(2012/06) Jun 2012

jul > whic pd u using at mt a? For #1 i requested dr terence, in the end anthr one was assigned to me.

medela breastpump cn use w avent bottles w a convertor. Anyone knw if tommy cn also b use w the breastpump? Btw, any mummies hv experience using the hands free while pumping? Heard its mt cheap either. Dont knw wher to buy. Oh n wher to buy the hot compress?

Hi Dear Mummies and Mummies to be,

We have genuine House Bird's Nest for sale. All bird's nest are from our own farm and thus we have great quality control. If you are looking for good quality bird's nest, please do visit us at www.divine-nest.com
Tat time my boy jaundice, plus i csec so we both stayed for 4days. Kinda like stay together also. I prefer to stay with baby longer if i need to, maybe downgrade to 4bedder? Then no need doc visit so save consult money..

Jul, hehe, i nvr use milk bags previously. Just use watever spare bottles i have then store. Most of the time at ome i latch, nvr pump.
So night time i sleep well. Just
Latch to slp.
So i dunno how additional costs can add up to.
Jul, i understand abt the regret thingy.. My first was c sec, i also told myself i die die muz natural.. Otherwise regret for life.. Haha..
Dun worry, with determination, u will be able to bf
Chris, felicia

Yes let's jiayou!


I also dunno y i was so persistent then. Looking back, i thought that FM was poison. Maybe postnatal hormones drove me a bit mad haha


I used nuk, pigeon std neck bottles with the PISA. Not sure abt other brands. Nvr tried the converter before either.

I tried the pumping pal. But somehow i couldn't get it to work. So pek chek lol

Haha dun go thru labour n pushing not considered childbirth ah? But i understand what u mean. Hope u can suceed at vbac!

Sigh sometimes determination also not enough. I was determined but still had low milk supply. I really ate tons of fenugreek, took domperidone, visited parentcraft 5 times! Drowned myself with soup n water. U name it, i did it! But still low milk supply. Guess that's why my boy din wanna latch adter a while. Fed up with no milk!

This time round i did everything else i din do. Read up on bf, attended the baby seminar to refresh memory, got super expensive tmc cl... If still cannot, i must say i really did my best liao

Can't afford to exclusively pump this time round coz with #1, really no time n energy.

My pd is ek ong. I din request for him. No time ciz din expect to deliver early. I found him not bad so i stuck with him lor. He's quite a funny guy

Btw u can buy the pumping pal from mum's fairy. As for hot compress, do u mean those donut ring type filled with gel? Can get from naforye. Plenty of bps here on smh. Personally i found it useless. Prefer hot towel instead. But to each her own
Hi Mummies, saw quite alot of good reviews for medela pumps.. does PISA means Pump In Style Advanced? Saw in the Mums & Babes web got another one call freestyle which is more exp almost $1k.. can anyone tell me the diff? dunno which one to get now..

Not sure should get now anot cos if no supply or cannot tahan.. then waste $$ leh..
Jul, i love watching discovery home n health.. Always c the ladies deliver make me tear...
wonder y i can't get such an experience..
I m also anti fm for my baby.. So i told myself if i dun feed my son, he'll starve. Nvr buy fm, no back up.. Read up tat relaxing helps. Kinda like when we have erm, orgasm, the milk will flow super alot. Abit weird but being aroused when u r at low supply may create new milk suddenly.. So if pumping o milk, ask ur hb help abit? Wink... Latching i cant advise. Just use imagination bah.

Medela pumps
Pisa is strong motor with dual pump suitable for ofc use as its quiet n strong suction.
Freestyle is for moms on the go with same strength motor but way lighter than pisa.
Mini electric is definitely out of qn. Super noisy n low suction power. Tried n tested. Unless u can easily achieve letdown sensation otherwise u'll think u have no milk.
Swing is single pump quieter than mini electric but btr power than mini electric, lousier power compared to pisa.
Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 1:07 pm:       
I have a box of Bellybuds in tip top condition to exchange for four booklets of car park coupons. Full set of accessories included. Retail $79.90 at Mothercare. SMS me at 9799-9791 or PM me for more queries.

