(2012/08) Aug 2012

my hb says my tummy nt big enoulf likdat .. told him i puke everything i eat/drink lol how to grow much? i think 2 mths later i will eat durain agn .. but nt as many as before haha ..
MOrning too!

Disclaimer here, i hope i do not offend anyone by saying this. Regarding giving up seats, it's not a entitlement that we preggy woman get as there's no law to say ppl must give up their seats. It's up to ppl who has a heart and are kimd enough to understand that we greatly appreciate a seat or our aching lega or prevent ourselves frm falling. Instead pf feeling angry, i feel sad for those ppl who doesn't give up their seats cos they have no compassion and also feel sad for their parents for they never teach their kids compassion.
Starfantasy> hahaha agree.. but seriously, i felt that the "reserved' seats should be left empty and only be taken by those who really needs it..
I guess ppl these days never take Hao gong ming hahahaha
haha starfantasy.. no worries la.. i agree with u.. so my advice here is just take care of yourself when in mrt and ensure nobody pushes you just to grab the seat. I think most pregnant ladies here just hope for a seat..

But i still feel foreign talents specifically to certain countries should go home. they are the irritating lot to me.. they pushes and damn selfish. I am that biased. haha
Sherry> our clever garment took out hao gong ming from the syllabus.. but I heard they are going to put it back..

In Taiwan nobody takes such seats one lor.. Singaporean needs to learn to be more gracious.. So does the foreigners. Not just pregnant ladies even to elderly and ppl who need the seats more. If I see an elderly in the mrt or bus I will still give up my seat for them despite being pregnant. Parents got to teach.

But not to offend anyone, nowadays many parents drives and never take mrt and some did not even take mrt before.. how to teach? So MOE hopefully puts the syllabus back soon.
JC, they took out hao gong ming?? I didnt know that. I always tot that was an excellent syllabus to teach the kids! What a pity they took out! No wonder today the kids i meet is quite a headache to handle!

There were people who will offer me seat when i face my tummy in front of them. But that becos i really needed one le. The times i know i can handle without a seat meaning is a short like 2 to 3 stations away, i will not face them.

I live in Punggol, so not so bad to go town i got a seat right at the beginning. Is the headache when u return.
JC> Ya, seriously i think they should put it back.. But seriously, i think parents play an even more important role to instill the right values to the kids.. I find parents sort of give in alot to the kids these days..

Re: Foreign talents
Hmm..there are some really uncouth one but i notice most who gave up their seats are Bangladesh workers.. ahahhaa..
=) if you all want can try to see if can car pool and arrange transportation for people working in the same area? not sure if this can work!
haha ya mummies they took it out for some time already... and recently i heard from news they gonna put it back.. that is really something that kids need to learn not just study and study but also something for their well being.

Sherry> I am not referring to bangla.. there are more irritating ones! bangla just love to lean on pole.

Happy> I am the same as you if only a few stops I dun really bother.. even long journeys hor i also just to make sure i am at a corner whereby I got a pole to grab and able to hold myself steadily. if ppl give up seats then i will take.

Its pretty pathetic to see how singapore is turning into these days.. i remember in the past everybody is so nice whereby there will always be ppl giving up seats to elderly/ pregnant ladies.. that is like 10 over years back. now is getting lesser and lesser especially from the young ones as in teenagers.
by the way mummies.. i saw someone doing spree for zujiroshi flasks. So if you need those portable ones you may wan to grab it.. the spree ends tmr.. at the bulk purchase there..
Talk about giving out seats:
1) I was once in Taiwan and accidentally took elderly seat as quite blur tat time and first time visiting Taiwan, in one of the stop, an old lady on board and look very fierce/stern on me and asked me to give up my seat. Well, I think, in Singapore, we are too polite and we hardly really dare to speak up and tell them "hey, I need the seat". If, most of us do so, think, new comers and existing riders, will put the practise of giving up seats to the needy easily.

