(2012/08) Aug 2012

Dear Ling,
You will see the hands and legs of baby soon!!! It is an amazing experience especially for first time mummies

Dear Mindy,
Have you recovered? Hope you had a good rest over the weekend!

Dear TBU,
This is what I found on babycenter:
Excess protein in your urine can be a sign of a UTI, kidney damage, or certain other disorders. Later in your pregnancy, it can also be a sign of preeclampsia if it's accompanied by high blood pressure. If you have protein in your urine but your blood pressure is normal, your sample will be sent to the lab for a culture to see whether you have a UTI.

Have you spoken to your gynae? UTI is common in pregnancy. Take care!!!

Condolences to you and your family. I thought you said you admitting into hospital tmr? Moreover you're bleeding again? Pls take care!!!

Which means to say funeral, wedding, bb first month, we also cannot go. Pak Kim also cannot give right? Bb first month cake cannot eat is it? I'm nuts at such things.
Hello! I'm new to this forum
hubby had been encouraging me to sign up and make more friends... I'm current on MC so resting at home. My edd is mid aug and I'm wondering if anyone has the same edd as me.
Tanny: actually we can go, it all depends on how superstitious u are.. Like for myself, I only avoid funerals during the first trim.. Guess it all depends on u on comfortable u are attending such 'events'

Janice: hello! Welcome to our thread
I'm currently seeing the gynae every week and taking weekly jabs. Anyone doing the same? I'm worried the weekly ultrasound isn't good for the baby... But doc said I had spotting earlier so he wants to play safe
Good morning!
Yanlin my condolences to u n family. Take care.
My sis asked me not to go to wakes now. So i din go. But i asked my hubby to go. As for weddings etc, i will still b attending. I m not so pantang but for funerals my hubby also not comfortable with me gg, so i'll skip those.
Hi Janice , welcome!
My Edd is ard 19th Aug, is this your 1st bb?

Tanny_angel bb, I think those are more to Chinese 'pantang'. If u don't feel comfortable better avoid especially funeral. For me, I avoid all this during my 1st pregnancy, missed a lot of friends's wedding. But after that some one told me wedding dinner is alright. I have fren who was pregnant attended my bb full month too. As long as u check with your frens ,if they don't pantang , I think shud b fine.
Yanlin, condolences to u n family..
My gynae said discharge is normal during this period, but u better c your gynae when got blood, be safe!! Take care!
jriste, u can add yourself into this spreadsheet..


Yanlin, condolences to you and your family.

For wakes, it depends on how close i am to the person, actually i also not too pantang on this. But if the person is not close friends then may use pantang as an excuse not to go, but will give bai jin.. hee..

Wedding and full months no problem, can go de. Cos is all happy events..

dawn, no worries on the tummy, the baby is in the water bag which protects them, unless of cos is heavy impact, the water bag and our tummy fats can withstand most normal knocks here and there..
Thanks ET! My hubby has already added. Under J&H

This is my first bb so I'm pretty nervous... Anyone of u having sleepin problems? I'm waking up every 2-3 hours at night and I'm worried this may affect the fetus...
Morn All!

Jriste >> hi and welcome.. I m also on weekly jab and daily pills for stabilization.. Weekly ultrasound as well do far.. I only have one week MC last week due to flu.. No further MC given maybe becos spotting stops..

Although my spotting stops but becos I have mc last year so doc play safe by giving me weekly jab n daily pills

My EDD should be end Aug so I m still at very early stage..

I m trying to stay v positive for this round.. May god bless!!
Oh, you r jnh's wife.. Great that your hubby is so onz.. ;)

Actually i always feel that the 2-3 hours waking is training for us to breastfeed in future.. Cos after delivery also wake up every 2-3 hours to feed milk.. The waking up won't affect baby cos they are mostly awake when we r sleeping n sleeping when we are awake..
Tks sasha. Actually i bought those urine dip from pharmacy. Den i test it myself, den the result return is nt neg, jus a
slight positive like +.3mg. ^^
My edd is 16 aug so this im about week 9, 5 days now. I heard the risk reduces significantly after first trimester?

Xin- yup agree its impt to stay positive.

ET - thanks for ur advice. Just feelin so tired everyday since I don't get a good night sleep hee
Me too.. I have Insominia problem and best part now I feel tired so easily but everytime I fall asleep I sure dream and wake up.. Don't seem to rest well.. I only rest I have is when I m on flu pill.. Haaa

Btw.. Ladies my breast n nipple soreness seem to subside.. Is it normal..?
The risks are dropped significantly after first trImester, but still have some risks even at second n third trimester.
So we have to be careful until week 20.
yanlin> the wake is in singapore? Maybe get your hubby to represent on behalf? ya parents should be there as well right?

