(2012/08) Aug 2012

Envy sia. Now then know.

Think 1st trimster cannot ba.1st trimster no herbs. 2nd trimster should b ok lei.

Think there are some who stay locally.

mummyR, that little herbal sauce also cannot..are you sure..not like we are drinking the sauce rite? you reminded me, vivo basement sells peking duck wraps in a box...yeah.
Clim, so far all the CL that i heard comes from malaysia. so it doesnt matter where you stay. local ones, I never heard so cant recommend.
I think ION basement also got one stall sell Peking Duck in a box

I never engaged any local CL before but I know there are some locals doing it as well. Heard that charges are more expensive too though I do not know the details.
Hello Jriste.

ET, My MS comes and goes. Goes that time I worried, comes that time I super sian, no energy, no mood...

Jen, what happen, what did your girl do?

Sometimes I can feel my baby movement over the weekend, but I think is I think too much cos of my sitting position.

Ba Kwa, I been eating too! :p
Jen, is the chao tar part that is unhealthy ba...but once a while shld be okie. I am going to eat bbq food. Of course make sure it is cook. I ate bbq food around Week 7 I think.

actually organic food also got some problem?

ET, ur waterbag leak at 32, then just leave it ar? How many weeks you gave birth? Mine broke at 37 weeks exactly so I thot is because Baby ready to be deliver liao.

My hb say among all phone, iphone is the one with the most radition. But Bo pian, I still use, sometimes put on my leg and such...

You go rebond ur hair, the hair dresses do for you huh? Cos some don do for preg.

LCF, ur energy back ar, my energy still cmi....70% sometimes....

Hello dot.
Freak man. Was made to go supplier warehouse to inspect the quality of pipes. Sweat like crazy. N now got cramp. Think over exert myself. But can't tell boss that I don't wan to go. Don't wan let boss know I am pregnant. Haizzz
BBl why not let boss know? You pantang or? Cos i think better cos if boss knows he might give you lesser work hehe..
Mahjong~ i think all handphones have radiations...it's not wise to use too much..i normally don't use or keep in bag, just use for simple sms or most call when outside when hv to correspond with someone..but also talk not for too long..
AG gal~ i find not much difference between peking duck and normal roast duck...just that maybe sightly different spices..but then you can get roast duck very easily...there's lots of stalls selling whole duck or half or 1/4... wah now i crave for it...
I just engaged my previous CL n she charged me $2.4. She is even my sis in law's aunt. Bo Bian me n hubby n in law like her, does good job n her confinement food suit me too. Too many dragon bb, for those who haven't get CL, better b fast!
I not going to do facial , mani, pedi n chemical hair treatment at salon , facial w/o machine , massage should be fine de.

I m afraid that the Qi Pao I bought b4 realized I'm pregnant can't fit me after this week. Haiz... Can c the fat fat tummy, so sad!
Dear gals,
I was contemplating the CL issue the past week and after discussing with hubby and reading many many posts on CL, decided to get one. Cos I realise I definitely need an extra pair of hands 24/7 and there is no guarantee my mum or MIL or hubby will be around. I think I will go crazy. Now first trimester I already giddy and exhausted the whole day despite sleeping alot. Imagine after bb comes, I think will be much much worse.

I searched a few forums for recommendations and my first two choices are booked in august already. Luckily my 3rd choice hasn't accepted any in august though she received enquiries, so I hurriedly transferred $300 deposit already. Total cost is $2300, excluding work permit.

Here're the list of duties discussed:
- Wash baby, mine and hubby clothes all separately using machine
- Boil water for me to use for baths etc
- Cook for me and hubby (3 dishes, 1 soup or 2 dishes 1 soup - up to me); Cooking for me will be mainly lunch and dinner, breakfast either bread or mee sua with meat, plus tea-time and supper when i need; And every alternate day she'd brew tonic or chicken essence for me
- Encourage breast-feeding but for at night, advise that I express or use some formula so that i can have a good night's rest. She is also ok with bringing baby to me for BF at night and handling baby after that.
- Will do some household chores like mop the floor twice a week and clean the kitchen twice a day after every cooking
- Will give a list of what herbs etc I need to prepare beforehand and advise my hubby on what to buy from fresh market for the cooking

She requested for afternoon nap time, which is reasonable and also to use disaposable diapers instead of cloth ones. I did some research and realise disposables are fine.

Here is a news article on disposable vs cloth diapers i just found, for a read if you are interested. It was just published on 13 Jan.