2) My hb went to China for an outstation project. In one of the day during after work peak hours, they were trying to get a cab, they waved and cab stopped. To their surprise, a little kid rushed into the cab and his mother shouted "Welldone, son!" in chinese, “孩子干得好!!” Well, I commented this to a PRC colleague, she told me, in china, they learnt to compete since kids, population too huge, fight for everything. End up, it become a norm to them to fight even for a seat. Talk about msian and pinos, may be back home, they dont have this kind of seats reserved programme for needy people. Hence, unaware of it. But by the time they know, everyone seems fighting for seats, they follow as well.

3) As for some of us, we are so doted to our kids. We rather giving up seats to our kids as we thought that they are tired and etc, instead of letting them sit on our legs. I saw even "Ah Ma" let the grandkid sit and she is standing. The kid is in age 5-7. I think, in this age, isn't it they are big enough to stand properly and hold the "Ah Ma"'s hands, and let Ah Ma sit? Are we the one tat trained our kids to be more self centered? I'm not sure am I correct, this is my first bb, I have no experience yet to conclude or judge.

I'm not trying to offend anyone
, juz sharing my view. This has been always in my mind.
haha u know.. long time ago i gave up a seat cos this aunty really look tired .. she said - I AM NOT OLD! LOL! I was taken aback... i dunno if i am more paiseh or she more paiseh...

Then another time a girl was rubbing a tummy, i also stand up - she said i am not pregnant! But i stomache... and she sat down .... LOL!

haha really funny lar. When i went Japan, i appreciate they have this train carriage reserves only for ladies - pregnant and elderly. Basically is to protect the ladies. I like that idea. They should do that in SG. But my hubby said SGs are terrible one. They don't know how to zhuo ren. LOL!
Starfantasy & Sherry,
i also agree with u both, we r not entitled to the seats and if ppl don offer we also LL. but seriously been to japan and taiwan and those seats r usually left empty even if the trains are packed.

i have encountered an incident on a bus where this preg women scream at a old lady (50s) who was sitting on priority seat n upon noticing the preg lady standing on the crowded bus offered her the seat. instead of been appreciative, she shouted

i feel bad for the aunty cos she deserve the seat too compared to the students n man sitting on the other priority seats.

recently, i took a priority seat n a couple sit opp me the usual 2 seater on mrt and threw me a dirty look before speaking loudly tat have reserved seats r so unneccessary. we pay same price also y must give our seats up.
the girl agreed n they start they lovely dovey.

i hope the girl gets her karma n the guy will understand how his future preg wife will suffer.

Nowadays sch no longer teach hao gong ming, they prob think is a waste of time n they can use it to improve acadamic results.
i just bought a zujiroshi rice cooker .. intend get a flask either tiger or zujiroshi for the red date tea but seems like that time the 25% off for robinsons more worth
Jen > 一種米養百种人.. pretty shocked to hear that they said that!

Government realise they should put it back and thats why they are going to put it back.
hm i have bangala offer me seats before for my #1 and the china women just sit down right in front of me (me being slow) and chit chat on the reserved seat ..
Ayukie > I just bot from that spree.. I haven get the airpot.. dunno is that useful or not cos we have those electric small kettle.. buying a little at a time.
but i have those stupid poly students that push into the already crowded train and expects us to move back back into the train and never apologise for using teir bags as weapons to push you inside where there is no support even though you are preg and then screams that people should move and let them into the train and move around and chit chat loudly .. anyway it was only a stop for me and the next stop i shouted in their ears "EXCUSE ME" ...
I really feel like telling the preg lady, there is no need to scream at the kind tots of others even if its late. better late then nv and pls note that she is also an elderly. go scream at the students if u must! but i worried next thing she say i bully preg woman.