Jriste> Its ok to have disrupted sleep cause towards second and third, it probably get worse during to frequent urination, cramps and improper sleeping posture. Am up every few hours too, cause number one still need her night feeds hahaha..
morning..i MIA for quite awhile..many postings..

how is everyone..i am so tired..son sick overall the weekend..still not yet recvover..
Actually, there is risk in every trim. I guess why some are more pantang of not saying they are preggy is due to the fact that first trim has a higher risk of miscarriage and etc. Thus, it trigger sad feelings having to tell friends/relatives that u lose the baby. Its all fated, i guess we just have to stay positive at all times.
Any substitute for the milk powder for mummy? I totally don't feel like drinking but worry not enough nutritient at the same time..
sashamama - im much better now. trying to eat soupy stuff till im fully recovered.

hoi yen - my edd is also 19 Aug
Sherry, the wake is at Malacca. Since I m catholic, so no pantang. Just my conditions can't travel for long.
I m even thinking of staying at home throughout the cny to ay safe. My mils place got stairs.
Mindy, Hoi yen here, now I use ivian ya.. Hehe.. Where u gg to deliver? Me will be at TMC, gynae is dr Kee

Sherry, tks , I will chc the calcium pill
Mindy, Hoi yen here, now I use ivian ya.. Hehe.. Where u gg to deliver? Me will be at TMC, gynae is dr Kee

Sherry, tks , I will chc the calcium pill
hi mummies, how's yr weekend?

tml is the day. so looking forward. but at the same time very stress. i tink i might not be able to sleep well tonite again. hope everything is fine. keeping my fingers crossed!
LFCfan, 12 weeks still MS, haiz.. One thing good about MS is i dun gain any weight, but the thing is MS makes one feel soooooo terrible.. I feeling pukey, tired, sore, listless, hungry, bloated.. eeeeks, just wanna complain.. This notti bb is torturing mummy.. lol..
me no MS i worried...got MS i really hate it!

hoi yen,
me too the smell turns me off..i drink fresh milk everyday for now
ET: i feel the same as you lor... pukey, tired, listless, mouth bland, feeling sick.. everything you can think of!

What to do.. we can only endure...... Sigh!!!
thanks powerwee. My morning sickness strikes anytime of the day... but i usually force myself to take breakfast as i realised it does help to alleviate some of the MS. the only problem is after taking bfast, i have no appetite for lunch and dinner
hello mummies. you mummies so on, log in at wee hours, weekend, anytime.... i hardly even on my computer during the weekend. i just wake up, eat late BF, rest, go nap, wake up, time for dinner.. shop abit, at night sleep again.. wahhha... feel like lazy pig!

sorry to hear about your grandpa Yanlin. since now cannot go n see him for the last time, perhaps next year, bring your proud bb and show him? I'm sure he'll be smiling in heaven. Be positive k.

ET, I have MS but so far are lights ones. Just that they tend to be worse off in the evenings. cant eat much.

This weekend my hubby brought his mum and maid over for the maid to help w some house cleaning. I thought can have someone to cook lunch for me when i wake up.. end up i cook maggie mee. my MIL and maid tabao their own lunch but nvr tabao for me! I know my MIL has some illness but I see liao still mad!! also nvr ask how i feel or what..
Jriste>> im also seeing dr on weekly basis and taking jab every week too. dr just wanna play safe.

ET>> me me me. very bad MS until i feel so emo!
morning everyone!

can i check if anyone is taking Duphaston? i have to take 1 per day till the end of my first Trimester, and i highly suspect this is making me all queasy. bloatedness is my main issue, after every meal esp dinner i feel terrible. and once i pop it in the morning or afternoon i do feel nauseous and very lethargic.

past 2 nights also had some heartburn at night.

am wondering if this is all normal.. hopefully it just gets better....
wah so nice someone to help u with spring cleaning..but yr MIL so funny..how come nv ta bao for u..

dont be sad ok..
bb more impt..
is the teacher complain my girl, today complain again. although teacher nv ask to c me but i tot is better to go understand the situation but my hb very take it ez *haix*

Think having one really helps so we can rest.
am getting 1 n hopefully this one will b better then my #1 CL.

Hi Jriste, Janice, sashamama

My condolences to the family.
u try to rest as much as possible n don let neg comments affect u. POSITIVE :D

me also on and off MS.
*choy touch wood* morning seem better now but evening n nites r still HELL


i am the a bit pan tang kind also, yst hb overseas n i alone at hm. during shower time while washig hair bending fwd, i experience i "sharp poke" on my tummy.
got shock, it almost feels like a finger poked me, think i think too much alone at home.
Sherry, ya, better ask from gynae

MummyR, *shake hand*, but hor, the fresh milk don't have those AHA, DHA of nutrition, so dilemma

Hi Jriste, welcome!!
Hi Yanlin, you take 3 and dont feel nauseous?! wow! means your body is very used to the hormones then, cos duphaston is like hormone pills.

i had to take 2 for 10 days, from 5.5 weeks to 7 weeks before i could hear BB's heartbeat. when i had to take 2, i was sleeping and gagging non stop.

hopefully come tri 2 the MS goes away, i get pretty tired out easily.

anyone of you started a little bit of exercise? i am very eager to start swimming just to get into the regime again.

@ Yanlin i am very certain you shouldnt do ANY exercise, so rest well!
Ling > i go for walks in the parks eg. botanical gardens, marina bay sands area.. etc..

OMG.. someone is eating lunch in the office and the food smell is making me feel very NAUSEOUS!!! arghhh!!!

Sherry and LFCfan - did you guys experience any sort of spotting to date? my gynae is extremely cautious, so i am not sure if its cos i had spotting for 2 days at the very start.

she advised me from week 5.5 to 7 not to do anything unncessarily, like shopping! so too much walking i presume is not advised either.