The only problem is she prefers not to have my dog around. My dog is Sasha (thus my nickname), shetland sheepdog, been with me for 12 years. I really can't bear to put her somewhere for 1 month. I hope to negotiate with her again when I meet her in Feb for detailed discussion

I also encourage those thinking of getting CL to get asap. I very kiasu, I also gotten pre and post natal massage based on recommendations from forum. Heh... For post-natal, note that Hari Raya is in August so some might not take your business cos busy with Hari Raya wor...
Mahjong, leak Liao then monitor water level in the waterbag when gynae scan lor, i was admitted at 35 weeks, but as bb movements still strong and gynae dun want induce at 35 weeks so discharge after 1 day, few days later when I just nice 36 weeks, Went check up then found that i lost weight and water level went down a lot, plus I already dilate 2.5cm, gynae and i discussed, its safer to induce bb out..

I went rebond when I 33 or 34 weeks, but luckily I did, after delivering, totally not free.. The hairdresser say can leh, cos i initially go cut, then i ask her can rebond anot, she tell me alot pple pregnant also dye hair and do treatment.. So I just do lor.. But the sian part is u gotta keep going toilet..

About cloth diapers, I really think dun bother to tekan the CL la, just use disposable, cos when we breastfeed, bb can shit like 10 times a day.. And their shit is yellow and will stain the nappy.. Infact luckily I had alot of hand me downs, those clothes Kenna shit, I just throw, cos after washing still got the shit stain..
hi Sashamama, i tend to get heartburn lately as well, esp. just before bed.

the thing that worked for me is not to eat too late a dinner, and if hungry, drink a warm glass of milk. try not to take too heavy a dinner for sure.
how many kg u ladies put on so far? i just weigh myself... put on 1kg. sigh. my appetite didn't increase (sometimes no appetite) weight still increase...
my hubby just commented that my tummy from previous pregnancy now becoming to look like a baby bump.

jia lat... CNY relatives sure ask.... don't want to announce at all. I've announced to all my friends since day 1, but don't wanna tell the relatives (esp my hubby's side) cos they sure stress me abt the gender (i have 2 girls). I haven't even tell my mum yet!

still having the night sickness... can't even stand feeding my kids dinner... the food turns me off. Usually i'm very persistence in getting them finish their food.. nowadays damn relax, they must be happy. feed 20mins i stop feeding liao. they happy, i happy. lol today i only had 1 apple for dinner....

think night sickness better than morning sickness ba... at least i can sleep it off if i want to, no need to meet clients too. but still... hate it hate it hate it. arrgghh...
Morning ladies, I'm going to see doc today for weekly jab and ultrasound... Hope all goes well... It's always v nerve wrecking to go see the gynae... I'm almost 10 weeks now... When am I supposed to do the NT scan?
Morning mummies!

Sasha> i have a mini Maltese called Shasha too hehe
Hmm, I actually din inform the CL I have 2 dogs at home.. Guess better inform her earlier
Heartburn is common but i only encounter it towards end of second time previously. This time round, it came early and only ganna in the morning after breakfast. Try not to take too spicy or oily and eat small portion
hmz .. hello .. my edd is early sept but think im gg to be early again this time (or so my gynae and last exp says) so hiya ..
have many disclose the pregnancy to the boss? I have not too. My boss last time already told me hope #2 is the last one, furthermore not even 12 weeks yet. Only plan to let them know after 3 months if my thummy can cooperate but unlikely lor.
Morning mummies!
Sashamama, wow, u did lot of homework, good!

I haven't got my massage lady yet , lost the previous contact, her name is madam Mashita, any mummies has her contact? Or there is one popular massage lady called madam Ida if not mistaken.
i havent disclose dunno when to disclose and dunno if i will be axed if i disclose as this job is only a yr old nia sianz ..
cant let boss know i am pregnant la..not even 12 weeks..wait kena sacked i will cry lo..i will hide for as long as i can...
morning mummies!

Clim> I think should let the boss know so that he/she will understand why u r not feeling well etc. I let my boss know the moment I confirmed my pregnancy.
hi girls, good morning... been sick since last friday and wow a lot of new mummies!!! Welcome all!!

The size of the baby in the ultrasound is the best gauge for the number of weeks of baby is it?? my LMP is 24 Nov 2011.. Went ultrasound last friday.. baby just 6weeks wor.. wahlau.. my baby is not growing sia.. HOW!! but at least can see the blinking light liao!! hehe... how to make baby grow leh!!
Not all company are family pro lei. For them, pregnant also cannot affect work but pregnant easy to get mc lor. I was only granted 8 weeks for 1st one cause they insist I sign a letter that anything happen to me, the co not gg to be responsible. But I'm not the one who want to go back after 8 weeks so I refuse to sign so LL, they give me 8 weeks. No 2 they are smarter, never ask me to sign n ask me to go back after 6 weeks. Maternity also have to work at home but at least they spare a room for me to cow when I return.

