(2012/06) Jun 2012

i mean your appetite jul!

Jul and Audrey,
My number 1 also came earlier than i expected. Wasn't expecting him den in the middle of the night at 3am, my waterbag burst.
So this time round, me also preparing in case earlier too, plus this is number 2 so more likely?

Nattan: Yea but i guess better to double check.
But i think so far i have not heard from any mummies about medela giving them problems within the 1 yr warranty.

Soulsista: I am eurasian too but mum is chinese so i have help there too.

Basically an experienced CL would give you a list to buy the herbs for cooking and for bathing.
Herbs apparently have different grades which i found out from my CL and mum, so my CL will pass the list to my mum to get the herbs for me, as i would not have a clue! Haha...

CL will normally look after the night feeds so that you can rest well. Their sole responsibility is to take care of you and baby.
If you got the CL through recommendations then she would know what to do but if you are particular to certain things in terms of handling the baby then do speak to her about it.
Adeline: i've not have a maid before, unless you count the 4-day old maid i had who came to me after my grandfather died. It was bad. She was on the phone non stop, and had BO. Slept in the same room as me.

I'm now rethinking this maid i had rejected after interviewing her. Her english isn't that good, but she has experience looking after newborn. I didn't want to hire her that day coz her eyes looked a bit glazed.

But you see, i tend to be swayed by people who can talk. I had to hire someone recently and after interviewing 3 people, i went for a very experienced one with results to show. He was good at talking. But he was the most expensive. My boss told me to go for the cheapest one, whom i thought was ok, but not so experienced, and was the first to be ruled out. Turned out he was a good choice. Just doesn't impress people on first interview.

Questions to ask.
1. How do you best learn instructions? What to do if you cannot remember?
2. If your kid cries non stop and you are uncontactable, what will she do?
3. If my son doesn't want to sleep, what will you do?
4. How familiar are you with different appliances?
5. Do you prefer to organize the tasks yourself, or follow a schedule?
6. What is your best dish? How do you prepare it?
7. Do you have relatives working here?
8. Why do you want to work here? How long do you plan to work here?
9. Are you willing to attend courses?
10. What do you plan to do on your off day?
Cant sleep! Kept thinking abt mangoes..
Crawled to kitchen to satisfy craving. Ate a whole mango in 3 mins.
Good night ladies.. Going into lalaland now
<font color="0077aa">Jolene, apparently she gave us diff info... She told me warranty starts from the day we purchase from her. So I'm thinking whether should I get from her now or wait till nearer to EDD.

Nattan, actually for all the strollers and car seats I bought from local stores, I was told warranty starts from the day baby is born. Iirc, the salesgal at medela counter at taka baby fair also told me the same.</font>

Lol! Must be all that talk abt mangoes! Did u end up with all 5 Cha Siew bao before u reach home today?


Ppl who articulate well always have an advantage. They can up sell themselves as compared to another person who may be a very hard working person but just dunno how to express himself.
Same with ppl who are born with good looks. It's just an added advantage somehow. Unfortunately if they had a rotting heart inside, after awhile no matter how good looking, no one can tahan them. But that being said, ppl will still be attracted to such ppp first

So are u planning to go back to the maid u rejected at first? Any better options so far?


Same here. I still cannot stand any food with too strong garlic or onion flavor. I will stay clear of them. :D

HoPe u get well soon too! Rest if u can and take
Lots of fluids.


When u planning to start yr first load of washing?
Morning mummies...

Back to work today... throat still itchy though..

Sapphire, oic.. then you might want to buy at a later date or buy a local set.

ssmilezz, I didn't get to cook in the end cos Hubby wanted to eat out :p I will probably cook after work tonight.
Sapphire, i ate 1 char siew bun and brought 3 back.. Haha..
This morning ate 1 for breakfast and gonna eat another when i reach ofc.
I bought julie brand choc love letters 400g tin. By knock off work, left half a tin.

Lunch i ate ipoh hor fun, chicken pau, a slice of durian cake. Then slowly eat syicks n sticks of love letters... Plus a cup of aiyu jelly drink!

Buttercup/smilez: i can't eat carrot cake due to garlic! Thats y i need to buy the squares n fry myself or eat the white one where the cai por will cover the garlic smell.

Yesterday 3pm ate 1 small slice of durian cake.. End up nausea whole afternoon till 8pm. Apparently baby still hates durian. Almost puke after bus ride while walking home. Very hard to hold it down.

