(2012/06) Jun 2012

Breastfeeding Cover

Thanks for the feedback! See here, see there, still dun like the cover that looks like apron - those Bebe au lait style type. Then the shawl/blanket ones are expensive - shd just make my own. Problem is, where to find shawl????

Hosp Bag

Hehe I see all ur lists, feel quite paiseh haha. But I can't help it! It's my nature to overpack! Nvm I just pack everything inside to make me feel better, rather than feel insecure.


There's no right/wrong method of babycare actually. What works for one baby, doesn't work for another. Every baby & every parent is different. You just work it out as u go along. Unless u tell me u wanna feed baby DOM to make him sleep, o/w as parents, I don't think we will intentionallky harm our kids bah?

But I must say that some of the info from the classes are useful lah. If not, I'll prob let MIL warm up my breastmilk in boiling water, just pour hot water = sterilisation of bottles etc. And I'll prob be feeding my kid lots of water to clear jaundice when it shd be milk!

But like I say, all these, no big harm done one.
Morning ladies!!

Felt so sleepy this morning again, felt like i have been having sleepless nights two days in a row, not sure why though.
The 3rd tri is so diff from the 1st and 2nd which went by without any fuss.
Anyone feeling the same?
Morning everyone!!
You had a very productive morning yah? J Some more made those cute cute sandwiches…I’m sure your boy will be excited to have them in school.
Talking about washing, my washing machine (around 6 years old) seems to be a bit nutty lately. Keeps going on an extra cycle rinse without me setting it. Siao one..I am very worried it will breakdown on me over the next few months, dunno if I should be kia su and buy a new one. But it’s still working leh…headache man.
Your makan for the day already all planned out ah? Like fast food day? I had red bean buns and milk for breakfast. Looking forward to lunch time.
Your girl very cute ah…she only wants to kick for u without letting your hub know. Haha….
Hee…really a long of long run relationships here hor….good to know that the long years spent together have been good. I think open communication is very important. If not, it will be hard to sustain a relationship.
There’s still a few more weeks to go. Just watch your diet more consciously – see if you can maintain your weight or control it. We are already at the last leg…jia you!!

I AM supposed to rest. But it's a fine balance between resting n driving myself nuts thinking abt all the things I shd do hehe.

I shall take a nap later to recuperate.

Had a bad night actually. My son kept coughing & waking up but couldn't spit out his phlegm. Hiaz! Very xinku when the kids are sick!

Hehe feeling sorry for him coz he's not feeling too well mah. Then since I'll be at home, I din need to rush to shower, dress, put makeup etc, so can take the time to do for him lor. He's been having nutella cars bread for weeks! Shd be bored liao haha

Erm.. u wanna take over me as Queen Hoarder ah? Washing machine also wanna hoard muahahahah

Dun buy first lah. U can aws decide what brand & model now, then if it really breaks down, send Hubs out to buy lah
morning mommies..

bored at home now coz was down with stomach flu + fever ytd.. was having diarrhea since ytd morn in office... end up bth left work 1/2hr earlier.. came home only vomited out all my bf and lunch!

called hubby and he came back after work and brought me to KKH.. went to the O&G 24hr clinic the nurses there said more than 22weeks have to go delivery suite straight. so went there and was asked to go to the observation ward. they attached something to my tummy and amplified my baby's heartbeat.. like a radio like that. hahaha. lie there for almost 3hrs! coz doc wanna make sure baby's CDG is stable.. doc also tested and say cervix not open and no symptoms of pre-term labour.. *phew*

so doc gave me mc till tmr.. bored at home now coz hubby went to work already and i got no strength to walk around to do housework.. hahaha
Anna: Birth plan is not compulsary but it is good to have one and to discuss it with your gynae before your delivery and hand a copy to the nurse/midwife who will be assisting you during delivery on that day, so everyone knows what you prefer before you go into labor and the rest will be taken care by your nurses.

