(2012/06) Jun 2012

glass, is your CL malaysian? mine also din discuss anything much..but i did take photo of her IC after i paid her deposit..just in case. then arrange on how to meet when the day comes etc. she wans my hubby to fetch her from mrt cos she dunno her way to my place. then go marketing for food. wonder if hubby can handle that..or shld i prepare beforehand? at least for the 1st week.

Fleur: Chances are he doesnt give out MC or HL. My friend asked from him so that she can rest 2 weeks before her c-sec but he said its not necessary and just asked her to exercise. In the end she got it from a GP.

Hospital Bag
Will start beginning of June as i have a list so should be easy to pack. Just need to buy the sanitary napkins which i havent!!

Washing of baby clothes
DH says to only start 2 weeks before EDD.

Cleaning of nursery
Going to start this weekend.

Sorry i cant make it on the 20th, my April weekends are all full.

Travelling with baby.
Will be making a trip to Korea for a wedding in Oct,will be bringing the baby along, i would have to add her name on my passport right?
How soon do i have to do it and how long does it take?
adeline: u need to make a passport for her.
no longer can tag on mom. take any photo with eyes open. they will crop it. anyway it's BW photo
Petrina: Oh so she has her own passport as such young age?! I am not familiar with this process as i am M'sian.

Thanks for the info! Hahaha...i only remembered how was mine when i was really young.
So i can do a passport for her after my confinement? But i would have to go to ICA right?

Would you know how long does it take?
Adeline: u know what I mean when he advised to exercise more. He's nice but a tough nut. Doesn't allow us to have our ME time before giving birth. If he gives me HL before EDD I will shop and walk lol instead of coop up in office sitting down and increasing my butt size.

Washing baby clothes: best to wash at least 4weeks before EDD in case u are early

Gathering: let's aim one more in May. I'm sure more of us can make it then.
Hi mummies.. took MC today to rest at home cos didn't have a good sleep. Felt so tired. Luckily my GP just gave me an MC when I explained. Rainy day today, so best to stay at home.

Kadice, I also feel like doing something with my hair cos it's really limp and shapeless now
Hubby just told me to get a cut but not colour or rebond :p

Fleurfleur, is the INOA hair colour long lasting? The salon near my place has it, but I've never visited that salon before.

Adeline, you can apply for passport online. Check out ica.gov.sg and you can even collect your passport from selected post offices. Nowadays it's really much more convenient. The whole process takes a few days only.
Fleur: Yup i know what you mean and totally understand.I am accumulating all my off days and annual leave to go at least 1 week before my EDD, if all goes as planned. ;)

Nattan: Superb,thanks! Thats why i love Singapore!! Hahaha.....efficient!

I am also booking appointments for a hair cut,waxing,massages and facial!!
Adeline: u can take the photo at home. then do it online. i submitted my son's photo @ 4mths old online. u have to adjust photo till the size is suitable for uploading. shrink size. not crop. Just crop from head till a little shoulder will do.

It takes max 1 week if photo is accepted. then go online to make appt to collect passport in person - baby must go with birth cert.
nattan: so nice to be resting at home, it is pouring at raffles place now. how i wish im at home...anyway, i guess i would not be rebonding my hair since a lot of people say that there would be chemical and all.
Better not rebond because there's alot more chemicals. Even my hairstylist commented that he will not allow rebonding if he knows his customers are preggy.

2 options; INOA - Ammonia Free & I don't really smell the chemical stench. I find it relatively long lasting and i cannot tell much difference in terms of how long it lasts. Think about it our roots probably will grow out by then.
Another option is organic colour.
I tried this once! Not bad also.
P.S. i am horrible coz i already coloured my hair twice (CNY and once after) and re-root once. From now on i will just re-root.

I am booking one more appointment end of the 1st week of Jun for my final re-root, waxing, facial before i pop. After that i have to wait for one month before i can do anything liao.

They always say a preggy who tries to look relatively ok and good will feel happy and in turn the baby will be happy. Ha Ha ha.

MC vs HL
Reason why i hope my gynae gives me HL is because my company don't track HL as part of the overall performace. If i were to utilise my MCs (14 days very fast can finish one), even if i have a valid reason as preggy they also will consider it as bad.

I actually did it during 1st tri before i know i was pregnant. But better to avoid it since you know the chemicals is harmful to baby. Just tahan a few more months then can do watever u want.

Nattan, take care and rest more. Wish I am home sleeping too..but still gotto go for anenatal class tonight. Hope class will be interesting.


Heard so many of you mention about taking leave. I am tempted to ask gynea for 1 week HL before EDD too..will find out from him next week when i see him. But if co. ask for reason, what can we say? Take HL rest at home?
Ugh! Tummy has been tight for the past 3+ hours. Dasged to gynae to check it out.

