(2012/06) Jun 2012

Jul: yes. shape like the pink poncho. only sew 1 side. when fold into half.
talking abt screaming mother - i used to be 1. then i read more e-books or info on internet n realized that screaming creates war between parent n child. unless necessary, voice should not be louder than usual. so now i call #1 by name max 3 times no response i'll whip out the cane.
Once he see it, he'll say YES?? then i can talk to him or give instructions. dun have to whack. cause he already know the impact of it.

Laughing Gas
during my whole induction, i was clutching bedrails whenever pain came. did the standard breathing and tolerated. refused all sorts of jabs or gas. i heard from a fellow friend that i didn't succeed was cause baby not actually due.
so this time, i'm having very high hopes on vbac. only obstacle now is placenta.

smilez: no lah! i don't sew. i like tailor made clothes.. my hb used to have tailor made shirts n me, dresses b4 #1 was born. then no more extravagance.. so all store bought. cheongsam i wanted to tailor cause outside sold dun suit my size.
i m ball shaped but flat butt then boobs abit bigger than usual. so hard to find fitting cheongsam since it has to be body hugging.
cheap also.. buy material then tailor total dun cost more than $80. outside u get nice cheongsam with lace already at least $100..

Birth Plan
As mentioned earlier, i intend to do fully natural. will play music to hypnotize myself *hopefully it works*
unless placenta don't cooperate.. then need c-sec, i will choose epidural.

Washing Machine
i m using Toshiba. usually i spin 9mins hang in the house w/o rain w/o sun, 24hrs will do.
if i use the 3hr spin dry option, then even raining it'll be dry in 8hrs or so. meaning overnight can liao.

I intend to buy dryer but hb not keen say consume alot electricity. so i m crossing my fingers on the sky. otherwise i need to buy more bamboos or clothes rack liao.. my house currently 5ppl + baby i dunno 7 days a week enough to share laundry time or not..

Recently everyday also rain. or sky dark. i heck care just do laundry. so hard to plan!

I ate my prepared lunch *sandwich* already.. too hungry.. waiting for 12noon to go buy lunch again. haha

Cindy: many gynaes will say baby size doesn't equate to birth plan since many moms deliver 4kg< babies naturally too. depends on willpower n tolerance level and of course majorly, your own body. if cervix open fully, baby head down, all it takes is strength n endurance.
if body don't cooperate, then no matter what u do also no use.
Like I said, i tolerated 2.5days of labour pain. cervix not open, gynae also say bobian. so u muz exercise ur cervix. i told hb to help me *exercise* cervix 2x a week after 8mths. hopefully it is flexible enough to open quickly then.

Hi Mummies,
Anyone interested in sharing the bundle for the capella stroller n car seat from the metro baby sale? I already have a car seat n I only want to buy the stroller only.

Jul, the topicerm cream used for stretch marks? Suitable for eczema skin? U still takin orders or gg to place another round of order? How much is it?
You ordered more cream? The earlier batch finished already ah?
How to exercise the cervix?? Have you started with a song playlist so you can play in the labour ward?
Hehe..I thought you can sew well.
Dryer do consume a lot of energy. But it’s more of a standby option la..cos unlikely we will just dump our clothes from the washing machine directly to dryer ma…I only have 5 bamboo poles at home. That’s like exactly enough for the amount of clothes I can wash each time. I do have those standing type of racks for baby clothes – will prob leave it open in my living room, it’s more windy and can get a bit of morning sun through the living room windows.
How you manage to put 2 washing machines at home?!! Both put in kitchen area?
Looks like your hub will be quite hands on! That’s good for you. J I have no idea how my hub will cope with baby is here. But I always see him going into baby’s room almost every night to touch touch/pack pack. Guess that’s his way of preparing for her arrival.
Hope everyone had a good lunch!! Now it’s bright and sunny again. Crazy weather man. I had sinful Nasi Lemak with 2 drumsticks (add on cos I was hungry) with a barley drink. Satisfied now! *burp*
Ah.... Quite a relief to lie down after a morning's wk, a full lunch n a nice shower...

If only i can have a body n foot massage now

It's a moisturiser safe for preggies n infants. Think if u keep ur skin well hydrated, it'll help with the stretchmks. I dun have any from No1 nor this pregnancy - yet lol

I may have an extra bottle. Gotta see if the mummy replies. Coz she ordered then no sight no sound
i'll PM u k?