Bellybuds set includes:

1 set of Bellybuds Bellyphones®
to share prenatal music and voices with your baby anytime, anywhere

4 sets of Hydrogel Adhesive Rings
to secure the bellybuds to the unique and changing curves of your belly

1 set of Silicon Covers
that dampen the external sound so you play to your baby, not your neighbors

1 Storage Pouch
to take your bellybuds anywhere

1 Audio Splitter
so you can hear the same audio as your baby

"Every mommy wants to do everything perfectly during her pregnancy to give her baby the best headstart possible in life. This is why I purchased Bellybuds through Amazon after much research on all the contraptions that allow your baby to listen to music in the womb. I’m not sure if they really do work in terms of enhancing mental development since there’s no definitive research proving or disproving that playing music to the baby in the womb does make a difference later in life. But I figure it couldn’t hurt and besides, she seems to like it, well at least that’s how I interpret all her kicking and thumping around whenever I play some music. Our baby listens to baby Mozart and nursery rhymes, you can get CDs in any Odyssey or SM for around 100-300 Php for a compilation. We bought our CDs in Odyssey Greenbelt 1 and SM Makati.

Bellybuds come with a pouch, additional adhesive rings, silicon covers, and an audio splitter so you can listen to your baby’s music too."


Yup PISA = Pump in Style Advanced. Freestyle is handsfree, lightweight, portable. PISA is more powerful but heavy coz of the motor. It really depends on whether you'll be carrying the pump ard. if you are, you may wish top consider getting freestyle.

As for getting a pump or not.. no ffense, but most of the mummies I know who said dun waste money first, see got milk or not, then buy pump.. all failed at BF. Coz if you don't work hard, you of course won't have enough milk. Only few people are blessed such that totally don't need to pump, yet still can produce a lot of milk.

Anyway it depends on how much you wanna BF. Nothing wrong if you don't, it's your personal choice. We did mostly grow up on FM after all.

What I suggest is : If you are ok with either BM/FM, maybe you don't spend so much to buy the pump, but wait & see. Got milk, got milk. No milk, feed FM lor? But if you are a BF fanatic like me, then pls buy a good pump to help you. Sometimes spendinf a bomb will motivate you coz you already spent so much haha

Hope my own experience helps

Actually I had no probs with latching leh. I even have a Brestfriend pillow. Just that the milk wasn't fast & enough for my boy, so he'll tear himself away, arch his back & scream till his face was red. Super traumatising & demoralising lor. Dunno who more traumatised, him or me haha
Morning mummies..

Re pumping milk, how often must we do that? If I want to continue after returning to work, need to work out a schedule to pump 2-3x a day?

Petrina, haha... I also told hubby to help like maybe massage the breasts or what.. but he is like shy... haha... I know that some mummies will feel aroused while breastfeeding due to the hormones released, but I dunno if purposely feeliing arousing will create more milk. What if get too distracted to feed? Haha...
Nattan, depends on how much your baby need when u go back to work..
For me, I make a schedule from the beginning that I would pump after latching too, so minimum is 4 times pumping.

That's why I get over supply at first.. Then only a few weeks after I go back office she started doesn't want to latch at all, in the end I'm still exclusive pumping 4 times a day.

I think 4 times a day if plus latching might be too much also, and that might be one reason my baby started doesn't want at all even when she's asleep too. Becoz the breast isn't filled as quickly after u pump.. huhu..

it depends on your boobs & your baby's latching schedule. If say, you were latching 5 times a day. Then after you go back to work, you latch in the morning & evening. So you make up the rest of the latches by pumping 3 times.
Jul: dun give additional stress to urself. When i first few days no milk i just latch then baby zzz. But i think my baby is more of a latch for fun type. Haha
Dunno is it due to wrong latching, tats y i engorged on fourth day.. Hehs.