I have posted a sample of the birth plan previously however here you go:-

Birth Plan Worksheet


I'd like the following people to be present during labor and/or birth:
- To cut the umbilical cord if permitted

I'd also like:
To bring music
To take pictures and/or film during labor and delivery

Regional analgesia (an epidural)

If I have a c-section, I'd like:
-My partner present at all times during the
-The screen lowered a bit so I can see my baby
coming out
-The baby given to my partner as soon as she's
dried (as long as she's in good health)
-To breastfeed my baby in the recovery room

After delivery, I'd like:
-All newborn procedures to take place in my
-The baby given to me as soon as she's
dried (as long as she's in good health)For skin
to skin contact
-My partner to stay with the baby at all times
if I can't be there
-To stay in a private room
-Breastfeed immediately if possible

I plan to:
-Breastfeed exclusively

The following can be offered to my baby:
-Please don't offer anything to my baby at any point without my consent.

I'd like my baby fed:
-On demand
-On a schedule

I'd like:
-My baby to room-in with me only when I'm awake
-My baby brought to me for feedings only
-To make my decision later depending on how I'm

So the above are several options you can pick which suits you best.
Petrina, my baby sometimes also stops kicking when my hubby puts his hand on my tummy. I wonder why?? But he normally kicks the most in the morning and late at night so these are times I'll just grab my hubby's hand and put it on my tummy.

Haha.. at 15 I was in Sec 3 in a convent school! No dating for me at all. In fact, my hubby is my one and only...

Jul, why you so busy early in the morning?? Can't you just REST?? :p If your son is sick, maybe should stay away in case you get sick too... can ask hubby to take childcare leave to care for him?

ssmilezz, maybe your machine knows need to wash baby clothes soon, so set itself to extra rinse.. hahah.. joking... You can get the company to come and service it? Would be cheaper than buying a new machine. Then again, 6 yrs is pretty long already. Can get a new one.

Cindy, take care, have a good rest and drink lots of water. I also had diarrhoea twice on Good Friday (think I caught a cold the night before). Fortunately it went away after I rested a bit.

Adeline, your birthplan is very similar to mine except for the pain relief part. I'm opting for laughing gas.
I went for my antenatal class yesterday and the topic was on labour. Seems so scary after watching the vidoe :/

Cindy: Hope u are receovering well. I also feel like my flu is coming,gosh... anyway, im curious how doctors test/check if the cervix is open? Is there a machine or some internal examination? Sounds painful

I was in a mixed SAP sch, so no dating for me too. Just studying all the time!

Actually it sounds very busy but I've been up since 630am mah. Nowadys it's a habit coz my son aws wakes ard that time. Anyway u know lah, I have a super itchy backside haha. I promise I'll rest in the PM.
Very kiasu issit – to get a washing machine. Hehe..cos mine is a front loader and it makes a lot of noises when we use it esp when the washing load is heavy. Sounds like a turbo jet taking off lor…plus last time we bought a small capacity (5 or 6 kg) only..regret la..want to get a bigger capacity one. :p
So after busy morning, you need to wind down and relax already. Cannot bustle around the house!!
Oh dear…I hope you are feeling at least a bit better today. Looks like once after a certain no of weeks, the nurses/docs will be more careful and check to make sure not going into early labour!
Must rem to grab a bite even though you are alone at home else no energy and cannot recover.
I was supposed to talk abt birth plans with my gynae on Monday but I forgot. I realized my check ups are always so short and I don’t really ask her much. My hub keeps nagging saying that we are paying for her time, make sure we ask a lot of questions etc etc…

Mine also front loader & had that turbo jet sound. But I ignored it coz the serviceman told me it takes more than $200 to change the dunno what drum, & also not guaranteed it'll fix the prob! So I left it, & now it's ok! Strange hor?

Mine is a 6kg, I THINK. Personally, it's gd for me. If it's too big, u have to accumulate a LOT to wash full load.

Salty Veg Life!!!

Argh! It's gonna rain! Just when I did a load of laundry! Why? Why? Why?
<font color="aa00aa">Speaking about marathon relationship, we've been ROMed for almost 16 years and customarily married for almost 12 years. So, I'm probably the oldest among you.

My clinic nurse said we've got to do pre-registration at the hospital around 8 months. During #1's time, I remembered during the pre-registration, we've to pay deposit for the package we've chosen. After claiming the dues from Medisave, the excess paid will be refunded.</font>
Nattan: Is this your #1? Why did you opt for laughing gas?
I cant stand being in pain hence i signed package for epidural. Haha....

