(2012/06) Jun 2012

Fleurfleur, it depends... does your dog shed a lot? I've 2 cats and they shed quite a bit, so I'm thinking of getting an air purifier. ALso, because sometimes the neighbour's smoke gets into my room and sometimes the air is not so good with the Indon forest fires.
Hi nattan,

U may wanna get the air purifier from diamond. Is on promotion now at expo kids fair. Sunday last day. Fair price $288. Us$488. Just bought my second set yesterday.
I was panic when I see most of you have bought and prepared most of the stuff. Managed to buy pigeon steam sterilizer bundle set at taka bb fair, bb toiletries at JL sales and the recommended FW size disposable panties at Guardian. Dunno how much I have spent in total already. Saw nursing bra at CK selling at $4.90 only and prettty int'l at $18. All the grandma design and colour...thinking of buying them when edd is near incase cup size increase again. Complaint to hub abt the ugly grandma design...he said who will bother to see wat bra design you are wearing? Your daughter will only be interested to look at your breast & nipples...lol.

I also bought an air purifier cos I have a husky at home who shed alot and sleep with us in our air-con room at nite. The diamond air purifier bought recently at the bb care festival at $288 was a good deal and it works pretty well to date.

Yjchew, it will be easier for you to write a list of items you need to buy and probably to get them during the bb fair / sales. I intend to buy the rest of my items during the upcoming bb expo fair in april and motherhood fair in may.
Heard about Perineal gels that it will be advisable for us to use starting from week 35 onwards and after birth? How effective will that be?
Nattan: Yup checked Mothersworks no disc as all Bugaboo sold in Singapore is controlled price. Servicing issues are all overseas. Thanks though.

Anna: I bought braun thermometer, with a 20% + 10%(group disc) on one of the sales at Robinsons and on top of it you get rebates as well from your monthly statements, we bought it with vouchers from credit card points so that works well for us.

Fleur: Thanks but the last baby expo that recently passed was quite disappointing,very few participating vendors.

Yi Chew: i believe most of us have already started or almost completed buying items especially the big ticket items. There were plenty of fairs that has passed but i believe there would be a couple more mid year but most of us are worried that it would be difficult to move around when we are closer to our edd.
Better to start now. Make a list of what you need and start browsing around on comparison for prices. There is the Taka fair which ends next week, perhaps head over and get some items that you need.
The Avent sterilzer & warmer is a good bundle deal if you require both item. Not sure if they still have stock though. I heard there is a waiting list. Anyways,lots of experience mums here to help out. I am a first time mum so it has been overwhelming for me too but had lots of help here.
Same as the rest - I'm also more or less done with my baby items actually. The room is also more or less set up. Prob left with some small items like diapers, collecting the hand me downs clothes, baby skin care items as well as some stuffs for myself over the next few weeks.

As we get bigger and move into the final tri, going out shopping for long periods will be tough and tiring. So no point tiring ourselves out for nothing.

Yi Chew

Welcome to the forum! I have 3 purifiers at home - one for my room, one for living room and another new one which I got for the baby room. I have two small breed dogs at home though they are not double coat dogs, they are long haired dogs which do shed even though I send them for grooming every 4-6 weeks to shave them to a puppy cut. It's for the easy maintenance and also keeping our house cleaner. On top of that, I comb them every other day, magic clean the house after that. They used to play in the bedrooms a lot but over the last few months, we have been training them to stay out of the rooms and keep to the kitchen and living room. They sleep in the kitchen in their Playpen so it's not so bad. I believe that pets n kids/babies can co exist but a certain level of commitment is required to keep clean and the baby safe from the pet (under supervision)
nattan> I don't have baby clothes yet, just maternity clothes and electric pump. For the cot, my colleague is checking the size of his kid's cot to see if it can fit in my room because his is the wooden type of cot, quite big I heard. But I might just go for a plastic one coz is easier to move it ard. Stroller I'm not sure whether shld i get it or just get those kind of sling and maybe wait for my kid to be bigger then get the toddler type? I have alot of ppl giving me different recommendations so still researching.

Priscilla> Ya, my dog is a beagle and she basically sheds for a living, haha! I guess I will get one too. Maybe will get it in Apr during the baby fair too. I'm considering whether to temp put the dog at my mum's pl during my one mth confinement as she sometimes bark at ppl who goes past the hse and I'm afraid she will scare the baby. And her bark is the big dog kinda bark so is quite shocking sometimes.

