(2012/06) Jun 2012

Moi, you can ask your doctor for iron tablets.. the 5mg in your prenatal vitamins is not sufficient cos normally the body already needs about 15mg a day. Now during pregnancy, you will need even more, esp if you don't usually eat iron-rich foods. You can eat more iron-rich foods like liver but be careful cos liver also contains a lot of vit A which in high dosage is dangerous to the baby.

Pls read this http://www.babycenter.com.sg/pregnancy/complications/anaemia/

bubblyval, if want to buy Avent pump better buy the bundle! It's even cheaper $229 with some additional goodies like breast pads.
Not easy to find bundle though, sometimes only during baby fair, sometimes some dept store has it too..

I think Avent pump is quite good if you only want for 3 mths and not exclusive pumping..
Otherwise must really buy dual pump or 2 Avent single pump + use pumpin pal to make it like dual pump..

Ameda lactaline works well for me.
I like Ameda because it's very silent, last time I can pump in my cubicle without anyone knowing. They thought it's a printer sound. hehe..

But beware Avent pump is quite easily spoiled! I went to service center twice in 1 year..
Better buy Ameda if compare Avent $299, Ameda only $380.. But if compare Avent bundle $229 is different case..
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks. I don't take pork so no liver for me. I will check with my gynae when I go for my detailed scan this Sat.</font>
Manual pump doesn't work at all for me!
I last time always left my Ameda in office and use Avent at home. When it's spoiled, tried to convert it into manual pump but no milk comes out!!! In the end I go back office over the weekend just to get my Ameda pump
i think ~#30 quite good rates alr.. so am ok if we combine shipping to make more out of the buck.. you want to proceed? left 2 hrs plus!.. hhaha.. hope dun OOS too

manual pumps
hate it! i had medela electric and avent manual.. love the medela!.. bought the swing at first, but half way through, i bought the dual set.. worthy investment if you ask me! manual pump doesn't pump much and it's so tiring!
Hi mummies,
I'm new in this forum and im expecting my second child (it's a boy) EDD 17/6. I have a 3 yr plus daughter. Just wana say hi and make some new friends.
Jul/Felicia/Moi/Groovy2009, thanks for all the advise given....

Seems like Medela brand is better then Avent after all the feedbacks. From the reply, steriliser can use any brands for any bottles. So, I will need not have to buy Avent now. So confusing as I am first timing getting the baby stuffs...Phew...lucky I have all the mummies here for help... :)
no worries.. i can pay first if you are comfortable.. proceed? haha.. seems like we are the only KS fans! =P
Hopecg.. ok pls proceed

Incidentally, i have a canvas KS bag with natural leather trim.. it's a little yellow.. any idea where to bring for cleaning? I thought of washing it myself, but not confident about not spoiling the leather.

Welcome snowhamster
Lots of us here are having boys too! Welcome to the "club".

Re breast pumps, if I buy a Medela pump, can I use with Avent bottles cos my colleague says she wants to pass me her bottles.
Hi BubblyVal, I used Medela brand too for my daughter, the dual pump. It's very good and I guess its more reliable brand. I also did my research like you then and Medela was highly recommended by many mummies too. Just that abit more pricey.
Moi, thanks for the info!

Snowhamster, same as my SIL... got a girl first then a boy. My hubby is hoping for a girl next time cos he said mine will be mummy's boy, so he wants his own daddy's girl.. haha..
Welcome Snowhamster...thanks for your feedback too...will check out the pricing for Medela pump this weekend..Cos I will only use during my Maternity Leaves after that I cant..as I get back to work...
HI Moi,
thanks! Great to know all of you too.

I'll be delivering at TMC. My gynae is Dr. Jocelyn Wong from ACJ clinic at TMC too. Anyone also using Dr. Wong?

You're welcome
I also went thru this whole confusion bit.

Must say that I have very different philosophy from my SIL. For her, her Avent manual pump at $100+ was super expensive. She couldn't understand why I could splurge $600+ on the PISA. In fact, when I had the Ameda at first, she was also saying so expensive.

it really depends on your budget &amp; your needs. For me, I am a die-die BF-ing for 6 mths person. So I was willing to do anything haha. A bit fanatic lah.