Ssmilezz: When are you due again? I havent spoke to my gynae yet about my birth plan, might do so in my next visit as it will be on the 32week by then.

Does anyone know how does a gynae determine you should go for natural or c-sec, besides baby's size i guess. When would they normally decide and tell you which would be performed as well? I hope mine is natural but also want to be mentally prepared and not get a shock of my life!
hehe.. my first bf was from church! when i was in Sec 1.. jialat... and i m from convent too :p
ahh.. all the memories.. ended badly since church is small, when u break up, different cliques have different opinions..
then the next real bf is my current hb liao.. crushes don't count. so technically i have 2 bfs in my lifetime

but i'm glad to say i m my hb's first n hopefully last.. keke..

Jul!! muz smack ur itchy hands liao.. rest lah..
eh, if u like the standard rectangle pc of cloth type to make cover, then go tailor buy cloth. then ask them sew the parts together. very easy 5min machine job. so it's very cheap. Chinatown has lots nice cotton sateen material to choose. if u like pink, i have existing cloth already. i can bring to tailor for u then u pay me cloth price n tailor price then i pass to u also can.

i bought cloth to make cheongsam for CNY. but end up didn't make cause pregnant liao. :p
ssmilezz, I also got a 5.5kg front loader. Which brand is your machine? Mine is a Samsung. So far never gave us any problem after 3+yrs. My first machine was a F&amp;P top loader, but I found that it was noisier than my front loader and it was a lot bigger. The current one is ok for 2 of us cos anyway, I don't have so much room to hang laundry. I still have a big pile at home since it rained so frequently these few days :p

Jul, check the weather report daily... my hubby is quite ks.. everyday check the weather report on 3 different sites to see if it will rain before he does the laundry.. haha..

Adeline, yes this is my first. I'm opting for laughing gas cos I want as natural a delivery as possible.

I also cannot take pain. No choice, must use epi! Before that, I told Hubs I wanted to do without epi. He said I shdn't suffer unecessarily. In the end, I was the one screaming for it when I was still in the labour ward haha

The gynae will assume u want natural if u dun say u die die want Csec. Some people do, for various reasons like they're afraid if natural birth, they wanna choose date etc.

But if u have conditions like baby too big, placenta previa, etc, they will advise on planned Csec.

Ooh.. I like cotton sateen material. Where do I find these? But hor.. hiaz how to go to Chinatown in my condition???

I like pink, but more of the orangey type, not the flat cool pink. I like warm pink, do u know what I mean?


Ookie.. Nvr thought of checking weather eport for laundry, but that's a gd idea! What websites do I check huh? lol
mummies, long relationship wasnt easy for me. We wen thro alot of up n dwn. Both our families were vry against us together, cos we cm fr vry diff background. Eg i hold degree, he didnt even complete ite n came fr boys town. I cldnt tak the stress of hw ppl lk at us, n was skeptical abt he bein able to provide the minimal level of livin standard, n wanted out. Luckily hubby nvr giv up on me n tat brought us to wher we r today.
whn it cm to relationship, its really fate lor. :p
Nattan: I salute you! I dont think i can bare the pain just thinking about it. I dont want to be screaming, which is exactly what i heard from friends and Jul just confirmed it, i supposed. Hahahaha.....

I am with Jul, MUST have epidural!