Tdy is not my day. On the way back from lunch, it rained n i didn't have my umbrella. On the way to gynae's, i couldn't get a cab. Drenched by the rain while crossing the rd n waiting for cab at the bus stop even tho i had my brolly. couldn't get any cab.

Then the stupid bus stopped so far away from the Bus stop n i had to wade thru puddles to get to the bus. Then at tmc the bus refused to open the door till it moved way in front so i had to walk further. Then i had to slowly pick my way thru running water to get to tmc. Argh!!!!!
Nattan, nice to be at home now ya....good weather to sleep. Have a good rest and recharge. What a bad timing for me...still got to go for prenatal class tonite esp it's raining heavily now.
Heavy thunderstorm in the east too... glad I'm safe and dry at home!

Kadice, I probably will not rebond also. Anyway, it's not comfy to be sitting still for so long and breathing in the chemical fumes during the process.

Fleurfleur, I agree.. when you look good, you feel good, then your baby will be happy also.. hehehe..

Prettibride, Anna is it your first class tonight? Actually when I went for my first class at PEH, it was so boring cos it's about nutrition and most of the info we already know :p The more interesting classes are the ones on breastfeeding, taking care of baby and the excercises.

Re HL, I'm not sure if my company will check whether we're really hospitalised or not? So not sure if are we allowed to use that to stay home and rest? Maybe should ask my HR...

Re beauty treatments, I'm definitely going to arrange for another facial, waxing and maybe haircut as well next week... maybe go for mani/pedi as well. Feeling very blah nowadays cos I've been too lazy to do anything besides using face masks at home :p At least they seem to work since hubby says my skin looks better now
Jul, were you having BHC? I also felt tummy tightening the other day while I was waiting for the MRT. Had to find a place to sit down. Fortunately only lasted a short while. Try to rest more and not walk around too much.
Nattan, we are attending the TMC class by WBB. Tonight is the 5th Lesson whereas tml is lesson 4..dun ask me why. But this is the last 2 lessons, so should cover breastfeeding and taking care of baby. So far i dun feel the classes are worth it cos a lot of things is just explained briefly. But first child inexperienced so go lo..second child wun need this already.

Wished i can look good too..but the tiredness is making me look like panda. Plus sleeping on sides is giving me wrinkles.
only happy thing is i dun have swollen nose or feet..hope it stays this way.
Prettibride, my class at PEH wasn't very hands on either (ie no actual hands on demo of bathing or swaddling baby), but the exercise classes are not bad and quite useful. Do you have exercise classes too?

I also have dark circles (mainly cos I have the habit of sleeping late :p), so sometimes I sleep with face mask on.
<font color="aa00aa">nattan,
Are you using sheet mask? If yes, it's not advisable to put it on longer than the recommended time as it'll absorb moisture from your face instead.

More than 3 hours continuously? Ya, better seek gynae's advice as braxton hick contractions should be irregular and probably last a few seconds.</font>
i also kept waking up at night..go toilet and backache, esp when i lie on my back.

my feet are swollen esp end of the day. in the morning is usually better..
Hope you are feeling more well rested now! Nothing beats having a good rest @ home. Plus the weather is so cooling.
Poor thing! Sayang sayang!! Hope the doc says you are okay? The bad weather prob caused the bad traffic and also grumpy bus/taxi drivers. L Must rest more tonight k?
Hospital Leave
Not sure how this really works and I haven’t really asked my gynae too. But if we can get HL, at least can save on our annual leave which is so precious.
I haven’t done that for a long while. Typically, I’ll do a touchup rebond of my roots like every 6 months? Now my hair is just a mess la…I tie it up…planning to go for a trim next month. Really miss coloring/rebonding. Haha…but I will be good and not attempt anything chemical for now.
My facial package has been neglected cos I’m too lazy to go down. I just do my usual mask or scrub at home and it helps to keep my face under control. My skin was very very oily in the first 3-4 months – it’s a total oil slick that I need like two of those facial blotters to soak up the oil. But now, the skin doesn’t seem to be oily anymore! Back to normal oil level. Very odd.
Sigh – the weather is still so bad! Coming to 6 soon. I hope the weather will clear up soon.
Moi, I alternate between a normal sheet mask and a collagen type mask. For the sheet mask, usually I leave it on for the recommended 20min then pat on the remaining essence. The collagen type mask can be left on for up to 12hrs so I wear that to sleep sometimes.

Kadice, I can't lie flat on my back for long anymore, but fortunately I've not been getting up to pee even though I normally drink a glass of water before bed every night. I tell my baby not to press my bladder! ;)

ssmilezz, yeah feeling better after resting at home. Baby has been kicking me a lot so it's harder to have uninterrupted sleep. I'm also getting some cramping which I guess is the BHC irregularly throughout the day.