Think for me, FM could have been cheaper than my pump, milkbags, fenugreek, etc haha
Hello snowhamster

I'm not using Joycelyn Wong, but none of her partners, Caroline Khi

Haha I have 2 boys, no fortune to have a gal
wow you have a great point there.. if you could BF exclusively hor, then the pump is really nothing compared to expensive FM, LOL.. so it's definitely a great investment!!
I counted the amt le.. $600 medela dual pump, my fren say her nb drink $60 worth of fm per week. So cost of pump only last 10weeks worth of fm.
So if u pump 6mths after going back work, all cost will be back plus savings.. Hehe

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keep you updated! haha! happy w my loot for the day!

i wish mine is a mummy's boy too, but no such luck! =P
Thanks Felicia..

Wow...Petrina...thanks for the calculation and pricing for the medela dual pump. Maximum for me will only be using it for 4mths the most...well..I need to reconsider then getting it.
hi all, the $600 medela dual pump you all are talking abt is the one which comes with the black harversack bag right? i saw it was like $700+!

anyway medela has this package that is the electric dual mini with a steralizer $349. is it cheap?? or is the electric dual mini not good that's why it's so much cheaper than the normal one?

considering going for full bf as long as possible. first is can slim down, 2nd is cut cost. haha. fm is so exp these days!!
Cindy, $600 sold at robinson. Pisa. Not freestyle.

10wks can retrieve cost of pump le. 2mths. But add watever multivits n milkbags n storage bottles abt 1more mth cost.
So after 4mths ML, another 3-4mths can totally recover cost.
I was being conservative by saying 6mths. Hehs
just came back from my checkup. everything normal..phew~ now 22 weeks 3 days, baby weighing at 446g.. think i should control my maternal milk supplement liao.. huge baby = painful delivery.
Hi Mummy,

How are you?

I'm Yvonne here. Anyone interested hiring a confinement lady can contact me at this no: 9009 4481 or 84814368.

My mum and aunty are working as confinement lady. They are very experience, friendly and not calculative person.

Please don't be hesitate to contact me for any enquiries.

Thank you.

Haha I meant for me, I think I could have spent more on the BF things than if I just buy FM. Coz I pumped exclusively. I really hope this time round I can latch successfully, so that I can just latch. No need to spend hours pumping, spending money buying bottles, milkbags, detergent, time sterilising etc.
I have the Pisa one, bought overseas.. Needed to buy the adapter to fit our voltage.. It works fine.. Rem I managed to get it cheaper than 600, all in.. Abt 400 plus.. You might want to consider..

446g quite big hor?? Haha I thought mine 340 at 20wks is overweight le.. Haha!
hopecg, thanks for the order. How long do you think the goods will reach Sg?

Jasmine, how did the doctor determine your baby's weight?
jul, haha same lor!!! Exclusive pumping I spent about $1500 or more for all those pumping equipment. If thinking FM, if 1 week is $60, it's only at the beginning until 6 mths old. After that, the milk powder is cheaper and drink lesser milk. Maybe 1 year is less than the price I bought for all of my equipment..

Not inclusive I pump while browse internet in my computer (electric bill). My lack of sleep that sacrifices my career advancement (as I pump 4 times a day meaning I need to wake up at midnight to pump). Wasted time to pump.. The bottle warmer electric bill.

I have calculated that time the Breastpump cost will worth it if have #2 and still using the same items. hehehe..
leaving baby in hospital for a few more days
hey mummies, I checked with TMC if it is possible after i get discharged, i leave the new born there for like 3 days.. They replied that it's possible but need to check with doc by then and of course need to pay more lah..

okay there are a few reasons why i thought about this:
1. baby will be under good care of the doc and nurses there for a few more days
2. baby will need to get a test done on the 5th day after birth i think by the PD, so we do not need to bring him back for this check up, can just bring him home after the check up.
3. i do not have anyone to help out at home during confinement, and baby is not easy to look after at the early stage, so at least this way both me and baby can get some good rest and care.

do you think i am a heartless mummy to think this way?
Was busy these 2 days....came in to the thread too long to tab on the KS offer.

