(2012/08) Aug 2012

i'm not too sure if we can get cheaper rate... i email to them and was told that they need to know the no of pax.. the package that we're taking up and also the area that we're staying in... so i'm still collating and will be sending in to ask again! =)

you're interested? which package will you want to go for? twin meals or single meals and for how many dayS? you can refer to their website for the packages.

<font color="red"><font size="+0">jljz</font></font>: 28days lunch n dinner; u check than let me knows =) im residing in yishun =)
medela freestyle cos its more portable
its runs on rechargable battery

some breast pumps need power point to operate which is not ideal for pumping at work
<font color="red"><font size="+0">ayukie</font></font>: hvn yets, cos i planning get maid. if get maid thn no go infant care ler. still hesitating. =(
but u gt someone look after maid and baby?
i considering put on waitlist also ..
but prefer somewhere near the occ area as my boy is in the lsh there ..
<font color="red"><font size="+0">ayukie</font></font>: mum taxi driver; she will pop by on off to see. if realli geting maid i install whole house cam. my office about 10min walk frm hm. ur boy in occ? the fees there v high oh. my #1 in eager beaver last yaer liaosh. thn if #1 go P1 liao no maid thn he go back eagerbeaver but to the lodge for student care. than #2 infant care. if no than maid will see to them. lunch ill go hm n see see.
hmz my hb can pop by see on and off lah and my fil is a locksmith also can pop by see on and off .. yeah my son is in occ n1 .. so when his sista goes n1 most prob will go occ too (agree on the pricy sch fees but the improvement in my son english quite significant.. and their speech and drama english enrichment class is from julia gabriels makes it seems worth it lor ..)
i work too far to go home see see .. i wrk in tamp haha .. but my hm is in bukit panjang but i did my whole house wired with cams ..
<font color="red"><font size="+0">ayukie:</font></font> b4 i went to eagerbeaver i brought my son to my hse area 288 see there, i din chose it cos looks small cramped n dark dark. i dun like. than went 291 i tink upstairs bank, used to be library, JustKids. ac. he went in he likes. 2nd choice eagerbeaver. 925 upstairs ac also. he likes it. ask him choose. he choose EB!.. but far frm house. i 不死心, bring him back to juskids ask him see again. he say he still prefer EB. so i enrolled him there. that time i SAHM 5yr, thn gg work liao tt y i prefer him to have a place he'll feel happy n comfy with =D hehehe

pcf sparkletots the one at 357 ar? new centre lai de.. last yr jus open. i nt too sure abt it wor. no reviews whn i google.
thanks mummies for the tips on the pump, i will keep a lookout, or ask my gf to get it for me from US, i heard its cheaper.

i just went for my 20 week scan today ( detailed scan next week). doc say i put on too much weight! 3kg in last month.. and baby only 320g, they shld be ard 350g or 400g now. i am 55kg now, put on about 8kg over the past 5 months. but apparently for my height and weight, i should only put on to 60kg till i deliver.

so sad, i have been skinny and underweight all my life, imagine now have to go on "diet". i need to cut my carbo intake, no dessert, and stick to 3 meals a day...
Rykiel - my son and us (me and hub) love at first sight at occ .. haha so depsite the tedious journey for bringing him to and fro we enrolled him in ..
<font color="red"><font size="+0">ling:</font></font> hv a balanced diet. u cant cut dwn on food now also right? nw preggy we need more. hmm. ur gynae advise u to cut down on diet oh?

<font color="red"><font size="+0">ayukie:</font></font> fwah.. love at first sight, i knw theres this lil'o'zone there. i often go there after my son bowls at the alley than go over to play awhile. the play area for the cc kids right?
I put on 2kg in 4 weeks and my gynae also told me to control diet. My bb only 300g at wk20. Gynae say baby weight is ok, I check Babycentre, 20 wk is around 300g. Quite upset that this preg I put on weight so fast and the weight is all on me. Now I try my best to control my diet (avoid high calorie food) as I afraid next visit my weight increase a lot again.
Ling - no leh my gynae only says eat wad i want to eat .. i told him i still puking ... but the sonographer says still in normal range still ok lor bb weight ...