Fleur: Book the anesthetic with Dr Chan's nurses in advance if you have not done so. There is a very good anesthetic which works with Dr Chan closely.
Chris: Good on you for sticking to what you believe in and having faith! It is meant to be then with all the trials and tribulations you and your DH had to go through.
Mine is Bosch I think. The thing about front loaders – if the load is very uneven, it will be super noisy with the drum rolls during the cycle. I have a feeling my neighbours also can hear my washing machine at work. Haha..
I never have a chance to hang out my clothes cos always not at home. Usually, we just hang in the kitchen area for 2-3 days? Then we throw into the dryer for a short spin then cool before folding.
The weather is bonkers liao..it’s heavy thunderstorm now!!! Aiyoh…my poor dogs must be scared to death at home and barking like mad. They hate the thunder sound. Come to think about it, I don’t remember fully shutting my windows at home today. L Cham man…sure floor wet…plus the wind is so strong, sometimes can end up blowing open the windows even though I usually close it till a small gap.
Yah, talk about those old memories man. My hub is also my first bf and BGR I had. Didn’t have much opportunities to interact much in sec school cos always need to go home and not allowed to go out with friends unless for projects or some very valid reasons.
You like sewing issit? Even want to sew your own cheongsum! Impressive!!
My EDD is 18 June. J Next visit will be month end – should be around 33 weeks by then. Erm, I better talk to her and at least try to find out if I can “qualify” for natural.
I think the best part of being part of a forum community like this is we can to interact with people of all ages and all walks of life! It’s very interesting to me cos I have always been active on some types of forum at any point in my life – erm…last time was SGBrides, then some renoforums…and also doggy forums…
U mean after ROM for so many years, you guys still went ahead with customary? Some people will just treat as settled and no need to go through customary already.
jul, you can hang the clothes inside the house, near the windows to dry ? with kids at home, it's safer to keep the grills lock at all times ... erm unless you stay in a landed house ... ?
<font color="aa00aa">Ya, we didn't stay together after we've ROMed and only do so after customary wedding. I've no idea why we registered our marriage so early, but we're customarily married only after we've gotten our HDB flat.</font>
Smilezz: I am a week after you, going for my checkup on my 32 weeks end of the month too.
I guess i will be asking lots of questions on that visit, luckily my appt is early in the morning.
haha, no one as ks as me i guess. I gt 2 washin machines at hm. 1 exclusively for bb clothes. :p

dont knw wat to eat for lunch later. Too weak to walk bt also dont feel lik takin fast food.

Mine is an Electrolux. Not bad lah, lasted me 6 yrs liao. I prefer front load - the clothes dun get as battered as a top load.

I dun hang out my clothes either. Not to mention now, I shdn't be straining myself! I just hang them on hangers/clips &amp; put them at the window to catch the am sun. That's y I'm psissed it's raining in the am! It's rain with sun though

Haha Hubs is also my first bf.


U can aws opt for try first, then when the pain sets in, call for epi mah


It's nice to hear stories where couples went thru trials &amp; tribulations &amp; manage to come out on top. Too many marriages &amp; relns end too easily these days.

It really takes work &amp; perseverance &amp; tolerance to make a marriage work.

Yeah I hang my clothes on the window grilles. Haha nope, not staying landed property. Can't afford it :p

Anyway I dun like landed property. Find it 'dirty'. Much prefer high-rises like flats or condos. My quirk


I also dunno what to eat. And I'm kinda sick of Macs liao haha
Jul, these are the 3 weather sites:


Chris, my friend went through a similar relationship, and frankly some of us didn't think her relationship would last. But now they are married. Her hubby was also not a gradutate (only ITE cert that time), but he is gradually working towards a degree. I guess what's important is how you feel and trust towards a person. You will be living with him, not your family or friends.

Adeline, I'm really trusting God to pull me through this pregnancy and delivery. I've been reading a lot on supernatural births and some of my friends are testimonies that it's possible. One of our pastor's wives also told us during a prenatal seminar, you will receive what you believe in. She had 3 amazing births and if she can have it, I can have it too
Of course, when the time comes and I really need a c-sec, I'm not going to refuse cos baby's health and safety is still priority.

ssmilezz, I also had my customary after 5 yrs post-ROM and living together :p I didn't want customary wedding, but MIL insisted and organised everything so I just follow lo :p
Jul:I cant take pain... so not going to take the chance. But doesnt laughing gas makes you drowsy or gives you that high and numbness feeling?

Nope laughing gas was USELESS to me. Breathed so hard, still darned painful. Was clutching the bedrail everytime the contraction came. And the nurse had the cheek to tell me I wasn't breathing hard enough that's why I still fewlt pain. I wanted to throw the mask in her face liao lol


Thanks for the weather sites!

Looks like the rain is gog off.
Jul, maybe you were not breathing in correctly (as opposed to breathing hard). My friend also thought the gas was not working, then her mid wife told her to breathe in ONLY when she feels the contractions starting from the sides. After that she said it was effective.