Nattan: for NB i got pigeon manual. First wk when i was home, i try to pump. No milk lor... Less than 50ml. Then baby cry n cry, end up i latch cause pumping caused too much stress to me.

Then we ain't rich then. So we didn't buy medela pump cause too exp. Plus i was bf fanatic so to save fm $ plus to provide the best nutrients, i struggled initially but managed to bf sucessfully after seeing my baby doubled his wt in a mth.

Abt the arousing part, its up to individual imagination hehe.. If ur hb shy then u have to rely on urself. I found out abt it 2 weeks after struggling. 1day felt relaxed, bf in bed.. Then suddenly got letdown. So trial n error!

I got baby brain, so my story abit bits n pieces.. Trying to rem 4yrs ago things..

depending on ur baby's drinking habit, for my boy he drinks every 2hrly. so if pumping i'll need to pump 12x a day if exclusively pumping. if latch n pump then just minus from there.

my fren's baby drinks every 4hrly from NB. so she had an easy time pumping only 2x at work. then go home to latch. b4 leaving house, latch n tandem pump. then upon reaching home, latch n tandem pump again.

if u have lots milk, u can pump both sides together then can cut short pumping if u get enough for 2 feeds.
wah! that's a good breakdown of the medela pump you have.. it was 2 yrs ago that i did all those research and nw can't rem.. but u provided a refresher! =)

you mummies heard of the "eagle dad" yet?? atrocious!!!

Yeah guess I was very blur & sotong that first time too. This time round, I'm super educated liao. So that takes care of the blur factor.

Haha the first time when I pumped & I had a letdown, it was like striking Toto hahaha
Thanks Groovy, Jul and Petrina for the advice. I'm still wondering whether to spend more on Medela PISA or get simple single pump type. I heard Ameda is good and quiet too..

Actually where can you pump at the workplace? Toilet? :p
I remember, the only thing that can hands free is when baby latching and use nursing pillow. huehhee.. I used to do that then browse internet using my iPod touch..

I total latch during maternity leave, then 2-3 weeks before start work I started to pump and give bottle "during office hour".

My baby can sleep overnight last time starting 2 mths old, so every morning I wake up with engorged breast, latch 1 breast then must pump immediately the other one. Last time my baby doesn't really drink much. I always ended up with engorged breast as she used to drink from 1 breast and left the other one..
If really cannot tahan then I'll pump. Then I always make notes whether I give left or right breast last time, but actually it's quite obvious, the full and hardened breast hasn't been drunk. huehehe..
nattan, if really want to TBF when working, better buy dual pump! Because when you pump 1 breast and has the let down, usually your other breast will start leaking too..
So it will be stimulating both breast, like feeding a twin..

Last time my workplace has no lactation room so I pump in my cubicle when everyone goes out for lunch. Except if have meetings or lunch treat, then I'll pump when everyone is around. And they said my Ameda pump is very silent and sounds like printer only. hehe..

I use nursing cover, buttoned-shirt, and jacket to cover. And always use bra than can be pulled up only (sports bra/ tube bra).
Hi mummies-to-be, sorry to interrupt,

Just sharing with you some of the items I'm letting go,

1. Preloved Tiny Love Take-Along Mobile, letting go at $25. Bought from Taka BB fair at $49.90. Music, soft toys animals are all in tip-top condition with no stain no tear & wear.
Product link: http://www.taime.com/tnv/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=1917

2. BNIB Pigeon Bottle and Baby Food Warmer, letting go at $25. It's brand new, received as gift but already had one.
Product link: http://www.pigeon.com.sg/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&category_id=28&product_id=120&Itemid=52

3. Preloved Baby Love nursing pillow, letting go at $18. Used less than 10 times, still in very good condition & the cover is machine washable.

