you to handle?

Kitty Lim,
CL – faster search for one and chop first lor :p
If I remember correctly, those live in Cl cheaper ler. As you have to compensate transportation cost for those who come and go everyday.

Welcome. Have a smooth pregnancy ahead.

Don’t worry too much. 船到桥头自然直。Go for pre-natal class and they will tell you what to expect.
From the time I leave my house to my gynae finished delivered for me, it took the whole god damn 1 hour only.

Hi, welcome.
Will sleep early help? Maybe you need to take care of #1, that’s why feel tired easily now?

Yeah, like you, I have night sickness. My #1 also night sickness, MS is not everyday but night one report on time everyday.

Welcome to the thread. Have a smooth pregnancy ahead!

I still have MS sometimes and night sickness every night!!!!
hello mummies,
I had a bad running nose since yday so working from home today. I am always tired too, over weekend went out for dinner and walk a bit also tired. I also bought maternal milk but have not started it due to my MS. I think will open it only after my MS gets better.
Dawn, I did my hair color on Sat and yday did mani/pedi, its ok lah. my gynae said color hair is ok. I think my gynae very open, everything also ok except facial.
KJChua, when i apply the clarins oil, i dab on my tummy only. not sure if thats the right way but i dont dare to massage it.
Wendy, yar like mj but not an expert. :p

Ninger, ur #1 waterbag broke unexpectedly at Week 35 ar, did Gynae say why the waterbag might suddenly broke?

Hello Sashamama, apple.
sherry, cos i heard eating too much BBQ stuff is bad n bak kua is like BBQ pork?
the fumes from the charcoal, my uncle told me when i have #1, eating 1 stick of satay is like i having 10 ciggies!!!

dunno if its true, till now i dare not buy bak kua for my self consumption at home.
Hi everyone!
Hi vinwee. I have not seen my gynae yet. The earliest is 5th Feb. I have been feeling lotsa cramps. Must be due to me moving around a lot. I have 2 older girls and I ferry them to school everyday and do marketing on my own. I have no helper at home so trying to rest asap. Anyone can recommend a doc that I can see in between. ....
To be frank, regarding food it's very subjective.. i think MODERATION is the key..

Alot of things can be harmful. If you think about it, as long the food isnt organic.. there's some chemicals in there.. so how? don't eat at all? if you are rich enough, then buy just organic lor...

Don't be overly paranoid about what can be eaten what cannot be eaten.. cus i think ultimately, moderation is the key..
Jen, dun think 1 stick of satay can compare to 10 ciggies la, 1 ciggies to 50 pieces of satay sounds more convincing?

Yeah, i agree with LFC, everything eat in moderation, cos our bbies are parasites, they will mostly suck the good stuff and the bad ones will stay with mummy.. So no need worry so much..

Maternal milk, after my no.1, i dun dare drink those mummy's milk, cos weight put on is put on me, i put on like 4kg because of those milk and my gynae told me is not necessary cos he already prescribe pre-natal vitamins and calcium pills, so no need more.. But again, is subject to individual..

One thing, calcium pills really must take, else later on drop alot of hair..

Mahjonglove, waterbag break dun have an answer one, mine start to leak from 32 weeks.
My next appt is in early feb as well. My gynae also quite pack. You tell your gynae you have cramp, the nurse still schedule you to see the gynae on 5th Feb?

totally agreed with you. Moderate is the key.
I didnt want to buy cny goodies also but people give me. today wfh had bak kwa and pineapple tarts..gosh dunno how much weight I will put on :p haha I am also the type who will just eat and enjoy. unless its specific that it is harmful to baby.
Yeah, calcium pills is the must. I took until I finished breastfeeding.

Maternal milk, I also never take. Just balance diet. And take those supplement prescribe by gynae only.
yeah.. eat and enjoy.. so your baby can feel ur happiness too! I agree with that! Everyone is different.. but if you really am not sure if it's harmful or not, then don't do it.

but i think generally, as long u dont go eat raw meats, ambiguous herbal stuff or drink alcohol etc.. should be fine..

Mummies.. everyone must relax!! Keeping happy makes baby relax and happy too!! so baby can grow well!!

Maternal milk, i dun dare to take cause i think its really fattening hahaha.. i just take meiji milk for now.

ET: will drop hair if lack of calcium?

