(2012/06) Jun 2012


I won't be taking photos. This time round, pregnancy to me is just the measn to an end. And I'm more focused on what to prepare for after delivery then the pregnancy. Think I really got traumatised by the last round haha

BR Pillow

I bought BrestFirend the last time. Bought a spare cover for it this time round so that can wash & change. Maybe bcoz I was staying at MIL's during my confinement, there weren't extra pillows or space on the single bed for pillows. So the BF pillow did me good.

But no hamr buying later. I alsos ent my Hubs out to Kiddy Palace to buy after 1 week of my delivery. No need to rush.

fleur, petrina

hehe let's updatee ach other then we see 30% off for Babsyafe k?


U can gauge by the CTG. For me, at 40+, I was like.. er.. this is my threshold for pain tolerance. The nurese told me that it will peak at 100+, so I just decided to take epi. If u find that it's a pc of cake, say, at 60+, or 80+, then u can tong bah?


Go Taka lah. Everything off at 20% except for absolute staples like wipes, soap, liquid detergent. But certain wipes are discounted such as the light blue Lanolin one & the hand & mouth one.

Hmm.. maybe I shd go check out the compression socks! Been 'starting' cramps the past week or so, but stil managed to quickly wake up & stretch before they kick in.
Hiya... anyone looking for a cot for baby? I have a 2 year old cot - it is in really good condition - no scratches or anything, bought from Robinsons 2 years ago for 300+. I bought a new one for my #2 as this one is slightly too big.

Can PM me for more details...

It's $200+ i think. Basic model. We were looking for one in dark brown (Oak) color and we wanted the cot to be a big higher as we are both quite tall and bending down to a low height is going to be an issue for both of us.

My SIL bought the cot from Mothercare and that model was rather low, had a hard time trying to "sayang" our niece when we went over to her place.


What is CTG ah? Very suaku here? The contractions?

Hospital Procedure

Can someone just run through what typically happens once you reach the hospital? I have no clue and would just like to know the nitty gritty.
Noted on the babysafe updates

Anna: Agree with Jul on the threshold. if u r the type can take bad menses cramp then shld be ok. you adapt a wait n see attitude bah. if halfway can't then better take. otherwise too late to take then you'll probably scream the delivery ward down. hehe
if past 50% still ok then shld be ok liao.

Smilez: I'll hit 28wks on Saturday

I get them when i stretch. once they start to feel abit crampy, i'll flip my toes the other way around to counter-act it. so the cramps don't start at all. but it kinda affects my need to stretch feeling.
ssmilezz, yeah the flu bug is still bugging me :p I felt a bit faint yesterday during church service and had to leave half way. Went for a cold iced tea at Starbucks and felt a bit better after that. Still got a lot of phlegm and blocked nose at night... so hard to sleep with the baby's kicking and stuffy nose
Poor hubby has to tolerate all my tossing and turning, and nose blowing :p

BTW, have you gone for a hospital tour? They will explain all the procedures to you in detail...

Er.. forgot the full name. But it's a small monitor that they strap on your tummy to monitor the contractions strength & the baby's heart beat. When u go thru delivery, u will get it strapped to you haha

Hospital Procedure

Arrive at the delivery ward, present your gynae's letter, form, IC whatever.. your Hubs can do the admission for you. You will proceed into the waiting area where you will change to the hosp gown, do an edema (clear your bowels if u need), shower (but I can't imagine anyone being able to shower there), then proceed to the delivery room when told to.

Then you just lie there, have all sorts of things strapped to you, given laughing gas/epi/Pethidine jab etc etc.. Have all sorts of people lifting your blanket n poking u down there to check for dilation, taking your temp & BP etc... wait till you're told to begin pushing & then PUSH!

This is for normal delivery. Not sure abt C-Sec.
smilez: procedures depends on the condition you were brought in. hehe
if fast n furious type usually push you on wheelchair directly to DW while hb do the necessary registration. they don't even weigh you since you can't move at all.
if mild contractions can wait then at reception settle admission then push in wheelchair up to take weight n height then go DW.
if c-sec then settle admission then go MW and wait. take height n weight. then fill in form to decide epidural or GA.
if induction, same as c-sec.

machine strapped on your tummy to track baby's heartrate while delivery or induction. also to track contractions time span.
When is the third trimester? 28 weeks?

