(2012/06) Jun 2012

fuyutsuki, the tea should be taken after delivery.

glass, read a similar article. True that European kids generally behave better than Americans. But Asian kids are getting quite spoilt.

Yeah... have you booked the room already? I'm thinking of taking up the antenatal program too.


I'm not sure whether is it the carpal thingy. The worst that it can get is i cant even hold the toothbrush in the morning to brush teeth.. the feeling is like 1 of the vein or nerve being squeezed. But I'm now trying to test out whether water plays a part anot.. cos i realise if i have tons of water the previous day.. my hand feels better the next morning.
milk bottle
tink i m also gettin tommy since quite a few mummies recommend n its so cute. :p

hw to knw if bb havin enough milk? I hv tis problem for #1 n he suck vry slowly n cn nurse vry long, so my mum ask me nt to bf for #2.
bt in fact i hope to bf for a longer period tis time.
Hi, I accidentally chanced upon some 2009 thread in other forums and realize that those who did their scanning 20 weeks scanning in Thomson Medical Center get their report immediately? Is this true and happening at 2012? Cos mine was not given to me but the Sonographer did asked me when is my appt which is a week later. I'm worried. Is everything ok? Does it necessary means that only normal result will be given on the spot? Pls advice thanks very much!!
Hi jasmine..my ist detail scan was done in TMC in 2010..I was given the report right after the scan and after that headed back to my gynae with the report n she explained it to me!Maybe u can give them a call n ask?
Hi, is your Gynae stationed at TMC itself? Cos my Gynae has his own private clinic and my next appt with him is only this week. I had my scan done last Thursday. I'm wondering whether do they pass reports to those Gynae who clinic are within TMC or have appt on that day.

When I told her my appt is next week, she still count tue days for me and say should be able to reach on time. I'm so worried n stress. So scared.
Jasmine, most likely they will send your detailed report to your gynae directly.

Mine gave me the report coz I was going to my gynae immediately after this.

Did the person tell you how you were faring? Mine told me on the spot the readings were fine.
Grats on knowing the gender.

I dont know since i never pump out but my boy weight double his birth weight by the time he is 1mth old so i believe he is drinking enough.

TMC will only pass you the detailed scanning report if you are seeing gynae on the same day or a couple of days later that sending report to your gynae is not possible. Dont worry about that.
i'm gg for detailed scan later at tmc! excited!

for #1, my report was sent to my gynae who told me the findings the wk after..

err.. we need to book our wards for Jun now??

I did my detailed scan at week 19 at TMC. The report was printed and I just bring it to my gynae directly for checkup on the same day.
I got to keep the photos and the gynae took the one with the stats.
Who is your gynae? Maybe it's the arrangement.
Morning mummies...

Chris, usually after 1 week, the baby will be brought back for checkup by the doctor and he will be able to tell if the baby is doing ok or not. If not, means your milk is insufficient and he will ask you to supplement with formula. I think if your #1 never cried after feeding, you should have enough milk.

Jasmine, don't worry... everything will be fine. Sometimes the lab will send the report to the gynae and he will explain in detail with you the next week. Like when I went for my OSCAR scan, the report came a week later and the clinic just called me and said everything ok. Later when I went to meet the gynae, he went thru in detail with me and passed me the report.

Hopecg, the nurse will book the room for you closer to the delivery date cos now still cannot determine if you will actually deliver on your EDD or earlier.
I think depending on the doctor, usually the doctor won't recommend supplementing with formula but suggested to go to Lactation Consultant. Because they won't recommend formula milk for babies below 6 months.
Unless if your baby has jaundice or really no milk though..

if during latching, I totally don't know as well if baby is having enough. Usually if baby is asleep and don't cry, I think they are having enough. But so far I never unlatch my baby since usually she'll latch only 10 minutes- 20 minutes max for 1 breast. Most of the time only 5 minutes. I'll be very very happy if she can latch longer last time..

But the usual guidelines is to latch them only 15 minutes each breast..
Nattan, my colleague case, she said she took fenugreek if I'm not wrong, but it's not helping. Because supply = demand. If you really not diligent in pumping or latching, it'll be gone..

But actually last time my lactation consultant in Mt A did not encourage me to pump at all during the 1st week. She's afraid if later will be over supply (too much supply). It'll be painful if u get engorgement too..

For me this #2 most likely will pump as well, to feed #1 again from her 6 mths break of EBM. hehe..
yup when my #1 was admitted for serious jaundice, i asked PD if i could pump my milk and send to hospital daily, he said no need, i have to stop total breastfeeding during his hospital stay as they need to let him take FM.. that time i was super persistent on TBF so couldn't really believe the PD can advise me this way.. but guess the situation was too serious ba so no choice..
Groovy, ya.. should go to lactation consultant first. But during the 1 week check up, the doctor would already know if your baby is doing well with enough breast milk. If not enough, the baby will look jaundiced and dehydrated.