I have less than half a bot left. My fren wanted so i helped organise a spree. Then couldn't resist to hoard 2 bots for myself lol
Trying to save my mc but end up needed to take mc tdy coz unwell. How ironic!

Cindy: don't think abt hse wrk and just rest k. Hope u get well soon.

Adeline : I havent book yet u got the name? 3rd tri more tired and lower back aches

Ssmilezz: mine Bosch but quite quiet eh.
Jul: u really energetic. My eyes closing Liao and I may doze off on my sofa.

Adeline: when's your next appt?

If anyone updating the details do add mine in k. EDD 22 jun glenE baby girl
U must have been diligently applying all over your body!! I only apply the stretch mark cream to my belly twice a day. Very hot and sweaty if I apply all over my body. I’ll apply my normal body lotion to my arms/legs before bed and every morning when I reach office. :p
Thanks – I went to get the sample already. Is this a new brand? Or an existing one?
Another sick mummy!! L Take care yah..go rest and have your afternoon nap.
Which model of Bosch are you using? How many kg? Maybe mine is the old old model.
So sleepy here after lunch too. I bought the stretch mark cream but don't bother applying. But now lower belly very itchy..hope it's not cos of stretchmarks.

Fleur, take care and get well soon. We are losing energy in 3rd tri. Rest as much as we can.
Back from lunch at Rock &amp; Ash with colleagues. Quite a nice place and I had a yummy burger with fries, cream of mushroom soup and Fanta Grape

Petrina, I also have a playlist but will only load to my hp so I don't have to bring my iPod. Thinking of bringing some essential oils like lavender and clary sage as well. Some oils can aid in the labour process... need to check which ones I have.

ssmilezz, I never wash heavy clothes like jeans with lighter clothing like tees or else if they tangle up, the tees will be stretched out of shape. This way, there's no sound as well cos the load is balanced.

Your hubby so cute... want to try laughing gas? My pastor's wife said someone tried and fainted in the delivery ward.. haha.. so funny..

Prettibride, my hubby is also super enthusiastic. He's going to help bathe and change the baby cos we have no CL. I'm glad too cos I am less confident of handling a newborn than him.

Do apply cream if you're itchy or else you'll get stretch marks. And pls don't scratch.

Jul, I still have about half a bottle left of Topicrem :p I only use 4 pumps per use. Think no need to top up already cos also have leftover for my tube of Palmers.

Fleurfleur, take care and rest well too!
Fleur: Get well soon! I cant remember but will update you on my next visit, will check with the nurse again.

Yup am feeling so tired and my lower back is starting to ache, have to also walk slower now. DH asking me start working 4 days in a week, am thinking about it.

Perhaps should start sleeping at 10pm instead of midnight and take a nap at 6.30pm just before dinner. I think i will try it today, feeling so sleepy after lunch now.
Nattan: Please let me know when you find out which essential oil will aid with labor. I am also thinking of having essential oil during labor. Thks!!
Nattan, hubby support very impt cos first 3 days mummy need to rest and focus on breastfeeding. Stress can result in no milk supply...so make sure hubbies are well trained in looking after our baby. After hearing the cases, dun dare to rely on the CL or my maid le.
Adeline, I know that lavender, jasmine and bergamot can help with labour by relaxing you. Clary sage can help to bring on labour, so use it only when you're ready to deliver. I use lavender and bergamot at home in a diffuser. For clary sage, need to mix with carrier oil and massage into skin, which is more effective than just breathing in the aroma. I probably will only bring the lavender to sniff and a diluted bottle of clary sage with me (don't want to bring too many stuff).

Prettibride, yes.. that's why I prefer not to have CL in the end. My hubby said he will take care of everything, so I just have to trust him lo.. he even wants to cook confinement food for me. I am thinking maybe he can just cook soup and we order tingkat catering for meals.
smilez > ya, i hv 2 washing machine in the kitchen area. Probably cn squeeze in cos we removed the storerm whic is suppose to b in kitchen n instd build a smaller walk in cabinet in the kitchen. Well, anyway, cos my house is old design, so floor area generally bigger than most new house. My house is 132 metre sq. Although its consider a 5 bdrm unit. :p
Nattan, your hubby is so nice..so is he going to take 1mth leave to stay home with u? I wun accept if my hubby offer to cook...his food hardly edible. Lol. Very hard to resist not scratching but I'll try..

