(2012/08) Aug 2012

He is ok but I have 2 complication with him so changing since last one liao. His bill is cheaper as compared to my current one. This bb more problematic so lucky I choose a senior one.

I'm using Dr John Lim, some might not like him cause of his attitude. He do explain the report in details for me. If any mommies opt out for any test, he will ask you to sign a letter stating you want to opt out. I suspect got parents refuse to go test and complaint that the bb he deliver got down symdone. But all test done in hospital not by him except the abstraction of anmio acid. So can't blame him.

my hb managed to defer his reservice...although it before delivery....his reservice was 1 mth before edd but we were worried baby may come early
so we got gynea to write a note and submitted and its was deferred

re: birth cert
its can be done in the hospital within the first 14days, after that need go ICA, baby dont need be ard, daddy go alone is sufficient with necessary documents...if u already thought of the name, u can actually do it when you are being discharged cos u will have all the documents with you, u will get the birth cert on the spot
my hub defer reservice before but its for wedding lah just need inform in adavance can le ..

im still blardy puking .. so sian ..
yst my hb suddenly thinking if we shd bring maid in earlier to help me with chores esp he saw the windows dirty but simply have no time to clean it as he is pack with meetings n scheduled to b away in may for 1wk+ and same goes for July and after bb full mth he will b away for 2mths.
but but same as u, come too early i also not hm to jaga n do orientation also no pt. thus i still sticking to bringing her in later in july.
gonna ask hb to neg with MIL to let maid stay her side n have a hang of living with MIL n jaga my #1+ simple chores.
if not then i really have to think of something to guage if she is able to perform.
p/s: i also scare bad to maid she take knife kill my whole family.

maids.. have also prob no have also prob
LittleCoco, i m due 15 Aug based on last detail scan. But i dunno why everytime he scan, he always say i will be around national week. hahahaha

I am praying this #1 delivery will be natural
Littlecoco, I'm using Dr Adrian too. My first bb. Hard to get any info out of him.. haha.. but no news is good news i guess.. going to see him tonight. But i am quite amazed by this experience. as you know his ultrasound scan only took like 15secs and he told me the last month, it might be a boy n indeed it was confirmed during the DS. But he was quite humerous, he say "not confirm till your DS so dun tell your MIL yet" hahahaa..
i do see maid who are really good. I have one friend the maid had been with her for 10 over years. Only recently went home cos my frd feel she deserved to get married and have kids she just reached 30 i think.

And also time for her teen daughters to grow up and be independent and not call "Aunty Aunty! help me this and that."

Pro and Cons of hiring a maid - is not easy and is really a blessing if you can find a good helper like my frd did. For me when i grew up, my mom hired 3 different maids but it bothers me for is like an extra tenant in the house except she can do cleaning and helping you to free time. But with today, our home space is getting smaller, i find it pretty fast to do housework. And with the little baby, hubby and I will work out together so we don't overwork each other. Actually i find housework can be quite therapeutic hahaha especially when you are so upset at work, doing housework really clear your mind lol. Anyway my tots and views
hi Kitty, really? Lol Dr Adrian told me hey 80% Girl.. then after DS, it become a boy. LOL! He also said wait for DS lar to confirm.

Actually i always have a list of questions to shoot him cos he see me like less than 5mins -_-" Can't help lar... he is popular with the rates. Everytime queue until i sian.. hahaha.

So good you can visit BB today.. i got to wait first week of May! Hurry Hurry!

Mommies, do you all feel that your little one kick very active one day and another day like super quiet? Now i am in 23 week!
happy, does he gets impatient with those qns? I seldom ask qns.. cos like he rushing rushing like that.. anyway, i use the preggy apps to get info, so not many qns for me.
Hi Kitty, no leh.. he quite patient. So if you have questions, just shoot. The first tri i was very concerned with my bb, so sometimes i will call him on his mobile or text him. Hehe abit paiseh but then my hubby said if got questions just asked rather than getting worried.
who can guide me on the maid agency thingy?
what to ask, n how much $ should i prepare in all to go dwn to agency?
Rykiel - u go down choose maid then they will tell you how much u agree liaoz then u go down another day pay will do liaoz lor .. cause u need to do the cert also
I'll be hogging one of the rooms at TMC from the 8th as Caesar has been scheduled. Haha~ Well, when bb is big enuf he'll just check for gender even without our asking. Both my bb's gender were told accurately by him n was later cfm during DS. My edd's actually on 18th too. But since u are first time mommy n going natural birth u may deliver earlier den expected. As for questions, I feel he's the soft n patient kind so I don't think he'll get impatient at all but u know as usual u'll have to prep a list to bombard him. Haha~ I never had much to ask, so the 'pathetic' 5 mins consult doesn't bother me. Lolx!