Popping early
I m hoping to do natural so i prepared myself for anytime popping. My #1 though born 37wks but was induced. So technically my cervix not ready. So i don't think i hav high chance of popping b4 edd.
Plus i ain't getting braxton hicks yet. So far just lots wriggling and complaining when i eat certain foods.
Morn Mummies,

Finally its friday! Seems like the tiredness is coming back as i approach 3rd tri. Can barely keep eyes open by 3/4pm. No breakfast today, just milk. Later still got lunch meeting. Hope I can survive after the meeting to have food. Yest had a wierd dream again, dreamt i was so hungry to the extent i just broke down the moment i reached home cos still need time to prepare food. hahaha...

Red Date &amp; Longan Tea, actually besides boiling, can we also take those instant sachets? Its more convenient that way and taste better.
jul/chris/smilez, haha..thanks for letting me know. will wait a while more to see how much bigger my butt can grow before i go stock up. feel paiseh to ask other pple to wash stained undies also.
prettibride: yes. u can take sachets if u dun have time to boil. i took sachets in last 2 weeks of confinement. 1st 2 weeks my MIL boiled black/red dates + black fungus + longan.

My butt aldy very big before I was expecting. Hahaha so I think over the next few weeks,I'll start to waddle like a duck soon.


Me too. I like black carrot cake more but the garlic puts me off. Sigh. So I end up trying to stick with white one but not so nice hor.


Drink more water else have honey to sooth yr throat

Your hub prob wants u to rest and not bz yourself with cooking!

Bravado Nursing Bras

Anyone know where can I find this brand locally? I know I can get it online but I wanna check it out in person first.

Nattan: Hope you are feeling better. Weekend is coming and you can rest more. Honey will help soothe the throat.

I hope to actually give birth before my EDD so fingers crossed.

Will washing the baby clothes and bedsheets 1.5-2mths before EDD be alright? I rather get one set of thing settled
fleur: if u have clean space to store, 1-1.5mths b4 is ok. 2mths abit early.. for my #1's clothes even now his clothes can't wear those 2mths nvr wear type. got abit cupboard smell. then he'll complain itchy. though it's clean.
cause my MIL didn't do first in first out. so always take top tee to wear then bottom clothes all nvr touch.
one day i went to overturn sequence then realized that got smell.

nattan: hope u're better now
eat light diet today? hehe
<font color="aa00aa">ssmilezz,
Motherswork carries Bravado bras.
They've several outlets locally but I think the one at Great Work City should carry the widest range.

Please call: 6738-5886 to enquire first before you visit the store.</font>
ssmilezz, fleurfleur, Petrina thanks.. been drinking a lot of water... Last night didn't have a very good rest cos had blocked nose and then Hubby dunno why woke up at 2am and that woke me up as well :p Tried to go back to sleep but baby was moving a lot, so disturbed me :p

Re Bravado nursing bras, I only know can get from the mummytoon.com website where I bought my sleep bras from

Fleurfleur, why do you wish to give birth before your EDD? Most medical professionals say that the longer your baby stay inside you to the full 40 weeks, the better they are equipped to survive outside the womb.

It's fine to wash the baby clothes and bed linens a couple of months before EDD. I'm also planning to do that, although sometimes we drag on till the last minute :p I'm still trying to fight the mountain of laundry at home... so hopefully can settle that before baby's.
<font color="aa00aa">Events at Singapore Expo from today till this Sun (16 - 18 Mar 2012):

<font size="+2">SmartKids Asia 2012</font>
Admission: Public - Free Admission
Venue: Hall 5
Time: 11am to 9pm

Organiser: Expomal International Sdn. Bhd.

Contact Details:
Telephone: +65 6291 0212
Fax: +65 6292 2094
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.smartkidsasia.com

SmartKids Asia, the World’s LARGEST Educational Kids’ Fair is coming to Singapore! This not-to-be missed Family Fair is a fun filled event where parent and children can discover and experience Educational stimulation and Mind expanding Fun with enrichment, health and bonding activities.

Not just a kid’s fair, it is also an enriched platform that will facilitate the physical, emotional, and intellectual growth of Babies, as well as the well-beings of Mothers-To-be and New mothers!