Any place sell those pillow sprays? Think it might help us to sleep better.
Prettibride, he is working from home, so it's ok for him to stay home with me
My hubby can cook quite nice fried bee hoon and chicken soup, but never tried confinement soup. We bought a recipe book.. hopefully can try the recipes soon.

You can try Body Shop for pillow spray.. I got one from their spa range.
<font color="aa00aa">christine77sg,
Wow! 132m<sup>2</sup> is quite big. Mine is only 115m<sup>2</sup> and the kitchen space is pathetic. Now, I have to find a place to place the steriliser there.

No idea as I'm "out of touch" with disposable diapers for several years already.</font>
moi > ya, consider big for a 5rm unit lor. N we hv 4 bdrm. Bt problem w old house is tat toilet is pathetic, doesnt hv separate area for bathing. I put everything require for bb in the rm leh. Feel its more convenient esp for the nite. Mayb u cn consider to do tat too?
prettibride: body shop. dreamz spray. chamomile &amp; lavender smell. snoring after spraying on pillow

just collected my blood test result.. my red blood cells r very low.. no wonder i feel tired all e time..
Chris, your flat sounds like my parents' old flat in Bishan which had 4 bedrooms too. But we knocked down 1 bedroom to create a study area. Sold off the unit cos my dad wanted a top floor unit in AMK after I moved out. I used to have a 5-rm flat too, but sold it to downgrade to 3-rm cos that time thought we're not going to have kids. Now seems a bit small :p But I'm happy with the location and I like that my unit is on the top floor also, so no more pesky neighbours making noise upstairs!

Just wanted to clarify so far for sanitary napkins, i only saw the brand Sofy has 41cm which i believe is the only longest sanitary napkin available.
However would it be sufficient for heavy flow,am thinking it would be heavy flow as it has been a long time since we got our period.
As i am thinking of getting some this weekend so i can start packing my hospital bag slowly.
Petrina, have you been taking iron supplements? Can take that with Folic Acid to boost your red blood cell supply..
I am pretty sure the midwives have seen all sorts of scenarios from the husbands in the labour ward. Haha…My SIL said the nurses kept urging my BIL to sit down and stop moving about. I suspect he probably looked abit white – cos he kept saying how daring he was – blah blah blah…:p Probably from all the adrenaline going through him since my SIL went through labour for almost 24 hours then ended up in e-c section.
Do you take red meat? Or iron supplements? It’s supposed to help?
The older HDB flats are big lor..compared to the current ones which are so tight. Mine is also a 5 room but I think it’s either 115sf or 119sf? I only have 2 bedrooms..cos we knocked down one wall to create a big master bed room. That’s why now hub needs to shift all his computer room stuffs to our room so that the room can be a baby room.
I am using the pillow or linen sprays from Bath &amp; Body Works. I love their aromatherapy range. J
I was using Sofy previously – found it very absorbent for the heavy night flows. Not too sure about lochia though. No idea how heavy it’s going to be.
Hi mummies,

Hope I'm not too late to join this thread.
I'm a first time mummy, EDD 13 June.
See you guys talking over here, I'm so excited as well!

But unfortunately for me, I was warded two weeks ago as I'm having signs of early delivery! So my gynae put me on drip to stop my gal from coming as she said if she comes out now, she has to go into NICU and will incur huge charges!

Lucky, manage to stop her from coming out but gynae said hopefully my gal can guai guai and tahan till June.

So I like to advise all June mummies to take ample rest, don't be too stressful, ok?

Let's jia you together! ;)
nattan: i have.. prenatal vits. but of course not consistantly eating.. :p
when i remember i'll eat. maybe 2 days once bah.

Chris: ur hse very big! my current only 99sqm for 4rm flat but the kitchen is bigger than bedroom. haha
cause it's extended..
Haha..good girl..we know you are really RESTING.
Hi! Welcome to our thread. Thank goodness your girl listens to you and decided to stay inside longer. Must not over exert yourself and did your gynae ask you to get total rest in bed just in case?
Must eat la…Put reminder in your phone to eat daily. haha
Hi Ivy, welcome.. hope you have a good rest and not stress out too much as well.

Petrina, try to eat your iron supp everyday la.. I forget only if I try to take the supplements separately, so now I just take them at night after dinner or before bed. My hubby will usually remind me to eat anyway.
ya.. will try to rem to eat. i put on my ofc table. so b4 breakfast i will eat. but sometimes forget. so already near lunchtime. so i think absorption not good. iron muz eat on empty stomach best lor..
then my baby is vegan! haha i googled that non-animal iron don't get absorb as well as meat/shellfish..
no wonder past 3weeks i have been munching on ice! PICA due to lack of iron.
I remember when i was preg with my #1, i also munching on ice also near full term. but not sick so nvr take blood test or anything..
i had a very filling lunch and now im munching on food again. think im the only one who keeps eating in the office.

another 1+hr to knock off..cant wait..
Petrina, remember to eat first then think about absorption ;) So long you eat, it's better than not eating at all...