For me bb is usually very active in the very early am esp when I'm hungry! Also bef bed and aft dinner. Haha maybe showing his contentment aft meals n agitation when hungry.. of coz there're times when he quite settled n doesn't move much. So I guess nothing to worry abt though. Well, u can't wait for ur scan n I can't wait for bb to pop out! Though I haven't prep his room nor sorted out the huge pile of clothes, nappies, bips, etc. The boys' room is like a storeroom now, literally.

Looking forward to a great weekend ahead! ~
Adrian woodworth
Try to write on a pc of paper so that you can ask him during the check up. I'm done that cos he is super fast and my memory is getting bad.
His estimation for bb weight quite accurate. BTW, if you opt for TMC, there is auto upgrade. I usually choose 4 bedded and auto upgrade to 2. I check with the nurse during check in, she confirmed that too but was told not to spread. haha. TMC 4 n 2 bedded not much diff.
Pain or cramp? I experience cramp last week and went back to see gynae. He will check for contraction, if no contraction is ok. Was given pills to prevent pre-mature. You better see gynae
I don't know if doc woody's patients will know there's an auto upgrade of rooms from 4 to 2 bedded but I was told by my sis so.. And TMC confinement food taste good.. ESP like their soup.. And it's a pleasant place to stay in. Will be going for their 1 bedded this time round.
Whenever we finally have questions my hub and I will never pen it down and always end up blaming one another for forgetting this and that. Haha!

U ok? I have cramping ard the entire lower abs last sat.. It persisted for more den an hr coz I had it otw out to bring my boy for class and still have it in the midst of the class but it did go away.. I tried taking deep breathes and relax.. Sometimes when I feel anxiety I'll get cramps also which I don't know why.

But we are merely 20+ wks. Is it possible for pre-mature at all? Did ur gynae say anything else other den contractions being so early?
Clim where is doc lim from?
Replied your email. Yes Mt E does provide romper. http://womenandchildren.sg/pregnancy-childbirth/delivering-at/mount-elizabeth-hospital
Any idea if they have valet services ? I went for the tour and they mentioned hb drop wife at lobby and they have to go medical centre to park.

my hb doesnt like when i let my girl wear unisex blue clothes eg, blue top home clothes he will ask me why u let her wear blue ?? when my girl was younger due to her hair very less, even if she was dressed in girlish pink clothes, pple will comment boy ah and make my hb damn frustrated. hahaa..most of my girl's pink clothes are very girlish and not suitable to be used as unisex clothes. for me is not the colour is the design of the clothes.
Clim, last month when i go for the hospital tour, 1 lady ask abt the auto upgrade, the nurse say no such practise wor... when was your last check-in?
Haha! Ya some people r just 'blind'.. Like my neighbor auntie.. We are new here (bot resale) .. I don't talk to the auntie but my hubby does.. Whenever we walk pass she will call my boy, girl girl! Zzz we wear boy style clothes for him usually bright colors like yellow, orange, red, etc.. Coz I like my boy to look bright n happy and also more 'glam'. Blue usually last choice but never pink and yet she calls him that! Besides she has 2 grandsons yet don't know how to see boy face?! My hub so crude says need to pull down the pants to prove got p**** not?! Haha

For mine was just 2 years ago..and it has been this way ever since.. Think need not ask the hospital coz for sure they won't admit else chaos.. But our doc woody is their satellite doc.. He has privilege ba? Else u check with doc woody's clinic nurse will be better. That's my suggestion.
they have valet services but is inside the carpark. not sure if can get them to take over at lobby dropoff.
if u wanna chk then i help u ask when i go for my next appt.
p/s: but pls remind me
wonder if having girl is something wrong ? after telling them is girl, they say next one will be boy or try again.. sigh..still in the olden days thinking..
perhaps the auntie is hoping for a grand daughter hahaaaa..