PM or email to [email protected] for more info / pics if keen ya..
Groovy, wow.. you pump infront of other people? I'm not sure if my colleagues would be so accepting... especially the men :p I may have to use the pantry room which is also sometimes used as a meeting room, but only during lunch time and maybe need to inform colleagues so that they don't barge in. If not, worse case scenario need to use the handicap toilet :p

How long does it take for you to pump? I wonder if I'll still have time to go gym/lunch...
Agree with Groovy.

whatever brand u get, best to get dual pump if u really wanna TBF. it gets the most milk out of it and usually the motor is stronger.

heard Ameda is good. personally my boobs very stubborn. so i need PISA the strongest suction to get my max milk out.
some ppl ameda is enough le. Mumsfairy sells the handsfree thingy for Ameda. so u get a good nursing cover (no need exp, just cover enough from front to back)

i also pump at cubicle when everyone is ard. otherwise if have spare room, tell ur boss that u go pumping. usually 15mins ok le. so bosses r usually ok unless suay get the niao ones..
dun do it in toilet. if ur nursing cover is all covered, u dun have to be paiseh even with male colleagues around.

most of the time if u latch n tandem pump b4 leaving house, ur next pump is lunchtime. so 1 down already.
then next time is maybe 4pm so that by 7-8pm reach home, ur boobs will be filled again so u can instantly latch n pump the other side at the same time.

i wear wireless bra. those 3/4 cup type so i can push bra below. most of the time i wear low cuts or button shirts. i just pull down the stuff my medela so the bottom cup can be supported by my bra. then i'll pump both sides together. try to lean forward when putting both pumps so tat the nipples fall into place easily.

i didn't buy nursing pillow. i get those soft adult pillows and put baby on top. then sit up on bed n latch. maybe tats y my boobs so droopy. haha
baby pull downwards too often..
Petrina, problem is that my cubicle is very open.. it's half height, and usually our office got a lot of people coming in and out.. so not very suitable for me to do it at my desk. I probably will use the pantry if it is available or go to another empty cubicle that is less open.

Now I am beginning to think I need a dual pump! Haha...
<font color="0077aa">i pumped exclusively during my #1 time every 3-4 hours. was diligent enough to even wake up at 3am to pump even though my gal started to sleep through at 1.5 months. avent manual worked very well for me for the first 3 months until i started feeling numbness in the fingers (i think it's Carpal Tunnel syndrome) so i bought avent single electric (not as powerful as manual but relieved my fingers from the stress).

i used a combination of avent bottles and milkbags to store the ebm. both lansinoh and pigeon milkbags worked well for me though i prefered lansinoh which had a larger capacity.

this time round, i am hoping to latch on and for storing, i am going to use playtex disposable drop-ins. can get the cap for freezing and once frozen, can remove and re-use the cap. to feed, just drop the drop-in into a bottle and feed directly.

another storage option is to use trays (even ice-cube trays) to freeze the milk and then transfer to zip-lock bags to reuse the trays. i've one from sensible lines that is meant for freezing breast milk but haven't used before so can't comment whether it's good.

if u intend to pump and freeze milk, must also consider freezer space. my refrigerator is the 6-doors type with a dedicated freezer drawer compartment. it is considered big yet i still ran into out-of-space issue and ended up using the milks to bath my gal. i've seen mummies in my previous threads buying freezer chest just to store milks.</font>

If you're gonna pump at work, pls get a dual pump. Imagine you need double the time to pump if u use single. Plus you could be dripping from the other boob while pumping one. What a mess, esp if you're using meeting room or what. You don't want the whole room to smell like milk right? hahaha


My boobs also CMI. Needed the PISA to wring the milk out. Even with PISA, I need to pump for 30min. Can you imagine how many hundreds of hrs I spent stuck to the pump???
Jul, haha.. ya lor.. I want to pump out as quickly as possible in case people come to use the room.. BTW, are your breasts painful while pumping?
There will be a bit of pain, just like when first latching. But you get used to it very quickly &amp; it won't hurt at all after that.
Sapphire, good idea to use the drop-ins. I was also considering that cos sterialising bottles just seem like a chore. But I never heard of using ice cube trays... doesn't seem like it can hold a lot of mlk! My 2-door fridge is quite small cos only me and hubby using and the freezer space is limited. Using milk bags and drop-ins would help to save some space
Pumping is not v painful process but think we need to get those nipple cream/balm.. To make sure they are moisturized.. I rem that time mine cracked! Painful!!