Rykiel - yupz the lil o zone is opened for the cc kids they have a weekly playtime there as well as the pool .. nxt yr they will learn swimming when he n2 ..
<font color="red"><font size="+0">ayukie</font></font>: oh! samesame! EB also has swimming. those who dont join the lesson will go for the waterplay. i din let my #1 join the lesson as i wont b there to 'see' what is being taught. hehehe. so u enrolling him whn he in N2 ma?
i got my frend to carry my freestyle back from USA

i wanted enrol my boy in OCC but full, on waiting list very long and they called to ask me to go find other CC
enrol EB but within a week I withdraw
heard good reviews about JustKids too
my little campus at khatib has good reviews but no vacancy also

end up now my boy at home, only attend 3hr N1 at khatib area...so have to hire a maid so my mum will take care of both kids at home
Rykiel - erm think its in ciruculum .. waterplay for n1 and n2 onwards then learn swiming cause now still young .. dont seems to be enrichment wor ..
Ling! We are in the same class! Maybe we should say hi to each other :D :D :D

Hi MummyR - my little boy weigh 335g @ week 20 scan. The doc nv say is too heavy or too light. But i guess is the right weight range!
MummyR - hmz yeah i waitlist for a yr i think .. have a friend whoose son was studying there now her daughter and my son same class ..
<font color="red"><font size="+0">mummyR:</font></font> which EB u enroll. y withdraw? can share? justkids nearby my house lor~~~ now change sch for my #1 abit kuku. nw alr april liao. hehehe..

<font color="red"><font size="+0">ayukie:</font></font> boy is every mon swim. hehehe got one whole mth they went to northpoint every monday for waterplay instead of gg to the pool.

i still dont know my bb weight mans. roar. must ask the nxt round ler.
yup shld be ideal range

above interchange at yishun one
i dont like the teacher and the way they handle my boy so withdraw...hehe
<font color="red"><font size="+0">mummyR:</font></font> my #1 is inside there. 925 right. my boy loves it there. its like his hideout. ur boy hw old? which teacher. share ur xp with me. at least i can take caution. =P
my boy 2009 one...last yr oct i enrol him and withdraw
i think its teacher joy...she was a new teacher, young philino and no passion one...then the chinese teacher/teacher assistant shows favouritism, always carrying the boy she likes and dont pay attention to the other kids
hb and me didnt feel comfortable at all and my boy was having nightmares at night so we decide to let him stay at home till this yr, he just started 3hr N1
hmz my son had nightmares when i threw im in full day cc earilier this yr but so far the teachers are nice to him and able to handle him .. now he goes school when time to go home dont even want go home already haha ..
but then i also send him a yr of gug playgroup before his n1 ..
<font color="red"><font size="+0">mummyR:</font></font> i nvr met tis teacher b4 as yet maybe i ask my boy. ya if nightmare thn mei ban fa. stay hm. at least won scare the boyboy. hehehe
Hi Rykiel, it was my 1st bb. I am not sure abt putting in infant care or not. Cos I wanted to go back &amp; work but at home nobody can take care of my bb. My hb dun wan to hire maid cos he said 1 child no need 1st then he insist that my MIL can take care but I dun feel safe. Cos her house quite messy and a bit dirty.
Call up NUH for the antenatal course but was tell this 2 months fully book till June. The coordinator at 1st schdule me at 2 June then she realize it was full then she tell me she has to check with the instructor and get back to me the next day. Till now no news from her. Try calling back also no one and. Dunno wat to do. Sigh, if later then think dun need to go Liao..... Fainted.....
Hazel: IMO, i feel it's better to have MIL take care of bb better than maid. Because the very least you know your MIL will love her grandchild and will never do anything to harm him/her; compared to a maid who has no blood relations and will not hestiate to do anything crazy. I'm sure your MIL will be cleaner when it comes to taking care of bb. Also it is actually not good for bb to be living in a spotless environment as there will be less chance for bb to gain immunity to these little germs and fall sick easily (If you think back there seems to be much lesser illness with kids in the past compared to now).
Just did my detail scan 2 days ago... gender remains a mystery.
The suspense's killing me!! but my gyane very supportive of our initial agreement (dun wanna know gender), so during the detail scan, he never even go scan for gender... don't even let me try and 2nd guess. Haaa... so now, even he also dunno the gender. ARRGGHHH
I put on almost 3 kg since last visit to gynae a month ago.. but my gynae never say anything.. heng....