going to Mt E this coming Monday for detailed scan, will chk with them. thanks, u need me to update you ?
Some pple are just weird.. If u have a boy first they'll go saying hopefully next one will be a girl.. Excessive~
Ya, still in the olden days thinking esp those grannies. Girl or boy, we're just hoping for a co. for our children so doesn't matter after all.
Joanne: agree with AG timing is too tiring le. Also since the maid is new they prob are very lousy at doing housework even if they are so called trained before. Bathing 10-15 mins is okie de? Esp if u want to make sure she clean herself throughly, if mine finish bathing in 5 mins, i seriously doubt if she got clean herself.. Haha ironing wise, i realise this is a skill thay takes time to perfect. Before my maid i have a part time cleaner just started out to work and she can take hours on ironing thr clothes then after 1 yr +, she can finish the whole load in 30-40mins. I remember when i first start to iron my hubby shirt i also took ard the same time as ur maid. Maybe like ur hubby say, give her time to improve herself or u can watch how she iron and give her tips in ironing faster if she seems to do it wrong.

Hazel: if it's dull ache then prob tummy is stretching? Or if it's like contractions kind, maybe it's fake labour pains. See if u can do anything to make the pain stop, like change sitting or sleeping position, walk around etc? If it's fake labour pains, doing certain actions should stop the pain.

JA: maybe cos when i'm young my mum give me a very short haircut and most often i wear tshirts n shorts so a lot of ppl also mistook me for boy. Gotten used to it already ba, afterall, ppl say what they want. Haha another is i see that there is somehow a trend that kids will do opp when they grow up. If always wear too girly clothes grow up to be tomboyish (at least 1 of my fren is like that) and if always wear boy clothes grow up to be very girly (me!) XD
Its normal for the nurse to say that. They used to told me too and during check in, the nurse told us auto since not much patient. My last delivery in 2009.

I read cramp in 2nd trimster is not normal although there is still some mommies would experience it. my gynae worry the cramp can be contraction since I still havin issue in identifying it.
Hi all mummies,

Just to share :

i got my freestyle from mybeautyloft last yr. she is quite helpful and does not any promote her selling. I have sourced around and her pricing are the cheapest.

Cheapest not because its recon sets or reused sets which most of us are worried about, but her pricing are cheap due to her high volume she bring in and using her cop orate shipping rates.

I went for self collect at her venue and her stocks are in pallets and i saw few mummies collecting on that particular nite as well.

her stocks came and sold off very fast and came on a weekly basis. she is honest and does advise me not to buy any adaptor for freestyle as its just a normal 2-3 pin plug or universal travel adapt which most of us have at home. other spree are selling the adaptor for $2.50 where i can buy from the hardware shop at $1.50.

u can contact her at [email protected] or 94454828

For those wanting to find a maid, u can try SUPER SERVANTS located at Sunshine Plaza. and look for alan or linda
i got my maid there and she was good. some time lucky plays a part as well. however for super servant - Alan went to philiphine on a monthly basis to search for the maids himself (mostly kampong area) and hence he knew wether these maids can work or anot and does the interview with the maids directly and not go thur the agents in philiphine to look for maid.

I just went down yesterday to renew my maid contract
Hello, Im new to this forum. I was reading through the above chain and I saw some mummy have some queries about mum's advantage.

I'm a financial consultant, at the same time I'm due in aug 2012. Purpose of this post is only for clarifications only, not for selling the product. Btw, I just bought mum's advantage myself.

Here it goes:
1) can only buy btw 18-32 weeks of pregnancy. Case mus be approved and issued before 32nd week.
2) mum advantage covers $5000 for pregancy complication and $5000 for congenital abnornalies.( e.g. Hole in heart, club foot, cleft lips)
3) it is tagged to an ILP( investment linked plan). Cannot buy standalone.
4) I personally bought it because of the fact that the ILP ican be transferred to my child once my child is born.(irregardless of her health condition). This act as the first whole life insurance for my child.

There are other benefits, and of course limitations (like the cons of an ILP product)

But I have seen pregnancy complication, hole in heart, transposition of the great vessel, experienced by my closest friends this year, to know that it's crazy costly.. Since most of us are in private hospital/private patient.

Hope it helps..