Jul, how come so long? What time was your appt?
Almost fell onboard 106. Just emailed a complaint to SMRT. i haven't scan my card, the driver start to drive off already!

Jul, take care.. Take a cab home after bah.. Rainy day very jialat...
Prettibride, yup. she's m'sian. She passed me her passport and ic photocopies so that I can apply for work permit for her. I think should be quite easy to do online. She didn't mention anything about picking her up.

Asked whether I drank wine, but told her not keen. plus I cannot really take Chinese herbs coz my first one had super bad allergy reaction.
Petrina, do take care when boarding the bus.. always make sure you hold on to something. Bus drivers are sometimes too kancheong to drive off and don't bother to check if passengers are seated. It's worse when the bus is crowded.
Finally done! Gosh! Did VE to check for dilation, some protein test to check for labour, some urine test to check for infection, n some other swab for some other infection. Other than the swab which needs to wait for lab , all negative. Ugh! Really hate the VE n the swabs.

Gd news is i'm not gog into labour. Got hosp leave till next mon to rest. Hiaz. How to clear wk like that???
Moi: Yup not free on the 20th and all weekends of April. Too many bdays and celebrations lined up.

Petrina: Good that you feedback, luckily you are not hurt. Please do take care.

Jul: Thats good news! Do rest well during your HL then.

My back is also aching when i walk, wanted to go for a swim today but guess thats not happening due to the weather. Will try tomorrow then.

Its slippery so do walk carefully mummies and slowly.I am home safe and sound and DH ask if i wanna go shopping!! Hahaha....

There is a Metro nursery sale which started today so will just pop by later to see if we need to stock up on anymore washing items.
Got this from ST.. Hmm.. Maybe we need to rethink our mani/pedi?? Tho I just cont doing it when with #1 la =p

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Some nail polishes commonly found in salons and advertised as free of a so-called 'toxic trio' of chemicals actually have high levels of agents known to cause birth defects, according to California state chemical regulators.

A Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) report to be released on Tuesday determined that the mislabelled nail products have the potential to harm thousands of women who work in more than 48,000 nail salons in California, and their customers.

Investigators chose 25 brands at random, including a number of products claiming to be free of the chemicals toluene, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and formaldehyde, which are known as the toxic trio. Regulators said exposure to large amounts of the chemicals has been linked to developmental problems, asthma and other illnesses.

Investigators found that 10 of 12 products that claimed to be free of toluene actually contained it, with four of the products having dangerously high levels.
hopecg, I think the refer is talking about exposure to "large amounts of chemicals", so probably manicurists are at much higher risk compared to customers. Also, I checked that OPI nail polishes do not have the above mentioned chemicals.
Jul, wow so many tests? Are you alright now? Luckily you were given HL to rest at home. Dun itchy backside to do more packing. Rest well.

Nattan, the class today is so boring probably it's weekday plus raining. Too tired to pay attention though I did learn some bf knowledge. The class is too huge cos they combined quite a nos of classes into this lesson due to Mrs. Wong overseas trip and postpone our lessons. To be honest, what it gotta do with us that we need to change our weekend classes which we paid more to weekday? Dun they think they should refund part of our fees? Today is the 5th lesson talking abt bf skill. My 4th lesson on the coming sun will be hands-on child care. Final lesson next tues again on doctor's talk. If not for this is my #1, totally clueless I won't attend such classes. Really waste of time.

Prettibride, I changed my outfit to blue long sleeve cos of the rain. Worried it might be too cold in the auditorium but it wasn't cos of the huge crowd. Even going to the toilet need to queue up. Getting into the cp and getting out was such a big hassle. Kind of pissed off with such arrangement. I dun think u will be able to see me cos I can't find you in pink dress. Too many pple today. Really crazy....
Thanks for the concern gals

Guess i just overexerted myself again. Honestly this pregnancy is really tougher. Physically, financially n mentally!

I've to sort out my washed disp undies coz hubs tried to be helpful n kept them from the laundry pegs. Ended up mixing my FW n L Sizes all up! Sigh
Good morning mummies, the thread really moves fast. I can see a few of June mummies being sick too. Please take good care. I am still recovering from the slight blocked nose and throat.

Yesterday, I went for my review and doctor mentioned that have to control weight and food intake.
I had piled on 13kg so far at week 28+. He mentioned baby is on the heavy side, 1.62kg and said that probably I had to go for c section. But sometimes, I felt that I cannot control my diet, just have to eat else will feel nausea. I asked about antenatal classes and his response was very weird, that he does not believe in all these and they are not neccessary. He also commented that he is different from other gynaes. I brought my medication from GP to him if they are safe to take. Flu medicine is fine but he does not believe in Danzen and not to take. The cought mixture is ok too but he prescribed me another type for me to take when needed. I am scheduled to go for another scan to determine baby's weight next visit. But I am glad when he said placenta has started to move up. I cannot wait for Friday to come and laze again.
Morning ladies!