Smilezz> Currently, my dog is not allowed into my room so at least that is control when the baby is inside. We also have to magic clean the hse everyday because her short fur drops alot even after combing. But because my mil hse is small so thats really no where else to put her so im just afraid when I bring the baby to the living room then the fur might affect the baby. so still comtemplating on my first option of putting her at my mum's pl.

Jolene> How long does the items take to ship if we buy from the online website?

We are also not planning for a CL because she has no space to slp so my hubby and my mil is going to take turns to be my CL. Hopefully everything goes well.

Thanks guys for the advice! Really good to talk about these problems.
Adeline, I believe you were talking about the Baby Expo, but the one after it, BabyCare Fair (also at Expo) was much better. That's where I got my cot and Babysafe mattress at 30% off

yjchew, Since you're getting quite a lot of hand-me-downs, then don't have to worry so much ya... Maybe just shop for some baby clothes, diapers and baby toiletries first.

Re sling, my hubby is also thinking about using that instead of a stroller for the first couple of months (he just can't wait to carry the baby!). We bought a Baby Bjorn carrier, but he's also thinking of making his own sling for the baby cos carrier cannot be used for a newborn. But my boss said you need to train the baby to get used to the stroller else next time he/she will always want you to carry.

Re air purifier, the Diamond one is on sale at the SmartKIds fair, but I saw a Novita brand one at Taka going for $199... will go and check them out to compare..I'm just using it for our bedroom where baby will be sleeping.

Like you, I won't be having a confinement lady so everything will be DIY by myself and hubby. Don't worry... just stay positive
nattan, should we get diapers so early? Because my EDD only end Jun so get ard Apr or May should be fine right? I need to buy a small plastic cupboard to put my baby's clothes too, think I wil just buy a temp cheap one because my new hse shld be ready by end of this year. Ya, I think I will just buy one for the room =) oh ok, same here, my hubby is going to learn how to cook confinement food. =)
oh just want to check, do you know where can we find chinese names to choose from? I'm sourcing for my baby's chinese name.
Nattan: Yup i was talking about the baby expo and not babycare fair. I believe the one Fleur mentioned would be baby expo right?
Babycare was definitely much better.

Regarding slings for newborns i bought one too as i intend to use the slings at the beginning and not a stroller, it creates a bond between your child and you. It is not entirely true about what your boss says,as it is a myth. It is tough for me to explain but perhaps you would like to read or borrow these two books about parenting. It does make sense after reading it.

Its called The Baby Book by William Sears & Martha Sears or The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp.

My DH researched and found these two books are great reading for parenting skills. So we are currently both reading it.
yjchew, if you can score a good deal on diapers then go for it.. don't need to buy too many since baby's size will change, but I think these are also necessities. If not, try to collect as many samples as you can.. hehe...

I'm also shopping for a plastic cupboard to store my baby's stuff. Can find them at Toyogo in Toa Payoh or Carrefour.
hi all, seems like everyone has gotten many stuff ready. i have only bought a cot and nothing else.

read that some of you got your breast pump overseas? is it cheaper..and which website do you all buy from? medala pump seems so expensive, about $600...
Adeline: yes I agree the baby expo at suntec last dec was disappointing. I like the baby care as I bought most of the babysafe things from there.

There is one more Motherhood fair at exPo end may but it's cutting close to our EDD. We can just go to buy miscellaneous non urgent things.

My doggy super manja but she doesn't shed too much fur for a living haha so I think shld b ok for my baby when my mum helps to take care after my ML.

Btw I just checked. Seahorse mattress med firm 3 fold type. If want 3" 4" thick onwards need to customize n pay in full. 4" costs around $58 and 3 weeks advance.
Fleurfleur, yes I considered IKEA at first, but due to space constraint in my bedroom, I'm not sure if the module I originally wanted can fit in. So thought of getting those plastic stackable storage compartments for the time being. Easier to move it around also.
yjchew> dont worry abt bb scared of dog barkin. I used to hv a small dog tat barks lik big dog. My bb has no prob at all. Tink thy gt used to it while in our tummy, jus lik thy cn also hear us tok. Bt i wil tink its gd to kp the house clean n the dog away at least for confinement.
Sigh sigh ... The hand me down cot that was from my friend who passed to her friend and her friend just passed to me is like crap! Can you believe that her friend didn't bother to clean it and there were strands of long hair stuck plus the rails had dirty stains?

In the end we trashed it! I can't believe someone didn't hv that decency to at least clean it. So now I hv to use the playpen for my mum's house and just buy a new mattress

Need your advices if a playpen is ok for 4 months onwards to sleep in until 12-18 months day time at my mum's house?
When will it be dangerous such that the baby will want to climb out? Will it be a strain on my mum's back to carry her out or change diapers there?