Fenugreek is only one of the types of supplements that can help with milk supply. It may or may not work for some people. I hope the sacred tea I order works! My colleague said her friend had more than enough supply after drinking it, whereas for herself, she had just enough milk.
Nattan, my PIL asked me to go to see PD immediately when my #1 is 5 days old saying she's dehydrated.. But then when I went to the PD, he just said she's okay, and jaundice level still okay since it's not the peak of jaundice day yet. Also asked to come back in a few days time when it's peak of jaundice..
Then he suggested me to go to lactation consultant. That's all.. He doesn't suggest me to top up with FM at all even though I'm starving my baby. I think it really depends on the PD..
I feel lucky to find such PD though, if not because of him encouraging to still try to TBF, I'm sure won't be able to TBF..
Felicia: wow.. ur PD suggest that? my PD told the nurses immediately upon delivery tat my baby is to be TBF. it was written on records. so when the nurse ask to feed FM since i first 3days no milk, the nurse kenna scolding from my PD cause i complain.

Day of discharge then suddenly engorgement, had to use frozen lettuce leaves to cover both boobs to ease the pain.

since 4th day of birth, i dun have issues with milk le. i have some frens who didn't know what to do when they have no milk during hospital stay then the nurses didn't help. end up they regret cause reach home no milk liao..

alot of times, nurses r very impt esp for first time moms. if they face pressure to feed FM, chances r the moms will give up bfing. i had a lot of pressure of my own, had lots quarrel with family, luckily my hb supported me. otherwise i dunno whether i can carry on till 3yo or not.

Groovy: i heard tat taking milk tea n fenugreek will cause after smaller boobs than usual after weaning. my fren bf for 8mths. took fenugreek throughout. she have 3 kids. so she realized tat 3rd kid she took meds she commented on the difference between bfing 3 kids.

best solution when u just delivered is to look for LC for help once u find something is wrong. don't hesitate or feel paiseh.

babies just born can go 1 week w/o milk. they have ample food in their tummies. usually if PD say to stop bf due to jaundice, moms just have to adjust their diets.
very rare cases where babies r allergic to mom's milk. so if jaundice, moms have to avoid ginger, carrot, yellow foods.
with strong willpower, moms can do anything.
yup, #1 was on total FM for that 2 days stay in hospital.. PD did blood test and told us it's very bad news, his jaundice level is at 19.9, and once reach 20, need to change blood for his whole body.. scary right?

so PD said no choice, very serious dehydration case as my milk supply is not enough, so he has to take FM for that 2 days.. then when we brought him back from hospital, he looked so good and not yellowish at all.. so i continue with breastfeeding but then he slowly turn yellowish again and looked terrible despite us bringing him out under the sun daily.. an obvious sign of him not having enough milk from me is his pee, yellowish and only 2-3 times daily instead of 6-9 wet diapers daily.. not pooing much either.. and i pumped out my milk from both breasts 3 hourly but usually only have 20-40ml in total.. but when i checked his record for that 2 days hospital stay, he drank like 60ml - 80ml per feed..

till i decided to supplement with FM finally, he gets better and better then suddenly ballooned up to a chubby boy..

the only thing make me feel okay after the FM decision is, my son didn't fall sick at all for the first 17 months, then start falling sick after going to Childcare at 19 months, for about 2 months on and off, then nowadays he's strong and healthy and seldom fall sick already.. if he falls sick easily, i sure blame myself even more for not being able to breast feed him..
I also quarrelled over bm and fm.
I was super ngiao with my bm coz supply a little low, so I think maybe my son didn't get enough. Anyway, in the end, I gave up and allowed others to give fm to my son.

I think fm is not a big deal, as long as I still give bm. bm less problems with constipation, but mother must watch her food intake very well.

as far as possible, it is best to try to give bm as the baby will really be healthier and fall sick less. that's why even though i had been supplementing from day 1, I still pushed myself to bf for 1 year.

but please don't beat yourself up if your bf career fails to take off. happy mother more important.

regarding smaller boobs, me no idea about whether those supplements will cause a difference, but usually chinese women will have smaller cup size than before they got pregnant. Mine became non-existent as I was only size A previously.