<font size="+2">The POPULAR EXPO Sale 2012</font>
Admission: Public - Free Admission
Venue: Hall 6A
Time: 10am to 10pm

Organiser: Popular Book Co (Pte) Ltd

Contact Details:
Telephone: +65 6462 9555
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.popular.com.sg

The POPULAR EXPO Sale is just around the corner so come by Hall 6A this March School Holiday for a weekend spree! Planning to get some educational and lifestyle essentials items? It’s a good time to stock up now as prices will be slashed! Get up to 80% savings off these real hot bargains. Expect to find a wide selection of novels, assessment books, stationery, textbooks, gifts, IT products, and many more. POPULAR members even get to go home with a $5 POPULAR gift voucher when they spend $100*! Do not miss out on this 3-day sale, starting from 16 to 18 March 2012! Free admission for all.

*Terms and conditions apply.

<font size="+2">L’Oreal Sales</font>
Admission: Public - Free Admission
Venue: Foyer 2 Level 2
Time: 10am to 8pm

Organiser: L’Oreal Singapore Pte Ltd

Contact Details:
Telephone: +65 9832 1552
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.loreal.com.sg

L’Oreal products sales</font>
Is it advisable to fly in week 31?? My office wants to arrange an overseas retreat but not sure if I can fly by then :p When is the latest date by which we can fly?


Need to take 9 capsules a day in total (3/3x a day). I ordered through GNC to send to my vPost USA acct.


Planning to start washing from week 30. Think I'll take a few weekends to wash baby clothes, my clothes, clean the cot, Manduca, steriliser, car seat etc etc. Hope it doesn' rain lor!

Yeah I feel v bad to ask Cl to wash my staiend undies, so I bought 30 disp undies. Think still not enough, but I'm hoping that they won't all get stained, just half of them so I can reuse some? haha


Think most gynaes advise stop flying by week 35.
Jul, so week 31 still ok?

Anybody here flew after 30 weeks? At first my colleagues said we're just going to Bintan. Then after that, some wanted to go further and suggested flying. So now want to check if me and my other pregnant colleague can still fly or not. Actually I think they should arrange to go earlier but we have an event end of this month so the earliest we can go is early next month.

I better go and renew my passport! Expired since Feb :p
nattan, i dun think you are still allowed to fly at 30+ weeks. i was asked to produce doc's letter when i travel to bkk 4 weeks back. good thing i remembered to ask my gynea for it.

jul, reuse also need to wash ma..lol. might as well buy those cheap ah ma undies by the dozen..use and throw.

petrina, i get dizzy the moment i see crowd..if not for the baby, i wouldn't even step foot into the taka fair..tempted to go loreal sale also but the thought of all the squeezing and pushing around puts me off. nowadays pple dun give a hoot about pregnant woman..on the bus yest got a mummy bigger tummy than me, also nobody give up their seat.

Thanks. I will pop by Motherswork to see. Quite convenient as I go to Great World City rather often.


If your nose still very blocked, try to use those saline sprays. I had to resort to them when my sinus gets bad from time to time and it helps.


Your week 30 should be in Apr right? Should be nice and hot weather la. Like doing spring cleaning like that. Hehe


My hub went to Seahorse to get the foldable mattress. It's rather thin but with the high density foam, rather hard to lie on. Need to get those cheap bedsheets to cover. I don't have any single size bedsheets at home.
Prettibride, actually I thought flying should stop by 3rd trimester. But anyway, will check with my doctor and see how. At most I don't get to go lor..

ssmilezz, thanks...I have a saline spray which I used when I was sick last month.

How thick is the mattress? If it's cheap, can buy 2 to stack on top of each other... No need to buy new single bedsheets if you don't have at home.. just use your normal queen or king sized bedsheet and wrap the excess cloth underneath the mattress.

Yeah shd be ok. But pls produce a letter from your gynae stating that u're ok to fly, in case the airline stops you from boarding.


Yeah but better than stained right heehee. You mean cheap ah ma undies are cheaper than disposables?

I also can't stand crowds. makes me very agitated, nauseous, frustrated etc etc. Not to mention it's quite dangerous now. There will be people at the sale who just puish their way through without regard for our tummies.


Yup in Apr. Hopefully weather will be nice &amp; sunny.
For me, I avoid croded places in case I get infected! Being pregnant does make one more susceptible to illnesses. So far people have been giving way to me in crowded places. But be sure to put your hands on your tummy to protect against accidental bumps. Sometimes people just walk without looking. I notice that at MRT stations, most people walk very quickly cos they're afraid to miss the train. Wonder what's the hurry... usually the next train will arrive in 2 min during peak hrs.
HAhaha I actually intended to go Bali, but my hubby doesn't have to time. Had to cancel my bookings with Shiokdeal.