I'm 7-8 kg heavier and bb is only 301 gm at 20wks check today. Felt I put on too much weight as compared to most of you, but gynae did not say anything. Hope I will not exceed 14Kg for the total pregnancy. So worried that will not be able to slim down to my pre-preg figure.
<font color="aa00aa">Some mothers said it's not bad but bit noisy. Please google for reviews.

BTW, Mums &amp; Babes will be at the BabyCare Festival. They may have better offer.</font>

haha yeah yeah! I agree! But of course, the benefits of BM are intangible pros that we can't count lor.


If it works better for you, why not?

Just that for me, I'll nvr do it. Coz I wanna BF him. When #1 was re-admitted due to jaundice, I even re-admitted myself into a single room again just to pump out my BM to feed him. That's how crazy I was abt BF-ing.

Yah. Was bit shocked when the Gynae told me too. Think is the maternal milk. Cos same thing happene to my firstborn too. Ironically was, Im 53.5kg now, prepregnancy weight was 49 and had a small tummy ( that's y I started with the maternal milk) So I think our body can really wrk wonder.

It can be determined via ultrasound scan.
Felicia, no la.. I don't think you're heartless to think this way. If this arrangement is practical, I don't see why not. BUt during the 3 days, your baby will not be breastfed?

Anna, don't worry too much about the weight gain at this point. IF you were underweight or thin before pregnancy, the body will compensate by putting on a bit more. If you breastfeed and exercise after delivery, I'm sure you'll lose the weight fast.
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- 2 tins of NAN 2 (exp Oct'12) $10 each
- 1 tin of Gain IQ (exp May'12) $10
- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 2 (exp Oct'13), $15 each (free tin of 400g)
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder &amp; Wrist Rattle Set @ $10
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
jul, nattan
thanks for your support.. well for me cuz #1 BF experience very bad so i am not that confident to do it for #2, just hope jaundice not serious so can bring him back after that checkup on the 5th day.. then continue with breast feeding.. cuz #1 last time when admitted to hospital, PD dun allow breastfeeding and must give FM lor so i am not that particular about total breastfeeding this time round..

anyway it's just a thought i have for now, might change my mind cuz i think i wont want to be separated with the new born the moment i hold him in my arms.. now can just say so cuz he's not out yet, haha..
<font color="aa00aa">felicia_cao,
Of course you're not heartless but it's new to me that your gynae wants to do a test on baby 5 days after birth. What's this test about?

My #1 had jaundice about 3 days after birth and we just sent him to a nearby hospital. I didn't stay with him but expressed my BM (it was a mere 30ml) &amp; my hubby brought it to the hospital. I also visited him and latched him directly. He was discharged after 2 days IIRC.

My friend extended her stay by 1 - 2 days when she gave birth as she knew her baby will have jaundice.</font>
wow your friend did that huh, but very expensive leh, so i was thinking to go home and let baby stay only...

not sure if it's just TMC, we have to bring baby back for PD to do checkup on the 5th day.. it's a normal checkup to make sure everything is fine and usually if there's jaundice PD will advise if need to admit during this checkup.. there's some optional blood test to do on that day also, to check on a group of disorders called "inborn Errors of Metabolism", not a must to take, we took it cuz need to draw blood for jaundice test so might as well draw a bit more for that also.. i know my friends delivered at TMC all need to bring baby back for the PD checkup a few days after discharge.. not sure about other hospitals though..

That time, I pumped out as much as I could. PD said need to make sure he 'drowns' in milk, so he wanted me to pump out &amp; feed. But end up not enough, so the PD said bobian, got to let the nurses supplement with FM after giving him my BM. He said no issue with BM for jaundice, just that he must make sure the baby has enough to eat. I also had a horrible, horrible time with BF.

But dunno leh, I cannot get that idea out of my head. I just feel that it's something that I MUST do. maybe coz I had such a bad time the last time round, that time, I'm determined to do whatever I can to succeed - else like got everlasting regret haha. So drama hor???

Anyway my PD is at Mt A, so I can't leave my #2 at TMC there also haha

Felicia, a bad 1st time experience doesn't mean 2nd time will also be bad. Jia you! You can do it!

Jul, admire your persistence and perseverance to breastfeed. I will also try my best esp cos last time my mum only managed to do it for 1 day (or less). I don't believe I cannot!
