(2012/08) Aug 2012

nikki: Original price for the twin pack is $24 free 1 packet of wet wipes. After 20% discount, it's $19.20, so $9.60 for 1. I'm not sure how much is it sold in the spree. I only bought 1 twin pack as I dunno if my bb is okie with it, heard some bb maybe allergic to it.
Hi August mummies to be. I'm a silent reader all these while. My second child is due end Aug.
Just a little advice. Wet wipes will dry up and desitin cream is more sticky and difficult to wash off then Drapolene. Perhaps no need to rush to buy so early. If the baby is not having bad nappy rash like my first child, Drapolene works fine and is much cheaper. There is a good and reliable online site called luvbabies Kim sang that has cheaper than shops baby products. You can google and check it out.
Happy... I also have 10 weeks... Time had flown... Still have loads to do and prepare myself fully...but also very exciting.

Kiddy palace 20%discount... Its for members only right?
H: non members still get 15% discount.

teo: Hello! If the wet wipes are not open, it's unlikely they will dry up. Even if they seems a bit dry, just add distilled water to it will do. Drapolene like you say it's pretty mild so okie to use normally but good to have something stronger on hand in case of bad nappy rash. Especially on discount, just need to make sure the expiry time is still far away. The shop you recommend some are cheaper but some are around the same price, but as delivery charges applies, it may come to same ba?
Dear ag_gal,
Sorry to hear abt ur maid. I just really hope mine can solve more problems than add more problems.

I finally did a 7-page guidelines, 1-page interview questions, 2-page schedule. Hope everything will not go too badly when she comes!!!
Dear all,
Did you gals prepare to buy thermometer? Is it necessary to buy those .. Erm for example using infra red tech.. And scan baby's temp at forehead? Or just buy those normal ones ?
Pls advise ?
I got the buan ear type.

Indo maid
My maid scared of hangging the cloths outside now. SO she hang at the corridors. But I find new HDB should be quite safe for hanging of cloths. they should look at the type of flat and not just impose throughout. For washing of windows, I only let her clean inside. Outside told her no need to clean.
Isetan Private Sale 23 MAY One Day Only!
Spotted only Tiger Porridge and Food Jar at $45 + 10% off(U.P. $109)
Medela Freestyle at $799 still more expensive comparing to getting the US sets.

Think the Tiger Porridge and Food Jar is a good buy considering it's Tiger brand.
Good for bringing out when bb starts on semi-solids.
Desitin - Its really gd and usually get from sprees

Thermometer - Using the Braun ear thermometer, can get fr spree too but no warranty, think Kiddy Palace sells but not sure if is appliable for discount
morning mummies,
insomia seem to hit me hard this mth.
constantly tired but once i hit the bed regardless how i lay also cannot sleep.

wondering if its due to all the things in my mind weighting me down.
now so tired in ofc *yawnx*
Thermometer: i had the ear type which is also suitable for bb. Actually mummies are the best thermometer, using a equipment is just more accurate so for those who feel the pinch to buy a specialise thermometer for bb, it's not a must. Our mothers also don use one to know if we r having a fever. :p

Nikki: welcome :D

Jen: try to get into a comfortable position and practise some relaxation techniques?
i have the Braun ear thermometer, sometimes kiddy palace or guardian got sales but not with their sales n u hav to ask.
i got mine from kiddy palace n comes with warranty. last yr it went bonkers and instead of buying a new one the agent actually allows exchange/ trade in prog. so i paid $80 for a new one instead of paying another $100+ for a new one.

think a while back rykiel posted the spree/ bp for the infra red one.

diaper cream:
i use mustela. its a barrier cream n works for nappy rash as well but not as fast as desitin cos is not medicated n for daily usage is much better then drapolene (based on my own exp of using both). it cos abt 18+/ tube but each application is lesser then size of 1cent coin cos its really thick.

ya lor, dunno r the maids so dumb or wat. new hdb flats the bamboo holders outside is double sided one.duno how they can fall out?
my position is ok. but think i need to relax. now trying to not think so much before i sleep.
need to practise my yoga before i sleep. the relaxtion part to empty my mind.
i also got insomia recently, maybe cos too many things to do so constantly thinking about it...

last wkend, finally packed my #1 clothes to put into cold storage.
waiting for hb to arrange for removal of the study table to convert the room into #2 room...
also finally completed spring cleaning of the whole house, i think cny also didnt do that much. now my hse really less a lot of nonsense, threw away so much things..
Hi A-G, why does it cost 500 bucks to send your maid back? cant i get a budget ticket to send my maid back if i choose to send her home?

my maid coming in early june, and i am travelling so i am hoping she will not be here the same week i am away - fingers crossed!
Sasha, can u share with me the list of qns to interview maid?Ling that time I bought Cebu airline return ticket for her is almost $600 leh. So maybe slightly cheaper for 1 way bah.
Now my maid stil does her chores and never give me any black face Liao. Dunno what she is thinking scary.
All the mummies jia you. Last trimester to go. I am now also starting to feel the ache from carrying the ball. From FB can see that some mummies are having weird dreams. I just dreamt last night that my company is having retrenchment again. zzzz All the weird dreams!
gers, John little having 20% discount (not storewide). Bgt desitin, after disc, price at 9.60. sold in single tube.

