(2012/08) Aug 2012

jean , so nice of your hb to cook for you!

hi everyone! have been a busy day at work!

i am 8 weeks but have a tummy pretty big in my context cos i am quite a skinny person. i put on only abt 1.2kg but my tummy is quite huge, i think its all air cos i get quite bloated after eating. it is because of the slowing down of our digestive system and the hormonal changes.

Yanlin - isnt it too soon to see if your tummy is round or sharp?

i did my last scan and saw baby's heartbeat, but Dr Heng didnt show me any hands or legs, and didnt tell me the heartbeat either! it must be cos she is too busy, must ask for it the next time!

hope all of you have a good rest this weekend! Well deserved for us all! :)
YanLin, take a good care!! I believe u will getting better soon. Jiayou!!
Sashamama, CL really can help especially at night so u can rest more.
Pokkadotta, I think I will gain weight very soon too.. Hahaha..
Have a good weekend mummies!!
my tummy sometimes it looks a little bigger, sometimes doesn't look like it also.. usually afternoon will look a little bigger.. morning looks rather flat under clothes.. so nobody knows yet.. my colleagues still commenting I m so skinny past few days... i think I put on 1kg so far.. if my house's weighing scale can be trusted..
am gg to see gynae next sat, so will be waiting for her to explain the head, hands and legs for us.. =)
by the way, I wrote that my MS seems to be better that day, then the next day I start to feel the nausea again and stronger and for longer periods of time!!! next time I better be quiet... it always start ard evening time and just get worse till I think 2am.. sigh.. dinner is the only hot meal I can get, but always can't eat much.. and my cravings if any are always for unhealthy food.. curry, fast food, fried carrot cake... =(
hey Urchin, same here, my nausea usually happens after i take my hormone pill, or after a pill esp dinner. and cos my taste buds seems so bland, i crave for curry, potato chips, mac's breakfast!

honestly once in a while is ok, but dont make it too often. i just had a pack of potato chips yesterday!
Urchin, I also very panting, I said my MS better the other day, then it got worse. Today after lunch I wanna puke and colleagues was shocked but I can't say the truth. Today did packing in office so totally exhausted but now can't sleep again.
I Agee with sherry regarding CL. It more of night time. Cos the waking up is the killer. We still have to wake up to pump or latch, if latch CL will just bring bb to u to breastfeed then u can sleep liao. Else still have to change diaper etc. in the day, CL takes care of everything, u just have to Concentrate breast feeding and sleep. I also plan to stop at 2, so need to have a good rest before I close shop. my hb insisted that we get CL cos he needs his sleep.
Yanlin, take care
Hi ag,
I m sleepless. Just can't sleep for Donna what reason. My frequent urination getting worse.
Now I m so tired n yet can't sleep.
Turning in the bed n hubby complain bout this. So now I lay on sofa with the water fountain sound at my front foyer n hopefully I get better. Have to wke up at 6 am to go jb later. Ai...
Yanlin> why go JB when u need bedrest? Tot u say u need to be admitted? Try to rest more instead of walking.

Mindy> take care, it won't recover that soon.. I got it last week and it took me almost 5 days to fully recover. Flu n cough was ok after 2 days but diarrhea lasted for 5 days. Vomit too thus I can't differentiate if it's morning sickness or from the stomach flu haha lose 2kg in that few days
Rest well
CL usually have their own way of handling baby. Can be bad let's say if you have your own idea how u want the baby to be handled.
I follow the Gina Ford method, so far it works for my #2 (#1 read but never follow, but she still slp through the night for 8hrs frm 2wks old onwrads).
My #2 is a breeze to handle.by 3mths old, she slp 12hrs straight through the night.
Somehow the book kept me very sane, although the routines are quite rigid, u will know what to expect from your baby, and what to do.
I passed my book to 2 friends for their new born, and it helped them a lot too. Although not all will follow the routines to the dot, but it will help.
Mindy >> me too.. Flu attack from 4/1/2012 till 11/1/2012 then on recovery mode.. Loss near to 1Kg... Try to drink more water for re-hydration and monitor ur temp regularly... Gynea ask me to at least take wheat if no appetite..

For me usually I v seldom flu one.. This one really caught me by surprise.. But they say is common as immune is lower now
No choice. My hubby going back to jb. So no one at home to look after me. Tats why have to follow him.
Bedrest at my MIL's place.
I can't even shower on my own now. Can't stand for long.
My doc also ask me to wash body only on bed.
Dear Jean,
Yes Dr Loh will tell the heartbeat rate if you ask. I asked during my first scan at KKH. Was 140. This time round I didn't ask, I heard it super fast.