Nattan, I sent u a Pm wor.. Our ks spree din go through! Oos! BoO!
If u dun pump more than needed, u won't need extra space. But u may wanna consider pumping extra bottle per day in case of increase in drinking habit or while establishing supply. I didn't store alot. Mostly drank two or three days post pumping milk. Cause my boy dun like frozen taste. Very metallic. Usually i only have few spares for emergency use.
<font color="0077aa">nattan, yes! as i wun be having confinement lady, i need to find ways to cut down on washing and sterilizing (which i felt i did too much during my #1 time) so i am going to use playtex disposable liners.</font>
Yah.. Disappointed.. Forwarded you the contents of email frm KS lo.. Aiyah!!

The weather these days freaking hot! Aiyo!
Sapphire, regarding the playtex disposable liners, do they function like milk bags? I was looking for images of how they look like, but all I could get were the pictures of the packaging only.

After pumping, we just pour the BM into the liners and freeze is it? Then when we need to use, we just tear out the liner and pop the frozen BM into the bottle to thaw? Quite interested to know...
Petrina, I probably will only pump enough for 2-3 days max cos of space constraints. Also, I don't know if baby will be fussy about frozen milk taste..

hopecg, must drink more water... I feel warm and thirsty most of the time even though I drink a lot of water and juice. Dunno is this what in TCM they mean by "foetal heat"...

Sapphire, ^5... think we should start another group for DIY Mums cos I'm also not hiring a confinement lady
BTW, where can I buy the drop-ins? Wonder if they will be at the baby fairs...
<font color="aa00aa">nattan,
I'm in similar situation as you - open cubicle and heavy human traffic. In addition, I'm in-charge of that particular room, so, every query will come to me. So, I can't do it in my cubicle as sometimes, I need to attend to requests.

For #1, I had the "luxury" of expressing in the toilet and spare room (now it's occupied). It's very stressful to do it in the toilet as you'll hear unpleasant sound and wonder when other people will need to use the toilet.

This time, I guess I have to stick to the toilet as no room is available. EBM supply is sure to drop when I return to work. :-(</font>
Moi, can use the handicapped toilet? If you do it in 15min still ok la.. no stress.. Fortunately my office toilet has many cubicles.. but the sound insulation is bad! Can hear every sound clearly. So I need a very quiet pump. My alternative is use the storeroom as it can be locked from the inside.
<font color="aa00aa">I try to use handicapped toilet but if not available, then use the 2-cubicle toilet. I need at least 30 mins to express as my supply is not much. We don't have any store-room. Oh yes, I also have to use manual pump as there's no electrical outlet in the toilet.</font>
<font color="0077aa">yotsuba, this is how the disposable drop-ins look like:


pump into a bottle and then transfer to these drop-ins. then get the storage kit to cap it to freeze (so that it will stand while freezing):


once frozen, can remove the cap to reuse.

this is how the nurser looks like:


all these can get from robinsons at min 20% discount easily.
Last time quite wasteful I throw away all frozen EBM that's more than 4 months which populates half of my freezer :'(

That's because I never use them until 3-4 mths after I go back to work, when my supply is reduced.
People said fresh EBM is better so I always give fresh one.
But my supply booms is when I'm on maternity leave. huhuhu..

I should have used them one pack a day last time. So wasteful..
Need advice from Mums here

1. Is diaper cream a must to have? If yes, wat brand is recommended? Or use talcum powder can liao?

2. As for BF-ing, which brand of nipple cream is recommended?
Frankly I never use nipple-cream. Just apply some colostrum or a bit of milk before latching..

If pumping usually I don't care just pump..

Jul, haha.. then you can even make breast milk popsicles for your kids..

Groovy, actually even if you don't let your baby drink the old breast milk, don't throw away, you can use them for face mask like what Zoe Tay did with her surplus milk!