The outlets discount is till tomorrow. John Little Expo sales will start from 24th to 3rd June 2012.
Jen: ya, try to relax as much as possible before gg to sleep. Now i really try to avoid work after i leave office so i don't keep thinking of it. I play games and do mindless stuff like watching videos and playing with my furkids to relax, yoga not really my cup of tea.. Haha

JA: that's fast that u clear the room for bb already. For me, the room that was suppose to be with bb is still like a storage room, full of stuff also dunno how to clear. At first was a bit fustrated, but after hubby n frens tell me no worries, things will sort itself out when needed, i just let it be. Since it would be near a yr before bb will sleep in her own room. Clear out now also means the room will still be empty for some time :p
Dear ag,
Can pm me? I send you via email. Some can be used as ineview questions, but mainly cos I never interview tis maid before, I noted to ask her all these tmr when I pick her up, over lunch. To get to kow her better and also test her standard of English.

Yesterday another case of maid falling off cos trying to escape. Myanmar maid.
Mummies, if you are looking for good breastfeeding related products, check out the following links :


Bookmark for future needs
ya me kiasu as scared when #2 out no time to clear. my #1 slept in her own room since 5 mths old. i v kan jiong type so since now 2nd tri not so tired can do just do now. predict 3rd tri will be v tired again everyday..cant imagine next time 2 kids how to find time, moreover 3hrsly pump day and night will make me so tired that got time i will just sleep heheee...
re: thermometer
i feel its essential..am using the braun one from spree
cost $60+...sg selling ard $130?
serving me well after 3yrs
its is more accurate then infrared hence clinics and hopsital uses braun too

re: desitin
i feel it is really good and just one tube can last v long
i dont use it daily...only use it at night or when i expect my baby to wear diapers for a long time to prevent diaper rash

if kenna diaper rash...apply desitin and will recover quite fast!
Sorry mummies for disturbing.I am junemtb..any mummies who wish to take maternity or newborn shoot..do let me know n I will email u
just taken my maternity shots..thumbs up n price reasonable too

yeah i also got it from spree for the braun thermometer..its abt SGD 60++..cheap and good and durable cos my boy already throw it on the floor few times and its working fine.

Yeah thumbs up for desitin cream.
It works wonder, instant recovery..get the blue one..cos purple one has very strong fishy smell which i cant stand.

Oh yeah last tri coming..so happy to be able to see my princess soon.
hmm i have no problem sleeping leh..i sleep like nobody business..can zzz as early as 8+ and wake up at 6am still feeling tired..maybe my no 1 tired me out so i can sleep super well

Sleeping position.
i think we should sleep on our left side but i always end up lying on my back which i find it super comfortable..

Braxton Hicks
having it very frequently..one day few times..hate the tight like a rock feel.
I remember TMC got offer price for bruan ear thermometer during delivery period. Not sure the price, cheaper than mkt rate. But might be more x than spree.
jen: who wans the thermometer? can let me know cos my bp closing soon than i can bring in together =) thanks. oh ya y u dun wan get pinoy maid ar? cos i chose a pinoy over everything. so nw u clear aft u back frm agency? i din knw the course valid for 3mths nia! hehehe.

loves: i sneezed last nite in bed so many times my liner got wet. =\ infuriating mans. kegel excercise is it? i smtimes do smtimes forget all abt it. shit head. only remembr to do it when it happens. =( hais~~

star: u v knowledgable eh? thanks for the info on the pantang thingy else i wont know lor. my mil always will go, small kids got ears no mouth. ask me listen only dun ask so much. the excercise u mention i previously do. but stop. cos no happen no do! ROAR! head v forgetful nowadays

im on MC tdy. ytd noon at wrk had headache. dinner only at 1/4 plate of rice, went hm bathe, i slp. thn woke 1hr+ ltr feeling nauseous i drank milk n ate a slice of nutella bread went back to slp... midnight woke again to eat panadol. the head kept throbbing. tis morning took mc went co. gp n was given 2days mc to rest well at hm. doc din say anything ask me just make sure bb is kicking, no usual discharges. n REST WELL. thats all.. till nw the head still keep throbbing. =( feeling so bad.
Hi Rykiel, do you know how much is the thermometer after international shipping?

I am an early Aug mommy and this is my 2nd child. Should be C-sect in late july.
Hello everyone!
hello all! i am very interested in the new maids cos mine is coming next week, just when i told you guys i hope she will come in mid june!

i also quickly tried to do up a schedule and some house rules, Sashamama - can we share our documents?

i will try to finish my today and send to you! :)
rykiel and lablue, may I know what is the name of the bolster that your recommend? now I need one badly, any ideas where to get it?
Rykiel: No la, cos I the very rebellious kind, I don't like to do things without knowing the reason so everytime my mum or someone ask me not to do this, I would ask why and after that would see if it makes sense then I follow lor. XD

AG: The bolster is the one that props you on both sides right? If that is, I saw similiar in kiddy palace in compasss point if you need it right away. But of course if you can wait for rykiel spree then might be cheaper.
Sashamama , can share ur maid schedule wif me ? i also at lost what to do when new maid come cos first time having maid myself ...
vivaval / nahnah / ivftwins: mine nt the braun de. mine china brand one leh.

ling: congrats! thats v v fast!!! i hvn got my schedule done up yet. hehehaha. shareshare urs ok?

ag: the bolster mine i brought in $90 leh. kindly high on my side. u dig ard kiddypalace since now got 20% off?

star: my hubb sure dun allow one. he will dig my ears open if i close them =x
thanks rykiel and starfantasy, lablue helped me order liao...cant wait to receive it. I cant sleep well these days.

hey ladies, any lobang for the ginger shower gel and non-rinse shampoo/powder shampoo? suddenly i find myself not ready...havent buy lots of things

Previously saw in bulk purchase selling lemongrass shower gel for confinement use but not sure if it's good.
Have also seen Badger lemongrass and ginger soap bar, am thinking to get it from Iherb at only USD5.40 when going to get some other stuff as well.