I just saw this video online.. very touch... cancer man made this video for his wife's bd before he die...

Warehouse sale: not going to any... cos don't know what to buy!! #3 liaoz.. so boring..
Starfantasy I kw what u mean but her house is not the normal messy and dirty as in dusty or never clean up. She has a habit to keep old and broken things and pick up rubbish and keep at home. At first she claim she will sell them to the garbage man who come weekly. But dunno y end up she never do. So now, we can't even go into her house and have a seat. I was told there r bugs at her house too. Although my hb assure me that my MIL will clean up properly and might even have a renovation. But I still scare. Some more, my hb has a younger sis that need to attend "special" school which my MIL dote most and need to take care too. So dun think she will have enough time to take care of my bb. And his sister always come home at 5plus which me &amp; hb not yet knock off. Can't be sure of bb safety when with MIL &amp; and that 'special' SIL. As she can't really speak and will only use action to tell. And she behave like little kid, will beat or pull to make ppl play with her or when she want to play with them. I scare she might unintentionally hurt my bb. If this happened, I will be struck as I can't blame my MIL &amp; SIL but as a mother who will allow our bb to get hurt on one way or the other.

Sigh.... Hard decision.... If only my mum able to help.
Hazel: Seems to be your MIL have a hoarding problem (OCD). If it gets too serious, it's advisable to get your hb to seek professional medical help for her. Understand your delima that if bb ever gets hurt, you cannot blame your MIL or SIL. In that case, then maybe a infant care is still better than a maid because you cannot supervise the maid 24/7 and it just takes a few minutes for something horrible to happen. Problem with infant care (not considering the fees) is that bb will get sick more often because you just need 1 kid to get sick to pass the virus around. But still manageable one. =)
It depends on bb. My gal swaddle till 4 months. Not we wanted to swaddle her but if swaddle, she will not be cranky and can sleep better. She slept in non air con room in the afternoon. I used those introduce by Mrs Wong as the cloth are better and bigger. Those bought outside don think can last very long interm of size.

I don really like aussin towels, think the material and colour will drop out. Few years back, I bought 2-3pcs and it stain my cloths. Now I used them on my window. Not sure about the quality now.
Maybe can consider get a maid put in your IL house if your hb insist that your MIL take care. At least got extra pair of hands to help out to clean house, look after baby and when your SIL is back.

Just to share, my #1 put in IFC after my ML. Main thing is the ratio is 1:5 according to MCYS guidelines, some centres will adopt 1:3-3.5, so firstly you have to accept that your baby wont be having 1:1 attention. Also must be prepared that baby always sick and have to keep take leave to take care and spend money see doc. The good thing I like is I can tell them what to do and they will follow. If is mum or mil, u tell them, they might not listen cos they take care according to their experience. Sit down and have a good discussion with your hb, am sure he also want the best for bb
J-A, actually I will prefer to put bb at my mum place even if I am getting a maid. As it will be safer &amp; closer to my house as my mum only live a few block away from mine. Also I dun need to worry abt bb being hurt by my 'special' SIL.

Think I better insist to get a maid and put bb at my mum pl instead.
Hazel, do you go over visit now? If say renovate, must start now, otherwise, if really last min then found out its still the same, then jialat.. But old pple will always say, we grow up in this kind of enviroment and their ways, so y now we question their method..

