(2012/08) Aug 2012

MummyR: Only stroller! Cause we wanted something that has got higher seat level so baby wont always see backsides haha! I saw the stokke the very first time and feel in love with it but yesterday the Joolz salesperson got me.

Saw so many things at the TAKA fair but cannot buy yet even the stroller cause MIL dont want me to bring and move anything.

Admire so many who knows gender and feel baby kicking!!! I dont feel anything lei. Next week then i get to see doc... the last time my ultrasound printout baby backfaced me showing me buttock.

yalo, how to resist the kelian look when they hug our legs and say mama baobao! i always give in, though i try not to carry for long periods of time..

BBL and mummyR, my boy also quite rough and sleeps with us.. so i'm also very afraid he'll kick my tummy. most of the time i sleep on my side, curled up, so will have some protection for the baby..

when i went taiwan, someone would offer me a seat almost immediately every time i entered the train.. coz was manduca-ing #1 and carrying a backpack.. their ppl really very nice when it comes to giving up their seats.. sometimes even the elderly in their 50s would give their seat up to me.. i'm very amazed.. definitely not the case in SG, even so, definitely not 100%.. but in taiwan it was every single time, within seconds of boarding someone would offer their seat..
Kelly - i too admire those mummies who already know bb gender. i went for my scan last week but bb butt facing us and legs are close. cant even tell. now am in 17 weeks.. stomach still not that obvious and cant feel anything either. haha
Mindy: YA! Sometimes i keep thinking if i'm pregnant or not as well cause dont feel anything yet. Hopefully baby will surprise us soon!! Like during the detailed scanning leg open super big!!!!
Korean respect elderly so the elderly there always have their head up high. They will push you if you dont get out of their way.

Where is PH?

Re: Giving up seat
I have seen preggy woman stood infront of those seated down and stare at them. In the end, she really got a seat. I have ppl gave up seat to me before when i have my #1. That time my tummy very big, so i abit slow. One of the bangla thought got seat and sat down but other passenger ask him to get up. LOL 好公民since when taken out ? MOE must put it back.
MummyR: Hopefully we all can start feeling something.
Haha i promised my hubby no more shopping of clothes for me and will save the money to only get baby stuff and even baby cot we're on cheaper alt as my room too small cannot fit a big cot. So from there we save abit to fund for stroller.
kelly ,
but i read alot of review say joolz wheel and chasis alot of problemn easy to spoil , but yet its really easier to keep cos no need detach ..
i tried the bugaboo and joolz , the bugaboo seems more sturdy , nt so shaky .. but its the must take out the carry cot that is stopping me ...
sorry folks, i am in Manila, Philippines!

actually i came here so often i can help you guys buy, next time i come here i bring bigger luggage. when i am back in SG i send u guys the photo of what i bought.
Haiz .. all mummies know gender liao ..
I die die dun wan go taka fair .. haha .. will wait till my detail scan next week ... then i will march down to taka and spree my way thru .. wahahahaa ...
i know gender liao...all the more no shopping

my boy has more than enough clothes for didi!

re: taka fair
actually its to see everything together
but i feel prices not cheap
nahnah: Oh man really aiya nvm la haha buy already see how. Then when really cannot use already buy cheaper stroller lo haha. I actually didnt want to go TAKA yesterday wanted to go next week but cant resist!
Kelly/ MummyR - yes! when r you going for ur detailed scan? mine is 3 weeks time. i too feel im not pregnant, feel like all is fats around my tummy. haha.
Mindy: Mine i think next week my doc will arrange for me cause i'm only 16weeks now haha. Ya i feel my tummy super huge thats why cant feel anything like the fats to thick already.
mummy R : but like that at least no temptation ... haha ..my cousin just went canada , so pek chek cannt see, so everything she buy 2 set , 1 pink 1 blue .. haha ...

kelly: i tink i gonnna make hubby bring me to see both stroller again before deciding