Me a bit ah q. When I had super big boobs, a bit troublesome, coz sometimes food drops into the cleavage. My super busty colleague had that problem just recently during the lo hei. With small chest like mine, no such problem. hehe.
Bm or fm not impt. Baby's health more impt. If u noe u really can't, then don't feel guilty.. Afterall all babies grow up well will usual difference of common illness n poo issues..
Bf babies doesn't mean 100% guarantee of perfect health. Mom's diet very critical too. So don't worry or stress. Let nature takes it's course.
Hi jasmine..my gynae's clinic is not @ Tmc itself!Located at punggol so after the detailed scan..got the report..I went bk to punggol n let the gynae explain it to me!
is BF going to be very difficult?? first time mom.. so a bit worried abt getting the wrong pump, latching and things like that. and anyone has prob of engorgement?? sounds painful...
my mother was just talking about it yesterday. She said we are very fortunate already. Got BM and FM.

Last time her family so poor, her mother not enough BM, then she only had condensed milk to drink!!
Cindy, you first time wakeboarding, surely will fall down and drink dirty sea water, but if you keep trying, sure can stand up and wakeboard.

Same goes for bf. Sometimes can get painful, you may get super sleepy, you may get a poor latcher, or too much supply until the baby chokes, or not enough. But as long as you keep a positive mind, you can do it.

That time my friend taught me to visualise, so I visualised a fountain that is over flowing, and then I visualised bionic woman who shoots out breastmilk like machine gun, just to keep the supply going. Pretty useful.

Regarding pump, I went for Medela which is strong and powerful, and I'm happy with it. There are cheaper options, some find them good, some don't. So you can decide best on your budget.
Glass, I like your visualisation! Haha... bionic woman!!! Lol... Ya, I heard that Medela is good.. I may go for it too.. hope to find good deals at the baby fairs.

BTW, you said your boobs became non-existent after breastfeeding?? But before that it was super big??

Petrina, agree that mum's diet is very important. Also important is drinking enough water.

Cindy, engorgement happens if you don't pump the milk out regularly (when baby is not feeding). If you keep pumping, the body will keep producing also to keep the milk supply up.
regarding FA scan

my gynae is Dr CH Koh from TPY. Seeing him tmr for my usual checkup, hopefully everything went smoothly. think they will only give the report on the spot to people who seeing their gynae that day ba. anyway, initially when the sonographer did her scan, she say my baby isnt in a good position, baby was like cramping herself up, super curled up those kind and not moving up though heartbeat all is well. ended up i knew the reason why la, becos i was TOO HUNGRY! hahaha.

she waited for awhile and check thoroughly on her heart, brain etc ok. so far, she say ok. nothing unfavourable ba.

BTW, any mum having small tummy here? still remember your baby weight during 5 months?
<font color="aa00aa">Engorgement happens few days after delivery even as baby latch on often. It's painful and so please standby some warm towel or hot compress to ease the pain and make the BM flow out. If breasts are too hard, baby will have difficulty sucking.</font>
Jasmine, my baby weighs close to 300g at week 20. Where are you going to deliver and when is your EDD?

Jerlyn, I am also having a baby girl. She kissed my tummy and touched the placenta during the scan. Gynae said she is mysterious and guai. Scanned very long to see the gender. Your baby is so cute, kept sticking out tongue! ;)
my boy is 350gm+ at week 20 full scan.. i think my tummy is not small but then no one give up seat to me on MRT so far and most inexperienced colleagues couldn't tell i am expecting.. most of them think i am getting fats on my tummy area.. lol..
Hi jasmine,I am 21wks pregnant nw n my tummy is still quite small most probably becos I am v small size!When having my Ist too..my tummy then obvious at ard 6mths!
Btw..mummies can ur share how big is ur Bb during the detailed scan?
Mine is 400g at 21wks...gynae said it's within average
Detail Scan
Did my detail scan last friday at week 19 at TMC. Groovy, my hb was allowed to go in with me whenever I have scan at the scanning department for #1 and current 1. Jasmine, I got the report immediately from the sonagrapher, she even gave me another set for myself to keep for reference. Then I went straight to my gynae for visit. My boy is 293gm at 19 week, EDD push back to 2 July (my younger brother birthday) instead of 30 June (my elder brother birthday).

I gained 3.5 kg in 5 weeks. My gynae said it is good weight gained. So I asked are you sure it is good weight gain? 3.5Kg in 5 weeks!! she said she considered I only gained 3.5kg in 5 mths cos I dun have much weight gain for the past months.

I din buy any pump till I confirm myself have milk. My gal able to latch on with no problem, so I tot I success in bf-ing her. Who know the 5th day when sent her to PD, she lose weight, so PD told me to go downstair to look for LC after his visit. LC confirmed I did not have enough milk for my gal. She recommended me to take Fenugreek. After taking, my milk kick in and I got my hb to buy Medela pump. And I able to TBF for 4mths and mixed with FM for another 4 mths.