LFCfan: yeah agree!! Moderation is the key. Shampoo, body wash etc all also got chemical hor.. worse will be our mobile and labtop, transmit radiation
haha LFC, I am like you. must enjoy and make oursleves happy cos not all food tempt us now. my only concern is more of putting on weight and not that it's harmful to my baby..haha sounds so mean.
You trying to put on weight? I'm hoping mine don put on so much. 2kg in 2 weeks and this is terrible. I'm taking less but more meals now.
haha AG weight wise i not so worry cus i am 12 weeks now but i think i didnt gain weight leh..?? Somemore i am slightly underweight all these while.. but maybe never gain weight also due to poor appetite but i can see it's picking up lah.. my appetite... most symptoms are like NOT as bad anymore.. including urinating in the middle of the night..nowadays i just wake up once like 1/2am.. then i can sleep till morning le..

the only horrible symptom i have now is nausea/vomitting (2 times a day - morning and evening). other than that, my energy also came back abit.. not 100% but abt 80%.

Already so miserable with our symptoms.. we have to find ways to keep ourselves happy such as eating food we can swallow lor.. correct??
Sherry, i think so leh, when i continue take the calcium pills later on, my hair loss seems to get better..

Just take what you are comfortable with.. At my last tri, i also took sashimi and rebond my hair.. hehehe..
yday I got craving for peking duck but the restaurant only sells whole peking duck and there's only hb and myself. So I must go find which restaurant sells half peking duck only. I am scared that I will put on too much weight. after my first boy, I put on 4kg and never lose it. this time if i put on another 4kg, I will faint. My sisters already called me fat before i got preggie this time round.
last 2 nites, i controlled myself by not waking up to pee and can sleep thru. but of cos bladder so full when I woke up.
I want my sleep leh, the moment I wake up to pee, i cant sleep back. been so tired recently cos I will pee and cant sleep for the next 1.5hrs, by the time, i have to wake up to go work already. control pee will get UTI??
You better don't controlled pee as this will cause infection. The infection will be worsen if left untreated.
I kena already n just complete course of antibiotic. I read that this may also lead to spotting.
I thought I found a way to sleep thru the night. so sad now that i will lose my sleep again
then how, at nite dont drink water at all?
Wow.. this thread is very active!

Welcome all new mummies!

No particular reason why the waterbag burst..
Though my #1 decided to arrive early at week 35, my #2 chose to stay inside me till 4 days overdue.. hehe, so each pregnancy is indeed different.

On hairloss:
For my previous pregnancies, I popped calcium pills diligently from first trimester and throughout breast-feeding period, hair still drop like nobody's business starting 4-5 months after birth...I think it's the hormone thingy, can't help it but just endure it till it finally stop.

On CL:
Yeah! Finally managed to secure one CL and the charge is $2K. *happy* Hopefully this will not be yet another CL from h*ll like my previous two.
Personally I think that it is not a MUST to engage a CL, especially if you have help from mother, MIL, maid or hubby, as they can take turn to render their help at different time of the day. For me, I have no live-in maid, MIL not able to help, hubby gotto take care of the two older kids so I have no choice. Having said so, if you can tolerate a stranger in you house for that short period, it's no harm having an extra pair of hands so that you can rest well and concentrate on your breast-feeding effort...;)
how come cannot go facial? I just went last mth. I checked with my therapist she said ok.
Try not to drink too much water before sleep can help?
my gynae said those facial ladies also dunno the contents of the products they used for us so asked me not to do facial. but I may go once or twice before I deliver bah else my face will be horrible. just let them know we are preggie can rite.
thanks vinwee. will check it out.
AG: drink more water in the day time but drink less after 8pm?

I think it's inevitable to wake up to pee.. take it as training for ur kids in future when u have to wake up to breast feed.. haha
She also said the same the things to me so i skip the shoulder massage but still do the face massage

I also face the same prob as u but my timing to wake up to pee quite standard 5 to 6am so will lose an hr of beauty sleep.

I also secured a CL last sat but charging me at 2.2k
hey AG, yes try to drink more water in the morning, and slow down as the day progresses. also, visit the toilet one last time before you sleep. this might help minimise your wakes at night.

i seriously dont think it is healthy to control your pee, pregnant or not. it wouldnt do any good to your nerves in the bladder system!
KJchua> yeah, same.. i just do those normal facial and DIY at home.. still wanna look mei mei during preggy wahahaha..

Clim: I think most CL usually reside in Malaysia
Hi Everyone!

I just found out that I'm pregnant. I'm expecting #2, and am due early August. Might be earlier, though, as my EDD based on my LMD and based on the ultrasound are different. My gynae is going with the ultrasound.
dian xiao er one is herbal...i wanted go eat for #1 but the person say im pregnant so better dont eat...end up can only eat other dishes
Hi MummyR - pregnant cannot eat herbal stuff?! i love herbal stuff and have been taking herbal chicken, had black chicken once, and was thinking of finishing up my brand's essence of chicken!

the working staff was the one who said cannot eat?

yup i also keep burping the fish oil so i stop eating for now...hope it will get better by 12weeks

re: cny clothes
i didnt buy any..its so half half..dunno what to buy