But we are going to Sentosa instead! I reckon it's safer and more convinent in case I need and medical help.

Did a lil research, actually there are plenty of (free attractions) things to explore on the island.

Having a rather sinful lunch. Mac Chicken meal. :p
i also hear a lot of comments that pregnant mummies tend to fall sick easily. but for me, i find that my immune system somehow is better during pregnancy..a normal flu which usually takes me 2-3 days to recover now can be healed the next day. Guess its due to the tonics i took and somehow 'healtier' diet.

had a macdonald crispy chix burger last nite too with seaweed shaker fries...yummy~

jul, sad to say nowadays pple too engrossed with themselves to be considerate about pple around them. we just have to be careful and watchout for ourselves. even at taka fair, some daddies holding shopping basket can just turn without checking lor..imagine so many pregnant mummies around, can easily hit their tummies.
just came back from food fair again! eating penang assam laksa now + chin chow drink

Bought frozen satay for the weekend

For me pregnant time immune system better. post natal keep falling sick. haha
My hb used to say #1 was protecting me. After i delivered him, my old sinus problem + gastric + gerd all came back with a vengeance..

i wanted to travel also. but after 28wks u need letter. cause #1 i went australia, they almost didn't let me board the flight @ 30weeks. cause they scared u deliver on the plane.. hehe
Yup booked Shangri-la Hotel. Not going for massages la. Am doing my pre-natal every week already.

Shall we add each other on facebook. All your nicks are familiar, but just can't put a face to it. Add me, Jolene Wood. And maybe we can arrange for a dinner or what after we give birth. Maybe in December
. And we can share more tips in person!
Nattan, take care and have more rest. I have been down with flu, cough and sore throat since Tuesday and yet to recover. Been coughing out greenish phlegm. Took medicine from GP with worried heart. Hope won't affect my bb eating those medicine, so trying to refrain myself from eating too many doses. Will leave office early today and go back to rest.

Feeling pretty down by seeing many of you gaining weight less than 10Kg. To date, I have put on 12Kg at 24th wks esp I'm not tall below 1.6m height. Sobs sobs....

Getting worried to see most of you have prepared most of the stuff. Seems like I have yet to buy the bb stuff, toiletries yet....oh no...panic now....
jolene, did that come with the shaker fries?? haha.. been into that lately! shiokerlicious!

nattan, they all kan cheong wanna go home.. and sometimes i see the trains no matter hw long u wait, still fully packed one.. sg really overpopulated lo!

have u all booked ur post-delivery massage lady? any recommendations? i'm abit slow over here.. afraid no more slots! oOps!

anyone going to smartkidsasia this wkend? would there be stuff for us to see?? haha!
Haha hope. Didn't upsize. Hahaha.

I am doing my prenatal with Babybellies. So I am continuing my post natal with them. Lazy to find and compare. Been satisfied with their service so far. Furthermore at least they have an "agent", their company to answer to any problems and take responsibility on the case of no show no unsatisfactory service.
Just back from lunch and shopping at Robinsons. Went to get a new chopping board, anti-bacterial type. Happy I got it for 30% less
For lunch I had beehoon with luncheon meat :p Before lunch I had bak chang... Dang!! I'm going to tell baby to stop making me so hungry :p

Anna, don't worry too much about the weight, but try to eat more healthily. Can try to do some exercise like walking or swimming too. As for preparation, it's easier to break down what you need to get and do into parts so you don't feel overwhelmed. Still have 3 mths la... don't stress!
Take care of your flu too... I took antibiotics last mth for bad throat infection. Just make sure your doctor give you pregnancy-safe medication, should be ok.

hopecg, yeah Sg is really over-populated. My hubby just tell me not to rush and take it easy... if possible take a cab.

I booked my 10-day massage with Origins Jamu. Hope they assign me the masseur I prefer.

BTW, re the breast pump from Beauty Loft, I checked again with Ris and she said she will help me register for warranty after baby's birth, so no worries
Getting it delivered tomorrow morning...
hmm with Origin Jamu and BabyBellies, the masseur comes over to your house for post-natal? dun wanna be dragging my feet to go their outlets =P for #1, i did 7 days only.. what's e usual period huh? 7? 10?

nattan, i also think so.. these days just wave your hand and get cab ba.. we've got privilege!!.. haha!!

i'm gian to go loreal sales today.. but lazy genes is ruling over me! yikes.. heh
hopecg, yes the masseur will come to your place. You can visit their websites for more details on what they provide. The duration of your package is up to you la.. some people may prefer longer package to try to slim down more :p Some prefer shorter one due to time constraint.