Boob size.
During CNY time, my cousin was so surprise that I able to bf for so long, cos she said my size is so small. I told her size doesn't affect supply. Hope this round I able to bf too.
at 20 weeks 4 days, my baby girl weigh at 350g. Think my tummy not very big, everyone can't really tell I'm pregnant. My tummy also hv different size and fluctuate at diff timing of the day haha.

My Edd is 17 June, delivering at Mt A. You?
Is my baby small? Coz she weighs close to 300g for week 20. Both my hubby and I are slim, so I wonder is it because of our genes? I was being offered seat at MRT and buses during the early stage of pregnancy, i.e. week 12.

Jasmine, my EDD is 4 Jun, delivering at TMC. Did you join the Facebook group for this forum?

Yup. I'm in the fb group. My name is my nick here. Don't worry, I think so long baby is within the range everything shld be fine
Ioshita, that's why I think different sonographer has different method I guess. Unluckily I get the not so good one during my #1 in TMC.. Thinking back I never get a good USG picture or any kind of pict when she's in my tummy. All blur blur one..

I also dunno about fenugreek. Never take any. I just heard it'll only dilute your milk actually that's why u'll have more supply. But I dunno..

I'm stick to the drink lots of soups and lots of water + drink milk once a day last time..
Cindy, depends on the baby and mummies and situations. Some mummies are blessed with no problems at all. For me last time I have milk but my baby doesn't know how to latch!
Don't just believe all those BF-ing video, especially those who say baby has natural instinct to latch soon after birth. Some are just unlucky as different baby is different..
We have the same gynae! Dr Koh! My edd on 29th June.. Hoping to deliver earlier, preferably 17th, share same birth date as my #1, then no prob remembering dates!

When's ur usual gynae appt? I like it fri aft.. =)

Wah, I also think got more boys than girls.. Most of my colleagues are getting boys!!

Waiting to get my detailed scan done nw

haha! such a coincidence! where are you delivery? sacali we caused Dr Koh to run about hehe.. my appt are usually on Thursday, 11am. But am going tmr (wednesday) cos hb is leaving town for biz trip.

u doing your FA scanning now? mind to let me know whether does the sonographer pass the report to you today or sent to Dr Koh..or is your appt with Dr Koh today?

Regarding sonographer
YES! i kind of agreed different sonographer have different method. the one helping me with oscar scan give me a copy, but the recent one doing FA scanning was kinda stern and gives nothing. just say i dont have to wait or what, just go back after the scan. she didnt even take my weight lor.
I'm delivering at Mt A.. Hope for a 1-bedded.. Last stay was pretty pleasant.. U r not working? Ur usual 11am appt, wad time will u get to see him? Approximate? I usually have to wait 2hrs!

The lady asked when my appt is .. Told her think next wk then she nv give me
Same here, I'm delivering at Mt A, opting for single bed too
hopefully can see you ya, then we jiayou for each other! U going for normal delivery?

I'm in the finance industry doing sales, so pretty own time own target. Thursday 11am appt usually wait around 45 mins to 1 hour. But if he gt baby to deliver, can wait up to very long.

My Sonographer also the same, nv pass me anything once I say my appt is next week.
Aiyo, I jus scared tat bb nt having enough n I don't knw. Last time #1 cn suck forever one lor. Bt his size doesn't reflect his duration of sucking. So I suspect he is sucking for fun only.

Milk bottles
Jus wen to c the Tommy bottle today at kiddy. cheaper to buy 3 bottles set which mak out 1 bottle to b abt $8. Wheras if buy individually abt $10. The decorated pink bottle is so cute n sweet. Think I m gonna buy tat to try. Anyone knws whn wil kiddy palace hv promotion? Usually thy hv yrly promo of 20% for members.
Aiyo, I jus scared tat bb nt having enough n I don't knw. Last time #1 cn suck forever one lor. Bt his size doesn't reflect his duration of sucking. So I suspect he is sucking for fun only.

Milk bottles
Jus wen to c the Tommy bottle today at kiddy. cheaper to buy 3 bottles set which mak out 1 bottle to b abt $8. Wheras if buy individually abt $10. The decorated pink bottle is so cute n sweet. Think I m gonna buy tat to try. Anyone knws whn wil kiddy palace hv promotion? Usually thy hv yrly promo of 20% for members.
<font color="aa00aa">Kiddy Palace sale usually occur in June.

I stored my EBM in bottles, then transfer to milk bags when I reached home.</font>