Anyway .. any mummies wana buy the mimijumi bottle ? cos i ordered alot of things then using the forwarder in usa to ship out my items including another stroller .. if you all wana get small item like mimijumi bottle i dun mind you all tagging along in the shipping
Oh ya ... btw do you all feel that your appetitie increases ? i have nt put on more than 1kg since pregnant , but this week i realise i like eating like lion .. omg omg ...is it normal or i shld controll...
there is a vast difference in manners btw my family n my hb side. so i want my girl to have n know the basics since young. don be like my BIL, 28yr old basic manners and respect also don have for MIL.

btw, my #1 finally accept my bb liao after all the talking. now she will hug n kiss bb n me n sayang bb.if she knock me will ask bb pain pain ah?
am so glad n she is improving her behaviour in sch, guess the initial jealousy n "6th sense" was the reason of her horrid behaviour.

2more days for me to c bb and know the gender

hb called during lunch n remind me to tell bb must open leg big big this fri *hahaha*
Ling: if i did not remeber wrongly.. My girl is around 10cm plus at 16 weeks. Bb length can reach 50cm (frm head to toe) when birth, so bb still got pretty long way to go!

MummyR: i think that's spotting but it's a sign of overtired or overexert. Don't overexert le n take good care!

Ytd i finally confirm bb move! Being a first time mum, dunno how to differentiate bb move frm tummy gas or intestinal movement. I was lying on my back and puting my palm on my lower tummy and suddenly i feel like something "swim" frm the middle to the side of my tummy. Cannot be gas cos i ate long time ago n this time very localised movement. I guess girl girl likes to swim in my tummy..

Although i don't have human kids i have fur kids. One of my cats is heavyweight, now wt 7kg. And he loves to be carried by me so will also give me the big big eyes. I still carry him but just ensure he don step on my tummy.

Stroller i prefer aprica.. Partly i'm baised towards japan brands.. N also need a lightwt one cos most of the time i'll lug it around myself when i bring bb to and fro to the infantcare center at my workplace.
nahnah - i guess is normal?! i too did not put much weight since preg. but last week i went for my checkup and i put on 3kg from my last month checkup!! i tend to eat more at night. perhaps building up fats instead. gynae nv say anything, just commented that im having a good life.
i guess i better try to control my weight in case im overweight. from what i heard, an average of 10-13kg gain will be ideal for the whole pregnancy.
i will buy rocker cause i have got for #1 and he is still using to eat his dinner and abit dirty for newborn haha so i will get a new one for my #2
nahnah: I dont mind trying the bottles! I was planning to get tommee tippy bottles cause i felt that it resembles the breast more. How much is it? Ya go try the strollers again and compare!
For those who haven feel bb move, don worry too much esp first time mum cos like me very hard to differentiate the movement frm bb or something else. Or it could be so subtle that we miss it. Normally for first time mums, concrete movement can be felt at 20 weeks when they really start to kick harder (cos they also bigger) then.

Nahnah: i don think think ur appetite cause of worry. I also suddenly eat like lion since last wk (before that eat normally). Your doc should inform u if bb growing too big for his/her age.
mindy :10-13kg ?
Kinda worried i might overshoot .. my family all "meaty" one .. haha ..
very stress abt next week detail scan .. hear so many horrid story .. like hair stylist told me he found out his son gt hole in heart in details can .. then nw baby only 1 years old but alrdy have 3 heart surgery .. then saw on another forum say only one kidney etc etc .. haiz ... getiing para para paranoid ..
nahnah - this is an average ideal weight gain thoughout the whole pregnancy. pple say one so i just took it for reference. i guess as long as ur gynae says bb is fine and not overweight or underweight, it should be ok. dun worry too much else will affect bb.
kelly , i buy liao the bottles i buy is the mimijumi 4 oz .. i read cos the texture very simiar to breast and colour also .. thats why baby will nt bite or suck much differently from breast... like that ur breast wun get more torture (worry bb bite the nipple la ) ...