BTW, be careful about chewing on ice. I had a root canal before and the dentist said most of his cases are due to people chewing on ice. I cracked a molar biting on a small bone or something.. I didn't even know how it happened (and I don't chew on ice) until I felt pain whenever I drank water.

munching on ice is coz of lack of iron? interesting...



Wow I can understand. Coz I'm having v frequent contractions too. Gynae says I'm not in labour, but I'm supposed to be careful too, in case I 'self-induce' haha


Laurier also has 42cm. I bought some 42cm Laurier, 35cm Kotex, &amp; 28cm Sofy, &amp; Kotex loop maternity. Will use from maternity &amp; progress in decresing length lol. I bled a lot &amp; very long for No1, so just buy more &amp; get prepared lor. After all, I can use those pads when period returns also.


Wah ur flat is so big! Mine is only 110sqm


Thanks! I registered for a sample. Think this is a new brand.
nattan: yes. in my previous pregnancy, i broke my last molar. post natal i was eating something then my tooth cracked. tried to do root canal but not successful cause the temporary filling kept cracking. so in the end due to immense pain, i plucked it out.
i think near term i have craving for ice.. so nowadays i wait till ice is smaller pc or i'll crush it then munch on it.
or i'll order ice kacang..
Chewing Ice
I never knew that it meant that there was a lack of iron. And even more amazingly, we can actually hurt our teeth so badly just by chewing on ice. *ouch*
I’m also feeling a bit hungry now after a full lunch. Baby’s moving and kicking up a storm now. Aiyoh..I’m trying to control and not snack so just drinking water.
ssmilezz, Pica is a non-food craving which may be triggered by some kind of vitamin/mineral deficiency. It's not necessarily ice if you have iron deficiency. Can be anything else...
<font color="aa00aa">I read about PICA from the Babycenter app. Go download it, if you haven't already.

Ya hor, I've never thought of putting electrical baby items in the room. Maybe because I need to fill the steriliser with water and rinse the bottles? Beats me why it has not cross my mind. Thanks for the suggestion!</font>
Hihi, gynae asked me bed rest for two weeks, she also gave me ventolin to take take whenever I feel tight because ventolin can relax baby's muscles. But since 3rd trim now, I dare not take too many medicines, scared not good for baby.

But first day went back work, kena food poisoning, lucky bb ok...
Oh, i hv a craving for sweet stuff in my final tri both for this preg n #1. Hmmm...wonder wats my deficiency.

Actually hor, whn we bgt this house, we were thrilled too, cos it is "huge" (in our own standard). Bt i tell u, personally I feel thers not much diff in bigger or smaller house. Cos even with the space, my house is currently jus as messy n clutter, if not more. All the rooms r fully utilised tat I hv problem even thinking of wher to put my new maid. :p Tats hw bad it is lor. So no diff lar, big or small.
Moi > I ks separate everything we adults use n wat bb use. I hv a separate airpot for hot water, water flask for cool boiled water, food warmer, steriliser, a 3 tier storage container for bb milk bottles, food containers, feeding utensils on the table. N all these r pl in bb rm.
Adeline, thanks for sharing the birth plan. Will discuss with my gynae the next visit at week 31 then.

Nattan, the nursing cover I got was not very nice either but dun wanna spend unnecessary money since may not use that often unless go out together with bb. I have shawl to interchange with nursing cover.

Moi, thanks for sharing the merries diaper. How to get the sample?

Ivy, a warm welcome. Hope you are ok now. Be slow in everything you do and rest more on bed. I supposed you are not working now?
Chris, you don't have a deficiency... Pica is a craving for "non-foods" like paper, clay, ice, etc. Some extreme cases may even include cravings for candles, soap, etc..

I agree that a bigger house doesn't always mean more space. When we had a 5-rm, we filled it up with too many furniture and stuff. We only realised when we were moving and we had to throw away so many things. Now we still have some boxes of stuff in our spare bedroom. Dunno how to clear them for baby's room next time... Now our motto is less is better.. buy less and store less.