I feeling so tired, tummy so big and gain 15kg
( hope I can quickly pass this period. Ya I most likely c section so scared... My first is natural.. Haiz hope the placenta can cooperate.

Good day to all mummies!

hahaha mine wasn't supposed to be fast & furious, but I was crying with tears pouring down my face & had to be wheelchaired to the delivery ward. Quite funny, looking back
medela Parts Spree

Yippee! I rec'd a reply from the spree-er that she'll email me when she starts her enxt spree. feel like another item half settled.
Joanne: I also feel very tired. Last time walking and shopping is no problem for me. In fact hubby can't outlast me when it comes to shopping. Now just 1 weekend go ikea for 2 hours only and i'm dead beat.
jul: hehe.. first timer, i've seen many ppl tearing cause they nvr experience that type of pain b4. plus scared. when we look back, always got things to laugh about..

what medela parts spree? is it very cheap compared to 20%?

Hope your hub's immunity is strong enuff and wont fall sick too! Will be going for the hospital tour early next mth.


Ah okay so basically follow instrutctions and get prodded and pOked like nobody's business is the rule of game.

First round u not sure what's happening and scared ma. This round should be more zai and expert ba. Heheh.


Huh still need to weigh?

Seriously, I have no idea what's my pain treshold. Sigh. When I did my tattoo, I was expecting serious pain thanks to
The tv shows and dramas on tv. Then I realized, ok still
Manageable. My hub who was with me then kept asking me - pain or not? Can tahan? He make me more kan Cheong I think.


I heard that VE will typically hurt like mad when checking for diliation. Is it really the bad?
smilez: VE is not that pain. just very uncomfortable. similar to doing pap smear pain.
need to weigh cause they need to measure pain relief amount according to weight. you can give estimate if u can't stand up to weigh. they accept.
yupyup.. that's the one.. purplish blue.. they have 2 types. One is all the way to the butt, the other to top of thigh.. i bought the latter.. not comfy with a tight butt! haha! for the record, it wasn't a one off affair of no cramps! it was twice! and somehow, last night i was lazy to put it on, but the cramps din come back! previously it was every night cramping!

haha! u evil evil again ar!! arousing the shopaholic in me!! lucky got some taka vouchers to use.. prob gonna be lugging the stuff home later! can't wait! =)) check out the socks! tho abit pricey at $40plus.. but worth it for me la!
<font color="aa00aa">Personally, I feel that VE is quite painful esp. if the midwife pushes hard. That time, I was dilating very slowing though the contractions were 2 mins apart. VE only revealed 1.5cm dilated!</font>
Its my first time and i don't even dare to think about it. HB was asking me how do i know i am going to deliver and i said contractions! He asked how do you know its contractions? I said Hey its my first time how would i know? Maybe period cramps multiply by alot of pain?
<font color="aa00aa">OT: Baking
Is anyone into baking?
Can recommend me a table-top oven (probably between 18L and 30L) for amateur?</font>
moi: cornell. i'm using their electric oven. can't rem wat size since it has been with me for the past 5yrs.
all electric table top ovens don't have excellent heat distribution. i have to turn my tray around after half time for even baking.
jul: haha.. u'll be experienced now. so by the time pain comes you'll know what to do. so i doubt you'll cry. maybe scream for faster service?? hehe

fleur: instinct. you'll know when ur tummy hurts alot. and it doesn't go away.
when u experience braxton hicks, contractions r same. except more frequent n more painful. then u'll know it's time to go hospital.
what is VE? paiseh, a bit suaku...im eating my lunch as i read and im feeling scared already.

a lot of you eating ice-cream here. i also suddenly have cravings these couple of weeks, but some say cannot take cold food?? but i still took a bit... ha
Nattan, thanks for your help. However it should be total 18pgs of notes but there are only 10pgs of notes from the link.

3rd Trimester

I should be at my 26th weeks now...kind of lost count liao. Tired easily...can't imagine when I'm in my 3rd tri.

I'm also very suaku here. What's VE ah?

At least this time u know your treshold for pain aldy after the first experience. And everyone is saying it gets faster n easier the second round.


Those table top ovens don't have very good heat distribution. But for small items, still ok. I'm using Sharp.