Re weather, I think these are just periodic showers. Afternoon may be hot and sunny again.
thanks everyone.. yup feeling much better alr. no more diarrhea and vomiting.. just lethargic.. KKH gave me those electrolyte water thingy to prevent dehydration.. hubby bought h2o for me to drink the whole night too..

so bored now and suddenly so big rain! was thinking to wash clothes but lucky havent yet. hehe. watching some taiwan variety show online.. hubby gonna come back during lunch to buy lunch for me!

my baby is at 1.7kg at week 29.. i was quite worried and i asked the doc if thats ok for natural coz i wanna go for natural he say no prob leh.. but 1.7kg is quite big right??
Mine is Bosch I think. The thing about front loaders – if the load is very uneven, it will be super noisy with the drum rolls during the cycle. I have a feeling my neighbours also can hear my washing machine at work. Haha..
I never have a chance to hang out my clothes cos always not at home. Usually, we just hang in the kitchen area for 2-3 days? Then we throw into the dryer for a short spin then cool before folding.
The weather is bonkers liao..it’s heavy thunderstorm now!!! Aiyoh…my poor dogs must be scared to death at home and barking like mad. They hate the thunder sound. Come to think about it, I don’t remember fully shutting my windows at home today. L Cham man…sure floor wet…plus the wind is so strong, sometimes can end up blowing open the windows even though I usually close it till a small gap.
Yah, talk about those old memories man. My hub is also my first bf and BGR I had. Didn’t have much opportunities to interact much in sec school cos always need to go home and not allowed to go out with friends unless for projects or some very valid reasons.
You like sewing issit? Even want to sew your own cheongsum! Impressive!!
My EDD is 18 June. J Next visit will be month end – should be around 33 weeks by then. Erm, I better talk to her and at least try to find out if I can “qualify” for natural.
I think the best part of being part of a forum community like this is we can to interact with people of all ages and all walks of life! It’s very interesting to me cos I have always been active on some types of forum at any point in my life – erm…last time was SGBrides, then some renoforums…and also doggy forums…
U mean after ROM for so many years, you guys still went ahead with customary? Some people will just treat as settled and no need to go through customary already.
I dare not hang my clothes outside cos my upstairs neighbor very horrible! Always throwing things at my aircon ledge. I can always see a lot of cig butts/boxes, bras?!., panties, clothes on my air con ledge! We always need to use  a hose to spray the items off when there’s heavy rain. L The lady upstairs also always scolding and shouting at her maid so I think the maid retaliates by dropping their laundry. Hahahaha…I always hear the bamboo pole dropping on the floor or even once downstairs when the maid is doing laundry.
Laughing Gas
My hub asked the lady during the hosp tour – can husbands make use of the laughing gas if they are very stressed and nervous during their wives’ labour? *fainted* The lady was taken aback..she said u ask the midwives lor..but if the husbands get high on laughing gas then who is going to support their wives? LOL!
Good la..at least you get some food since your hub is coming home.
My girl is also 1.7kg at 30 weeks. Doc say ok….

The nurse just told me to breathe HARDER. I breathed harder, no use. She said breathe even harder. That's y I was so pissed with her lol

smilezz, Cindy

Big or not, depends on your gynae's advice based on your size, etc lor? Mine was only at 1.4kg at 30wks. Much smaller than his gorgor
Hope I can keep him inside as long as poss.
Morn mummies, in suntec today for a workshop..looking forward to shopping after this. Went for my childcare class yest, hubby was super enthusiastic about bathing and diapering the baby. Feels so sweet when I saw him holding and looking at the 'plastic doll'. Can imagine how it'll be once baby arrives. WBB also shared some horror stories about CL or maid..they swing the babies hard when nobody is around and end up killing the baby. Those sarong we grow up in also seems to be fatal for babies. I am going to insist on handling my baby solely...CL and maid can help with the other chores.


Sos good that your Hubs is so enthu. Mine just looks super stressed. Stressed abt bathing &amp; touching baby. Stressed even abt swaddling baby! And when the baby came out, I had to help him change diapers! Faint!