Hi fleurfleur, didn't know the cot your friend wanted to give you is a 3rd hand... I think for hygiene sake, better not accept something that is twice handed down :p

Re playpens, my view, after seeing a lot of playpens, is that they are not really suitable for extended use, but if it's just for a few hours during the day at your mum's house, should be ok... The thing is most playpens don't have side rails that can be lowered, so you will need to bend over to reach for the baby. Also, you need to see how low the playpen can go, bearing in mind the additional height once you add the mattress in. By the time baby is about 12 mths old, he may be able to stand and try to climb over.
Deebee, you will need to wash the filter every 1/2 year if my memory didn't fail me. Changing of filter is a must after 1-2yrs depending on how often you use the purifier & how dirty is the filter. The filter can be purchased from the local distributor and should cost approx. S$ 60 if I remember correctly.

Nattan, you may wanna make a comparison with Sharp FUA28E air purifier which I once saw in the past ad that it was selling at $159 since you will be checking out the Novita brand. Thereafter you can decide whether to get Novita/Sharp/Diamond. ;)
Anna, re perineal gel, read that it's used only before birth... I don't think you need that for after delivery with all the lochia discharge and all :p The gel is for you to massage and stretch your perineum area before birth to prevent it from tearing during delivery. But actually you don't have to buy a special gel for it. You can just use any pure vegetable oil like olive, jojoba or grapeseed oil to massage. Check out this link http://pregnancy.about.com/cs/episiotomy/a/perimassage.htm

For mummies looking for disposable panties, I found XL size ones by Guardian. They are sold at Cheers T3 (Level 1). Can fit 40"-44" hips. They are made of non-woven material, but I'm not sure how durable they are.
Thanks for the recommendation on air purifiers Anna
Will check them out. There's another brand I came across today at a Homefix store. It's called Maier... it's quite affordable, but I'm not familiar with the brand.. anybody using that?
play pen
i m stil usin playpen as my son bed nw, n he is comin to 16mths. Personally prefer it n tot its safer cos my son loves to toss n turn n cn simply fall bk n ly dwn w/o seeing wats behind. So playpen wil cause less bumps on his head. :p if u intend to gt playpen, gt smthing big n has 3side netted. Thers a gd brand tat starts w M.
Morning ladies,

It seems like just overnight that my tummy strunk! I was having so much problems finishing my normal portion of food. Felt like the food wouldn't go down and it's stuck at the top of my chest just after eating.


3rd hand will be quite old and worn out. Thank goodness you got it now and still have time to find another replacement and get a new one.

Foldable Mattress

I was @ Courts Megastore Toa Payoh yesterday and saw them selling foldable mattress. Looks pretty decent and thick. Not as hard as the Seahorse brand, go check it out if you are looking around for one.

any mummies know if taka bb fair has the pigeon 20% disc? and also if they still accept exchanges of old bottles to new ones at 50%?

Good Morning ladies.. Welcome to all newbies

Cot Vs Playpen
I'm using my #1's old playpen. it has the changing table attached to it which can be removed. The sides have pockets for easy accessibility. There is a attached mattress board for babies to sleep and when baby can stand, the board is removed so mattress can be put on bottom level.6
I like the playpen till about 9months when my baby can stand. Then i realized that it was a hassle to bend over to pick baby up n down.
So i got another mattress to create a higher level for me. It worked well till about 12months.
Then the standing height will be just nice. So I removed the additional mattress.

It is bump proof. Of course after 1yr, you can upgrade your child to toddler bed already. Which i kept the pen and opened up the single bed. My son didn't have the habit of rolling over so I didn't buy a bed rail. Over the 3yrs when he slept, he fell only twice.

For cot, you need to get bumper to surround it. I had a hand me down (put in living room) but i realized that the bumper didn't create any buffer. he knocked his head often while trying to sit up and lie down due to bad estimation of where the head is.

If you are intending to TBF, good to spend abit on good quality pumps to be able to extract all the milk out. Otherwise you'll think you have no milk. eventually waste $ for cheap pump and same time need to feed FM.
US / Local sets - only difference is warranty/convenience. For medela, most sets don't spoil easily. can last minimum 4-7years w/o failing. So if you have good lobang for US set, best to get it as it's a good price saver.