i do admit kids nowadays r really pampered n spoilt. sometimes i jus ask my girl to hug me while i hold her tight if i jus take a few stops on train. if someone offers me a seat i always tell my gal to say thank you and mention to her when she grows up she have to give up seats also like preg lady stomach pain pain, gong gong n po pos leg pain pain n didi/ meimei/ bb may fall down. she understands that she is not entitled to a seat n don demand but yet is thankful for a seat whenever she gets one.

many ppl look at me like some crazy woman when i explain to my girl on the spot cos if the incident past kids forget.

i mean when they r at this age they still willing to listen when they grow up they may change we dunno but at least i know i taught her since young to b gracious and compassionate.
haha i will use my hands to guard my tummy... lol. U can hit my hands, buttock or shoulder.. bUT NOOOO NOT MY TUMMY!

and i also will observe. if got crowd rushing.. i will just let the crowd go in first.. Don't want to bump myself into them!
Jen > the lady is being rude lor. Ya I will teach my kids the same.. I actually felt embarassed when there was one day where my fren brought her kids out with us and the kid just tell the mum " hey, 我沒有位坐leh.." then somebody stood up to take the seat.. I went speechless when the mother said nothing to the kid but she thank the person. Zzzz Kids are innocent and pure but got to correct them.

Any mummies bought those rocker? I dunno whether i should invest in a good one. cos worry the little one doesnt want to rest in it.
OMG.. I didn't know they took out the moral studies.. No wonder more kids these days are behavings like brats and barbarians... And when they grow up, i don't even dare to think..

Goverment always want to focus on the academic but got what use is a person who is smart but no moral values? While i partly agree that moral education vales should be taught by parents cos it's best taught by examples.. But now with majority of both parents working full time, the schools will be appreciated by giving a head start and then parents will follow up.

Aiyo.. Although i do agree that a lot of prc are very competitive and some even uncoth and brainless (thinking back the comments made by the prc scholar in nus -_-|||), every country sure have black sheep. But i personally meet a few who are very nice. I have gone to japan and was really amazed by their attitude and personal cultivation. Singapore can do a little to be more like japan, although the citizens are still competitive, moral values are still given priority. Haven been to taiwan but do heard that ppl don take the priority seats for no reason, very commendable as well
Which is why now i rather speand $5 to take the premium bus to work.. at least i know i definitely get a seat. I worked in raffles place and thus, if i really need a seat that day.. i will take to MS then head back to AMK hahahaha..

I think grandparents all dote on the kids.. i think most will be willing to give up their seats for their grand children hahaha..
i have the old sch type, netted and can bounce a bit more like a bouncer then rocker. usually i put bb there is the day where she can b in the living area with me or sometimes i in kitchen i bring her to kitchen door lor, at least can c bb.
i believe so too, once i saw a teenage boy asking the granny to help him take his ice cream cone while he help the dad load some stuff in boot at carpark. after tat he took the ice cream cone back n said thank you to his granny.

i feel so touched!! i know it is basic courtesy n manners but it is so rare to c kids tat age sec 2-3 to behave like this.
even now i teach my girl to greet me n my hb when she take her meals cos i realise no one does tat now, my hb was not taught this way but i taught my girl to greet n whenever we have reunion dinner, only me n my girl greets every elderly at the table.
everyone else feels weird to c me n my girl do it but i think she shd learn
Jen> ya, its akk basic courtesy and all these have to be instill when they are young.. which is why, i ensure my daughter greet the neighbours she bump along the walkway/corridor.. However, most of the neighbours' kids dun greet at all..
Jen > think i go take a look.. First time mummies a lot of things to buy.. I am also looking at the "battlefield pack" for my hubby to bring during delivery.. wahahaha.. thats the only term i can think of.

Hopefully can settle the pack before 3rd trim. I am still in the sleepy and love to sleep mode.. easily tired even though 2nd trim liao.
Hi All,

I just got a go ahead to travel :D Can i check where is good for preggy mommies? My hubby not very happy that the doc give go ahead. LOL! He keep saying dun travel lar.. LOL!

