(2012/08) Aug 2012

I still tot mine quite far away.. 6 yrs diff.. haha

I actually started my pre-natal during my week 12.. haha.. but looking for a better messeur... and i need one that can come my hse.. cos now i dun feel like going anywhere at all after work or over the weekend.. my vomitting still quite bad.. and very selective with food... Only can eat noodles... whenever i eat rice confirm vomit everything out.... haiz...

and I lost 5kg liao... haiz
Something i hate about pregnancy is super duper heavy discharge...one discharge one panty liner is fully soaked..if let panty liner soaked for a little longer..vagina get irritated n gets red...i think i need to use pad liao..super hate it...
Celeste, yours very serious, i at week 17 and finally can eat rice and chicken, but pork still no no, my baby is halal baby.. hahaha..

I also 10 years gap with my younger bro, but i think is good, I closer to my younger bro then older bro.. :p
Wow, BBL, your discharge so heavy? Last time the same thing happen to me, but tat was ard 32 weeks and later on, its was my water bag that leaked!
Welcome. Don't worry too much about the Oscar result. Most of the time is false positive. Mine was bad too. Did the CVS test and got an all clear result. Age does play a part in giving bad result.

Fwah! Cord two rounds around baby can still vacuum? I thought normally will go for c-sect liao? Not risky meh?

My no. 1 emergency c-sect, no. 2 i managed to try natural birth. 2.5 years apart. Given a choice, I wouldn't want to have c-sect as the internal wound actually takes a long time to recover. It has been 4 year+ since I had my c-sect I can still feel the wound when I have hard cough or when I carry heavy things...

Do take care. Will you reschedule your Amnio test?
ninger - i was advised by my gynae to just go for the c-sect instead of trying for natural .. and if i insist on tryin for natural i need to deliver in kkh instead ..

u deliver in kkh? i did want to try natural but need change gynae leh ..
my boy also 2 yrs + i did want to deliver naturally this time round though
given a choice i won't want to induce!!! but overdue and has been advised better to induce n see if natural birth can occur lor!

yes i really want to try VBAC! but... i just gave birth last year!!! gap will be only like about 18 months!
I delivered both babies in Parkway East (Eastshore). Gynae was not against the idea of me trying to go natural for no. 2 but said that got to depend on baby's size when near full term. My no. 2 was born 3 days overdue and at that time Gynae was persuading me to go for c-sect already but I insisted on trying natural still. Finally manage to do it with epi+vacuum. Baby's weight was 3.457, pretty accurate to my Gynae's estimation during my last check-up prior to delivery.
I think most Gynaes will advise not to go for natural if have c-sect history in order to avoid any potential complication bah..
only know the cord is 2 round my bb when bb is out..so thats explain y i had a hard time pushing n bb still refused to come out..hopefully this round can smooth smooth.
hope that my #2 can don induce also, my #1 induce cos i wanted natural n bb was getting too big at 39wks so gynae insist i induce else cannot natural
ninger - hmz my gynae from start tell me if i want to do natural he will give me my records and ask me to go kkh cause he says there is a 1% that in midst of delivering the baby wait wound open and that requires some machines that kkh have only to take the baby out within seconds and pte hosp dont have so he downright rejected me .. if i have a chioce i would rather natural though
totally understand how u feel cos i'm also in the same boat...

VBAC has got some a certain level of risk of the old wound rupturing! it's life threatening to both the mom and the baby lor... i ever read up vbac on the SMH forum and came across a few sad stories.. =(
hmz i didnt read .. just that he say .. i also dont know the risk lah just that my gynae downright ejected me .. and then i dont want deliver in kkh haha ..
BBL: it's quite rare for discharge to be that much. If doc confirm it's not leaking fluids, the maybe chinese med can help u 调理 ur body.

Might be a bit off topic, but the misconception that cord ard bb neck is very dangerous is not true. When i went for the first mum n dad congress, dr say it's actually pretty common and most of the time, will not be fatal. Just that during delivery got to be a little more careful.
Yeah, I did read that there is definitely risk involved in VBAC.. mostly related to wound rupture during delivery. Heard some failed attempts in the end still got to go for emergency c-sect.. double pain lor. Am just glad that I managed to do it hence sharing my experience..

Is that so? I learn something today..
my #1 also had two rounds of cords around his neck. he is delivered naturally. maybe his case not life threatening, his heartbeat is ok throughout.
i think once baby's heartbeat show distress then it has to b csect.
starfantasy, ya, i read from a book few weeks ago tat oso saying cord around bb neck is common and it oso states that bb does play with the cord.. emm.. a bit scary when read it, play with the cord..
Ya I read abt that too n my gynae say it's common n almost all bb delivered with cord ard them. So not to worry unless there is a drop in heartbeat
Dear All,
Ifinally got my amnio test done today. Called the fetal care center in NUH. informed them that my er has subsided. So professor asked me to go down to NUH for the procedure.Now I m resting in home till Saturday. On 2.5 days hospitalization leave. The whole procedure was fairly quick. The withdraw of fluid only 3 minutes. Maybe even less than that. prof is very confident and calm when performing such tests. The fluid looks yellowish and look like our urine.
Now the little one weigh 150 gm in week 18. It's a bit small size. Prof asked me to take less carbo and take more protein. So he recommends that I take protein powder.
Dear Jen,
My normal scan also tmr, at 18 weeks! ALso hope to see gender cos after appt, going taka fair. But due to my adenomyosis, scan not clear one, everything looks blurry inside. I am worried baby is in same position as 2 weeks ago, indicating my adenomyosis causing my uterus is so thick until baby really no space. At week 16, baby just looked rather awkward facing downwards and arms and legs spread out and didn't move much.