Ayukie, BBL,
Understand. My sis kana x after her boss know she pregnant. She told her cause she thought they are good term but no lor, she was 1 man show and co cannot give her off for few weeks.
Eat more meals. beef n durian will help. Now bb only less than 1 inch but I put on 2kg in 2 weeks. Better not think of putting on weight in 1st trimster. The gynae said what I took in 1st trimster is what I get n not bb. Bb don need extra at ths point.
ya eat durain but i think not now..2nd tri onwards..

ya lo thats my worries..wait kena X then how..i got a son to take care and another baby..cannot afford to lose this job..
Hi All >> I m even more newbie in the co. 4 months old only.. But I still tell my mgr to avoid misunderstanding cos of my MC.. If I ganna sack also no choice cos everything just come naturally, I can only leave it to fate..

Cathy >> we share same LMP.. Haaa ^5! I ate 1-2 seeds of durian once a week.. Last week u/s show 6w too...
dunno lah i only os far drop hints but dunno how to clear leave this yr liaoz .. 3 mths maternity + i gt a mth of leave to clear lol ... sounds bad uh?
thats why the hesitation ..
Think the MOM got law that co cannot sack preggy woman. china has this rules too.

Heng my sis neighbour who know her boss help her to fight for 2 mth pay as maternity compensation. Think her boss also scare kana sue but they take advantage of my sis character.
Ayukie> probably clear before u go on maternity? Like go for a short holiday. Maternity is 16 weeks, so if we go in August, we will probably only return in Dec..Do they allow encashment?
sherry - no encashment .. if i take i most prob take 3 mths ml nia and last mth flexi (cause if bf v lazy one ..)
for al and ccl must find somewhere slot in le lor .. sianz ..
Wow, ur co leave a lot lor. My acct will let me drag AL when I'm on ML that yr. Maybe u ask ur boss. But the CCL must clear within that yr for sure.

Osh, 6mth? Didn't know. My china colleague yaya papaya liao cos china is protected immediately ba. Now boss want to x her also cannot and she v v new. not even 3 mths.
I taking all 4 months.. cos I understand that if there is any retrenchment, the 1 month that you did not take, company has the right not to pay u.. so might as well clear it...

The labour law only protects mother who is 6th month pregnant.. but if any of us *touchwood* feels that is an unlawful/ unrightful thing, we can go labour law and fight for compensation. How many winning cases, not sure.. worse is those companies that force u to resign..

I have come across companies like that.. be it pregnant or what, if the management dont like u, they will keep tekan u till u resign. sighs.

Whatever happens, just stay positive. Baby doesnt come easy. not worth upsetting ourselves or the little one over a job. though money is important, life is more important.

thats my feel la.
Clim >> provided the HR doesnt know the rules well.. but if the mother is not performing or not abiding company rules, company still has the right to ask her to go if she is not 6 months pregnant.

Most companies are quite humane ba.
I m discharging today. Called my mil. Told her I m not going back for reunion dinner this year. Coz got many stairs at her place when I go bathroom. If wanna to go back, then I have to wear diapers. No kidding. Not allow to move around and no sudden action. Told my doctor I m not using the toilet chair, can save for my older ages. He e he e.
but there's always 2 sides of a story.

I know of someone who got pregnant and very CHAO KENG.. she just join the company (middle management i think) and she got pregnant almost immediately. Then she went for unpaid leave and didnt come to work for almost 3 mths.. during company events, she will turn up for the lucky draw etc.. but normal days she refuses to work.. (say she is dizzy etc) but no HL or MC lah.. just unpaid leave.

In the end the company has to terminate her cus she didnt even try to come to work.. and when she did, she can go for long lunches with colleagues and look like she is "enjoying".. doesnt look "sick" at all.

I think there are such black sheep around sometimes.. really terrible!

what i am trying to say is... as pregnant women, there are bound to have pregnancy symptoms.. we need to open up and talk about it to bosses so they can understand situation better.. we cannot expect the world like owe us money like that and be so irresponsible about our work.

If you are really so sick, please get HL or letter from doctor to certify so and speak to your bosses properly.. let them understand.. and whenever you are okay, try to work.. cus the company is a company that is running to make money.. not a charity..

I think both parties have to work it out.. I've seen really black sheep pregnant women before who really very chao keng and really think the world owes them just cus they are pregnant...