Anyway it is abt 12-20 usd including shipping ..
If wana order , you can order online from those usa online shops .. .. i pm you the address for it to send to .. so you dun have to pay additional oversea shipping haha ..
Star Fanatsy : A relief to hear that you also same .. haha ... i only see gynea next week .. so now all dignosis is self given haha .. hubby say i worry too much ... haiz ..
Nahnah: don't worry too much, not good for bb also. But i know say easier than done cos i also a worry wort before i go for my detail checkup, so what i did is pray. Not saying praying will help u also, but the thing is do something that can take ur mind away frm the worry.
Kelly : i paid abt 21 usd and i find that its abit more ex .. but at $40 sgd .. its really ex i find haha.. if you dun mind tagging and waiting then cheaper to buy from usa then send to my forwarder .. like that you only pay abt $25-28 sgd in total ..
got temption...to buy girls stuff but can only SEE!

told hubby im going for #3! lol

yes doc say prob i over exert myself...trying to carry my boy less

re: flip flops
anyone wearing?
i wear it often...esp yday walk quite abit wearing it
dunno if i shld stop wearing it?
JC, juz read your post about the spreeing. I ordered few pcs from Oshkosh, Carters, Childrensplace under overseas sprees thread. Heard waiting time normally more than a mth, hence, start ordering now n they have sales n additional disc on top of sales price. Trying to come out my list of clothes to be bought n pricing as well. Very busy now.. Hehe.

Nahnah, don't think too much on detailed scan. We juz wait till tat day, walk in, say hi to bb n come out. Bb for sure is healthy. Believe it.

Taka sales, I still haven't go. Still not feeling good going to crowded places. See how it goes.

Last week gain 1 kg, today weight again, gain another kg again. But I don't think I eat much. Sigh.. Let's see wat Gynae's view in next visit.

I think I can feel bb kick. I'm in my 19 wks 0 day.
MummyR, i oso tempted buying bb gal clothes lor. Guess wat, end up I bought few for my SIL's coming bb. At least, help a bit in curing my hand itchiness in buying bb gal stuffs.
MummyR: it's only my first and hubby say want to close shop already -_-|||

QQ: i went to the taka fair on mon.. Totally not crowded at all. Try to go on wkdays ba
wah ok time for shopping.. thanks QQ

MummyR> I am still wearing my crocs flipflop.. i like cos even slippery floor, the grip is good.. i mean water on cemented floor or what.. and the support is quite good also.. but i dunno when it grows very big that time is it ok or not.
i n u diff, hb is the one who want more then 1.
i am the one who wanna stop at 1 but alias haix.. here i am still wondering y am i putting myself thru MS, back aches etc etc..
opps i meant fitflops....hehhee

re: fitflops
anyone wearing?
i wear it often...esp yday walk quite abit wearing it
dunno if i shld stop wearing it?
supposedly built in gym in the shoe
wahhh im only in my 15wk++ nia .. nxt week then week 16 and seeing my bb again haiz .. i gt a long long way to go ..
MummyR n ayukie: hopefully, my target is 2.. But both me n hubby actually prefer girl.. Haha.. Hubby say girl cuter cos he say he watch his younger bro grow up n it's kind of boring.. XD

Jen: when u see n hold ur bb, u'll know it worth it. All mummies love their kids! Although i also have quite a few prob (which i nvr expected), we r all going thru this together.. Jia you!
my hubby initially says 1 enough then we had #2 lol now he thinking if we can have #3 .. i told him that will cfm be accident liaoz haha .. esp if my bb gender no change and still is a G! hehe

i also thought so but now im trying find cause of my bleeding and want avoid it

hehee...i also dunno why i type flip flops! lol
i wear crocs too! very comfy...but my legs grew fat and now my covered crocs is giving me blisters!