Want to find out more can PM me. Or email me. [email protected]
Thanks. I'm a bit worry cos noone I know of actually brought from beauty loft before. Yes, her set of $460. She is selling stroller too.
Good morning mummies & MTB,
Yesterday was a busy day, when to the best for baby and mummy forum 2012, after that hb tell me better to book the separate 8 lessons antenatal course at NUH as one day express class will be too tiring for him. Ha ha......

After that when down Hutus to look for shop that that u all have mentioned earlier selling bb clothes but can't find.
Can anyone advice me the actual location like the blk and level and the shop name if possible.

Nowsaday, feel like bb getting bigger so bb sometime will put too much pressure on me can't really walk a lot and will experience lower tummy pain now and then, backache also getting more.

Last week when back to my mum house. She make me drink the tailsman water " Fu Sua" I tell her I dun wan but she forced me. She even try filter the ash out and force me to drink twice. I try taking 1 slip each time then reject her. The 2nd time I can't take the taste and smell of the burning smell so when vomit out. Then she start scolding me. Saying that do it on purpose, what so difficult to drink and said that I must have vomit due to I purposely stave myself then after the 'Fu sua' I force it out to show her I dun like it etc then continuo to nag and scold. I just dun understand y she need to do this to me. I am her daughter and I am preggy. Why she give me this kind of attitude and scolded me as she like. Now mother day round the corner, I not sure to have a celebration with her or not. As she really upset and piss me off.
Morning Nutty,
I'm also starting to feel the pressure esp on the left as bb sits on the nerves, when I make abrupt turns or moves too quickly I'll feel intense sharp pain on my left thigh down. It's my 2nd pregnancy my tummy is esp big which most pple tot I'm due anytime and now i'm feeling more difficult compared to first time.. Zzz So think just walk less.. Rest more!

'Fu Shui'
Hmm, I'm sure ur mom meant well.. But coz u r preg n shouldn't be swallowing anything that may upset ur tummy.. She may not be too open to that part so maybe she felt u wasted her afford and all.. just tell her nicely she'll understand or just tell her doc says cannot consume or make some excuse for not taking instead of making her feel unappreciated when u throw up ba..

Any advise on when to start taking coconut water? I got confused coz some says its for EZ natural birth (which i'm not having that). During my 1st preg i took but den it makes me feel stupid aft that when i was told its more for those having natural birth.. Despite of that, my mom says it more for 'cooling' effect coz our body heaty. Now I'm just taking bird nest fortnightly.. And I have pple telling me no need to take that.. Take coconut water will do.. Say when give birth Bb will be less 'dirty'.. I don't know how true.
Wah, nutty, your mum still believe in this thingy ah.. Will she try to give your baby next time? Sprinkle on me n baby is ok, but not drink.. My mil wanted to give my no.1 drink when he ard 2 weeks, I stared so hard at my hubby then he object n settle for sprinkle on bb..
Hi Hazel
Hows the ammum talk? Worthwhile?? Wish to go but due to maid here so no time to go down.. Think their freebees must be gd hor..as i like ammum milk..
Coco & ET, I know she meant well. But I already to,d her I can't drink and ask her to give me the talisman to put in my wallet with me instead but she insist and force me in a piss off tone. After that, she still scold me. She should know preggy woman tend to have sensitive smell and taste since she a mummy too.

BTW, the OG bb sale still on and the quinny set still on. It was quinny zap + carbio infant car seat + reducer for the stroller + travel bag at $799. There is also some sale or special package at the kakit bukit bb kingdom for quinny brand as I think they specialize and carry that brand most.

Sorry to check again, can anyone tell me the location of the bugis shop e.g which blk, level and shop name? As I can't seem to find ha ha.....
Hi Joanne, the talk quite informative. Especially for 1st time mum. Mrs Wong also quite funny and good in her breastfeeding talk, also there are abt how to deal with labour pain, the TCM for kids & dentist issue for kids. As for other, is like clarins product presentation. Also there is a smaller bazzar, selling the milk, clarins, Phillip avent, cordlife, Thomson medicine parentcraft program package for kids etc and poise the pad to provide for urniary leakage during preggy. The Phillip package not sure worth it or not, as it was the 3 in 1 sterilizer package + the breast pump set total $600 plus instead of U.P $1000 plus. Can't really rem the actual items inside. But I only saw a few buying the sterilizer set only.
The milk they are having promo too. Just too bad I can't take milk so didn't buy any. I saw quite a number of mummy buy a few pack. Think quite worthwhile ba.
Dear hazel nutty,
The shop i took sometime to find too. Is it the one opposite the guanyin temple at bugis?