I bought toyogo plastic 5 tier drawers as i have space constrains. With wheels so easy for me to do mopping around the house too. Ikea cupboards r cheap n lasting but provided you have space. I went ikea to get measurements for build in wardrobes. In the end I took the design and got a carpenter friend to do it for me at approx similar pricing but sizing it fitting to my house instead of standard size from Ikea.

Air Purifier
Pets & babies can co-exist. Just give them boundaries.
Maier/Honeywell/Diamond are ok. Try not to get a purifier w/o a HEPA filter as it kinda defeats the purpose of air cleaning.
With occasional forest burning around our country, it's best to have a standby purifier for emergency purpose.

CL Mattress
Seahorse or Ikea sells reasonable priced mattress.

Baby Mattress
I'll highly recommend Babysafe brand unless ur cot/pen can't accommodate to it.

ssmilezz: Thanks! I will check out Courts @ Tampines on the foldable mattress.

Think your baby is pushing upwards and hence affecting your intake amount. Take more frequent small meals

Petrina: I like babysafe mattress ... i bought it at the Babycare fair for my own home cot. But their playpen mattress isn't cheap i think $170. I am waiting and hoping they will be at the upcoming fair in end May to early June - Motherhood Fair as its only at such fairs that its 30% off.
Hi Petrina, for pumps bought overseas, there is no warranty? I read that some bought from Beauty Loft, it is ordered from abroad? tks.
Morning mummies...

ssmilezz, my tummy also seem to have shrunk a little... I guess as baby takes up more room in our expanding womb, the stomach space is constraint.. Just have to adjust by eating smaller meals throughout the day.

I think the last few days that I was sick (still sick actually), I lost a couple of Kgs.

hopecg, if I remember correctly, Pigeon is offering 20% off at the Taka fair, but I'm not sure about the 50% off for trade-in.

Kadice, I bought from Beauty Loft recently and yes, they order from USA, but they may have ready stocks too. Mine was a ready stock with US warranty. Beauty Loft will settle warranty issues for you if there's any problem and you can register your warranty after baby's birth. Any further query can write to [email protected] or call 94454828.
kadice: those bought online r usually US Sets. no local warranty. the warranty will be in US. of course if there is issue, you can choose to send to supplier and they will help u settle repairs in US but you have to pay for shipping to n fro.

fleur: ya. i m also waiting for motherhood fair.
Good morning!

Yikes! The weekend passed so fast! So busy attending 2 birthday parties, & getting my fren's old cot. I'm quite happy with it. We manaegd to set it up as a toddler bed for my #1, so that #2 can sue the cot. Will try to 'tong' for 2 yrs then probably do a massive reno to their room to have adult bed & build-in cupboards etc bah? Anyway see how. Not up to a massive reno now also! Getting so, so tired!

Babysafe Mattress

I'm also waiting for a 30% discount now. Coz my fren's toddler bed also takes the 28" x 52" mattress (which I didn't take her old one), so need to get another one. Hopefully the Apr fair has it so I can get it before I pop!

Air Purifier

Was too busy to check out the Diamond air purifier at the just-past fair. Hopefully can get it at the Apr one too. haha suddenly a lot of things to buy at the Apr fair hor?


Pigeon has 20% at the Taka Fair. Not sure if the 50% trade in is still there, but it's only for the PPSU bottle & not any other bottles.
i haven't been eating much food. i've been gorging on ice cream for the whole weekend though!! Argh..
Hb bought 2 tubs of Dryers Mint & Cookies/cream.. already ate both tubs half each

Then i cooked green bean soup with sago yesterday.. I alone already ate half a pot! All the sugar contents!!
Gonna blow the scales next sat...
<font color="aa00aa">Is any of you taking studio photos of your bump? Do you get to keep all the (digital) photos?

I asked DH and he said "Save the $, I'll take for you. What if someone put your photos on the internet?"

I think if we go to reputable photographer or studio, they won't publish our photos w/o our permission right?</font>
hmm.. anyone bought any nursing pillow?
what do u guys think of nursing pillow?

Air purifier :
im getting a sharp one coz it also have the function of dehumdifier..
Morning ladies. Had a nitemare last nite and bb been kicking me non-stop. I wondered does she know what I have dreamt??

I have attached a copy of the notes provided by Mrs. Wong Boi Boh during my 3rd lesson yesterday. You may wanna have a reference of it. Saw the video of women went thru natural birth w &amp; w/o epidural, and C-section too. Saw daddies in the class of different expression...most were shocked and some even opened their mouth wide. My hub does not even want to watch the video at all. I would really want to go for natural birth but I do not know if I can withstand the pain and go without epidural. Heard some of my friends saying that there will be side effect like backaches due to epidural injection. How true it that? Any of you have notes from your prenatal class to share with us?