Dear Urchin,
Like what Chrisl suggested, maybe you an get a part time cleaner too? As for spring cleaning, I'm on MC till 31t Jan, I'm gonna start the spring cleaning bit by bit tmr... Hehe...

Dear Sherry, Hoi Yen, AG Gal,
Thx for your advice! At night will be a problem I agree... Hmmm... Sometimes hubby settle, sometimes me I guess... Need to discuss with hubby again...

Dear yanlin,
Really hope you take care. If doc prescribe bed rest then really no joke, must bed rest. Hoping your trip to JB will be ok for you!

Dear gloomybear,
Will do research on Gina Ford method later. Thx for sharing!

Dear Mindy,
Do take care! Did you visit the doctor's?

Dear Ling,
My first scan couldn't see anything at all cos 5 weeks plus. Second scan can see blinking and a small line at 7 weeks plus, only at this scan done at 9 weeks plus that I saw the hands and legs. When was your scan?
Hi Sashamama, i had a scan at 5 weeks plus, only see a dot, then at 7 weeks saw the flickering + hear heartbeat. Doc didnt say legs and hands etc. my next scan will be week 11/12, hopefully i can see bb moving! hahah that would be fun!
Sashamama- yea I seen a doctor. A gp.. She did not give me a lot of medication. Just some fluid for dehydration and a gastric syrup. I'm doing much better now
Dear Mummies.. Feel so depressed.. Go my MIL house today and realize painting just done.. I sniff in at least 15 min worth of paint.. Hope I will be fine
Xin> as long as its airy then it's ok.. Also painted my walk in wardrobe and toilet.. Imagine I gotta sleep with it haha
Went to my mil place. The toilet is not on the same level as my bedroom. Have to going up n down the stairs due to frequent urination. Supposed to be in bed rest. I told my mil that I really can't take it, even for a day. I thinking to tell them that I m not gonna to do bai Nian this year. Stay at home with hubby.
Must b v careful ladies especially for ba nian!!! Don't tired yrself out. My ex colleague she ba nian, got car and just tag along, walk slowly but lost the bb cos of over exerting too tired until she dunno. Her body can't recover and she bleed heavily the next day.
I called my mil n told her that I will not be going for bai Nina this year.
Also told her my dh will be staying with me.mtold her I'm not taking the risk for bb sake.
Moreover, my mils house toilet is at different level to my bedroom, so I m going to use a huge pee thing to pass urine in the room.
So much if inconvenience! Really hope I can also skipped reunion dinner or have it in sg.
When go back to jb, I had constipation. When reach my home, I go toilet immediately.
Yanlin : that's good. My ex collegue has big family. She has 10 siblings , maybe she ba nian the 10 homes? Plus she has great grandma, grandma etc. I hear already also feel tired...
I will be alone at home next week. I think maybe breakfast n dinner my dh will take away. I hate take away food.
Or maybe cook porridge at home.

My mil was saying u go to ba Nina la. U stay edrest at their home lou.
I asked her back, u want the whole world know my bb not stable yet ah? Faint
Dear Mummies, do you sometimes feel your tummy is tight (slightly bigger in size) and sometimes is alittle loose (slightly smaller in size)?
Okie tkss tanny.

Bright-i knw rite haha e tummy size like fluctuates.
seriously i tink am going through a lot of emo stress, thinkin is baby growing, is the heartbeat still there. Am really going crazy mann
TBU : haha... Okie so its normal...
Same... Also have such thoughts... But i try not to dwell on it for too long.... Kip telling myself to be positive... Ever thought of getting fetal doppler too... Haha... But think it will be quite over... Lol
You dont be too stress, no good for baby.... Be positive k!
I also feel the same.
I also got the same thought as you.
My maternal grandpa passed away early this morning.
I feel regretful as unable to attend his funeral due to my current conditions
my condolences to you and family...you pantang not? If not..then go down for one last look and farewell lor...
Hi Chrisl,
My maternal grandpa stays at malacca.dont think I can make it there. Just had some bleed.. Egg white discharge with blood.
Yanlin> condolence to u and family..

Aiyo, clumsy mama slip n fell earlier while carrying DD..Luckily, quite a gentle fall
I see Yanlin...no choice...you take care! Cos 1st trimester most impt...

opps sherry..you be careful too...
Thanks sherry. Yah Chrisl, I think my grandpa will know. So have to stay ato home. Anyone has egg white discharge with blood?

Dear all mummies... Pls be careful and take good care. Left few more weeks to end of 1st trim!... Hang it there!