Zo: Hope you are feeling much better. My gynae also doesnt believe in antenatal classes when i asked him about it. He says it is a waste of money which can be invested into the child instead as there are midwives available at the hospital to guide and assist you, as thats what you pay them for.

I guess it is entirely up to you though in the end. I am expecting my #1 but not going for the classes. So we will see.

Great news that your placenta has moved up.

I cant wait till this week is over too. Woke up this morning andfelt like i havent slept. Looking so sleepy when i got ready for work and am still feeling sleepy.Been quite lethargic this week, the 3rd tri has set in i guess. Hope the day passes by quickly!
morning everyone, it is midweek. just reached office and already cant wait for day to end. told my hubby &amp; he said how come everyday I cannot wait to day to end, must embrace life..haha..well I enjoy doing other things but not coming to work.Just feeling more tired these days...
haha.. it's ez for ur hb to say it without the bulge infront lei!.. i also wanna embrace life..haha! i wanna stay home shake leg like jul!

gotta take care wor! so good.. leave till next mon..i wish i could too! =)

i went for mt a pre natal class for #1, also think quite waste of time.. but makes me more assured la =)
Morning mummies... another cloudy day...

Anna, what's TMC's antenatal syllabus? At PEH, lesson 1 is on nutrition, lesson 2 on labour and delivery options (plus ward tour), lesson 3 on breast feeding and baby care, lesson 4-6 are exercise classes. Also, we get door gifts during a few of these classes: NAN Mum formula samples and a breastfeeding apron. They also provide a handbook for us to refer to. Does TMC provide these?

Zo, how tall are you? 13kg is reasonable depending on your height. I also put on that much already although I don't eat a lot more than usual compared to pre-pregnancy :p

Re flu meds, Danzen is safe, but usually I don't take if I can stand the sore throat. Try gurgling your throat with salt water (must stir enough salt in the water till it cannot dissolve further) and drink warm water with honey to soothe the pain.

Re antenatal class, I think some of the things I learnt in class are useful esp the exercises, while others are common sense or things you can learn on your own through books and internet. But it's good to have a health professional for you to ask questions and clear your doubts
Morning morning!

I am getting my first trimester tiredness back again. At around 10am my eyes literally wanted to close.
It's going to be tough waking up for work for the next 10-11 weeks But know i have you ladies going through the last lap with me does help!

Antenatal Class
Oh dear! HB and i were actually looking forward to our class starting this Friday. Anyway we will just go with an open heart. He is more patient at listening and will take notes compared to me who gets bored easily! Anyway we will just take it as a bonding time.

Nail Polish
I have been using OPI nail polish on my toe nails for years. I hardly ever let my toe nails breathe and even during the pregnancy maybe because i thought that it might be to minimal to affect. Anyway a few days back i decided that since i always wear covered shoes i removed it and put the nail strengthener. Hope its not too serious on my bb.

ZO: At 28 weeks your baby's weight is pretty good as in higher than average. Both HB and U are tall? Good news that your placenta moved up
. If hungry just take some healthy snacks to fill your tummy - warm unsweeten soy milk/nuts/fruits.

JUL: How are you feeling so far? Take this time to have a good rest and don't do any pre delivery work/prep. The only pre delivery work you can do is online shop coz its not strenous.
Zo: maybe gynae feel ur baby is abit big. so he ask u control ur diet. also if u haven't been gaining regularly. meaning perhaps from your last visit, you had a huge jump in your weight gain etc..

I also took Danzen yesterday. 1 dose though but i feel much better. At least today can swallow my saliva already compared to yesterday can't at all.

Morning ladies!
Finally mid week now. Another 2 more days to go to the weekend!
Danzen does help with the throat inflammation but I dunno if it’s ok to eat so I just tong the last time (2 weeks back) when I was sick. L I’m very kia su and will ask my sis who is a pharmacist to check through the medicine given to me by the GP just to be sure.
Did SMRT revert on your email abt the stupid 106 bus? Must be careful and hold on even when the bus is not moving! Else very easy to lose your balance.
Must rest while on HL!! Don’t go packing at home again ah..control yourself!!
Luckily all the tests went well. I bet the impromptu visit with all the tests must have been quite costly! L
What is your height? My girl was 1.7kg at 30 weeks. Doc say ok but my hub was quite freaked out cos the weight is considered at the 90% percentile now as compared to my visit one month back, when it was like the normal 50% average range. But if your weight gain is quite gradual, should be ok ba. Just take smaller portions. I know it’s really hard to control as if you not eat and get hungry, will want be super pukey all over again.
Pre-Natal Classes
This is also my first. Erm..never go for class. Going to learn on the job. :p