I am thinking of Taiwan - but is really alot to walk right? What say you all ? Let me know
Star fantasy,
Been to Taiwan once...no matter how crowded the train is, priority seats are always empty..when old ppl or woman with kids, they will just head for those seats when they come in
Totally impressed!

That's good manners that you are teaching ur girl!

Check out rocker cum high chair from combi
There are similar brands that are cheaper...saw at kiddy palace
It rocks horizontally and can be converted into high hair and has different heights
Borrowed from my frend for #1...it's really good
Cos I did not use tha yaolan
Kelly ,
did you buy the joolz or xplory in the end ?
I am debating between joolz and bugaboo for like 2 weeks .. argg ...
Sandy, Taka CC card apply from where? From taka or which bank?

Nose muscus have bleeding is normal during pregnancy.
Suddenly had brown bleeding this morning..rushed to gynea and she say probably I over exerted myself...15weeks plus already
So mummies pls don't walk too much or carry too heavy things

Confirm it's a 2nd boy for me

Gynea say can save money! Hahaa
congrats on knowing the gender! =) rest well n yes dun exert yourself lah... though i'm trying to too! my #1 did a slum dunk on my tummy on sat evening.. had cramps and pain on my groin area till Mon... And nowadays I realise after carrying my boy, I tend to have this pain a little bit more on my right side...

sighhhh... can't see the gender yet... but all the people who know say it is going to be another BOY! oh well... except for my gynae who said it didn't look like a BOY to him!
congrats mummy R

i constantly feel the pain or stretching lo..as compared to my no 1...i guess could be becos i carried my 12kg boy too much
yah lor! =( n my hubby is now so against me carrying my boy! i said i cannot not carry him! especially when he come n hug my leg n begging me with his ke lian look to get me to carry him leh!
thanks! my gynea say carrying is fine but not too much of carrying
i asked if cos my boy bumps into my tummy alot...could it be the reason for my bleeding
she say hard to say cos she dont think it will
but she ever had a case of miscarriage after the #1 kick mummy's tummy! scary lor
so i gotta be careful of my #1 esp when he sleeps with me and he is a rough boy!
anyway gynea was concern that i dont look preggie at all at 15weeks plus....heng after scan, baby is growing at the right size..9.9cm now
ya lo how to not carry them with their ke lian look...my son also super cranky when he sees me..my parents say when i am not ard he is ok..when i am home..my boy pattern many many..just wanna attract my attention..my dad even say when i am not ard..he not cranky at all...so i am the reason for his crankiness!!!

my boy also super rough n he sleeps with us..i also damn scare he will karate me..then i die..anyway when i was having #1. my hubby slapped me once on my back n kick me on my buttock in his dreams..so i guess my boy inherited his genes..
nahnah: I've decided on the Joolz as my hubs and i feel that Stokke Xplory will be too bulky and troublesome to pack. The Joolz has got quite a good number of qualities that i like in the end.
hi mummies, i was told baby clothes in PH is cheap so i went to get

100% cotton disney baby basic white
1) button front singlet (pack of 3) - 7 bucks SG
2)long pants white pack of 3 - 8.20 SG
3) jumper button bottom - 3bucks

is it considered cheap? i didnt dare to buy more cos i really dont know the pricing
MummyR - at 15 weeks baby is at 9.9cm? wow!

i am coming 16 weeks thurs, and though i do look pregnant, i cannot imagine baby is now almost 10cm! can it fit into my tummy? it must be pretty close to the skin isnt it?

cant wait to see my baby next week - hope all is ok..

Taka CC can apply via DBS bank website.

Yes not only Taiwan will ensure the seat is empty, Korea too. But the culture here is got seat just seat and dont care. I always give ourself excuse saying we are still a young nation, other country 100 yr history. How to compare. Hiaz

where is PH? quite cheap

yeah but most babies like to curl up...thats y our tummy need to expand for baby to move ard!

i havent been there...seems like only sg got such bad culture!

u have big budget for ur stroller! hehe