Imagine the temple behind you and you facing the shophouses opposite the temple. Right infront of you , you will see shops selling tonics and buddhism products. The shop is on your extreme left at the corner on the ground floor, hidden by another row infront. I was in first trimester then, didn't buy anything

This info below is what I found that i copied and pasted into the motherhood google doc that i offered to share here:

"Cheap BB Clothings @ Bugis
Address: Blk 269C Queen St, Cheng Yan Court
Location: Beside Albert Complex, in front of Si Ma Lu Guan Yin Temple
With ur back facing the temple, u should face Blk 269C. Walk into Bencoolen Link to the 2nd row of shops. It’s the 1st shop on ur right.
Remarks: Cothings are sold in half dozen of the same design. Cannot pick n choose colours or mix design. Abt $2-$3 per pc. Basic homewear
Handkerchiefs and towels are cheap."

Hope this helps!
Hi Hazel
Arrggg... Really got promo on Ammum milk.. So wasted for not going down.. Any idea sell how much there? I oways but at ntuc at $20.20... Ur goodie bag shd be quite gd hor...i think the tok is gd too with wong boi boi presenting...;)
Yes, sasha info is right abt the shop.. I went to buy half dozen too for short and long sleeve and long pants last wk...
Thank you very much sashamama. I will look for it again. Ha ha...

Last night suddenly emo again, was a bit depress that getting preggy really can't do what I wan and having so much worry on bb things, who can help to take care, money, figure not in shape, able to handle the things after bb arrive.... Etc. so just wonder y ppl still ask me to enjoy every moment now. I even wonder y I was preggy... Sound a bad mummy... Ha ha....
Joanna, I didn't check on the price but think will be cheaper ba. The chocolate favour quite tasty too bad my hb dun allow me to buy cos he scare I can't take it then waste $. Goodie bag nothing much. Only got 2 small packets of the milk powder, a motherhood magazine which I have already brought so now I end up having 3 same magazine at home.... Ha ha... Then a $10 vouncher maternity & baby fashion from joy luck club at commonwealth lane, one toy for bb, one recycle bag from cheeze and the clarins goodie bag with mini sample for face. That all. If u wan more then have to purchase.
Hazel cheer up. Don't need to be upset with ur mum for this. All elderly are like that. My mum n mil also tried to make my boy drink these drink. My mum I just said no n will raise my voice if she continues to nag. Mil just said no n walk away n warn my hb to tell her not to do it behind my back.
It's true that we should all enjoy this stage now cos when bb born more tiring n headache. Don't think too much now as no solution for the issues we will face later. Just take it as it comes later. Go out more now n take a rest when tired. I am trying to bring my boy to lots of places now before I deliver else it's troublesome to bring a baby out next time. Enjoy

Btw mummies, sgh has a children dental centre where their cleaning services for kids are cheap $9 only and nice environment. I just bought my boy there last mth.
AG, sometime I just dunno to be happy or sad as since pregnant things has not been smooth to me and my family. 1st my elder sis then nobody wan to help me take care of bb then hb and money issue. Then no shopping time for both me and bb. Also worry abt health issue, figure issue and work issue. Very difficult to be happy leh. Now counting days to my last day of work but then after that have to worry abt bb arrival then etc etc.... So emotion now get the better of me....
How old to bring them to the dental clinic and how to make appointment ?

Cheer up
Really not easy but things will fall into place, don't think too much. Perhaps can try to work things out, discuss with hb. There is no wrong or right solution as everyone has different needs and expectations. Just to share, I also had no help fr both side families and we learn how to handle our first born alone without help. Worst scenario was hb and me down with food poisoning, vomit, fever and diarrhoea plus that time I still wake up to pump in the middle of night. Definitely not easy but preserve and it will be over.... Now with #2 coming along also no help again, another new challenge comes ahead.... Hopefully can pull through....

J-A, not sure if they have min age, my boy is 3yo. She advised to bring him once a year. U can try calling and check with them. I Can't find their website now.