Sometimes I take a cab in the morning (but only after 9.30am to avoid paying peak hr charges :p) but to save money, I try to take a train at least 3x a week. I don't usually take cab after work cos it's more costly during peak hr.
Hi guys

Just back from a good lunch too. Minced meat bee sua topped off with a Mac hot fudge sundae.

Even if ppl rush like mad to catch the train, who's to say the train will get stuck with some random train delay or
Fault. I have no faith whatsoever in the mrt system at all.


Don't feel too down. Postive thinking and trying to be happy will help u recover faster. Jia you!!


Wa your lunch sounds very good leh. I dare not take chin chow cos I heard its very Liang. Can drink ah? Then I want to drink my soya + chin chow combo drink!

Are u working at Suntec area?


I didn't get any massage lady. Hehe. Don't really like massages leh. See how it goes.
smilezz,i heard massage lady can heal ur womb faster.. i had mine for #1, not sure if it helps.. cos no control experiment.. haha! but kiasu me wanna have for #2, just in case lo

nattan, kk.. i will check out their webbies!

u all make me gian cold stuff! today v v warm here!! hot fudge sundae.. coupled with seaweed shaker!! woaHz!
smilez: can lah. the chin chow so little.. i m working in suntec T2.

feeling super sleepy after lunch now.. the laksa is very shiok. feel like going there again to tapao for tea.

I m not massaging too. not into it.

hopecg: i also wanna eat ice cream!! will sneak downstairs ltr. keke
hehe.. petrina.. they v evil to tempt us hor!!

jolene, tried adding u on fb.. ur cover pic is wedding photo?? tian mi mi!
JUL: Have you ever ordered from GNC before to your VPOST and how long does it take?
Also do they pack in big boxes because you know even though the items aren't big and heavy the volumteric weight pricing can be expensive


Yeah I know the massage supposed to help the uterus get back into position and get the wind out. But I cannot tahan being oily! Haha. Very anal right?

Sundae nice mah. Weather so hot today. Haha!


Can ah? Okay then I will order next time. I've been controlling.

Suntec good! A lot of shops downstairs. My office was previously at Tower 4.

I prefer mee Siam to laksa! Bit more sourish. I like eatin mee Siam and po Piah from Qi Ji. :D can't believe I'm discussing and talking abt food just after lunch. Really hopeless man.

fleur, i jus did a quick google search..


5 Days : $438.00 (UP: $488)

Complimentary ( total value worth $70, Total saving $120 )
- 1 x Cloth Binder
- 1 x Origins Spa Baby Massage Oil
- 1 x Spa Shower Gel
- 1 x Multi-use Pads®
- 2pcs x Supreme Goon Diapers (Size Small) from Japan

7 Days : $558.00 (UP: $598)

Complimentary ( total value worth $75, Total Saving $115 )
- 1 x Cloth Binder
- 1 x Origins Spa Baby Massage Oil
- 1 x Spa Shower Gel
- 1 x Premium Baby Wipes from Japan( 80pcs)
- 1 x Multi-use Pads®
- 2 pcs x Supreme Goon Diapers (Size Small) from Japan

10 Days : $748.00 (UP: $788)

Complimentary ( total value worth $96, Total Saving $136)
- 1 x Cloth Binder
- 1 x Origins Spa Baby Massage Oil
- 1 x Premium Baby Wipes from Japan( 80pcs)
- 1 x Multi-use Pads®
- 1 x Lemongrass &amp; Ginger Goat's Milk body scrub
- 4pcs x Supreme Goon Diapers (Size Small) from Japan

Top-up session
Jamu Postnatal Massage: $72.00 per session (applicable only after 10 day package)


*All package prices above are Nett
(Includes all necessary products used in the sessions , No additional cost required)
*No Additional charges for Transportation in Singapore
(Transport charge is applicable outside Singapore island)

Classic Jamu Postnatal Massage package Includes :

1 hour full body massage, 15 mins application of Jamu Herbs such as Tapel, Pilis, Slimming Cream and Binding

Using Heated Stone Therapy to improve breastfeeding milk flow, clearing engorgement and blocked ducts problems. Helps to unknot tight muscles, strains and aches of the body, Aids on improvement of tummy

Two complimentary sessions of baby massage classes done in your home

All necessary items used during the session will be provided ( Client only need to prepare a Mattress and towels )