Yeah, i agree with jmmabb, my no.1 is also childcare, but seriously, i am happy with the results from no.1 and no.2 is following suit.. Only con is very expensive and they do fall sick easily after 6mths to 1 years old, ard once every month, but after that once they build their immune system, quite ok, will fall sick ard 2-4 months once, which is norm..
Hazel: If that's your choice, remember that the maid will not be able to do any household chores that are not related to taking care of bb (like washing the dishes, mopping the floor of the entire house etc). Unless the maid is to be registered at your mum's place because it's illegal for maid to work at more than 1 place. Also the insurance cover only cover accidents that happens at the registered working address.
ET, she still hasn't really start cleaning, how to do renovation. And I think she is still relentant to do so. But I will only consider putting my bb in IFC after 6 mths or so if really no choice.

Starfantasty, if I getting maid, I will prefer her to do household chore then looking after bb as my mum physically not too strong with the household chore nowsaday. But the problem now is if I register under my place then she won't be able to help out in my mum place in cooking and simple daily house work? think cleaning of whole house still my pl 1st.
<font color="red"><font size="+0">hazel:</font></font> infant care compared to maid got pros n cons. infant care got all the bumpers n all. but turn back to think if infant care. how to monitor all day? we cant fix cam to chk on bb. at hm can chk with cams ard. hmm.. MIL prob huh. me is nono to mil lookin aft. if wanted to my #1 alr give her look aft. but ur hub is v persistant in putting with ur mil than i tink u all hv to sit dwn n discuss. u all staying alone right? if put at hm than maybe fix cam? my hse is evening thn gt ppl cm back der. if get maid can get mil to pop by? or ur mum perhaps? dirty wise i agree with star, no matter hw dirty she will also b 'clean' towards bb bah. last time ppl no DHA AHA milk all maciam stronger. nw we dong bu dong bb c doc =( infant care u must standby ample leaves also. cos bb will keep falling sick. K~A mentioned abt the ratio thing is another point. if u dun mind PRCs, alot of PRCs as infant care teachers nw also.. 5 babies 1 teacher. bb cry how? i also stumped now. cos i hesitating to get maid or not. or put infant care. ROARROARROAR.

<font color="red"><font size="+0">gloomybear: </font></font>u r in wk??
Hazel: Yes, the maid can only do house work at the registered address. Only in the area of taking care of elderly or children is grey, such that if they go to another place, as long as the chore is justify part of taking care of the intended person (Eg. washing only the children/elderly clothes, cooking only for the children/elderly, cleaning only the room the children/elderly stays in) then is okie. Although some maid agency will tell you that you just need to let the maid know beforehand, but you'll never know if the maid can turn her back on you and complain to turn this into a lawsuit. So IMO, better don give the maid any chance against you.

Rykiel: Although in infant care monitoring is not always possible, but because it is considered in public, ppl don't tend to misbehave. Unlike a maid behind closed door, there's no one to see what she is doing to the bb. Even if fix camera at home, parents cannot be looking at it 24/7 and it can just takes a few minutes for things to happen. I agree there's risk in putting bb in infant care, so all the more we need to do homework in deciding which infant care is best for our bb. Actually forget to mention that the ratio may not be a bad thing. We used to think that 1:1 is always the best, but there are some studies that shows that babies know how to interact with each other since very young and by putting them into a group they are more likely to be well socialized and meet development milestones faster. Also sometimes bb need to learn how to self soothe/self entertain. All these are important traits to being independent when bb grows up.
having maid to go over to MIL or mum house is a headache cos they cant be sitting there and look after our bb only and our mum does the housework. my previous maid almost sent complaint letter to MOM that she works in 2 house but lucky I fired her before she sent that letter out and found that form that she had filled up. If possible ladies, see how you can have ur mum/MIL come over to your place to help you.
Your mum take care would be best, will be easier for you to communicate with her. Ask your mum over to your place is a gd idea too because you dont have to buy doubles for both households. Is your hb agreeable ? U may also want to discuss with your mum if she ok with maid too.

Infant care - for those want to put in IFC may consider registering early as usually they are full. For my #1, only got a place 1 mth before my ML ends. Like ET, I am happy with my #1 in IFC and my #2 will also go IFC. Depends on how you want your child to be brought up. Every coin has 2 sides. Find the childcare arrangement that suits you best...