Hopecg, I dunno if pigeon is giving full 20% discount in the taka fair as I never really make a comparison. It should be around 15-20%. I just went to JL sales and pretty sure pigeon didn't offer 20% discount, only applicable to certain brands like kodomo and tollyjoy.
JUL: Keep me in the loop since we are both waiting for the 30% babysafe mattress

Petrina: Any consolation I finished 2 tubs of B&amp;J - one on Sat and one on Sun at home plus a double scoop cone outside. Recently just crave for ice cream alot. All the weight and fats doesn't seem to go to my tummy but to my butt &amp; thighs. I have dino thighs and butt now!

Mihoger: I was told that during antenatal class they teach using normal pillow. its pretty mixed reviews from my friends. Some can do well with a normal pillow and save $ and some say nursing pillow eases their arm. For me i will wait and try normal pillow. If i need the nursing one, can send HB anytime to buy it
mihoger: the breastfeeding pillow? i used my own microfibre gel pillow which i have for sleeping.
u sleeping in air con? if so, then u dun need dehumidifier. if no air con then dehumidifier is good.
i m intending to get a humidifier though.. for my air con environment. The Novita type.

Moi: i also want to take. Muz take a long time to persuade hb since he has to be involved. Not naked. so it's still quite safe.
anna: i kept dreaming of walking dead!! haha watched every episode on fridays.. but dunno y last night can't get the scene out of my head. baby also kept kicking me. tummy very pain..

fleur: aww.. our babies love ice cream hurhur.. i m craving for ice cream now already...
thanks for the review on nursing pillow.. hehe..

petrina : my bb love ice cream too!.. hahha..

Anna : i will be going for epi.. even leg cramps sharp pain at night is killing me. haha..
Anna, try using Google Doc to upload then provide the link here. Haha.. I think most men just cannot stomach the delivery scene! even during my last antenatal class, most of the men there look a bit green in the face when the (grainy and unclear) video was showing a woman pushing her baby out.

I don't have any ice cream craving at all. I still prefer potato chips and other savory snacks to ice cream. I also like Marigold Low Fat Natural Yoghurt.

Re nursing pillow, I don't really think it's necessary. Most of the breastfeeding videos also don't show mummies using it. But I guess is also dependent on your height and sitting posture. If it makes it easier for you to breastfeed, by all means invest in one.

Petrina, that's why I don't watch scary shows... baby is already so active at night, I don't need nightmares to make him kick me some more! :p
Anna, I think i was the one who freaked out when I watched the video. I kept telling hubby i'm very scared. But yesterday after the class he was like even more sweet to me lor.... Then at night he tell me "XIN KU NI LE".

Think he also know childbirth can be quite traumatic.
Thanks nattan, Jul and Anna! Hmm.. cos usually kiddypalace has 20% off on occasions.. but right now, no 20%.. so not sure if taka has.. if taka has, will pop by later to buy.. =)

nursing pillow
i was given one for #1, but i din use it at all.. called my BreastFriend..not useful for me i feel

mummies suffering from leg cramps
i can be a live testimony for scholl's compression socks! i have been suffering cramps at night and on the recent sat night, i tried putting them on, and i've got no pain!! perhaps you may want to give it a try too! =)
Nattan, I do not have google doc. I have scanned the notes in PDF and sent to your email. Can you please help to provide the link here then. Many thanks!!

It's normal right for all of us going through this for the very first time to be scared. Not to mention, this is the first time, i'll actually be staying in a hospital. How not to freak out?

My hub was like very bloody hor, like some horror movie. Then he asked me, if I feel faint and need to sit down, you won't be upset with me ba? :p Already disclaimer~ hahaha

Nursing Pillow

Will not be getting one. I find my current banana shape long microbeads pillow from Terraline really good. It's been a great support pillow for me either to sleep at night or to prop myself up. Worth every cent


Should be ok to go to a reputable photographer. Not to worry. Plus the pictures will be taken artistically.


Are you still unwell? Oh dear...hope u had a good rest over the weekend!!

Babysafe Items

I bought a lot of Babysafe stuffs at the Babycare fair. Come and think abt it, I didn't really do much of a price check and assumed that it's much cheaper! I bought the mattress, pillows and some bedsheets.

Baby Cot

Baby Hypermart delivered my baby cot on Sat. We bought just the cot alone as we are using the Babysafe mattress. All assembled by hubby - am glad to see another item settled.

Third Tri

How many of us have just entered into the 3rd tri?