Dear Celeste,
Welcome to the thread and I really wish you the very best for your amnio!!! Stay positive!!! Wa, week 12 can massage ah? Where did you go huh? I don't dare le! Guai guai wait til after 20th week ba.

Dear Nahnah,
I also bought the trial session from babies and bellies during the Expo fair. I also booked Ida for her pre-natal. Both also start in 5th month. First appt with Ida is 21st April. So long!!!
Hi, I recently called up Mt E to enquire abt their antenatal classes. The person said I shld join the June classes - the 5 classes last over an entire month. Not sure if useful but I'm a first time mum, don't know anything, so confirm joining =)
Tiggeroo: Thanks! Was thinking to signup as well cause not sure useful or not. Just afraid later when baby comes, i forget everything
thanks for sharing a success story about vbac! =) it's indeed encouraging to hear from people who have succeeded in delivering natural after having a csect! acts as a motivation!

I believe in God's will trust that He will see us through in the things that He has planned for us... so praying and hoping for the "not so possible" scenario to happen but still praying... hahaa...

I also read somewhere that cord around bb's neck is not so life threatening. But i guess my #1 was in distress and i had to undergo the knife lah.. =(

Kelly, Tiggeroo...
For first time mommies, it sure help in some ways by attending the classes! =)
rest well. Think critical is first 3 days. I will be taking mine next SAt. So Mon should be on MC.

Don't worry, everything will go smooth. The more MS, the bb more healthy.

I find this bb v funny, I was sick yesterday, slept a lot and drank a lot of cooling water. Then this morning suddenly remember yesterday no ms sign n I ask bb r u ok cos pregnant not suppose to drink so much cooling water. After 3 min, I almost puke, so is bb reaction to my question.

Pre-natal massage
Ida do that? how much will she charge?
Yeah, most critical is first few days. my gynae wanted me to take good rest to let the needle poking site to seal up. The procedure was not so pain, only feeling like drawing blood.
first will do a scanning to determine the safe window to withdraw fluid, then the whole things start.
My total costs was like 800 plus. So after medisave, I w only paying 303 by cash. I did it in NUH. It is Prof Biswas who will be delivering my bb draw it for me.
Before I perform the test, bb was kicking actively.
Soi told bb not to be scare n be strong, everything is gonna to be ok. Then bb stops kicking Liao. Later at night time, bb starts kicking again.
Morning Mummies, its TGIF!

Yanlin> Jiayou! Have a good rest...

Jiljz> can, but dont exceed 2 oe 3 serving a week...
<font color="aa00aa">yanlin</font>
<font color="aa00aa">rest well and keep us posted on your results</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Kelly, Tiggeroo</font>
<font color="aa00aa">i've signed up for antenatal classes on end Apr at TMC. was told its good for 1st timer to attend. maybe you will like to see if there are any class earlier than June? we might be a little big and heavy in June?</font>
@loves: i have also signed up for the one in late apr... =) class will be conducted by mrs wong...we will be attending the sat afternoon class..how abt u?
Morning!! Yanlin, Jia You.

Ytd, my Hb ordered an iPad 3. He said this is for bb. #%^^++ speechless. He told bb ytd night,"papa can't sing ar.. So papa buy iPad for u. Then u can learn n sing from there. Got so many funs stuffs there, abc, songs, story telling...".

I wonder when is the best time to expose bb to iPad or iPhone? Any views or experience to share? Really good for education?
read online and if memory nv fail me...they said best not to let bb watch tv/videos during their first year... hahaa... but my son got hooked no ipad when he was about 10months old! he loves the rhymes and stories with the animations! his fav: The Three Little Pigs! hahaa...
@loves: cya then.. =)

@jljz, !QQ: i think nowadays a lot of parents in order to keep their kids still while eating or on the transport, they juz give their kids the iPhones or the ipads to keep them entertained...not sure if its the best though...

cannot watch video? cos my hb said gg to buy me samsung tab for me to watch my drama but I was hoping to let bb use

based on studies, by right shld only exposure tv or such after 2yrs old
but its quite impossible to enforce! i started showing my son tv after 1yr cos that is the only way to make him sit still for a while. we try limit to 1hr per day
cos early exposure increases the risk of AHDH
some studies say kids have short attention span and are hyperactive due to too much exposure