I'm also wondering how to figure when it's really time. I even read abt ppl posting online to ask if it's time as they describe their current physical condition. Haha


I do take cold drinks. Erm moderation I guess. I have fruit juice with less ice, even bubble tea and ice cream.
Alot of mummies asking when does 3rd tri start and that was the question on my mind during the weekend too! in a few days time i will hit 27th week so will that be when i enter my 3rd tri?
ERmmm I remembered someone mentioned about the packet red dates tea. Is it from NTUC? Been asking the medical shops but non of them sells it.

Very lazy to boil them myself. Read from the notes from Wong Boi Boi shared by Anna (thanks alot) that we should drink them every day. I need the instant packet drink!
jolene: if u need ur longan drink boost, you can try Gong Cha or just go any supermarket to get the instant packets.
usually together with 3-in-1 coffee or tea shelves.
Jolene: I believe it's not necessary to drink them now. It should be after birth. The packet red dates tea can be purchased in NTUC, normally 6packets per pack. As what Petrina mentioned, supermarket shd be selling those instant packets too. I dunno if those are as effective as those own brew.
i started drinking longan &amp; red date drinks from Gong Cha once a week since 6mths preg.
i think it's kinda like "bu qi" for me. cause preg ppl can get fatigue and breathless at times. so the drink helps revive more red blood cells in our body? like rejuvenating?
hmm better not get those 3 in 1.. i was advise by my clinic nurse dont drink 3 in 1 drinks will get cramp easily. not sure how true?

gong cha rules!! nice excuse for me to have my craving..
Moi, I used to have a Tefal oven, it's quite good. Can bake cakes and even roast a small chicken. Now I use a built-in oven as I want to bake pizzas, cakes, muffins and roast bigger items.

Petrina, I think you can "bu qi" with iron supplement and take in less calories than drinking Gong Cha ;)

Mihoger, your nurse says 3-in-1 drinks can cause cramps?? Got scientific/medical backing or not? I don't trust some of these nurses...
Haha Petria your Gong Chan red dates drink theory really perks me up. Gonna get one tommorow during lunch

Hmmm a Chinese sensei told me should start drinking the Logan/red dates tea leh. I have been drinking DIY red dates/logan tea too and I don't really feel fatigue too.
Hi mommies..

any recommendations on where to buy mattress for play pen? 28" x 41" one.. i saw at kiddy palace but wonder if there're better deals? and shld i buy those with holes or without??

air purifier
was at kallang leisure park ytd and there was this mega store that sells all kinds of electronics. bought a Hitachi air purifier at $199! original price $499 (but dono real or fake).. made in Japan with HEPA filter as well as carbon filter.. dono if it's a good buy?? was telling hubby we buy air purifier then can have doggy already.. hehehe
nattan: haha.. once a week ok lah. give in to my craving mah.. my hb drink alisan GCM. i already nvr add pearls or aiyu jelly :p
i do take prenatal vits tat contain iron. it's an excuse to drink gong cha only
since it's not tea based so i think no caffeine right?

mihoger: nvr heard that 3-in-1 cause cramps too. drank those for my #1. no issues.

jolene: try to reduce sugar ok? keke..
Tea also contains caffeine Petrina. I love coffee, have my caffeine kick with Latte. It says 2 cups of coffee (which contains much more caffeine than bubble tea and latte) is fine.

Do I guess our indulgence is ok.
Petrina, ok once a week should be fine if you choose the reduced sugar version
Anyway I also drink kopi everyday :p

Actually I bought the longan and red dates but just never found the opportunity to brew the drink... Maybe this weekend I'll try to make some then can teach hubby how to make it for me ;)
nattan: it's called the Mega Discount Store at level 1.. my in laws just moved house recently and bought all their electronics from there.. think got quite a bit of disc compared to courts etc
hehe i drink all sorts of tea.. teh-o, teh, H&amp;E osmanthus tea, fruit tea from agantea, milk tea from gong cha etc.. as long as my cravings are satisfied!! :D

nattan / petrina : no idea. but jus listen.

i dont take 3 in 1 drinks. but i still have cramps :p

jus walk down to the mini-mart downstairs and bought myself a kitkat icecream..cravinggg... and so hungry now..
